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The Development of Chinese Characters - Knife
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Fire
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Clothes
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Mouth
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Hand
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Ear
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Female
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Fish
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Bird
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Father
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Restaurant 1 (ATM Chinese- Traveling)
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Bamboo
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Grass
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24:07The Development of Chinese Characters - Grass
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http://itunes.apple.com/app/atm-chinese-traveling/id550976188?mt=8 ** ATM Chinese -- Traveling ** ATM Chinese is an app to help you learn Chinese conversation in any situation that you suppose to encounter in a Chinese speaking world. The name ATM Chinese is an abbreviation from "Always Touching Mandarin Chinese" and at the same time methaphors the…
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Water
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Foot
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Turtle
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The Development of Chinese Characters - Rabbit
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Students will learn how to express their needs in the shop. 學生能表達自己購買的物品.能詢問他人購買的物品 学生能表达自己购买的物品.能询问他人购买的物品
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Students will learn how to express their needs in the shop. 學生能表達自己想要買的物品,並詢問對方是否出售想買的物品。 学生能表达自己想要买的物品,并询问对方是否出售想买的物品。
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Students will learn how to describe their possessions. 學生能表達自己所擁有的物品 学生能表达自己所拥有的物品
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Students will learn express what kind of food do they want to eat? 學生能學到提出對食物的要求的句子與生詞 学生能学到提出对食物的要求的句子与生词
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Student will learn how to express their feelingstoward the foods. 學生能表達或拒絕對食物的需要,並說出理由 学生能表达或拒绝对食物的需要,并说出理由
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Students will learn how to express what kind of food they like. 學生能表達對某項食物的感覺 学生能表达对某项食物的感觉
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Students will learn how to describe their favorite color. ??????????????.??????????????
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Students will learn describe one's belongings. 學生能使用所有格形容物品。 学生能使用所有格形容物品。
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Students will learn how to describe clothes and colors. 學生能使用顏色形容上衣。 学生能使用颜色形容上衣。
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Students will learn how to describe their and other’s habits. 學生能表達自己喜好哪些活動,能詢問他人對活動或興趣的喜好。 学生能表达自己喜好哪些活动,能询问他人对活动或兴趣的喜好。
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Student will learn how to describe and ask others' movement in present tense. 學生能陳述自己或他人正在做的事情,能詢問關於他人當時的狀態 学生能陈述自己或他人正在做的事情,能询问关于他人当时的状态
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Students will learn how to ask other's skills. 學生將會學到詢問對方的專長 学生将会学到询问对方的专长
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Students will learn how to describe others' and animals' motion. 學生能介紹家人朋友或動物的動作 学生能介绍家人朋友或动物的动作
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Students will learn how to ask other's family members 學生能詢問對方家庭成員.能介紹家庭成員的名字 学生能询问对方家庭成员.能介绍家庭成员的名字
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Students will learn how to say their age and others' 學生能介紹自己和家人的年紀 学生能介绍自己和家人的年纪
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Chinese Wonderland Vol 1/L2 Who is This?
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1:56:35Students will learn how to introduce family members. 學生能認知家庭成員,並介紹其姓名。 学生能认知家庭成员,并介绍其姓名。
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Students will learn how to introduce their name and others. 學生能介紹自己和爸媽的名字 学生能介绍自己和爸妈的名字
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Students will learn how to describe the appearance of animals. 學生能簡單地描述動物的身體外貌 学生能简单地描述动物的身体外貌
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Students will learn how to describe the appearance of animals能簡單描述自己和動物的身體外貌 能简单描述自己和动物的身体外貌
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Students will learn how to introduce the pets. 能介紹自己有哪些寵物,詢問對方有沒有寵物,詢問對方是否為主人 能介绍自己有哪些宠物,询问对方有没有宠物,询问对方是否为主人
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Students will learn the topic relating to family members' title and age. 學生能詢問對方家庭成員,介紹自己家庭成員和家人年紀。 学生能询问对方家庭成员,介绍自己家庭成员和家人年纪。
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