Salih nyilvános
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show episodes
Speaking about topics that include mental health, emotional wellbeing, how to be productive, how to not procrastinate… But, also having content that is deeper, such as, ‘How do I heal my childhood traumas or my inner child?’ And, ‘How do I figure out who I am and what my core values are?...and that are not the values that society gave me?’
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Les podtrips de Saliha (podcasts voyage)

Les podtrips de Saliha (podcasts voyage)

Les podtrips sont des podcasts de voyage audio. Je suis journaliste dans le tourisme (rédactrice en chef du magazine Escapade, journaliste pour le Figaro Voyage, Tourmag; auteure de guides voyage pour Gallimard, ex-chroniqueuse tourisme sur RMC et BFM Paris). J'avais envie de partager plus de contenu voyage encore à travers des podcasts audio où je m'entretiens avec des personnes que je trouve intéressantes. Ce sont souvent des expatriés, des pros du tourisme, des blogueurs, des instagrameur ...
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show series
Claude François Jr. lance "la croisière Claude François" ! Et c'est une info exclusive qu'il m'a livrée dans une interview chaleureuse et spontanée ! Aucun média n'en a parlé pour le moment. Cet enregistrement a été réalisé le 6 mars 2024 :)Je vous laisse écouter mon podcast pour tout comprendre sur cette croisière incroyable qui vous permettra de …
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Dans cet entretien, j'ai interrogé le trompettiste et compositeur franco-libanais, une star mondiale de la musique, sur de nombreux sujets : les voyages qui l'ont marqué, ses destinations préférées, le Liban et son incroyable résilience, la guerre Israël/Palestine, son nouvel album T.O.M.A. et le métissage culturel qu'il valorise, ses débuts comme …
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Le 30 octobre dernier, la compagnie low cost Transavia a lancé une nouvelle liaison Marseille/Dubaï à prix minis. Pour en savoir plus, nous avons interrogé Maëlle Rimbault, directrice de communication de la compagnie aérienne. Au-delà de ce lancement, elle revient sur l'histoire de la compagnie aérienne, fait un point sur son actualité, sa croissan…
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You are feeling painful, difficult, and scary feelings. I want you to close your eyes and see the emotion inside you and then take a deep breath and I want you to expand all the space around it. Breathe in through nose and out through the mouth. Imagine that space growing with every breath. So the emotion stays the same but you expand. Make room fo…
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Difficile d’imaginer que les gigantesques et luxueux resort du groupe Atlantis à Dubaï mettent tout en œuvre pour se développer de façon durable… C’est pourtant ce qu’ils affirment. Pour en savoir plus, nous avons interrogé Kelly Timmins, en charge du développement durable pour le groupe (interview en anglais).…
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One of the most complicated relationship we have is the relationship to ourselves and then we wonder why we struggle in our relationship to others…if we can’t even be with ourselves, how and why do we expect others to? Why self-love- you make the world a better place and free the people in your lives when you love yourself. What is *not self-love (…
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J'ai rencontré Samuel Le Bihan récemment pour l'interroger sur ses destinations favorites. Dans un entretien chaleureux, il m'a livré ses derniers coups de cœur voyage en France et dans le monde, tout en évoquant son actualité (notamment la sortie du film Gueules Noires et son rôle dans la série Alex Hugo sur France 3) et son combat pour mieux fair…
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So much talk about purpose and passion. What if I work and it isn’t my passion but it feeds my family? How do I find my purpose? Why are relationships so confusing these days? How do I get rid of my anger? how to sit with difficult feelings… I share my experience of sitting with regret. (Yes I cried and yes I am very ok with crying) how do I make m…
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This episode is for parents and children but really for all people who want to know what it takes to have healthy relationships in today's world. The skills needed for healthy adult relationships are cultivated in childhood… but even as adults you can start cultivating some of these skills if you struggle with relationships.…
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Relationships are not easy, and they are not always painful or difficult either. In this episode I talk about how something’s that we hear and see can really mess up our ideas about what a ‘perfect relationship’ is and what can we expect from a long-term relationship.The LightHouse Arabia által
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Healing journey / therapy journey/ inner work/ psychospiritual development / self-awareness … Call it what you want… here I share a few thoughts from having walked the path with people as well as walking my own path over the last 18 years… Things to keep in mind … what you may encounter on the path… what you may need to make the journey/experience …
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One of the most complicated relationship we have is the relationship to ourselves and then we wonder why we struggle in our relationship to others…if we can’t even be with ourselves, how and why do we expect others to? Why self-love- you make the world a better place and free the people in your lives when you love yourself. What is *not self-love (…
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What does it mean to have generosity of spirit and having greatness of spirit? What can you give/be generous with? You are a custodian of everything you have/nothing you have belongs to you (time/money/love/belongings/talent/education) What is *not generosity? If you expect anything in return- you have lost the benefits of that -do it for your karm…
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If ‘forgiveness’ is hard for you, try saying the word ‘compassion’ or try saying ‘I want to heal’ What is it and what is not Why should we do it What the journey is like What is pseudo-forgiveness It has been a long journey for me to come to the place where I see the value of this ongoing act for my own self… Forgiveness is an act of self love It i…
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I share the framework of Francis Wellers gates of grief - all the grief in us that we have not acknowledged or processed - it’s in all of us We will all lose someone and something we love. This scares us and we run from acknowledging this. If we soften into it- we might know the depths of love. We all have parts that have never known love. If we gr…
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scarcity vs abundance mindset (love, money, time) I briefly touch on un-integrated shadow of money - limiting beliefs you have (I will do a seoerste live on this another day) why does it still hurt when i have done so much work on healing how hope is keeping you stuck and full acceptance of an event or experience means giving up the hope of it bein…
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I wanted to share a story with you guys today as to how intuition sometimes shows up in our lives. It can show up as a song, it can show up as the sun shining down in a specific moment, and even in the dreams of those close to us (also called Dream Tending). How has intuition shown up for you? InnerJourney #intuition #dreams…
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Many of you have seen my stories about breathing for eleven minutes and have asked me to share more details, so I want to share with you the full practice that I have built up to. The practice is done with intention and devotion, a place for me to connect with myself and my spirit, a place where I ask and open myself up to recieve. I know that it’s…
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