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Amazing Technicolor Shitshow

Elle and Trevor Thelen Clementi

Amazing Technicolor Shitshow is a podcast exploring the fumbles and follies of theatre at all levels! Hosts Elle and Trev share hilarious and relatable stories from community theater, regional productions, and professional shows.
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Geltchy & Kung Fu Stu

Are you tired of the same old routine? Looking for a fresh perspective on art, music, cars, surf, skateboarding, and lifestyle? Welcome to the Sunday SHITSHOW - your ultimate destination for all things alternative across the Sunny Coast and beyond!
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Welcome to The Spiritual Shitshow with Suzanne Sole, where she gets into the utter shitshow the healing and spiritual awakening journey can be. Host, Suzanne Sole, is a comedian and spiritual seeker who has been walking the spiritual path for over 25 years. She has kicked addiction, saved herself from a life of abuse, and continues growing in her spiritual and healing journey. She wants to spread the word that you can too, babe. Plus, she’s hilar. Get yourself enlightened through Suzanne’s i ...
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De Shitshow

Janneke van der Horst & Stéphanie Hoogenberk

Het leven is één grote Shitshow. Janneke en Stephanie bespreken de heetste shit van de week. Hun eigen shit. En jullie shit. Zodat iedereen zich na afloop hopelijk weer een kilo lichter voelt. Heb jij een (mannen)probleem, of wil je je shit kwijt? Dan kan hier Geproduceerd door Tonny Media Volg ons op Instagram Credits Redactie: Jette van Wijngaarden Technisch producer: Olaf Wicherink Audiovormgeving: Raymond van de Laar Artwork: Geeske Boudestrein Hosted on Acast. See for ...
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Willkommen bei "My Life. My Shitshow.", dem einzigen Podcast, der wie eine Tüte voll Überraschungen ist – man weiß nie, was als Nächstes kommt, aber eins ist sicher: eine große Portion Eigenironie gibt’s immer gratis dazu! Ich bin Jenn, ehemalige Gesprächstherapeutin, die die Therapeutencouch gegen Leinwand und Kamera getauscht hat. Nun schaffe ich als Aktmalerin und Aktfotografin nicht nur Kunstwerke, sondern auch sichere Räume für Frauen und alle, die Gleichstellung genauso geil finden wie ...
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Beauty in the Shitshow

Jon & Tracy Gossett

Jon & Tracy Gossett share their secrets to having a successful marriage. They are willing to laugh at their journey which too many has seemed beautiful, but the real secret is finding Beauty in the Shitshow.
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Cassandra and Tawnni explore pop culture and fandoms through very scattered conversations. Check out the discord to keep in touch with us and other members! Follow along with the drink and movie of the week.
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We’re friends. We’re moms. We’re having a midlife crisis. Join friends Maxine and Millie as we navigate work, parenting, and life after 40 while digging those old dreams of ours out of storage. If you’re the kind of mom who skipped the PTA meeting (who can blame you?), keeps meaning to join that book club, and wonders how old is too old to become a Rockette, you’re our kind of people. So kick off your shoes, grab a glass of wine, and join us as we reinvent this shitshow known as midlife. Bec ...
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The official podcast for Stand Up To Stigma. Through the power of peers sharing their stories - with a healthy helping of irreverence and joviality - we've proven mental health stigma is temporary. Support this podcast:
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Wir melden uns immer noch lieber mit Magen-Darm krank als mit einer ehrlichen „depressiven Episode". Eine ganze Generation kennt die Grenzen zwischen Erfüllung und Überforderung nicht. Und wenn sich Unternehmen für das Thema Mental Health einsetzen, dann meist mit 15-minütigen Yogasessions in der Mittagspause. Soll das schon alles gewesen sein? Dieser Podcast ist dreist – und fragt, wie es um die Psyche im Arbeitskontext bestellt ist. In Führungsetagen, beim Lunchdate oder unter Tage.
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Life is happening within us and around us all the time. But what makes us human is the sheer complexity of our lives-and this is also what not only creates our individuality, but what separates each life from the other. The sh*tshow's goal is to allow you to fulfill your curiosity of the lives of others, to show the differences are what bring us together as well. So sit back, and just listen.
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show series
What happens when a groovy New Thought minister and a comedian with a questionable attention span sit down to talk about anxiety, meditation, breath work, and spiritual practice? This episode, that’s what. Rev. Darrell Jones is a spiritual director and teacher who provides loving, nurturing and transformative one on one coaching and group learning …
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Hotlines für Frauen:Hilfetelefon „Gewalt gegen Frauen“ Telefon: 08000 116 016Webseite: hilfetelefon.deAnonyme, kostenlose Beratung rund um die Uhr.Frauenhauskoordinierung Webseite: frauenhauskoordinierung.deInformationen zu Frauenhäusern in ganz Deutschland.Hotlines für Männer:Männerberatung Deutschland e.V. Telefon: 0180 100 22 18Webseite: maenner…
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Join hosts Geltchy and Stu as they dive deep with rising surf star Lee Shea in this high-energy episode of The Sunday SHITSHOW. Promoting the upcoming Next Gen U21 Yaroomba Surfing Competition, Lee shares his journey through the Sunshine Coast surf scene while we blast through epic punk covers from Amyl and the Sniffers, Pennywise, and The Amity Af…
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Reupload: A previous version of this episode had a bunch of silence at the beginning. All fixed now! Trev illuminates the history of stage lighting, an actor gives new meaning to the phrase "flashing the house," and Elle deciphers fact versus fiction. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/col…
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What is self-love? Is it waking up every morning feeling like a radiant, enlightened badass? Or is it more like dragging yourself through self-doubt, old conditioning, and a relentless inner critic just to land on a little bit of self-acceptance? (Spoiler: it’s the second one.) But, for real, why is loving yourself so fucking hard? Shouldn’t it com…
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Hab ich einen Aspekt in meiner Aufzählung vergessen oder hast du völlig andere Erfahrungen in der Polyamorie gemacht? Lass es mich wissen!Und wenn du oder ihr immer noch planlos im Labyrinth der Beziehungsmodelle umherirrt, stehe ich euch gerne als Therapeutin zur Seite!Schreibt mir einfach an: [email protected] oder aber meldet euch gern per Whats…
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Ihr wollt noch tiefer ins Thema einsteigen, braucht ein wenig mehr Denkanstoß oder wollt euer Beziehungschaos ordnen? Dann dürft ihr mir gerne Schreiben, um einen Termin bei mir zu vereinbaren. Egal wo ihr seid, die Onlinesitzung macht es möglich. Schreibt mir einfach an [email protected] .Ich freue mich auf euch :-) Wer sich aber erst mal mehr bel…
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Wenn jemand in Deutschland von häuslicher Gewalt betroffen ist, gibt es verschiedene Organisationen und Anlaufstellen, die Unterstützung und Hilfe bieten können. Hier sind einige wichtige Quellen: Hilfetelefon "Gewalt gegen Frauen" Telefon: 08000 116 016Website: www.hilfetelefon.deBietet rund um die Uhr Unterstützung, Beratung und Informationen für…
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In dieser Episode spreche ich mit Andy, einem überzeugten Feministen aus der Boomergeneration.Was haben Hebammen-Verbrennungen und Politik miteinander zu tun? Warum ist der Begriff "Feminisumus" vielleicht etwas unglücklich gewählt? Über all das und Andy's persönliche Erfahrungen, die ihn dazu gebracht haben, sich für die Gleichstellung der Geschle…
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It's a 3-PART series about LOVE for crying out loud! The ups, the downs, the jazz hands... Love, Part 1: Romantic Love (Like, wtf?) (Out) Love, Part 2: Agape (Love your neighbor, even if he's a douche) (This one) Love, Part 3: Self-Love (Grand Master type shit) (Out 2/25) Let's face it: the world is a bit of a shitshow right now. Between domestic p…
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Grundpfeiler kennen lernen und faule Äpfel aussortieren Noch Fragen? Kein Ding! Du kannst bei mir den Einsteigerkurs ins BDSM und Impact Play speziell für Frauen buchen. Ein Gläschen Sekt gibt's natürlich auch. Schreib mir bei Interesse einfach eine Email an: [email protected] Und wenn du schon Teil der Community bist, lichte ich dich gerne in dein…
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Buchempfehlungen, um weiter ins Thema einzusteigen: 1.G. Weiss & C. M. Krüger (Hrsg.) (2017). Polyamorie: Die Kunst der Mehrfachliebe. Dieses Buch bietet einen umfassenden Überblick über polyamore Beziehungen. Es kommen verschiedene Autoren zu Wort, die ihre Erfahrungen und Perspektiven zu diesem Thema teilen.2.Dossie Easton & Janet W. Hardy (2016)…
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It's almost Valentine's Day! This longer, less-edited episode is full of stories and games about relationships, intimacy and backstage drama. Send us your stories! Email: [email protected] Instagram: @amazingtechnicolorshow Facebook: Amazing Technicolor Shitshow Logo design: Casey Fiebig Piano accompaniment: Paul Thelen Edited music:…
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It's a 3-Part series about LOVE for crying out loud. The human experience, the spiritual lens, the magic, and the fuckery Love, Part 1: Romantic Love (Like, wtf?) Love, Part 2: Agape (Love your neighbor, even if he's a douche... ugh, I know) Love, Part 3: Self-Love (Grand Master type shit) In this first installment on ​Love, Suzanne explores the ​d…
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🎧 The Sunday SHITSHOW - S2•EP3 "Secret Spots & SRH Deals: Smith Little Uncensored" Get ready for another wild ride with The Sunday SHITSHOW! 🌊 Sunshine Coast's rising surf sensation Smith Little joins hosts Stu & Geltchy for an unfiltered, no-holds-barred episode that'll blow your mind. From scoring a massive deal with SRH Clothing Australia to rev…
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Trev talks about the role of the director, an actor throws a tantrum, and Elle receives some notes on her dramatic readings. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at [email protected] or fill out our story submissio…
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In this powerful episode Suzanne sits down with Jeff Jones, a man who has truly lived the full spectrum of life experience. Once a senior corporate executive, Jeff lost everything and found himself homeless, battling alcoholism, and living in a shelter. But through the darkness, he discovered a profound transformation—one that led him to recovery, …
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Elle spins a web of a tale about a Broadway flop, a listener makes the audience gasp, and Trev adapts pop culture phenomena into hit musicals. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at [email protected] or fill out o…
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In aflevering een, twee, drie heeft Stef blij nieuws voor Janneke en de kijkertjes. Janneke zit juist in een heel andere fase van haar leven en begint langzaam af te takelen en haar scherpte te verliezen, ook door de app natuurlijk van Disneyplus. Stef is iets opgevallen aan vrouwen die speechen bij de Oscars. Ze ergeren ze zich aan mensen die alle…
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In this third and final installment of Fate, Free Will, or Totally F**ing Rando?*, Suzanne tackles life’s biggest philosophical question, what drives the course of our lives? Is fate a cosmic plan, or just a really convenient excuse for bad decisions? Can free will make us powerful if we can’t even will ourselves to floss? And what if life is just …
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The Sunday SHITSHOW: Stevie Maher Talks Bodyboarding, Mentawai Charters & Surf Culture Spotify Podcast Description: Season 2, Episode 2 of The Sunday SHITSHOW brings the heat with professional drop knee bodyboarding legend Stevie Maher! 🌊 Stevie shares epic stories from growing up on the Gold Coast, dives into his Mentawai - Telo Islands All Bodybo…
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Trev sounds off about aural effects, a listener ruins a poignant historical moment, and Elle tries her hand at some foley work. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at [email protected] or fill out our story submis…
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In aflevering 122 laten de kijkers ons weten waarom seks tussen ouders zo walgelijk is. Stef keek voor ons naar Winter vol liefde en Janneke ergert zich aan mensen die je een sneer geven over onwetenheid. Er is een hekel aan binnenvetters. Er is een inzicht over de midlifecrisis. En alsof het allemaal niet op kan wordt men ook voorgoed geholpen met…
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Sooooo, is life a cosmic game of bingo where someone keeps yelling "B12" when you need "G46"? In this episode, we’re diving headfirst into the existential debate of fate versus free will. Are we puppets in some divine sitcom, or are we just winging it like seagulls fighting over a French fry? But first, a motherfucking recap; in part 1 we introduce…
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Elle teaches History of High School Theatre 101, a director has some casting trouble with a capital T, and Trev judges a popularity contest. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at [email protected] or fill out our…
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De show opent met een ergernis aan 65-plussers. Janneke ergert zich aan Duolingo. Stephanie ergert zich aan kokende influencers en hun manieren. Beiden komen tot een filosofisch inzicht wat betreft onaardig horecapersoneel. Stef gruwelt van het vocabulaire van mensen tegenwoordig en Jan van een uitgebreide uitleg in vakantiehuisjes. Ook deze week i…
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In this very special episode, I have an incredible conversation with my cousin Peter Mastrogiacomo, who is, quite frankly, a total badass. He’s the founder of a thriving creative agency, Grayson Sky, and living proof that hard work and heart can take you anywhere. We talked about his entrepreneurial journey, the bold moves it took to build his busi…
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Welcome to Season 2 | Episode 1 of The Sunday SH*TSHOW! and Geltchy are back with a bang, joined by Kerley from NO NO RECORDS, the punk powerhouse behind Nambour’s music scene. 🎸Here’s what you’ll find in this episode:👉 Kerley’s plans for local and international punk shows, plus a potential SHITFEST!👉 Surf updates: Da Hui…
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Trev cautions against operating heavenly machinery, an actor plays a cute little prank, and Elle whips up some easy endings to complicated tragedies. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at [email protected] or fil…
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Stéphanie heeft een nieuwe rubriek in het leven geroepen waarbij ze restaurants bij naam noemt als er wordt gevraagd of het smaakt. Daarnaast een oproep tot hartelijkheid, overal. Janneke wilde haar pensioen opbouwen en moest een test doen. Stef kreeg stage fright bij de traiteur. Het Inzichtje van de week gaat over mensen die ‘tja’ zeggen en twee …
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Alright, here’s the question: Are we the badass creators of our own reality, manifesting love, money, and the perfect hair day? Or is our life story pre-written, and we’re just here to play our roles? Or is life just one big chaotic rollercoaster where we’re all winging it? In this first installment of a three-part series, Suzanne kicks off the ult…
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Elle researches early Asian theatre practices, a Tony award winner makes a real splash, and Trev rewrites a popular tale via Mad Lib. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at [email protected] or fill out our story …
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Het nieuwe jaar begint weer met een hoop ergernissen. Ergernissen over mensen (mannen) die doen alsof ze de show luisteren. Ergernissen over fooi moeten geven op een pinapparaat, ergernissen over Google Maps, en mensen met blauwe vinkjes op Instagram. Janneke ergert zich aan mensen die zichzelf heel slim achten en zeggen: ‘dat heb je toch door?’. S…
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Let that shit go, babe! It’s New Year’s Eve, and you know what that means: new year, new you—but first, you’ve gotta let go of the old crap that’s been dragging you down. Out with the old, in with the new! Still holding onto grudges, old hurts, or that breakup from years ago? Wondering why letting go feels like emotional CrossFit? This episode is a…
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Welcome to Episode 18 of The Sunday SHITSHOW! GELTCHY.COM.AU In the Season 1 finale of The Sunday SHITSHOW, Stu and Geltchy are joined by Local Surfing Santa Legend, Cambo, for an episode packed with heartfelt stories, tough conversations, and community spirit.💬 Topics Covered:Addressing the Sunshine Coast surf community’s response to Connor Lyons’…
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Trev provides a flurry of info about stage snow, a listener deals with weather-related cancellations, and Elle proves that she has zero street cred. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at [email protected] or fill…
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Het is Tweede Kerstdag! De vrouwen zijn in opperste staat van paraatheid. Ze hadden iemand van televisie bestempeld als narcist en kregen daar een onnozele klacht over. Stef bespreekt toch nog één keer Martijn uit Onderweg naar liefde. Jan heeft het probleem dat ze alles ziet in haar straat, Stef herkent het. Het inzicht van deze week gaat een keer…
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What’s it like to grow up in a family that’s basically a spiritual think tank? Brooke Storms, one of the sweetest motherfuckers I know, joins me to share her experience growing up in a family that does things like reading The Untethered Soul together, hosting retreats where they get deep about feelings, and asking questions like, “How can I not be …
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Elle gives some tips for quick changes, several listeners share their costume-related stories, and Trev dares to make improvements on the masterpiece that is Cats. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at amazingtechnicolorshow@gm…
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In deze show hebben Jan en Stef het over vrouwen met lange nagels, vrouwen met een kinderstem en wel of geen seks met een zwangere vrouw? Stef is fan geworden van Kees van der Spek. Janneke kocht iets wat veel te duur was; beiden blijken te kwistig met geld. En er is een inzicht over een bepaald soort babynamen. De warme boodschap is een luistertip…
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Ah, the holidays… a magical time of joy, togetherness, and good ol' shame sneakin' around tryna to Grinch your good time. Whether it’s awkward moments with questions like, “Why are you still single?” or accidentally calling your boss “Dad” at the office party , shame has a way of making itself the uninvited guest of the season. In this episode, Suz…
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Elle gives some love to the four-legged friends of the stage, a jealous tree exacts revenge, and Trev learns what an elk sounds like. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at [email protected] or fill out our story …
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Stef gruwelt van een bepaalde zwembadentrend. Janneke heeft iets ontdekt over het IQ van sommige van haar cursisten. Voorts blijkt Tantra-Martijn een nog grotere lul dan ze dachten, en vindt Jan dat veroordelend zijn juist goed is. Stef leende een dvd-box van Hertenkamp, met alle gevolgen van dien. De warme boodschappen zijn BOEKEN! 📚Lize Spit - Au…
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Does your brain ever feel like a full-blown shitstorm of negativity? Is it always trying to serve you up a mental shit sandwich? Blame it on the negativity bias—a built-in feature of our minds that’s great for survival but terrible for peace of mind. It’s your mind’s default setting for obsessing over what’s wrong, what could go wrong, and why ever…
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Welcome to Episode 17 of The Sunday SH*TSHOW!’s back with epic surf stories from Indonesia, including uncrowded waves at G-Land and Nusa Lembongan, while Geltchy rocks an iconic DEVO Energy Dome—what’s the story behind it?We also celebrate Ky Clements’ campaign at the Australian Junior Surfing Titles, where the LIFE STIFE…
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Trev explains how American theatre was saved from capitalism, both hosts hurry through some quick changes, and Elle tests her magnate knowledge. Send us your stories! We want your tales of follies and fumbles from community theatre, school/college productions, and professional/regional shows. Email us at [email protected] or fill out…
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Jan en Stef zijn terug met transfernieuws. Ze beginnen natuurlijk met het nieuwe liefdesprogramma Onderweg naar liefde met in de hoofdrol Martijn. Verder vieren ze dat het Parool Sylvia Witteman onder haar hoede neemt. Janneke ergert zich aan mensen met bepaald telefoongedrag. Stéphanie ergert zich ontzettend aan iemand die interessant deed met nik…
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