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Two sisters, living continents apart, explore the fascinating world of differing viewpoints. Raised in the same household, but leading very different lives. On "Agree to SisAgree," we dive into today’s most pressing topics, lively political debates, and cultural conversations. While we may not always see eye to eye, we firmly believe in the power of respect, understanding, and love to bridge even the widest divides.
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Urheiluseurojen Sisäpiirissä -ohjelma tarjoaa urheilua seuraavalle pääsyn urheilumaailman backstagelle. Erityisesti jääkiekkomaailmaan erikoistuneessa ohjelmassa on viikoittain mielenkiintoisia vieraita, joiden kanssa keskustellaan aiheista, joista ei välttämättä ole puhuttu vielä missään. Juontajina Micke Alho ja Tero Auvinen.
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Miksi suomalainen mies lankeaa tyylin pauloihin ja millainen on tyypillisen tyyliharrastajan taudinkuva? Näihin kysymyksiin tarjoavat vastauksia Tyyliniekan sisäpiirin Matti ja Antti, jotka ovat mainettaan säästelemättä kokeilleet lähes kaiken punaisista chinoista kenkien kiillottamiseen peuranluulla. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Pään sisällä on matka juontaja Matiaksen pään sisään oppimaan uusia asioita. Vieraana jaksoissa on niin pastoreita, kuin urkurikin. Matkalla opitaan uusia asioita ja kuulija pääsee kuulemaan niin juontajan kuin vieraankin ajatuksia.
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SisalTipster presenta Vamos! Esultanze che hanno fatto la storia del calcio. L’esultanza è la punta di un iceberg. Può essere studiata o istintiva, scatenata e rabbiosa, contenuta o scenografica. È un istante sospeso, appena dopo il gesto tecnico e appena prima del boato. In un gesto corale o di un singolo, le esultanze ritraggono alcuni dei momenti più significativi nella storia del Calcio, dalla Serie A fino al Mondiale, dalle coppe ai campionati. Si vive per esultare. Si esulta per sentir ...
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Join Sisanie on her journey as she experiences motherhood for the first time... with twins! Each week Sisanie gives listeners a glimpse into life at home with her twins, Aiza and Maxon, and both seeks advice and gives advice while answering listener questions.
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If you are looking for actionable leadership and marketing skills to take your business, church or ministry to the next level while you drive to work or are sitting at your desk and needing encouragement, Jason Sisam brings that in a fresh way from the trenches. This is where you come to get the tools you need to stay motivated with clarity so you can find your voice and succeed in your family, business and life!
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show series
Send us a text The episode explores whether the U.S. government should mandate vaccines, weighing public safety against personal liberties. The conversation delves into historical vaccine successes, mutating viruses, and the implications of personal choice versus collective responsibility. Support the show Call to Action: Please leave us a rating a…
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Send us a text Are we witnessing a simple name change or a politically charged statement?The episode explores the contentious issue of renaming the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America. We delve into why this decision is more than just a name change, examining its political, historical, and fiscal implications. We challenge you to share your thoug…
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Send us a text The episode explores the contentious issue of prayer in schools, with hosts Sharon and Karen discussing their differing viewpoints on whether prayer should be formally included in education. They navigate challenges related to the separation of church and state while considering inclusivity and the role of spirituality in public scho…
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Send us a text Support the show Call to Action: Please leave us a rating and review. Send us your thoughts, questions, or suggestions on social media or send us an email at agreedtosisagree@gmail. Support the Show: Check out our Buzzsprout Subscription to support the show! Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: @agreeto_sisagree Facebook: https://ww…
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Send us a text Support the show Call to Action: Please leave us a rating and review. Send us your thoughts, questions, or suggestions on social media or send us an email at agreedtosisagree@gmail. Support the Show: Check out our Buzzsprout Subscription to support the show! Follow us on Social Media: Instagram: @agreeto_sisagree Facebook: https://ww…
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It’s been two years, two months, and 15 days since I last recorded an episode of the J. B. Sisam Show. A lot has transpired over the last two years and this episode is a fill-you-in episode where I have been asking myself the question… Is that really you God? This one question comes from […]Jason Sisam által
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Chelsea - Liverpool, semifinale di UEFA Champions League. Tempi supplementari. Hyypia stende Ballack, l’arbitro non ha dubbi e fischia: penalty. Sul dischetto va Frank Lampard. Palla da un lato, Pepe Reina dall’altro. Qui un sentimento difficile da decifrare si fa largo fra i fili d’erba, quando la corsa di Frank si scioglie in un pianto, le sue la…
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Per Filippo Inzaghi, al secolo Pippo, esultare non è una questione di stile. Per lui è la boccata d’aria presa dopo una lunga apnea, quella in cui l’attaccante piacentino si trovava fra un gol e l’altro. La sua esultanza non è ricercata, non è coreografica. È ossigeno. È adrenalina. Il suo modo viscerale e quello di chi non ha pensato a nessun ball…
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Di quella volta che il centrocampista bianconero della Juventus Paul Pogba riuscì a far eseguire una più o meno corretta dab move, o mossa dello starnuto, nientemeno che al premier francese Emanuel Macron, anche lui travolto da quell’euforia senza paragoni, quella da vittoria di un campionato del mondo. E quel gesto già virale diventò ancora più vi…
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Di Diego Armando Maradona che segna il gol più bello di tutti i tempi esattamente quattro minuti dopo aver esultato con fierezza alzando al cielo la sua mano sinistra, la mano di Dio, appena utilizzata per il più irregolare dei gol. Di Diego che corre urlando verso la telecamera a USA 1994. Sempre di Diego, che a Napoli urla di gioia guardando la c…
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Dallas, 1994, coppa del mondo. Ai quarti di finale il Brasile incontra l’Olanda. Il Cotton Bowl è gremito. Finirà 3-2 per i verdeoro, ma è il secondo gol brasiliano, quello del bomber Bebeto, che passerà alla storia per la sua esultanza. Voleva dare il benvenuto a suo figlio Matheus, nato da poche ore. Decise di arrestare la corsa e iniziò a dondol…
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Il suo Brescia era sotto di due gol, ma quel pomeriggio, ancor più che il brutto risultato di un modesto derby lombardo, gli era andata di traverso quella pioggia d’insulti che pioveva sulle sue spalle dalla gradinata dell’Atalanta. Però poi Roberto Baggio aveva pareggiato allo scadere, scatenando una reazione imprevedibile. Nessuno fino a quel mom…
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Sisanie had a BIG WEEK this week! She is in a MOVIE and had the premiere this week - and it officially comes out on HBO Max on Thanksgiving Day. Then we talk about figuring out your kids' interests, how she is battling with her 1-year-old Siveya, and how to help family members when it comes to Christmas gifts... and not doubling up!…
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La Coppa del Mondo FIFA Qatar 2022 è la loro ultima chance di sollevare il trofeo più ambito del calcio. L’unico mancante nel loro palmares monumentale. Per l’occasione, ripercorriamo la dicotomia più celebre del secolo, l’eterna diatriba. Leo o Cristiano. Messi o Ronaldo. Due fuoriclasse diversi tra loro anche nel modo di esultare. Dall’urlo del S…
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"Gli dissi: se fai gol, vieni a sparami”. Questa è la storia di Luciano, professione massaggiatore, e di un calciatore con due nomi, Gabriel e Omar. Ma potete chiamarlo Batigol se almeno una volta l’avete visto mitragliare l’Artemio Franchi di Firenze mentre i tifosi viola impazzivano di gioia e sfioravano i sogni con un dito.…
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Quella serie A era iniziata da un Inter-Brescia: a San Siro debutta Gigi Simoni, titolare in attacco l’acquisto-boom del mercato estivo, il fenomeno giunto da Barcellona: Luis Nazario da Lima detto Ronaldo, il mito assoluto. Tutti aspettano la sua giocata, il suo gol. Tutti gli occhi sono puntati su di lui. Ma a rubargli la scena quel pomeriggio sa…
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11 Gennaio 2015 Roma Lazio 2-2. Primo tempo finisce 2 a 0 per la Lazio, poi però il solito campione, nonostante le cicatrici procurate in battaglia, rimette in asse il pianeta giallorosso. Prima uno, poi l’altro, in spaccata. Corsa sotto la curva, dove un complice lo aspetta con lo smartphone pronto. Il capitano a quel punto deve deve soltanto inqu…
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L’esultanza è la punta di un iceberg. Può essere studiata o istintiva, scatenata e rabbiosa, contenuta o scenografica. In questo podcast il gol è si punto di arrivo ma anche di partenza; e l'esultanza il contenitore, spinto al massimo dell'emotività, da cui estrarre storie concatenate. Si inizia da lì, dal momento culminante. Tutto nasce dal gol. E…
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Sisanie shares the full breakdown of how she is packing for the family camping trip. Which includes MANY different lists. Plus she shares how the twins' dance recital went (Maxon's first!), gives details about Aiza's first hair cut as well as breaks down going to the movies with 4 year olds.102.7 KIIS FM által
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Sisanie was brave yesterday and the entire family went to the Dodgers game - and it was Siveya's first game!! She shares her secrets to getting through big family outings, as well as the best trick for getting the kids to bed at the end of the night. Plus, she spills about Father's Day plans and Aiza's exciting first haircut!…
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Sisanie and Producer Erica are back with another episode after an eventful week of Wango Tango, and after Sisanie's trip to Cabo! Sisanie shares why it is important to go on NON-family vacations sometimes, recaps Wango Tango week, and shares her most recent research project: car seats.102.7 KIIS FM által
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There's no way to make this a light-hearted episode - the formula shortage is a real problem affecting parents everywhere, including Sisanie and Michael with their baby Siveya. If you are a mom searching for formula, PLEASE let us know if we can help search for you. Sending all the love to parents and babies who are stressed and struggling through …
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It's safe to say this has been one of Sisanie's busiest weeks... ever?? Between the twins turning 4, Michael's birthday, Cinco de Mayo and Mother's Day, there is a LOT going on. Oh yeah, and Sisanie shot a movie this week. No big deal! Get all the deets in today's episode!!102.7 KIIS FM által
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Well, Sisanie made it through not only Coachella weekend, but also Easter weekend - her first as a mom of THREE! She details just how she and Michael managed to do it all, plus shares that Siveya has gotten her first tooth and discusses what foods they have introduced. Plus, she and Producer Erica talk about the realization of how much things have …
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Another week, another major milestones Lately, it has been Siveya having all the major moments, but this week Sisanie shares that Aiza and Maxon have reached a biiiig milestone of their own! Plus - how to handle your kids not enjoying an activity, balancing multiple kids and a social life, and when it is "worth it" to take a family vacation.…
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It's Sisanie's BIRTHDAY!!! She shares her outlook on this new year of life, as well as the plans Michael has in store. Plus, Sisanie and producer Erica discuss Siveya's recent milestones - the many of them! - and share a new thing the twins are doing, and how Sisanie is handling this new parenting curveball.…
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Well, Sisanie and her family have returned from a trip to Hawaii and she has a LOT of tips and tricks for other parents getting ready to travel for the first time with their little ones. She shares everything from flying and hotel tips, to things she did and didn't need AND there's a little update on the future of this podcast at the end!…
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Another COVID-filled week at home for Sisanie - but there is an end in sight!! Sisanie reveals why she has kept the twins' cribs, has exciting news about the weekend ahead and shares how she is prepared for both Valentine's Day at school for the twins AND Siveya's first birthday (which is a full 6 months away). All that and answering your questions…
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Well, not only did Sisanie get COVID... but so did Producer Erica. At different times! Sisanie shares her COVID experience - which includes isolating from the rest of the family!!! - and answers some of your questions. Plus, what Sisanie and Michael ended up doing for their anniversary AND why her upcoming Vegas trip was cancelled.…
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It's a new year and we are BACK! This week Sisanie shares the highlight moments from she and her family's holidays, including how the twins made Christmas more exciting this year than ever before. Plus, their trip to the snow, the family all getting sick, and the kids' late night for New Year's Eve. Happy 2022!…
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It's hard to believe ANOTHER year has come and gone!! But this is our last podcast of the year and we will be BACK in January 2022. This week, Sisanie recaps Aiza's dance recital from last weekend, talks about how the family is preparing for Christmas and Sisanie and Producer Erica reflect on 2021. Happy Holidays, everyone!!…
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We all have people in our lives who try and place their unwanted expectations of who they think you should be on you. It’s hard enough to try and determine who we think we are, let alone seeing someone else tell us who they think we are. In today’s episode, we’re going to unpack what […]Jason Sisam által
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It is a VERY busy month at home with Sisanie, Michael, the twins and baby girl! Siveya's baptism was last weekend, the family got and decorated their tree, Aiza has a dance recital this upcoming weekend and Maxon is about to start classes. Plus, Sisanie recounts their trip to Disneyland and shares her tree decorating tips!…
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It's been a BIG week at home and at work for Sisanie - it's KIIS Jingle Ball today AND she managed to get Siveya's ears pierced, introduce the elf on the shelf to the twins, and has committed to upping the amount of dance classes she will be driving to and from each week. Hear it ALL this week, plus we're answering your questions!!…
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Have you ever thought to yourself that there aren’t enough hours in the day, or felt overwhelmed at the tasks facing you? If you have, this podcast episode can help you! I open up about how I handle my time management and offer some of my favorite tips to helping you take your leadership to […]Jason Sisam által
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