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Soulfood voor creatieve zielen

Mieke Fleurackers en Jonas Ghyselen

Soulfood voor creatieve zielen is een podcast voor mensen die creativiteit echt een plek willen geven in hun leven omdat ze nu eenmaal weten dat ze daar gelukkiger van worden. Wij, de podcastmakers zijn Mieke Fleurackers en Jonas Ghyselen, beiden kunstenaars en creativiteitsaanmoedigers en wij geloven dat elk mens wordt geboren met een onuitputtelijke bron aan creativiteit die de motor én de toekomst is van ons menselijk bestaan.In deze podcast praten we over verwondering, inspiratie en crea ...
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Soulfood Passionistas

Carsten Henn, Buddy Zipper

Soul Food Passionistas – so nennen sich die Gastro Survival Passionistas heute, in der Neubesetzung. Carsten und Buddy treffen Menschen - Helden am Herd, Trendsetter, Küchengötter, Foodies, Weinmacher, Hotelmaniacs oder Genußmenschen – und machen das was sie am besten können: quatschen, talken, essen + trinken. Ursprünglich haben Ralf Bos (ja, der Trüffelgott und Food-Legende) und Buddy den Podcast gegründet - nun hat sich das Podcastteam, neu gefunden. Die Soul Food Passionistas holen nicht ...
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Katharina Minwegen

Ein Podcast über alles was uns glücklich und die Welt ein kleines bisschen besser macht. Kommt mit auf diese wundervolle Reise zu euch selbst und lasst uns mit Abenteuerlust und Freude herausfinden, wie wir mit kleinen Veränderungen Großes bewirken können - für uns, für andere und den wundervollen Planeten, den wir alle unser Zuhause nennen dürfen. Follow me on Instagram @katharina.soulfood
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Recovery Soulfood

Rev. Lona LC Currie

We have created this podcast to nourish your Recovery Soul. In this podcast we will explore strategies and proven actions that actually shift mindsets surrounding addiction and recovery, as well as meet real life Recovery Warriors that are living their dreams! The type of addiction is not important, only that you are Hungry for Change and Ready to Achieve your Highest Life Goals! So sit back, relax and Get Ready to Grow!
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SoulFood Podcast

Jared Snyder (aka. Pastor J)

SoulFood is a twice-weekly podcast ministry made available for free worldwide. It is focused on discussing biblical passages and topics in a truthful manner that isn’t embellished with fluff and just gets to the heart of the matter and the cold, hard truth. There will also be plenty of times when such passages and topics will be paralleled and tied in with real-life issues and vice-versa. The overall goal of this podcast is to speak truth and to share the God of the Bible and the true love o ...
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Soulfood To Go

Cheryl Nembhard

Are you in need of some encouragement during these challenging times? Have you been looking for something that will uplift your soul daily? Or maybe you're looking for a refreshing new way to connect with God? If you're someone who loves the practice of speaking words of affirmation & scripture over their life, then welcome to the Soulfood To Go Podcast! A 5-7 min podcast filled with inspiring, life-giving scriptures, powerful affirmations & a bite-sized encouraging word...all set to relaxin ...
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show series
One of the greatest acts of mercy and clemency in human history was the Prophet's Conquest of Mecca, which occurred in Ramadan.In this episode, we will cover:• The Conquest of Mecca• Mercy trumps revenge• Guiding people to GodCheck out SoulFood merch at https://soulfoodfm.shopIntro & outro music by Nader Khan (…
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Folge 172: Sprudelnder Tatendrang, wilde Ideen am Herd und eine große Portion Liebe zu Köln: In diesem Podcast treffen Carsten Henn und Buddy Zipper auf Jan Meyer und Tobias Becker, die verrückt-kreativen Köpfe hinter den Kölner Restaurants „maibeck“ und „Otto“. Sie reden über spritzige Pasta-Ideen, regionale Top-Produkte und das Prickeln, wenn man…
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Heb je ooit het gevoel gehad dat je jezelf bent kwijtgeraakt? Dat je door stress, uitputting of twijfel geen verbinding meer voelt met wie je werkelijk bent? In deze aflevering spreek ik met Veerle Ringoot, die in 2023 een burn-out en bore-out doormaakte en ontdekte hoe schilderen haar hielp om opnieuw kracht, balans en richting te vinden. Voor vee…
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As Ramadan draws closer to its end, take time to focus exclusively on Allah.In this episode, we will cover:• The purpose of spiritual seclusion• The rewards of spiritual seclusion• Increasing in good deeds towards the endAdditional resource:• Spiritual Retreat (itikaf): Sou…
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As the end of Ramadan approaches, now is the time to finish strong.In this episode, we will cover:• Whoever strives, tastes• The description of the Prophet ﷺ in the last ten• Seeking Laylat ul-QadrGive SoulFood merch as a Eid gift! https://soulfoodfm.shopIntro & outro music by Nader Khan (…
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As we approach the last third of Ramadan approaches, it is time to check in and to take your spiritual pulse.In this episode, we will cover:• Importance of reflection• Healthy regret• Finishing strongGet SoulFood merchandise as Eid gifts at https://soulfoodfm.shopIntro & outro music by Nader Khan (…
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How giving has your heart become this Ramadan?In this episode, we will cover:• The description of the Prophet in Ramadan• Seeking refuge from miserliness• Relationship between courage and generosity.Check out the SoulFood Shop at https://soulfoodfm.shopIntro & outro music by Nader Khan (…
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"If My servants ask you about Me, I am near. I respond to those who call Me, so let them respond to Me, and believe in Me, so that they may be guided." [Quran 2.186]In this episode, we will cover:• God’s mercy• The power of dua• Responding to the callCheck out the SoulFood Shop at https://soulfoodfm.shopIntro & outro music by Nader Khan (www.naderk…
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One of the greatest events in the history of the early community of believers was the Battle of Badr, which occurred in Ramadan.In this episode, we will cover:• The significance of history• The Great Battle of Badr• A blessed nightCheck out the SoulFood Shop at www.soulfoodfm.shopIntro & outro music by Nader Khan (…
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Backbiting is spiritual cannibalism and one of the most dangerous ways to nullify the reward for fasting.In this episode, we will cover:• The dangers of backbiting• The virtues of silence• Only mentioning what is goodCheck out the SoulFood Shop at Intro & outro music by Nader Khan (…
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The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said, "The people of the Quran are the people of God and His most chosen." So ask yourself, what level of recitation do you have?In this episode, we will cover:• The reward for recitation• The levels of recitation• Commitment to the QuranCheck out the SoulFood Shop at In…
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All blessed acts of worship are combined in the month of Ramadan, and one of the greatest acts of worship to perform in Ramadan is the Umrah (lesser Pilgrimage).In this episode, we will cover:• The reward of Umrah in Ramadan• The Companions' love for the Prophet ﷺ • Love is the spirit of worshipSupport SoulFood today at https://soulfoodfm.shopIntro…
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Folge 171: Heute treffen Carsten Henn und Buddy Zipper die Sterneköchin Julia Komp in Mitten in Köln in ihrem Restaurant direkt neben dem Agrippabad. Aber, Julia führt gleich zwei Restaurants - das „Sahila“ und die Mezze-Bar "Yu*lia" - und begeistert mit ihrer weltoffenen, würzigen Küche. Ihre unermüdliche Reiselust, ihre Liebe zu exotischen Gewürz…
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Out of God's mercy, He ﷻ gave us a way to make up for violating the fast.In this episode:• The way to expiate a fast when it is violated.• Holding ourselves to a higher standard• Being merciful towards othersAdditional Resource: • Paying the expiation by feeding poor people: SoulFood today at https:/…
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The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, "Whoever eats during the day in Ramadan without a valid excuse or illness—were he to fast for eternity, it would still not make up for it.” [Tirmidhi]In this episode, we will cover:• The great warning of violating the fast• The honor of worship• How fasting is essentialIntro & outro music by Nader Khan (…
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The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, "Whoever prays at night in Ramadan, faithfully and anticipating the reward from Allah, will have his previous sins forgiven." [Bukhari & Muslim]In this episode, we will cover:•The reward for praying at night in Ramadan• How communal taraweeh began• Four statements for RamadanAdditional Resource:• Ramadan Invocation: "As…
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Don't sleep on the great rewards of feeding a fasting person. Even the angels seek out the person who feeds others in Ramadan.In this episode, we will cover:•The reward of feeding a fasting person•Shaking hands with the Angel Gabriel•Using a tooth stick (siwak) while fastingIntro & outro music by Nader Khan (…
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Another beautiful Prophetic practice in Ramadan is hastening to break the fast as soon as the sun sets.In this episode, we will cover:• The virtue of hastening to break the fast• What the Prophet ﷺ preferred to break his fast on• Dua when breaking the fastAdditional Resource:• Prophetic Duʿa when breaking the fast: 'Allahumma laka ṣumt, wa 'ala riz…
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Learn about one of the blessed Prophetic practices that should be performed during the month of Ramadan.In this episode, we cover:• The description of the Prophet ﷺ in Ramadan• The importance of seeking barakah (blessing)• Taking advantage of Suhur• Dua during SuhurIntro & outro music by Nader Khan (…
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Ramadan is the time to dedicate yourself to being alone with Allah ﷻ and getting to work in performing acts of worship.In this episode, we will cover:• The description of the Prophet ﷺ in Ramadan• The importance of generosity• The need for worshipIntro & outro music by Nader Khan ( FM által
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Fasting is one of the greatest acts of worship, which is why we should have the proper state of heart when engaging in the fast. In this episode, we will cover:• The Prophet's dua for the new moon• The importance of intention when fasting• The Virtues of fastingIntro & outro music by Nader Khan (…
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This Ramadan, we're rereleasing Season 4 of SoulFood on the Spiritual Dimensions of Ramadan.The Prophet Muhammad ﷺ said, "When the month of Ramadan arrives, the Gates of Paradise are opened, the Gates of the Fire are closed, and the devils are chained." [Bukhari & Muslim]As the month of blessings, mercy, and forgiveness is upon us, we embark on ano…
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As the month of Ramadan approaches with God's mercy, rewards, and spiritual gifts, it is important to prepare our hearts. This episode talks about the first night of Ramadan and the beautiful divine gift given on that night and the practical ways we can prepare for it.Intro and outro music by Firqa al-Masarra…
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Supplicating (duʿa) represents the very essence of our trust in Allah ﷻ. It's a gift from Him and spiritual lifeline, as Allah says, “Call upon Me, I will respond to you.” [Quran 40:60]In this episode, we cover:• That duʿa is the essence of worship• Allah's mercy and generosity• The power of duʿa Intro music from Dar al-Mustafa…
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Folge 170: In Essen-Werden, im Restaurant „Chefs & Butchers“, verabreden sich Micha Scheil und Alexander Hoppe mit Carsten und Buddy zur Folge 170 - wurde auch Zeit! Die beiden Köche brennen für ihr neues Pop-up-Projekt im „Chefs Atelier“. Sie schwärmen von geschmeidigen Menüs, feinen Aromen und handwerklicher Perfektion – produziert und kredenzt -…
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Folge 169: Ja, die Pause war lang und irgendwie fehlt wer...Ralf. Wir haben lange überlegt, aber bald war klar, wir müssen (in aller Freundschaft) neue Wege gehen. Einer geht mit: Carsten Henn – Buddys Wunschkandidat. Und hier ist die erste von den neuen Folgen. Das Konzept ist gleich: Die zwei Gastro-Podcaster plaudern mit Menschen, die sie wirkli…
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In commemoration of the Isrāʾ & Miʿrāj, we're re-releasing the episode on the Prophet's wondrous journey ﷺ. Part 2 focuses on the Prophet's heavenly ascent.———Part 2 of the Night Journey & Heavenly AscentAfter the Night Journey to Jerusalem, the Prophet ﷺ begins his ascent through the seven levels of Paradise to the Lote Tree––and then is given a v…
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In commemoration of the Isrāʾ & Miʿrāj, we're re-releasing the episode on the Prophet's wondrous journey ﷺ.———The greatest spiritual journey occurred on the night when the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was taken to Jerusalem, then ascended to Paradise.In this episode, we cover:• Purity of the Prophet’s Heart ﷺ• Blessed places• Manifestations of the Unseen• Th…
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Te gast is kunstenares Leen Crollet, die openhartig vertelt over haar eigen ervaringen met expositie-angst en hoe ze deze spanning omzet in kracht. In deze aflevering duiken we in het spannende proces van haar kunstexpositie "Reflecting 5 Songs", die plaatsvindt van 8 tot en met 22 maart 2025 in Hal 5 te Leuven. Samen bespreken we hoe je omgaat met…
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God the Exalted says, "O believers! Be mindful of Allah, and say what is right. He will rectify your deeds for you and forgive your sins." [Quran 33:70-71] Being mindful of the language we use helps bring light to our hearts and to the hearts of others.In this episode, we cover:• The tongue is the translator for the heart• How speech affects all of…
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We're re-releasing this episode from the SoulFood archives on the story of Jesus and his mother Mary in Islam (peace be upon them both). As many of those around us celebrate Christmas and the miraculous birth of Jesus, it is a great reminder of the immense love and respect we as Muslims have for Jesus as well.Feel free to share with friends and fam…
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AI – Wel of niet gebruiken als inspiratie? Heb je je ooit afgevraagd of je als kunstenaar AI zou moeten gebruiken in je creatieve proces? Of ben je nieuwsgierig naar wat tools zoals ChatGPT en MidJourney voor jouw kunstpraktijk kunnen betekenen? In deze aflevering duiken we diep in het onderwerp en onderzoeken we de balans tussen technologie en aut…
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Herken je dat gevoel? Je hebt eindeloos veel ideeën, plannen, en creatieve impulsen, maar het wordt zóveel dat je niet weet waar te beginnen. In plaats van geïnspireerd en energiek te voelen en te starten met tekenen en schilderen, kom je juist vast te zitten in chaos en twijfel en komt er niets op papier. Wat begon als een geweldig idee, voelt nu …
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In this special episode of SoulFood, we are honored to engage in a conversation with Shaykh Musab Penfound. We talk about the exquisite humanity of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ and how we can get in touch with the beauty of his heart, character, and way.Shaykh Musab Penfound was born and raised in Manchester, England. After a two year journey, he embrace…
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What is Forgiveness? And How Do We Do It? LIVE TONIGHT 8:30pm est. / @recoverysoulfood & Facebook/LonaCurrie & /RecoveryRevolution Rev. LC will discuss his experience, ideas & principles surrounding this extremely important & challenging concept. Forgiveness is vital to healing and it is vastly misunderstood! So Please Join Us TONIGHT 8/24 @8:30pm …
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Welcome to the Recovery Soulfood Podcast, a spiritually based, whole self/soul healing, addiction/recovery podcast. We are in part 6 of this 10 part series dissecting the lessons & blessings of my recovery journey. Tonight we talk about how to make head knowledge, heart knowledge. I hope you find value in this content. Please share your experience,…
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Hey Soul Warriors, Welcome to this 10 part series taking a part each year of my 10 year recovery healing journey. Tonight we will focus on the lessons & blessings of year 5.Share your message with the world with the Greatest Platform for Live Streaming, Recording & So Much More! Streamyard is for Winning the Broadcast GameWant to create live stream…
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Welcome to the 4th installment of this 10 part series chronicling my recovery/healing journey. I Pray that you find some type of resonance in this offering. Whether it’s informational, inspirational or motivational, just know you’re Not Alone, You’re Not Crazy, You’re Just Healing Generational Trauma! You’re Built For This!Share your message with t…
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