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A legjobb Tech Tips podcastok, amelyeket megtalálhatunk
A legjobb Tech Tips podcastok, amelyeket megtalálhatunk
Mindannyian kerülünk olyan helyzetekbe, amelyekben technológiai problémáink adódnak. Néhány ezek közül egyszerűen megoldható, de akadnak olyanok is, amelyekhez idő és türelem kell. Az ilyen témájú podcastok hallgatása segít, hogy ezeket a problémákat gyorsan meg tudd oldani. Ezzel persze rengeteg időt is megspórolsz, hiszen nem kell hosszú cikkeket elolvasnod. Itt olyan podcastokat találsz, amelyek tele vannak hasznosabbnál hasznosabb technikai tippekkel és trükkökkel, információkkal, instrukciókkal, amelyekkel sok hardveres és szoftveres problémát meg tudsz oldani, de azt is megtanulhatod, hogyan javítsd meg a számítógépedet, az okostelefonodat, vagy bármilyen kütyüdet. Ha mégsem találnád a megoldást a problémádra, megkérdezheted a podcastok készítőit, akik szívesen segítenek a hallgatóiknak ezekben a kérdésekben. A tippek és trükkök mellett örökzöld infókat, fun facteket is megtudhatsz. Túlélheti egy vírus az operációs rendszer újratelepítését? Miért olyan lassú az okostelefonok belső tárhelye? Hogyan lehet feltuningolni az internet sebességét? Csak néhány olyan kérdés, ami már benned is biztosan megfogalmazódott, és amelyekre ezek a podcastok a know-how bemutatásával választ adnak.
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show episodes

Care Tech and Tips

Barry Johnson and Bobby Clark

"Caregiving Tech & Tips" is like tech support meets family therapy, with two guys who’ve been there. Bobby and Barry talk about the highs, the lows, and the “Did my mom just unplug the Wi-Fi again?” moments of caregiving. We’re here to help you navigate remote caregiving, create meaningful memories, and keep your sanity—all while keeping things light and real.
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Ceres Tech Tips Podcast

Ceres USD Education Technology

The Education Technology Podcast for the teachers and staff of the Ceres Unified School District, located in Ceres, California, USA! Check out our Ceres Tech Tips blog at!
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The Weekly Tech Tips

Riley Webb / Riley’s Tech Tips

So this is a podcast that will discuss my YouTube channel and will kind of be a behind the scenes of my YouTube channel. I will discuss the latest tech and some of the things happening in the world. Hope you like it enjoy
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Tom’s TEK (Tech) Tips are bite-sizes lessons on technology for busy professionals. Each tip is written so that they can be understood in under 90 seconds. Tom’s, TEK tips are published every Tuesday in the D & D daily, which you can subscribe to for free at You can also stay current on Tom’s writing about asset protection, retail, and technology by following Tom Meehan CFI on LinkedIn or @tomsitlogic on Twitter.
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Open Tech Talks is your weekly sandbox for technology insights, experimentation, and inspiration. Hosted by Kashif Manzoor, Tech Evangelist, Cloud Expert, and Enterprise Architect, this Podcast combines technology products, artificial intelligence overviews, how-to's, best practices, tips & tricks, and troubleshooting techniques. Whether you're a CIO, IT manager, developer, or just curious about technology, Open Tech Talks is for you, covering a wide range of topics, including Artificial Int ...
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Have you ever looked around at your tech company and realized you’re one of the oldest people in the room…and you may not even be 40 yet? It gets late early is a podcast and community focused on the experience of aging as a tech employee. We’ll uncover the root of Silicon Valley’s obsession with youth, and parse fact from fiction. We’ll explore individual experiences across tech companies of various sizes, learn from experts, and share practical advice on how tech workers can build long and ...
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aSKaVIE Your Tech Concierge™ 📞Remote Room Service 💻 IT Consultant 30+ Yrs 🖥 Daily tECH tALKtIPS - @askavie Q&A | This podcast was created in Anchor. To make your own podcast for free, visit
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On this show we will be providing tips as it relates to Background Screening to help you screen more effectively, efficiently and compliantly. We will be sharing and reviewing technology used by HR professionals to be more efficient in their recruiting, background screening on boarding and monitoring of employees. We will be interviewing industry experts and influencers as well.
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This podcast focuses on sharing technology tools, apps & general tips for productivity and for life in general. It will suggest tools, review tools, compare apps & tools and share practical use of these tools. We would also have special episodes for teachers!
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The IT Job Coach podcast delivers tips on how to make your IT resumes, interviews, cover letters, and job search the best it can be. Whether you are just entering the technology workforce, a professional seeking to make a career pivot into IT or you have experienced recent job loss this podcast is here to support you. If you are looking for IT job help from an experienced IT and career coach professional you are in the right place. This show will provide answers to questions like: *How do I ...
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My name is Steve Janz and I run a Home Theater and Home Automation Installation company called Technospeak. We have been in business for 10 years and counting and have installed millions of dollars of Home Theater and Home Automation equipment over the years. I am lucky enough to love what I do for a living and like helping others where we can. I am also a big believer in a life-long education which is why I started this blog. Our goal is always to provide Electronics Solutions for our clien ...
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Welcome to 'The Podcast Therapist,' where your podcasting journey is transformed into a path of growth, excellence, and success. I'm Shannon Hernandez, and this podcast is your beacon for both talk show and solo podcasters, offering a blend of audio excellence, strategic marketing, tech news, and a personal touch that elevates your content. Podcasting holds the power to captivate, inform, and entertain. My goal is to equip you with the tools and insights needed to ensure your podcast stands ...
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show series
In this conversation, Bobby and Barry discuss the importance of having conversations with loved ones about life and death. They share personal experiences of asking their parents questions and recording their stories. They emphasize the significance of creating memories and recording them in a way that makes sense, whether through journaling, video…
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Welcome to this week's Open Tech Talks podcast. I will cover the latest trends in my weekly AI Tech Circle newsletter, exploring the fascinating intersection of technology and society. If you want to subscribe to the AI Tech weekly newsletter, subscribe to the AI Tech Circle dot com and subscribe. You will get AI, ML, and Data science insights ever…
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Today I've got Jamie Jackson, the brilliant mind behind 'Humorous Resources', 'Millennial Misery,' and 'Horrendous HR,' and the co-host of the HR Besties podcast. She's not just your average HR pro - she's like the standup comedian of the corporate world, using humor to keep us all from losing our minds in the 9-to-5 grind. Jamie's hilarious social…
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Imagine navigating the ever-evolving tech landscape, from blockchain to AI, and building successful products along the way - how do you manage it all? In the ever-evolving world of technology, staying ahead of the curve requires innovation and a deep understanding of the trends shaping our digital future. From blockchain to artificial intelligence …
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In the last year alone, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) received nearly 81,000 charges of workplace discrimination. And here's a kicker – age discrimination made up a whopping 17.5% of those cases! This is not merely a fringe issue in our society. In today’s episode, I sit down with Keith Sonderling, the EEOC commissioner, to exp…
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My guests today are Elizabeth Aniskevich from the AARP Foundation and lawyer Peter Romer-Friedman, two powerhouses in the fight against age discrimination. They're here to shed light on this pervasive issue that's been hiding in plain sight (or, should we say, in plain algorithms?). Remember when job listings could brazenly ask for "recent college …
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Welcome to another exciting episode of Open Tech Talks, where we bring you insights and strategies from industry leaders to help you navigate your professional journey. Today we have a truly inspiring guest with us who is the Founder and Certified Executive Coach at Human Interfaces, a renowned coaching and consulting firm dedicated to helping prof…
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Are you feeling stuck in your career and afraid to make a bold move? John Tarnoff, the career reinvention coach and founder of the Mid-Career Lab, will shake up everything you believe about mid-career shifts, especially if you're rocking that over-40 life! Get ready to flip the script on job loss and retirement. John shows us that getting fired is …
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In the latest episode of our podcast, we sit down with Jason Agouris, the CEO of Tristan Group, to explore the intricacies of developing and implementing AI solutions in the business. This episode is packed with valuable insights into the practical aspects of AI adoption and integration, ensuring it meets real-world business needs. Join us in this …
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We're bringing back some comic relief of the highest order by republishing one of the all-time most downloaded episodes of It Gets Late Early, featuring genius comedian Ross Pomerantz, aka Corporate Bro (or just Corp). If you’re newer here, you probably haven’t heard Ross’s take on getting older in general or in the ageist tech industry…and trust m…
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In this episode of our Open Tech Talks podcast, we dive deep into the world of artificial intelligence (AI) and data strategy with Gray Mabry, the co-founder and CEO of iVenture. With over two decades of leadership experience, Gray shares his insights on how AI transforms various industries, including the financial sector. As an evangelist of compa…
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The fantastic Jen Saarbach and Kristen Kelly from “The Wall Street Skinny” podcast join me today for a candid and super fun crossover episode on the challenges women face breaking into and growing their careers in the male-dominated industries of Tech and Finance. Jen and Kristen tell us how they started “The Wall Street Skinny” to democratize acce…
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The latest advancements in text-to-voice technology are opening up exciting new business opportunities. Text-to-voice technology is rapidly improving, making it more accessible and effective for various applications. These advancements are enhancing user experiences and creating new avenues for businesses to explore and innovate. One significant op…
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Ever wonder what it takes to build and sell a tech company for millions without venture capital? Well, we've got the inside story straight from the source! Today I'm chatting with Sharon Gillenwater, a trailblazing entrepreneur who did just that - she built and sold her tech company (Boardroom Insiders) for a cool $25 million, all without relying o…
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Starting a startup is a significant challenge, requiring efforts in securing funding, building a team, and navigating market demands. However, the rewards are substantial. If you get mentors and experienced colleagues, this ride can be very fruitful and amazing. On the other hand, Mentors gain personal growth, professional satisfaction, and the joy…
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In a recent study by Fortune, one in five Gen Z’s reported not having spoken to anyone over 50 in the workplace in the last year, while 40% of people over 55 said they hadn't talked to a Gen Z. How did we get here? How do we bridge this generational divide? Are the five generations at work a challenge to overcome, or are they an overlooked source o…
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In our hustle-obsessed society, the concept of "work-life balance" has become a twisted, unattainable ideal. From the dawn of our careers, we're fed narratives that glorify overachievement and self-sacrifice for the corporate grind. But what if we've been sold a lie? What if the real keys to fulfillment lie in dismantling those deeply ingrained not…
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Welcome to the inaugural episode of the AI Tech Circle, your new hub within the AI community for learning and sharing insights. I'm your host, Kashif Manzoor, a familiar face from the Open Tech Talks podcast, where we've engaged with numerous distinguished guests to dive deep into various tech topics. Alongside these conversations, I've curated a w…
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The push to integrate artificial intelligence (AI) into business operations is becoming increasingly essential in today's rapidly evolving technological landscape. Organizations are feeling the pressure to adopt AI, not just as a strategic tool to solve real business problems but also to keep pace with competitors and market trends. This urgency of…
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Large Language Models (LLMs) are advanced AI tools designed to generate text-based content. In advertising, these models use data to produce compelling, creative copy that resonates with targeted audiences. This includes everything from catchy headlines to detailed product descriptions and persuasive sales pitches. How it is being done: Data Input:…
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In our fast-paced, career-driven world, it's all too easy for friendships to take a backseat. But for many men, that dwindling social circle isn't just an occasional inconvenience - it's a harsh reality made worse by societal pressures and masculine stereotypes. My guest today is Max Dickins, speaker, comedian, and author of Billy No-Mates: How I R…
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Large language models (LLMs) significantly influence creative writers who write books by offering new tools for generating ideas, improving drafts, and overcoming writer's block. These models can suggest plot ideas, develop character dialogues, or even write entire sections of text, which writers can then refine and integrate into their work. This …
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Ever wondered what it's like to work at Amazon? I mean, if you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, just like New York, right? It feels like after you’ve done time at Amazon, your meal ticket is punched, and you’ll have a cascade of job offers and great opportunities thereafter. But would you give your soul in exchange for a career at Amazo…
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Becoming a manager through a promotion or receiving a job offer is a rewarding accomplishment for an employee. While these opportunities can prove exciting for both first-time and long-time managers, not everyone is innately gifted with the skills it takes to be a good manager. Ask just about anyone, and they’ll tell you about that bad boss (or 7) …
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In recent years, how we interact with technology has dramatically shifted, largely thanks to the advancements in Generative AI. This leap forward has transformed virtual assistants and voice user interfaces, making our interactions with different brands more accessible, more engaging, and human-like. Generative AI has empowered virtual assistants t…
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When applying for a job, the hiring process can feel like a waiting game. But what's even worse than waiting for who knows how long or being ghosted altogether is blatantly experiencing age bias while in an interview with a recruitment officer. That's what today’s guest, Vern Six, experienced, which he shared in a LinkedIn post that resonated with …
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Integrating Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the educational technology sector is revolutionizing the learning and teaching landscape. As AI continues to advance, its application within education is not just enhancing educational experiences but is fundamentally transforming the industry. From personalized learning paths to intelligent tutoring syst…
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In our connected world, keeping our online spaces secure is a top priority for everyone - businesses, startups, and individuals alike. Today's episode is all about making cybersecurity simple and accessible. We'll cover how to start protecting yourself and your organization, address the need for more skilled professionals, and examine how new techn…
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As more people live longer, consumer brands need to consider the needs of the older population. Companies that neglect senior consumers, especially the Baby Boomers, can end up missing a massive opportunity to attract and retain a growing market and make a ton of money along the way. Older generations, those 50 and older, make up 51% of consumer sp…
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Welcome to today's episode of "Open Tech Talks," where we delve deep into the digital economy's convergence of technology, business, and creativity. Our focus today centers on the transformative wave of Web3 technologies, with a special spotlight on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) and how they revolutionize customer engagement and loyalty programs acros…
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Court Access Fees on the RISE... Why? Court access fees are on the rise. What does that mean to the screening industry and the clients that we serve? In years past we would see updates to court access fees maybe every quarter or every six months. In the last year we are seeing updated court access fees every month and the additional fees to access …
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In today's digital era, we are bombarded with overwhelming information on our screens daily. This flood of data creates a significant problem: filtering through the massive content to find what truly matters and what should be avoided. We must identify information that captures our interest, enhances our understanding, and enriches our lives rather…
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Los Angeles County - Dates of Birth Removed? The Los Angeles County Superior court has announced that partial dates of birth will be removed from the public kiosks and from the court website. What does this mean? How does it impact you? The Los Angeles County Superior Court announced on February 20th that as of the close of business on Friday, Febr…
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Are you yearning for a more fulfilling midlife? Turning 40, 50, or 60 is a big deal, and a bit scary for many people. However, we can shift our mindset to view it as something hopeful: the beginning of our second adulthood. Instead of thinking of it as a period of decline, we can embrace this period and even begin to feel happier with each passing …
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In the dynamic realm of tech innovation, Web3 and blockchain emerge as pivotal forces, heralding a transformative era. These technologies redefine the digital frontier, promising enhanced security, transparency, and a shift toward decentralization in digital transactions. This journey into uncharted territories has challenges, including blockchain'…
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It is a popular opinion among some people of the younger generations that baby boomers have gotten all the good stuff and left nothing but a broken system for future generations. But boomers, now in their older years, are facing something new and decidedly less good: ageism. Should we feel sorry for them? Should we advocate on their behalf, and on …
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The advent of AI in education is paving the way for a new era of teaching and learning. Digital teachers, powered by artificial intelligence, are making their mark by transforming traditional teaching methods. These AI educators can quickly digest university curriculum content and craft detailed lesson plans, making education more accessible and pe…
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The rise of low-code and no-code development platforms is reshaping how we think about building applications. These platforms are marketed for their ease of use, emphasizing that even those without coding expertise can quickly create applications. This approach to app development is increasingly popular because it democratizes the process, making i…
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Many companies are aware of the importance of promoting DEIB in the workplace. It's where you implement measures to ensure your employees feel respected and are treated fairly in an inclusive environment where they can feel comfortable as themselves - and in so doing, create optimal business outcomes. However, many companies fail miserably when it …
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The impact of large language models, also known as Gen AI, can be seen in every industry. In the healthcare sector, Generative AI Technologies is gaining momentum and becoming a key priority. Generative AI can revolutionize the healthcare industry by automating medical coding, improving medical claims processing. Generative AI can also assist healt…
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Do you love jewelry? I do! But more than the jewelry, I love how today's guest makes beautiful jewelry accessible to many people. Mariana Chambers founded Cut + Clarity, a premier destination for customizable, fine jewelry sustainably crafted in NYC. As an immigrant from Buenos Aires, Argentina, Mariana lives out passion and tradition in every aspe…
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, the introduction of AI-powered voice solutions, particularly in call centers, marks a significant revolution. This transformative shift is not just about automating conversations but about redefining the very essence of customer interactions. AI voice technologies, harnessing advanced al…
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Have you ever experienced any form of bullying or harassment in the workplace, which makes you wonder why you accepted that job in the first place? How exactly do you deal with workplace issues without sacrificing your future in the company? Today's episode is a bit different from the norm: Attorney Ryan, aka The Labor Lawyer & Working Class podcas…
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Which working mom do you know who has it all together? I can't think of anyone. Oh wait…why don’t we ask the same question about dads? Why aren’t they called working dads? Being a parent is an incredibly fulfilling experience, but it comes with a heck of a lot of challenges, none of which you can ever be fully prepared to face. But the truth is wor…
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