The go to podcast for families wanting to start a backyard wedding venue. Hello! I'm Teri, the founder and CEO of Denison Ridge. Together with my husband Les, we embarked on a remarkable journey running a wedding venue on our property for 11 years. Having sold over a thousand eBooks globally, I've shared my expertise on how to transform your property into a successful wedding venue. Our venture into the venue business began as a means to secure our family home, a place we had lovingly built. ...
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There is a balancing act of work and family, you know it and I know it! When you work from home, are you the first person to get called when something unexpected happens and help is needed? Finding the balance is an ongoing mission, but I do have some thoughts on this issue. Website Venue Get Started Bundle Quiz Me Chat 1:1…
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Retirement is a scary word for some of us, why? Because you and I are not ready! Parents in our case, were not a good example. Was that an excuse for us, we didn't have the training? Nope! We were left to come up with an answer on our own. Have you planned, or do you have an excuse? Website Complete Venue Get Started Bundle Post: Is My Backyard Big…
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When we started the wedding venue business - in our backyard, it turned my life upside down. Being out in the public a lot was very different than what I was used to, and honestly, I was scared to death. How has my life changed since our home business? Let's take a look. website Complete Venue Get Started Bundle Quiz Me Chat 1:1 Coaching…
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When the family finances are stretched to the max something has to give. Feeling trapped and living on a financial slippery slop had to change. We had to think of a way to bring in extra income fast or our beautiful home and property would have to go up for sale. Website The Complete Venue Get Started Bundle…
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When the portable restroom vendor decides to change the rules during your wedding season, you have a come apart, right? Website Get Started Bundle Quiz Me Chat
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Anyone who wants to change their financial future knows things will have to be shaken-up, changed. Same ol', same ol', is not getting you anywhere? Change is hard though, what are you willing to do? Website Get Started Bundle Family Post
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At the end of every wedding season is an opportunity to reflect on what took place: the good, and not so good. How can we improve if we have not learned or gained insight from the past? Keeping a notebook from year to year is the best way to stay in the know about your business. You can keep track of so much, future wants and needs as well as what …
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If you are considering starting an event space, there will be lots of unknowns. Would it be nice to have some insights from someone who has lived out the dream that is in your head? Would it be exciting to ask those pressing questions that you have and get informed answers? I have lived out starting a venue, in our backyard, from scratch; do you ne…
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Are you creating another excuse for not moving forward? Does fear of this or that keep you up at night? Is there yet another excuse phrase slipping out of your mouth? What is the secret to moving forward anyway. Website Denison Ridge Shop How my life changed post
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I prepare the venue to serve my bride and her family. If a less stressful celebration is to follow, we all need to be prepared for it. It will take cooperation on both sides to make this happen. This can be so fun!! Website Amazon Shop
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Becoming a wedding venue owner can be exciting in so many ways!! A wedding venue owner has the opportunity to use his or her talents to make the venue unique. This is such a blessing. When you can work at something you love, your life is better. Website Denison Ridge Shop Post: How My Life Changed After We Started the Business…
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Anyone who is starting a new business will have a lot of adjustments and changes to implement. How to solve the - But it's Not Perfect Yet - phrase you'll be telling yourself, will need to be addressed. Ask me how I know this! : ) Website Denison Ridge Shop Amazon Shop 1:1 Quiz Me Chat
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To a bride from a venue owners perspective. These are 6 things I noticed, what are your thoughts? Website Instagram Post: Why You Should Consider Denison Ridge for Your Wedding Day Post: Questions to Ask Before You Hire a DJ 1:1 Quiz Me Chat Denison Ridge Shop Amazon Shop
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There are so many beautiful venues! What will make your venue shine among the masses? You might be surprised. Website Instagram Denison Ridge Shop Quiz Me Chat 1:1
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Tools are different for every business, and yet some will be the same. A wedding Venue will require a lot of tools. It's important to make things easier on you as a venue owner, and for the clients that will be booking. The longer we were in business (over eleven years) the more we realized efficiency is the key to sanity. Website Instagram Amazon …
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What does a backyard wedding venue owner look like? What are some interests of this person? Could it be someone just like you? Website Instagram DIY Out Door Hand Wash Station Quiz Me Chat Coaching
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Five truthful reasons you "Should Not Be" a wedding venue owner - those are fighting words. But can I ask you a question? Do You have any idea what it takes to be a wedding venue owner? Can I be truthful? Instagram Questions? Book your call ✨ Website Post: A Venue Operation Can Only Have One Boss Topics you would like me to discuss? Contact Me…
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There are 10 things I wish I had known earlier. From the heart things, meaningful things. Things that worry you when you are young and striving for achievement. Website Instagram Change Your Financial Future
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"You Need to do Weddings on Your Property," Said Everyone
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11:53Today I'm excited to read, what I call, a Short Report that sets the stage for purchasing my first eBook, now in paperback, chronicling our daughter's wedding. Backyard Wedding Basics - on Amazon. But, also a perfect introduction to start your own event venue - on your property! This book, was one of the steppingstones to many adventures in my and …
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When you start a wedding venue the words Bridal Festival or Bridal Fair could strike fear into your heart, or excitement. If you have ever been to a Bridal Festival, you know how much work goes into creating a booth, or do you? Complete venue get started bundle Quiz Me Chat 1:1 Website
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Today I'm reading chapter 6 from my Amazon book - How To Start and Run a Wedding Venue In Your Own Backyard. My hope is to spark ideas for you and your venue. All event spaces are unique and should be an expression of your dreams. Website Instagram
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Having two weddings a weekend at your backyard venue is very doable, but will require a fast-paced working environment. There are several things to consider when making the choice to have one wedding a weekend or two. Website Get Started Bundle Instagram
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It's easy to get caught up in all the "excitement" of providing a beautiful landscape for wedding events, after all, a wedding is a happy occasion full of joy and fun. While this is true, a lot of work goes on behind the scenes. Let me share a few insights I picked up along my venue journey. Enjoy the lawnmower noise in the background, we like to k…
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What happens when you want shade, have a perfect plan, and hubby doesn't agree with said plan? I just knew shade tree's would make everything better but... I probably should not have handled it this way?! Instagram Website
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As a venue owner, your vision is important when creating a unique and memorable space for couples to celebrate their always and forever. This vision thing can get overwhelming, yes?! Stalling out and procrastinating is not an option however, so what is the answer? website Get Started Bundle Instagram…
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Let's just face it, bugs are not welcome at a wedding. They get in your food, on the food that has been prepared for you, and all the hand gyrations to keep them away, gets very annoying. So, what is a venue to do? Website Instagram
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It's easy to get in a rush on Bridal Show mornings and forget something, ask me how I know this! Website Instagram
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I believe if you have property, enough property, it should or could bring in extra income. I'm not saying it must be a venue, but that is what I know, so that is what I share on. Website Instagram Complete Get Started Bundle Eryn Whalen Online / Whalen Farms
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When The Obstacle is You
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12:27Let's dive into a topic that hits close to home for me and many of you: overcoming obstacles, especially when the biggest obstacle in our path turns out to be none other than ourselves. Website Complete Get Started Bundle Instagram
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The decision to say yes to your dreams opens doors to who you are. It fulfills the need to make a difference, while living a life of adventure and learning. Denison Ridge Website Instagram Creating a Venue Launch Date Schedule 7 reasons I Enjoy Being a Wedding Venue Owner How My Life Changed After We Started the Business…
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Are These Excuses Holding You Back?
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11:27Excuses, you are either on board to go the distance or you are not. Let me share the things that hold people back from starting their backyard event venue, and how you can overcome them. Instagram Denison Ridge Amazon Shop Styled Shoot
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Starting a business, especially if it's on your property and will involve your family, will require answering some personal questions. Instagram Website Honey The Sheriff Just Drove Into The ParkingLot A Venue Operation Can Only Have One Boss
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Running an event venue is challenging. But isn't indecision draining? Sharing my thoughts on: Passion and purpose, being uniquely you, adaptability and resilience, customer focus and long term vison. Are you making it TO hard? FOLLOW ALONG ON: INSTAGRAM WEBSITE MY AMAZON STOREFRONT
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Are Using Your God Given Talents Important to You
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14:00I believe doing meaningful work comes about when using your talents. Running a venue, on your property will involve many skills / talents. Let's go over a few that will make you shine and have your guests feeling welcome and cherished.
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Today we discuss seven reasons why starting a wedding venue on your property might be a bit scary.
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What Could an Event Venue Do For Your Family
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12:09We'll discuss children and work ethic, how a venue can increase property value, plus what owning your own business can give you.Teri Denison által
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Intro: Who Are You Really
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11:02Welcome to Wedding Venue Wisdom! I am your host, Teri Denison, and in this episode I will be sharing my Wedding Venue story and giving you a preview of what to expect in future episodes. I'd love to hear your story, click below to connect! Facebook Instagram My WebsiteTeri Denison által
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