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Hosted by Azhar Siddiqui, the co-founder at RepStack. Uncover the secrets of hiring, onboarding and training your Virtual Assistant as we share tips, tricks and success stories. Discover how to unlock massive growth in your Digital Marketing Agency by hiring for these key roles. Our Website: a quick call here:
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The Business Of Being A Virtual Assistant

Tiffany Parson: Virtual Assistant Coach | Virtual Assistant Trainer | TheWebinarVA | ThePodcastVA | Podcaster | Speaker | Trainer | Coach | Digital Media Strategist

This podcast is about owning a virtual assistant business. We take on the challenges that come when you provide a service while also needing to facilitate the same service in your own business. Additionally, we discuss how to get started as a virtual assistant, pitfalls, come backs, tips and more all related to owning a virtual service provider business.
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Selbstbestimmt, orts- und zeitunabhängig arbeiten und deine Leidenschaften in einem Business integrieren? Als Virtuelle Assistenz ist genau das möglich! Kristin lüftet ihre Geheimnisse rund um ein professionelles und erfolgreiches VA-Business. Im Virtual Assistant Power Podcast erwartet dich Insider-Wissen, Inspiration und wirklicher Mehrwert, sodass du deine Selbstständigkeit auf’s nächste Level heben kannst!
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Möchtest du gerne einen abwechslungsreichen Job haben, ortsunabhängig und flexibel arbeiten? Mit spannenden Themen rund um die virtuelle Assistenz versorgt werden? Von Experten lernen, spannende Geschichten von anderen VA's hören und Tipps für dein VA Business bekommen? Dann abonniere den Virtual Assistant Women Podcast und lass uns gemeinsam die VA Welt erobern:) Der Podcast ist für alle virtuelle Assistentinnen, egal ob du gerade startest oder bereits als virtuelle Assistentin tätig bist!
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Build a busy and profitable Virtual Assistant Business with clients you love! Hi, I'm Tracey - The Confidence Coach for Virtual Assistants. I've been helping VAs confidently start and run amazing VAs businesses since 2010 (eek - yes, that's a long time!) and I absolutely LOVE what I do. I've run my own very busy VA business since 1996, and I have had lots of clients in a lot of different industries. I've provided a huge variety of VA services over the years. My business shifted and grew when ...
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Should I be doing my own bookkeeping and accounting? Is QuickBooks the best software for me to use in my business, or is there another accounting software I should be using? What’s the best way for me to process my payroll? How can I track my money and cash flow? How do I prepare for my business taxes? What do my financial statements really mean? How can I bring my business to the next level? How can I grow my business? What is the best way to create my business strategy? Should I start a si ...
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The Virtual Assistant Podcast is the ultimate resource for solopreneurs, small business owners, and medium-sized business owners looking to become more efficient and profitable through delegating tasks to a virtual assistant. Our original 38 episodes, produced in 2010, have continued to provide invaluable guidance and advice to thousands of business owners over the past decade. Tune in now to discover how you can start leveraging the power of a virtual assistant today!
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Are you a burnt-out working mom and ready to make a new career move outside of your 9-5? Are you ready to work at home and spend more time with your kids? Are you wondering if it's really possible to create a consistent, full-time income from home? Are you ready for financial freedom, and the ability to afford those family vacations you've always dreamed of? The Virtual Assistant Mama Podcast is hosted by Arianna Vernier, mama and former elementary teacher turned Virtual Assistant coach for ...
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Our story started in 2009 after interviewing over 100 Doctors. Almost all of them mentioned that the most challenging thing for them is to manage their office-oriented tasks during their practice which is a big reason why most medical practices have moved to large corporations and so many doctors gave that up in huge numbers because managing a practice became the hardest thing to do. It’s not because doctors aren’t good at managing a practice, it’s just that it takes too much time and effort ...
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Are you tired of feeling anxious about the lack of growth in your business? Are you sick of not knowing where to start in looking for your ideal client or even how to attract them? Do you wish that you could quit posting your every thought and moment to social media so that you are noticed? How do you create more time and get more productively done in your business? Should you hire a VA? In this podcast, you will find truth to who YOU really are as an entrepreneur. Welcome Home! I‘m glad you ...
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Virtual Assistants Brunch Podcast

Virtual Assistants Brunch

Virtual Assistants Brunch (VAB) is a virtual community of powerful women building successful virtual assistant businesses while finding the best places to brunch in and around our city. Come sit at the table with us as we share our stories, personal experiences and learn how other virtual assistants are creating and living a #VABulous lifestyle! Learn how to plan, launch, build, scale and SLAY your online business! Join our monthly podcast playlist on our website. Attend #VisionSlayersConfer ...
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We help small business owners and entrepreneurs by offering tips and tricks that they can use to add hours to their day and help their businesses run more efficiently and effectively Support this podcast:
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This podcast is for you if you are a virtual assistant, consultant, or freelancer looking to thrive working online. Amy covers everything from mindset, niching, strategy and lessons learned. But best of all, Amy likes to share the tough stuff on all things life, entrepreneurship and mental health.Because it’s time we talk about the hard stuff and figure out what’s really holding us back. Amy is a freelancer turned, virtual assistant turned marketing operations consultant, as well mentor to o ...
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The Desire to Done podcast, hosted by Virtual Assistant Mentor and introvert Billie Gardner, is a series of short episodes packed with practical advice on topics relevant to VAs and introverts. From time management strategies to confidence-building techniques, each episode offers valuable insights that can help listeners achieve their goals. Whether you're a Virtual Assistant looking to grow your business or an introvert navigating the world of networking, this podcast is the perfect tool to ...
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The Inspired Biz Podcast is specially crafted for the social media manager or virtual assistant who is looking to grow and develop their online business. This show will help emerging and developing SMM's and VA's find inspiration, motivation and information on how to stand out in their industry. Amber Weyrauch, owner of Socially Inspired Management, is dedicated to linking arms with entrepreneurs to help them chase their dreams and grow their business. Each week on this podcast she does just ...
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show series
Wer kennt das nicht: der Spagat zwischen Beruf und Familie, bei dem es manchmal schwerfällt, den Überblick zu behalten und gleichzeitig gelassen zu bleiben. Heute spreche ich mit Carolin Habekost, Expertin für die Vereinbarkeit von Familie und Beruf, die Müttern dabei hilft, ihren Alltag besser zu organisieren und dabei ihre Lebensfreude und Gelass…
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🎙️ In this episode of "Digital Marketing, Client Management & Work-Life Balance with Sidra Waqar" we sit down with Sidra – Senior Client Success Manager at RepStack. From being rejected in HR to getting hired through the RepStarter Program, Sidra has climbed the corporate ladder with hard work, persistence, and adaptability. She shares how she tran…
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Today's Quote: “The best way to predict the future is to create it.” - Peter Drucker If you’ve ever wondered where to start with marketing or how to connect with the right clients, this episode is for you. I know firsthand how overwhelming it can be to figure out what’s working and what’s not when it comes to marketing. I’ve been where you are. I’v…
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As a solopreneur or business owner, you know how hard you work each and every day. When working day in and day out, you can easily fall into a regular grind and realize you aren’t as happy as you used to be. It’s essential to include things in your day that bring you joy so that you don’t develop burnout and so that you can continue to enjoy your b…
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How many times have you thought to yourself that it had to be all or nothing? Thinking like this can often hold you back from accomplishing what you want in your life. It can keep you from creating new beliefs about your future. Sure, all-or-nothing thinking makes it easy on us because there aren’t any grey areas, but it also leaves us thinking eve…
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Laura Maria Wällnitz ist Expertin für Stimme und Wirkung und bringt mehr als 15 Jahre Bühnenerfahrung aus Musical, Theater und als Speakerin mit. In unserem Gespräch gibt sie wertvolle Einblicke, wie VAs ihre stimmliche Präsenz verbessern und authentisch kommunizieren können, selbst wenn der persönliche Kontakt fehlt. Wir sprechen darüber, wie dein…
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🔥 How Casey Hamilton Scaled a 350+ Client SaaS Business & Transformed Lead Generation 🔥 What does it take to scale a SaaS business from scratch to 350+ clients? Casey Hamilton, founder of Exact Match Marketing, joins us to break down how he transitioned from running a digital marketing agency to building a powerful lead generation platform used by …
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Let’s talk about growth! Because let’s be real, running a business isn’t just about getting clients and completing tasks. If you want a sustainable, thriving VA business, you need to be growing every single month. The good news is that growth doesn’t have to be overwhelming. You don’t have to change everything overnight. Today I’ll share five simpl…
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Technology can help you move your business forward, but when you are already pressed for time, and your budget doesn’t allow for too many additional expenditures, you may not know where you should turn next. There are many options when you start to look into technology, but knowing what the top performers are can help you narrow down your search fo…
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I had the pleasure of interviewing Jayne Day from Webinize, who brought on a Virtual Assistant to help streamline her growing marketing business. 364 days later, she hasn’t looked back—but it wasn’t all smooth sailing. From struggling with delegation to wondering if she was giving Mersey enough work, Jayne shares the ups and downs of bringing a VA …
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Do you ever think about the endless opportunities you have available to you in your life? Not only do you need to be aware of these opportunities, but if it is truly something you want in your life, you need to make sure you are taking action on them. There is an abundance of opportunities in life. Ready to start being more aware of the opportuniti…
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I had the pleasure of interviewing Matthew Harrison from QMAP, who decided to bring a Virtual Assistant on board to help manage the overwhelm of running his property business. 150+ days later, he hasn’t looked back. His Virtual Assistant, Ira, supports him with everything from refining client reports to troubleshooting tech issues to ramping up his…
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Du möchtest langfristige und erfolgreiche Kundenbeziehungen aufbauen, aber wie startest du das Ganze richtig? In dieser Episode teile ich, wie du dich optimal vorbereitest, worauf du im Gespräch achten solltest und wie du mit den richtigen Mindset- und Kommunikationsstrategien überzeugst. Ich gebe dir wertvolle Tipps zur Vorbereitung, damit du im G…
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Too many virtual assistants struggle with marketing because they feel like they have to present themselves in a certain way - like they have to be polished, super-professional, or more like someone else in their industry. But really, your best marketing strategy is authenticity. When you show up as yourself, you attract the right clients - the ones…
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Whether you are thinking about starting a new business or you currently have a business, you may be experiencing excuses and fears that are holding you back from moving forward. Starting a business or expanding your existing business can be scary. There are many risks that you, as a business owner, take on, but no matter where you are in your busin…
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We all know it is healthy to set boundaries in our lives, but have you ever wondered if you were truly setting a boundary or if you were using a boundary to avoid something in your life? There are times when we are feeling resentment or frustration in our lives and it’s important to understand the difference between if you are setting a healthy bou…
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Als selbstständige Virtuelle Assistenz oder digitale Nomadin stehst du vor der Herausforderung, die richtigen Versicherungen für dich und dein VA-Business zu finden. Wie sichert man sich im Ausland ab? Was muss man beachten, wenn man international unterwegs ist? In dieser Folge geht es genau um diese Fragen. Robin Lerch vonGrenzenlos Sicher gibt di…
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Today let’s talk about something that is crucial for your success as a virtual assistant, your mindset. If you want to attract the best clients, the ones who respect you, value your work, and pay you well, then it all starts with what is going on in your head. If you have ever struggled with setting your rates, dealing with imposter syndrome, or fe…
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As a business owner, you’ve more than likely heard about how important it is to review your financial statements. When most business owners think about their financial statements, they think about their income statement or their profit and loss report. It’s essential to keep an eye on this report, but what you may be missing is how critical it is t…
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Join Maureen and I as we explore all sorts of stories that came up recently in Virtual Assistant land. From the new way I am supporting our team, to finding bum photos (you need to listen for that one), to the type of Virtual Assistant most business owners need (but don't know they do) által
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Is your goal to create more happiness in your life? So many of us are on the search for happiness that we forget about so many of the other emotions that allow us to be the person we are. They allow us to grow and gain a different perspective on life. They allow us to expand and experience our feelings on a much deeper level. If you’ve been thinkin…
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Du spielst mit dem Gedanken, dich als Virtuelle Assistenz selbstständig zu machen, aber du bist dir unsicher, wie du den Start angehen sollst? In dieser Episode nehme ich dich mit auf eine Reise durch die wichtigsten Schritte, die du bei der Gründung und dem Start in dein VA-Business beachten musst. Ich habe die besten Tipps aus fünf vergangenen Ep…
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Networking isn’t just about talking and pitching yourself. It’s about making meaningful connections, and one of the best ways to do that is by being a great listener. In this episode, we’ll talk about why active listening is such a powerful tool for virtual assistants, how to develop it, and how to use it to build stronger business relationships. T…
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When you are doing the bookkeeping for your business, or maybe you are doing bookkeeping for multiple clients, the one thing you don’t want to hold you back from moving forward is having a transaction that you are unsure about how to record. If you are like most people, you’ll let this one transaction derail you and keep you stuck, especially if yo…
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We live in a world with more distractions than ever before. We have our phones with us almost 24/7, and they alert us and pop up notifications all the time. You may have kids who are constantly asking you for something, or you might be looking at that long list of things to do that causes you to always think about what you are doing next in your li…
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Not all social media platforms are created equal, especially when it comes to marketing your VA services. Choosing the right platform isn’t just about where you like to spend time—it’s about where your ideal clients are spending their time. If you’re putting all your effort into a platform where your audience isn’t active, you’re working harder tha…
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Luana startete ihre VA-Tätigkeit zunächst nebenberuflich und wagte schließlich den Sprung in die komplette Selbstständigkeit. Wir sprechen über die Veränderungen, die dieser Schritt mit sich brachte, welche Hürden sie überwinden musste und wie sie es geschafft hat, ihren eigenen Rhythmus zu finden. Außerdem verrät Luana, wie sie ihren Alltag organi…
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🚀 AI, Automation, and Business Acquisitions: Insights from Michael Johnson In this value-packed episode, we’re joined by Michael Johnson—an entrepreneur, CRM automation expert, and business acquisition strategist who is revolutionizing how businesses operate with the power of AI and automation. From running a marketing agency to buying and scaling …
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🌍 Arbeiten & Reisen gleichzeitig – geht das wirklich? Anna hat es geschafft! Noch vor einem Jahr war sie als medizinische Fachangestellte tätig – heute lebt und arbeitet sie ortsunabhängig als Virtuelle Assistentin aus ihrem Van. In dieser Podcastfolge erzählt sie, wie sie in die Virtuelle Assistenz gestartet ist, welche Herausforderungen das Arbei…
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Have you ever felt uncertain about something in your business or personal life? Self-doubt can creep up when you least expect it and can hold you back from achieving what you truly want in both your business and your personal life. Knowing what leads to self-doubt and how you can overcome it can significantly impact the actions you take in your bus…
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🎙️ Welcome to another exciting episode of the RepStack Podcast! Today, we’re joined by Damien Rufus, the founder of Spark Accelerator and Hustle Camp, who is on a mission to help entrepreneurs and side hustlers turn their ideas into thriving businesses. With over 17 years of experience in business growth, marketing automation, and coaching, Damien …
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Have you ever noticed in your life that when you’ve reached a certain level of success, you are instantly striving for more? Have you ever found yourself being successful but then, for some reason, sabotaging everything you’ve worked for? Being satisfied with the abundance that you have can be a challenge for some. Are you ready to find out how you…
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Today we are talking with VA Jacki Hollywood Brown about data organization, data management and records management. Jacki is an organization specialist who helps her clients by designing structures and procedures to help them improve their efficiency and productivity. Tune in to learn about: Mistakes VAs (and business owners!) make with data and re…
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In dieser Episode habe ich Kathrin Heimburger zu Gast – eine echte Expertin für Struktur, Effizienz und Organisation. Kathrin berichtet, wie sie den Übergang in die Selbstständigkeit gemeistert hat, erzählt von ihren Aha-Momenten aus der VA Membership und was für sie ganz besonders wichtig für ihre Weiterentwicklung im Business war. Außerdem teilt …
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Julia berichtet von ihrer spannenden Transformation: Von der langjährigen Anstellung über die Teilnahme an der VA Week 24 bis hin zur VA-Ausbildung und ihrer Spezialisierung auf digitale Produkte. Sie teilt ihre Erfahrungen, ihre Herausforderungen und wie sie heute Unternehmen dabei hilft, Struktur und Effizienz in ihren Alltag zu bringen. Begleite…
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Whether you’re just starting out or ready to take your VA business to the next level, you’re in the right place. Today, we’re diving into a topic that I get asked about all the time: how to find clients for your virtual assistant business using Instagram. Now I’m going to let you know that I am not an Instagram expert, but I do know some things tha…
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When you have a business, you need to make sure that you have a clear direction, you are reaching your potential, you are focused on what is important, you are accountable, confident, and you have a winning mindset. If you are like most business owners, you want to fast-track your success and growth while avoiding mistakes. You want to reach for th…
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When you look at all the emotions or feelings that a person can have, it is amazing. You might be thinking there’s being happy or sad, but there are so many more that you may be feeling, and maybe you just haven’t been able to put a name to them. When you can dive a little deeper and look at all the emotions available to you, it can be interesting …
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One of the biggest mistakes I see VAs make is trying to do everything at once. Social media posts, cold emails, joining every networking group, tweaking their website… sound familiar? You’re not alone - I do the same thing! While those are all great strategies in the long term, they can dilute your energy and results when you’re looking for a VA cl…
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In diesem 1:1 Live Coaching spreche ich mit Axi, der genau vor dieser Herausforderung steht. Nach einem vielversprechenden Start als Virtueller Assistent hat Axi Kunden verloren und weiß nicht, wo und wie er neue finden soll. Gemeinsam gehen sie den Ursachen auf den Grund und entwickeln eine klare Strategie. Außerdem lernst du in dieser Folge: - Wa…
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Making the switch from an employee to an entrepreneur requires many changes, not only with your new responsibilities but your mindset as well. You’ll have lots of new thoughts and fears, but overall, employees who want to be entrepreneurs seek the advantages of providing products and services they are passionate about while reaping the benefits of …
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It's pretty normal to feel nervous when you are trying something new. These feelings often pop up when you put yourself in a situation where you don’t necessarily know what the outcome will be or how others will react. But what happens when you allow being nervous to hold you back from the things you really want to do? You know I always say you hav…
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Viele VAs kennen die Herausforderung, ihre Finanzen smart zu organisieren. Unregelmäßige Einnahmen, unterschiedliche Auftraggeber und die Frage, wie man sich langfristig absichert, stellen immer wieder Hürden dar. Aber muss das wirklich so kompliziert sein? In dieser Episode habe ich Florian, den Gründer von "Finance Made Simple", zu Gast. Gemeinsa…
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