Short, sweet and to the point, the Ask David Glenn Podcast is your home for mixing questions, answered.
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In today's episode, I'm answering username Cross Bone T's question on mixing multiple songs quickly.The Ask David Glenn Podcast is sponsored by The Mix Academy. If you're looking to learn how to mix under a professional engineer and want to build a resume with awesome sounding tracks, check out…
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In today's episode I answer Michael's question on dealing with poorly recorded vocals in a mix. If you're looking to step up your vocal mixing, I created an entire course called Mixing Vocals. You can learn more at: http://mixingvocals.comWant to have your question featured? Record it here: Ask David …
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Today's question comes from my friend Matthew Khoury. He asks about the use of parallel compression on drums. Do you have a question about compression? Record it at podcast is sponsored by The Mix Academy. Learn more at: https://themixacademy.comAsk David Glenn Podcast által
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In the 2nd ever episode of the Ask David Glenn Podcast I'm going to answer my friend Colin's question about mixing on headphones. Collin is a member of my membership site. Learn more at: https://themixacademy.comAsk David Glenn Podcast által
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In the very first episode of Ask David Glenn, I provide tips and insight on using samples for your resume. Thanks to Ben (member of for the great question! ;)Ask David Glenn Podcast által
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