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We're preaching hard just north of Boston. May our good Father, in His grace and by His Spirit, use these words to build the kingdom of His Son by bringing many to repentance and faith.
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In this sermon, Pastor Kevin walks thru Micah 1:8-16. Here, Micah laments the depth of sin and the impending judgment as a result. The passage confronts us with the question - do we see the depth of sin in our own lives? Do we, like Micah, and like Christ, lament the sin and brokenness both in us and around us?…
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As Paul's writes to Philemon, there has been great offense committed ... but there's also been a great love enter the world in Christ. This is a love that reconciles, making fierce enemies into family. While obstacles to reconciliation maybe large, Paul will show us that the ramifications of the gospel are way, way larger.…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint begins our Micah series by looking at Chapter 1:1-7. Here, we read of the prophet Micah receiving a message from God, announcing judgment upon Samaria and Jerusalem due to their sins. God declares that He will come down from His heavenly throne and bring destruction upon these cities, with Samaria’s idols, temples, and …
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In his letter to Philemon, Paul shows how a relationship with Jesus changes our relationships with one another in deep, profound, and practical ways. As the realities of faith in Christ set in, Christ grows in us a love that: refreshes, reconciles, receives, and relies. As we begin a four-week sermon this Sunday in Philemon 1-7, we'll begin by hear…
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In this sermon, Andrew Davies proclaims Christ as the Good Shepherd from John 10:1-16. Shepherd/sheep imagery is sprinkled all throughout the Bible. In this passage, Jesus shows us how he is the Shepherd who knows us, calls us, and changes us. It is essential for us, his sheep, to hear and respond to his voice so that we may have the abundant life …
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at Matthew 25:31-46. In this sobering passage, Jesus gives us a glimpse down the halls of human history to our judgment day. The day is coming, when King Jesus will separate everyone into one of two groups -- the sheep and the goat. What distinguishes the difference between sheep and goats? What awaits them? Liste…
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In Psalm 62, David invites us to cultivate a difficult yet freeing inner habit: waiting for God in silence. So often we try to take matters into our own hands, but the Spirit reminds us that true power, security and rescue come from God alone. We live like God is our refuge when we wait for him to act and pour out our hearts to him in prayer.…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at Matthew 15:1-20 as we continue to paint a portrait of Jesus. In this chapter, Pharisees and Scribes confront Jesus with an accusation veiled as a question. They accuse him and his disciples of being defiled because they break with the tradition of the elders. Jesus calls out their spiritual misdiagnosis as supe…
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When our blood boils for justice, when we are so wronged, so hurt, so betrayed, and it seems the injustice of our enemies has free rein, what do we do? We call on the name of God, we expect the God of the universe to right all the wrongs.It’s in Psalm 58 that we see this honest plea to our just God, but we also see a stranger expectation that the w…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at Matthew 13:1-23 and the parable of the sower. As we continue to build out a portrait of Jesus from the Gospels, it's important to see that Jesus frequently spoke in parables. In this sermon, we'll ask three questions: What is a parable? Why did Jesus speak in parables? And what does this parable mean? Listen an…
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What is our desire or wish for all the people who don’t yet know the God of the Bible? Unbelievers near us and the many nations of people groups abroad need to know Jesus. The psalmist expresses the attitude and purpose of our experiential blessings. This is what our ongoing prayers & songs for blessing should be pointing towards. Bless us, so that…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at Matthew 9:35-10:42. Jesus has hard words to hear about the costs of following him and joining Him on his mission. Though they are hard words, they are true words and we must defy complacency and comfort and believe in the mission to the point of cruciform obedience. Listen and be challenged to follow Jesus even…
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Who doesn't enjoy a good love story? Love stories are woven into the fabric of all our entertainment. They are a consistent undercurrent in our movies, television, music, and books. Not only this, but the desire we all feel for the love portrayed in these stories is woven into our very DNA because we've been created and sought by the One who define…
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In this sermon, Justin Fung looks at John 15:9-17. In this passage, Jesus defines love and challenges his disciples to love one another. Love is putting someone else's needs above your own. This sermon challenges you to move from theoretical love to actual love, to move from theory to practice.Seven Mile Road Church (Waltham) által
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In this sermon, guest preacher Jared Kirk looks at the portrait of Jesus found in Luke 7:37-50. In this passage, a woman shows extravagant love to Jesus. As one who has been forgiven much, she responds with love that causes others to take notice. One of those people who noticed is a pharisee named Simon. He is blind to his spiritual debt, and Jesus…
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In this sermon, Pastor Magdiel looks at Mark 5:1-20. In this passage, Jesus shows He has authority and power over the spiritual realm. Jesus meets a man with an unclean spirit who lived among the tombs. He was the living among the dead. And Jesus pursued him, healed him, and changed his life forever. This same Jesus can change your life too.…
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We begin our summer in the Psalms this week looking at Book 2 of the psalter. This week we focus on our human need for safety and strength. When we face trouble, where do we turn? The psalmist considers different sources of our fear and troubles and he shows how God is the fortress we need for each of these challenges. The message of the psalm is n…
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In this sermon, Pastor Sam Jero looks at Matthew 14:22-33. In this familiar story, Jesus walks on water. This miracle reveals the divinity of Jesus and demands a response from us. This experience transforms the disciples, particularly Peter, who boldly asks if he can join Jesus on the stormy waters. Listen and be challenged to consider who Jesus is…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at First Thessalonians 5:1-28. In this passage, Paul addresses several areas of focus. He looks at how we are to Stay Alert and be ready for the return of Christ. He talks about Respecting Our Leaders and living as a Responsible Community. He highlights what it means to Live Intentionally, and to Trust the Lord to…
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With our last sermon in 1 Samuel before spending our summer in book 2 of the Psalms, we focus on the most known story of this book: David & Goliath.This chapter drives home a lesson that the Lord saves. He delivers His people. The methods, manner, and motivation might not be what we expect. He delivers & saves nonetheless -in keeping with His natur…
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1 SAMUEL 16:14-23 We find King Saul is in a bad position, a harmful one, and worse of all maybe, it's spiritual. It's from God. We see that the judgment of God has fallen on Saul and with it, Saul's torment is realized. And yet in the same passage we see David, like a cool breeze, with the strum of the harp like angels, anointed and blessed by God,…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 as Paul helps us understand how Christians can grieve with hope. If death is loss without the possibility of being found -- then no one, not even Christians can have hope. But because the gospel is true -- Christians can have hope in the face of death. Paul tells us the reason we can hav…
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In this sermon, Pastor Magdiel Gaurdado looks at Colossians 3:1-17. When it comes to driving, we need to keep our eyes on the road and learn when to hit the brakes and step on the gas. The parallels are similar on how to live. In this passage, Paul shows us where to fix our eyes, what things in our life need to stop, and what things we need to acce…
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We’ve reached a sliding doors moment in the book of Samuel. The LORD rejected King Saul, and the kingdom was given over to someone better than Saul. But who is this next king? What makes him better than Saul? Samuel evaluates potential kings based on what the last king looked like on the outside. The LORD, however, chooses the next king by what noo…
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Do you fear God?Do you give yourself exceptions to his good commands?This week, we will examine the kingdom-shattering moment when King Saul disobeyed God.Saul feared the people and obeyed them rather than fearing God and his word.Although it grieves God, Saul has the kingship torn away as a consequence.This passage reminds us of the gravity of our…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12. Paul begins teaching us how to live and how to pursue a godly life. At first glance, everything about what Paul says is ordinary. It can easily be overlooked. However, pursuing this kind of life, day by day will have a compounded effect to produce a compelling life. Listen and be challen…
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We can be engulfed in fear when circumstances are stacking up against us. We can feel pressed on all sides, and our default response will be either trying to make a quick change ourselves to our circumstances or trusting God through this. It is the time when fear and faith are in conflict that the wrong move can lead to far reaching damaging result…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8. In this text, Paul directly tells us what the will of God is. The will of God for our lives is our sanctification. At this point in his letter, Paul turns his attention to calling them to live lives that glorify him. They are to walk in a way that pleases God, pursue personal holiness, an…
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In this sermon Pastor Kevin looks walks through 1 Thessalonains 2:17-3:13. Here, Paul recounts the great concern he had for the Thessalonians after being suddenly forced to leave them. How was their faith? Were they growing in the Lord? Were they able to withstand suffering for the sake of the gospel? Here, Paul models for us what a loving and Chri…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint opens up 1 Thessalonians 2:13-16. Paul expresses thankfulness for the Thessalonians receiving his message not as mere human words but as the word of God, which actively works within them. He contrasts their acceptance with the rejection faced by the Jewish religious leaders who persecuted both Jesus and the prophets. He…
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Have you ever been in a bad situation with no tools and little hope? This is how God’s people felt after King Saul disobeyed God, the Philistines invaded their land, and they don’t have anyone to sharpen their plows or make them swords. This particular situation is new to them, but the story is not. God’s people are often weak, but they always have…
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In this sermon, Pastor Kevin walks thru 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12. As we come to chapter 2 of the letter, Paul gives us marks of an authentic ministry as he recounts the "what?" and "why?" of his gospel work in Thessalonica. True Gospel Ministry is marked by boldness, a motivation to please God, gentle and affectionate care of others, and a goal of se…
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Saul is tall, Saul is strong, Saul is handsome, Saul is King. But here we see Saul is small, Saul is weak, Saul needs the strength of Someone better. As the war rages and the walls close in around him, we see in Saul an example of someone who wanted the blessing of God, but without the obedience to God. Where Saul should have trusted in the Word of…
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint walks thru 1 Thessalonians 1:2-10. Paul opens his letter with great thankfulness for the Thessalonians' faith, love, and endurance, highlighting their exemplary walk with Jesus. He recalls how the Gospel was received by them not just in word, but also in power, the Holy Spirit, and deep conviction, leading to their tran…
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In the first sermon of our 1 Thessalonians series, Pastor Clint walks us through Acts 17:1-9 and 1 Thessalonians 1:1 drawing out the background of the letter and showing how the church at Thessalonica, just like any true church today, is a COMMUNITY born out of God's MISSION and rooted in the GOSPEL of Jesus Christ.…
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Sometimes when we mess up, there's a tendency in us to want to give up. This can be true whether at home, work, or the gym, and also when we are following Jesus. This isn't just true of us in our day.This Sunday, we're returning to our sermon series in the Book of Samuel. As Saul becomes king, God's people realize they have messed up big. They have…
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In our final sermon in the Book of Exodus, Pastor Clint looks at Chapters 35-40 and Ephesians 2:13-22. The Tabernacle served as the earthly dwelling place of God among His people, where His presence dwelled. Through Christ, God's ultimate presence among humanity is realized, as Jesus becomes the mediator between God and humanity, fulfilling the Tab…
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This Sunday, Pete Rennie from Living Hope Church in Inverness, Scotland, will preach on Jesus’ Great Commission, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations.” Living Hope is one of our church planting partners, so it’s very exciting to host Pete and hear the story of God’s grace to our brothers and sisters across the pond.…
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Yahweh has chosen a king for Israel - Saul, son of Kish. He provides him with both personal and public signs confirming his calling. Yet, Saul hides from what the LORD is calling him to be for his mission. Rather than step forward in faith, in weakness he hides.Often in our own lives we are full of weakness and sin and hide from God’s calling on ou…
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Pastor Kevin walks thru Exodus 34:10-35. After renewing the covenant and coming down from the mountain, Moses' face shines with the brightness of God's glory. It is evident that Moses has been in the presence of God. In the New Testament, the Apostle Paul reflects on this passage, telling us that the ministry of the new covenant is far better than …
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In this sermon, Pastor Clint looks at Exodus 33-34. God promises to guide the Israelites to the Promised Land but warns them of the consequences of disobedience. Because of their idolatry, God will not go with them. Moses intercedes on behalf of the people, seeking God's presence and favor. God agrees to accompany them, revealing His glory to Moses…
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There are times in our lives we find ourselves lost. Searching and unsure of our place. Though we start lost and sometimes can’t seem to find our way or what we are looking for, God is at work.Followers of Jesus do not remain lost, because they are forever found by the Lord. Through the circumstances and details of the good & the bad in this life, …
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In this Easter Sunday Sermon Pastor Clint walks us through Exodus 32. This chapter recounts the Israelites' idolatry in the form of a golden calf. Like the Israelites, all of us stray from God's commands and embrace sin. The resurrection of Jesus offers redemption and forgiveness for humanity's disobedience, fulfilling the promise of a new covenant…
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