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代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。 节目地址: 欢迎在 ⁠⁠ 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。
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Beyond Code, czyli rozmowy pierdololo 😉 Ola Kunysz rozmawia z ludźmi z IT o rzeczach kompletnie niezwiązanych z wytwarzaniem oprogramowania. Ola jest w branży od kilkunastu lat. Poznała wiele ciekawych osób, które zaprasza do rozmowy na różne tematy. To seria podcastów podczas których możesz dowiedzieć się jak lepiej pracować i zainspirować się tym, co ludzie z IT robią po godzinach. Ciekawe pasje, dbanie o zdrowie, różne ścieżki rozwoju, umiejętności miękkie i unikanie wypalenia zawodowego. ...
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Welcome to Beyond the Code, the podcast where we dive into the legal, regulatory, and ethical issues surrounding emerging technologies. Each week, we bring you in-depth conversations with industry experts, discussing the latest advancements in technology and their implications on society and the legal system. From artificial intelligence to blockchain, we'll be exploring all the hot topics in the field. Your host, Yitzy Hammer, a lawyer and tech enthusiast, is joined by a diverse group of ex ...
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Laugh Lab Beyond Codes

Jamiu Babatunde Mojolagbe

"Laugh Lab Beyond Codes" is a podcast where humor meets intellect. In this show, we blend lighthearted jokes, witty anecdotes, and playful banter with deep dives into fascinating topics. Whether it's exploring the world of technology, reflecting on life’s oddities, or sharing unexpected stories, "Laugh Lab Beyond Codes" offers a fun and insightful escape. It’s where laughter is the gateway to understanding complex ideas, making learning enjoyable, and showing that sometimes, the best way to ...
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The official podcast by Pearle Nwaezeigwe on all things tech policy. Dive in behind the scenes of your favorite tech products and platforms. Discussions each week on emerging policy issues around data, privacy, bias etc. Interviews with leading techies, non-techies, policy experts speaking about their products and journey in this field. There will be laughs in between and inspiring quotes at the end to promote social wellbeing in this digital age. You dont want to miss out on this tech revol ...
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Dive into the cutting-edge world of XR with "The Devinci Code: Beyond Reality." Hosted by Devin Baldwin, this podcast explores the latest innovations, projects, and talent in the extended reality (XR) space, with a special focus on the vibrant community in Oakland. Each episode features insightful interviews with developers, artists, and entrepreneurs who are shaping the future of XR. Whether you're an industry professional or just curious about XR, join us for deep dives, expert insights, a ...
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这是一期有关「Severance 人生切割术」的番外期,整理了三位主播在节目录制过程中针对剧情展开的讨论,含剧透,请酌情观看。 如果对不含剧透的纯观后感正片感兴趣也欢迎在本台找到《追剧 #2 Severance 人生切割术 观后感与引发的思考》点击观看。 主播:Randy L, GeekPlux G, 勾股 Z 00:00 GeekPlux G 对第二季结局很不满意 00:49 剧中最震撼每位主播的一幕 13:40 聊 Irving 和他对剧情的推动 16:00 聊 Gemma 为什么会被 Lumon 选中 22:15 聊 Milchick 和办公室政治 36:00 第三季会如何发展 47:00 每位主播给本剧打分 50:30 所有针对 innie 的功能开关大猜想 62:00 Lumon …
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Tigran Gambaryan⁠ spent 8 months in grueling conditions in a Nigerian prison. But that’s not what made him famous. Episode 52 of Beyond the Code dives into Tigran’s incredible journey. For those of you who don’t know, Tigran started off as an IRS special agent, where he used a simple Excel spreadsheet to reverse engineer the Bitcoin blockchain and …
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Rynek pracy w branży IT przeszedł ogromne zmiany – z raju dla kandydatów do realiów, w których to pracodawcy rozdają karty. Jak odnaleźć się w tej nowej rzeczywistości? Razem z Olą analizujemy, jak skutecznie szukać pracy, czym jest dobrze przygotowane CV i jak wyróżnić się na tle konkurencji. Ola dzieli się też swoją historią zmiany ścieżki karier…
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如果有这样一种手术,可以在你的同一个身体里创造出第二个灵魂替你工作或做更多事情,你会选择它吗?你又会如何与Ta相处?本期节目我们会一起聊聊最近非常火爆的剧集「Severance 人生切割术」以及延展开的相关哲学、社会、伦理相关议题。 另外,我们单独把含剧透的部分整理剪辑到了另一集,欢迎在本台找到《追剧 #2 Severance 人生切割术 番外 聊剧情 (含剧透)》观看。 主播:Randy L, GeekPlux G, 勾股 Z 00:00 开场 02:38 剧情梗概 14:04 本剧最吸引你的部分 22:14 现实中那些让你觉得被「切割」的瞬间 27:34 「切割术」是好是坏 34:54 除了工作「切割术」还可以用来解决什么问题 39:53 通过「切割术」reset 自己,看到每个人的本我…
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In Episode 51 of Beyond the Code, host Yitzy Hammer welcomes Eran Lahav, Co-Founder and CEO of First Read, an AI-powered legal tech platform designed to revolutionize how lawyers draft, review, and manage legal documents. In this insightful conversation, Eran shares his journey from accounting and finance to launching a cutting-edge AI tool for law…
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In this episode ofBeyond the Code, Yitzy sits down with financial planner andBlue & White Finance co-founderNadav Ellinson to tackle one of the most debated questions in investing:How much Bitcoin (or crypto) should be in your portfolio (if any)? We discuss: ✅ The risks and rewards of allocating crypto in a long-term portfolio; ✅Dollar Cost Averagi…
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来自 听众的来信: 「想聊聊對於職場愛情的看法 小故事分享 2019年,座標台灣,本身是一名資歷一年的前端工程師,因為公司業務擴張的緣故,意外成為前端主管,公司人數大概二十人。 由於我們公司默默無名招人不易,各組主管得親自上人力網站挑選合適的人才,寄信詢問是否有意願參與面試。 想到公司都是男生,大家平常閒聊時,常說希望可以招到女同事,詢問老闆是不是可以接受招女工程師,即使能力差一點點,大家平常多照顧一下,讓女同事有辦法交付工作,老闆說可以。 所以我就寄出大約四十個面試意願邀請給人力網站上的女工程師們,後來只有兩個女生回覆同意面試,她們本身沒有相關工作經驗,只有在求學時期寫過一些Vue,還需要多一些實戰經驗才有辦法應付工作。 在面試的時候,其中一位女工程師一走進辦公室,香味直接撲鼻而來,即使我…
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Episode Summary: In this milestone 50th episode of Beyond the Code, host Yitzy Hammer sits down with Amanda Wick, CEO and founder of the Association for Women in Crypto, for an expansive conversation that goes far beyond the blockchain. Amanda shares her incredible journey—from her days as a federal prosecutor tackling early crypto crimes to her pi…
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In Episode 49 of Beyond the Code, Bentzi Rabi, CEO of Utila, shares his fascinating journey from an Israeli intelligence unit to founding an enterprise-grade crypto operations platform. Discover how a chance encounter at a Bitcoin embassy chess club sparked his crypto passion, leading him to challenge giants like Fireblocks with Utila’s focus on fl…
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本期人物:Randy,AB 本期是和二分电台主播 AB 共录的一期节目,Randy 和 AB 每年都会录一期这样的节目,聊聊过去一年购买/订阅的产品/服务等。 --- 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。节目地址 我们的节目同时会发布视频版,在 YouTube 和 Bilibili 搜索「代码之外」都能找到我们。 欢迎在 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。 也欢迎在爱发电 赞助我们。也欢迎赞助商联系我们商业合作。 --- 金牌赞助商 / Golden Sponsor 感谢 Relingo 赞助本期节目。Relingo 是一款…
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Last week, Yitzy attended Coindesk's premier event in Hong Kong, #ConsensusHK, where he livestreamed Beyond the Code episodes with leading innovators in the blockchain arena (more on that in the coming weeks). This week, Yitzy is back with the 48th episode of BTC! In this episode, Yitzy connects with Dr. Jimmie Lenz, a trailblazer in the crypto spa…
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这一期我们邀请到了 Anthony Fu。 作为如此年轻就能够成为 Vue/Vite/Nuxt 核心团队成员、全行业最受关注的前端工程师之一,想必大家会在惊叹 Anthony “成吨”的优秀开源项目之余,也会好奇他的“成功密码”。 带着这个问题,也借助主播勾股和 Anthony 在新加坡偶遇的机会,我们交流了很多他在代码之外,尤其是做开源成名之前的独特人生经历和故事,试图在其中寻找一些蛛丝马迹。 通过深入的交流,我们发现,开源和编程并不是 Anthony 的全部,从小的环境熏陶、他乡求学的经历、业余时间的兴趣、多元文化的碰撞以及他对理想的追求,都成就了独一无二的他。 如 Anthony 在节目中所提到的,做开源本身并不会帮你通过海关,但却可以让你从六年级还认不全 26 个字母的学生变成如今站…
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两封听众来信,先是一封类似分享信,接下来是一封关于相对剥夺感的问题。 ----- 来自 弗兰克:「有一个很奇怪的心理现象,pony ma年薪上亿我内心毫无波澜,或者楼上另外一个公司的某某年薪很高我也处之泰然。但是很近的同事,通过一些蛛丝马迹发现他工资比我高,会给我带来很强烈的负面情绪。 这点很困扰我,虽然我能理性分析,这可以是佛学的贪嗔痴,也是一种叫做“相对剥夺”的心理现象。不知道大家是怎么想这个问题的,或者成功做到不被这个所困扰。」 来自 Klay:「Hello,Randy 与 GeekPlux! 之前工作时经常收听你们的栏目,很有意思、收获很多。今天刚好离职,打算离开北京去另外一个城市生活,分享下我的工作经历,也算一份回忆。 我 22 年毕业加入了字节跳动,当时面试了很多公司,包括大公司…
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In this episode of Beyond the Code, Yitzy sits down with Tom Teman from the Ethereum Foundation to explore his path from early crypto days to shaping the future of wallets through account abstraction. Tom details his journey founding Portis, getting acquired by ShapeShift, and eventually joining Kraken—before landing at the Ethereum Foundation. He …
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W dzisiejszym odcinku zgłębiamy temat dzielenia się wiedzą – czy to naprawdę się opłaca? Razem z moim gościem przyglądam się, jak wiedza i doświadczenie mogą zmieniać nie tylko nasze otoczenie zawodowe, ale i nas samych. Rozmawiamy o budowaniu marki osobistej, wyzwaniach wystąpień publicznych oraz autentyczności w prezentowaniu własnych doświadczeń…
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In this special episode of Beyond the Code, Yitzy Hammer welcomes back Jonathan Caras for a lively discussion on the rise of meme coins and their impact on the crypto landscape. From the evolution of token issuance—Bitcoin, ICOs, DeFi Summer—to the chaotic yet fascinating world of meme tokens like $TRUMP Coin and $MELANIA Token, Jonathan unpacks ho…
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In this episode, Yitzy sits down with Eylon Aviv, a partner at Collider.VC, Israel’s leading crypto-centric venture capital fund. Eylon shares his journey from early days at tech unicorn IronSource to becoming a driving force in Israel’s crypto ecosystem. We discussed Eylon’s investment thesis, the unique challenges and opportunities of being a cry…
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In this episode of Beyond the Code, SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce, affectionately referred to within the cryptoverse as "Crypto Mom," joins Yitzy to discuss the SEC’s evolving approach to cryptocurrency and innovation. They explore the challenges of balancing regulatory oversight with fostering innovation, the agency's struggles to provide clear g…
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In this episode of Beyond the Code, Yitzy sits down with Noah Perlman, Chief Compliance Officer at Binance, to explore the intricate balance of power, responsibility, and innovation at the world’s largest crypto exchange. Noah reflects on his journey from a federal prosecutor and DEA counsel to leading the compliance efforts of the one of the most …
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I used to work with this programmer, right? And let me tell you, this guy was a whole vibe. He wasn’t the type to complain out loud or start drama in the office. No, no, he had his own special way of expressing his frustration—through code comments. (Long Pause) Yeah, he didn’t argue in meetings, didn’t send passive-aggressive emails. He just poure…
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So, I had this crazy dream last night, right? It started with me stepping onto this massive soccer field—like, think World Cup final vibes. And I’m not just playing soccer; I’m dominating. I’m scoring goals left and right like I’m some kind of soccer prodigy. It was so real, I could almost hear the crowd cheering me on. I mean, I’m talking about fi…
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这期是我们三位主播对我台和个人的 2024 年终总结。 本期主播:Randy, GeekPlux, 勾股 --- 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。节目地址 我们的节目同时会发布视频版,在 YouTube 和 Bilibili 搜索「代码之外」都能找到我们。 欢迎在 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。 也欢迎在爱发电 赞助我们。也欢迎赞助商联系我们商业合作。 --- 金牌赞助商 / Golden Sponsor PaddingLeft 是主播 Randy 创立的创意工作者周边品牌。你可以在这里买到程序员贴纸和项链。我们每售…
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In this episode of Beyond the Code, Yitzy Hammer sits down with Ouriel Ohayon, CEO and founder of ZenGo, to explore the cutting-edge innovations behind the world’s most secure crypto wallet. Ouriel shares the journey from discovering crypto to building a wallet that eliminates the pain points of seed phrases, leverages multi-party computation (MPC)…
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Marta Baranowska to optometrystka z 11-letnim doświadczeniem, która przebadała w swojej karierze już ponad 9 tysięcy pacjentów. Od 2021 roku pracuje jako QA Specialist w Ulam Labs. W 2024 roku zaczęła aktywnie występować na konferencjach testerskich, prowadzi również szkolenia dla firm dotyczące zdrowia oczu w cyfrowym świecie. Marta rozwija swój p…
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In this episode of Beyond the Code, Yitzy sits down with Professor Edward Lee, a leading expert in intellectual property, copyright law, and emerging technologies. Professor Lee, author of Creators Take Control, dives into the fascinating world of NFTs, AI, and their legal and cultural implications. Together, they explore: The resurgence of NFTs an…
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In this episode of Beyond the Code, Yitzy sits down with Ofir Eliasi, founder of Borsa, to discuss his journey as a serial entrepreneur and blockchain innovator. Ofir shares his background, from early days in the 8200 unit of the Israeli army to leading development at major tech companies and startups, including his work on groundbreaking blockchai…
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你是否被 F1 风驰电掣的快感所吸引?一辆时速超过 300km 的 F1 赛车从你的身边驶过是什么感受?F1 在融合大量高精尖科技的同时又是如何让比赛变得如此“欢乐”的?如何评价周冠宇的表现?我们的嘉宾又是如何在围场内跟小周互动的?对于理工科背景的听友们来说,F1 又有哪些额外的看点? 带着这些问题,我们和本期的嘉宾,F1 摄影师兼 20 年资深车迷 David Hu 一起,在新加坡滨海湾赛道旁,录制了《代码之外》有史以来的第一期外景节目。如果你也是 F1 车迷,或者希望找个机会入坑这项运动,那么你绝对不容错过我们本期的节目! 03:35 David 自我介绍 05:00 F1 是什么? 14:00 撞车是 F1 的看点吗? 19:20 F1 名词解释小课堂 26:00 如何成为 F1 摄影…
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本集为试听集,如果试听后你觉得不错,可以在小宇宙购买完整集数,或加入我们的 bilibili 频道 充电,即可收看本集充电会员专属完整内容。 你是否被 F1 风驰电掣的快感所吸引?一辆时速超过 300km 的 F1 赛车从你的身边驶过是什么感受?F1 在融合大量高精尖科技的同时又是如何让比赛变得如此“欢乐”的?如何评价周冠宇的表现?我们的嘉宾又是如何在围场内跟小周互动的?对于理工科背景的听友们来说,F1 又有哪些额外的看点? 带着这些问题,我们和本期的嘉宾,F1 摄影师兼 20 年资深车迷 David Hu 一起,在新加坡滨海湾赛道旁,录制了《代码之外》有史以来的第一期外景节目。如果你也是 F1 车迷,或者希望找个机会入坑这项运动,那么你绝对不容错过我们本期的节目! 完整节目内容包括: Da…
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In Episode 38, Yitzy interviews Nick Furneaux, a pioneer in cryptocurrency investigations and digital forensics. They discuss the realities of crypto crime, the evolution of investigations, and the importance of understanding cryptocurrency for law enforcement. Nick literally wrote the book on investigating cryptocurrencies (like, literally, his fi…
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What’s next for Bitcoin? Yitzy Hammer and Quantum Economics' Mati Greenspan dive into the seismic shifts shaping the crypto world in the wake of Trump's election and the US's new stance on crypto. From Bitcoin’s rise as a nation-state reserve asset to the untapped potential of DeFi, this episode explores the forces driving blockchain innovation. Ma…
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Marcin Kwiatkowski jest Tech Leadem z kilkunastoletnim doświadczeniem i pasjonatem ciągłego rozwoju. W trakcie kariery pracował z wieloma technologiami, of Javy po TypeScript. Obecnie najwięcej czasu poświęca frameworkom Next.js oraz NestJS. Jest autorem cyklu postów "Śladami Tech Leada", w których dzieli się swoimi doświadczeniami z ról liderskich…
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In this episode of Beyond the Code, Yitzy Hammer sits down with JP Thor⁠⁠, the visionary founder behind ⁠⁠ThorChain. From his roots in remote Australia to his career as a fighter and bomber pilot, JP shares his remarkable journey into decentralized finance and the creation of ThorChain, a groundbreaking cross-chain liquidity protocol. JP reveals th…
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这期的读书时间栏目,我们一起读《纳瓦尔宝典》,聊聊财富和幸福。 本期主播:Randy, GeekPlux, 勾股 --- 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档由 GeekPlux 和 Randy 共同主持的程序员闲聊播客节目。节目地址 我们的节目同时会发布视频版,在 YouTube 和 Bilibili 搜索「代码之外」都能找到我们。 欢迎在 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。 也欢迎在爱发电 赞助我们。 --- 金牌赞助商 / Golden Sponsor PaddingLeft 是主播 Randy 创立的创意工作者周边品牌。你可以在这里买到程序员贴纸和项链。我们每售出一张开源项目贴纸,会…
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In this episode of Beyond the Code, Yitzy Hammer sits down with ⁠Jake Brukhman⁠, founder and CEO of ⁠CoinFund⁠, to explore the evolution of crypto investing. Jake shares his journey from discovering Bitcoin in 2011 to launching one of the first crypto-native investment firms, CoinFund, in 2015. The conversation dives into CoinFund’s unique approach…
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来自 Rikka:「程序员如何在30岁或35成功退休,使用别的方式收支平衡,因为不是很想一直上班。如果大半辈子都打工,或者说是大半辈子“经营某一个东西”,这对我来说会觉得人生毫无意义。」 主播:Randy, GeekPlux, 勾股 --- 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档闲聊节目,从程序员的视角探索和感受世界。我们每期节目都有视频和音频版,欢迎关注我们: 主页 YouTube 哔哩哔哩 打赏我们一杯咖啡 商务合作 也欢迎在 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。 --- 金牌赞助商 / Golden Sponsor PaddingLeft 是主播 Randy 创立的创意工作者周…
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「经常加班如何提升自己的技术水平?每天回家基本都10点以后了,什么也不想干。很佩服 Randy 能在阿里工作的情况下还能做自己的 side project」 主播:Randy, GeekPlux, 勾股 --- 号外: 10 月 25 日到 26 日,RTE 开发者社区联合声网策划的 RTE 大会 2024 将在北京举行。今年的技术论坛将覆盖前沿音视频技术、AI 生成视频、Voice AI、多模态大模型、空间计算和新硬件、云边端架构和 AI Infra 等话题。同期还有开发者市集、动手编程工作坊、创新大赛路演等活动。 即日起开始限免报名!获取《代码之外》听众限免门票:点击获取 --- 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档闲聊节目,从程序员的视角探索和感受世界。我们每期节目都有视频和音频版…
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ChatGPT 最近推出了 Advanced Voice Mode, 可以自然对话,在对话中随时打断。于是主播 Randy 拿起手机随便和它对谈了半小时,还录了音。 在对谈中,我和 ChatGPT 聊了一些程序员和 AI 的话题。录得比较随意,口吃严重,敬请谅解。 --- 代码之外 Beyond Code 是一档闲聊节目,从程序员的视角探索和感受世界。我们每期节目都有视频和音频版,欢迎关注我们: 主页 YouTube 哔哩哔哩 打赏我们一杯咖啡 商务合作 也欢迎在 向我们来信,我们会在下一期节目分享你的来信或解答你的疑惑。 --- 金牌赞助商 / Golden Sponsor 佐玩 Zolplay 一家成立…
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