DnM with Brittany McCowan is a compilation of my inner thoughts and a place where I ponder about life and where it's taking me.
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We need to remember that it's okay to set time aside to relax, reflect and recharge. Grounding yourself is a great way to recharge your body. Take your shoes off and walk through the grass and feel the difference it makes.
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I see through your walls. You want me to believe that you have it sorted out. You want me to believe you are better than you really are. You want me to believe that you care about something to better your ego not your heart.
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You will never move forward unless you recognize what is stopping you from taking the last leap. You have the firer burning inside of you so let it shine through.
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Latest episode of DnM with Brittany McCowan
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The First ever episode of DnM with Brittany McCowan! I'm excited to hear your feedback about my random thoughts about life. Let me know if you enjoyed listening. All my podcasts will be shared on my new Facebook page, so follow me other there for updates and annoucments.
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