"Runningsofia" è il bollettino settimanale di un podista innamorato della corsa. "Runningsofia" è il podcast per, anzi di, tutti i podisti amatori. "Runningsofia" ha un sottotitolo, "E la corsa e la vita", che significa... beh, su: scopritelo ascoltandomi. Ogni martedì. Buone cose, buone corse!
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ランナーのためのInstagram連動型Podcast! ランニングにまつわる身近な話題や疑問点を全国のランナーとシェアします。 毎週土曜日午前5時更新。ランニングのお供にどうぞ♪ 《話す人》 上田 怜 Garmin Japan ガーミンマスター Shokz Japanアンバサダー 一般社団法人 プロギングジャパン アンバサダー LIVERUN トレーナー 日本証券アナリスト協会 公認アナリスト 《オフィシャルウェブサイト》 https://www.runningchannel.jp/
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ランニングを楽しむ皆のラジオ!日々のランニングをもっと楽しく!同じ空の下で走る、ランニング仲間の皆さんと繋がっていく番組です✨何を感じ、何を見て、どこを走っているのか?皆さんのランニングライフを教えてください! ◆テキストで読めるようになりました! https://listen.style/p/vwhlxyex?BAl45OKy
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L'émission RMC Sport sur le Running avec Benoît Boutron.
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The Running Channel Podcast tackles one big topic each episode, amongst helpful tips and light-hearted chat on the latest news in the running world and answers to your burning running questions. Hosted by Sarah Hartley (amateur runner) and Andy Baddeley (former pro runner) alongside Rick Kelsey (recovering runner), the TRC Podcast is friendly, jargon-free, and the perfect accompaniment to your runs. For all enquiries contact podcast@therunningchannel.com.
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Two endurance athletes and coaches sit down to talk all things running! We bring you high level running knowledge and present it at a practical level.
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A weekly podcast by 3 fast runners, for all runners. Brady Threlfall (2.19 marathon), Julian Spence (2.14 marathon) and Bradley Croker (2.17 Marathon) talk distance running news, training, review running gear, check in with guests and cover races in a relaxed format. http://bit.do/IRPDONATE
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Running Rogue is a podcast produced by Rogue Running in Austin, TX. We are here to talk all things running and help you become a better runner! Check us out at www.roguerunning.com.
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Exploring the why behind what keeps runners running long, strong, and motivated. Running is a sport that has the power to unite us all and we are here to share conversations about how running has shaped the lives of people within our community, as well as how running has created community in itself. From pro runners and Olympians to ultramarathoners running their first big race to business owners who use running to improve their entrepreneurial journey, we believe in creating community and e ...
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All about Centurion Running
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De podcast om een betere hardloper te worden. Marcel Tiggelman van Oryx Movement Solutions & Jorin Kamps van Running Solutions bespreken onderwerpen omtrent hardlooptechniek, hardloopblessures etc. Alles om jou een sterkere, betere en slimmere hardloper te maken! Www.runningsolutions.nl
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Get leaner and get stronger so you can run faster and run longer than you ever thought possible.
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The Running Explained Podcast is your go-to resource for actionable insights, expert tips, and motivating advice to help you become the best runner you can be. Hosted by multi-certified run coach & experienced runner Coach Elisabeth, this podcast takes a science-backed approach to running, offering practical strategies for runners at all stages of their journey. Whether you're struggling with injury, wondering how to fuel your long runs, or trying to nail your race day strategy, we've got yo ...
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This is a podcast about running and storytelling. Each episode we’ll talk to a runner and hear their story. Running is never just about running there’s always so much more to it!
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Talking about Scottish running
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ACHILLES RUNNING Shorts – das ist der schnelle Start in deine Sport-Woche mit Tipps, Tricks und Wissenswertem für deinen aktiven Alltag. Egal ob (Lauf-)Training, Ernährung oder Gesundheit, in unseren wöchentlichen Kurzfolgen präsentieren wir dir alle wichtigen Infos und neuen Trends - kurz und kompakt zusammengefasst, ohne Schnicknack. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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The Heart of Running. Home of the Bad Runners Take, Wolfie's World by Brian Peterson, and more. ---- Hosted by Josh Rosenthal, founder of Borderlands Trail Running.
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El mundo del running al descubierto. Para practicantes, amantes y admiradores de este deporte. Paso a paso, semana a semana traemos actualidad, entrevistas y consejos.
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Irish ultra running brothers chat all things running from Parkruns to UTMB and everything in between. As well as discussing their training plans, races and goals for the weeks and months ahead they share top tips from a collective 20 + years on the trail
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We are Doctors of Running, a group of doctors of physical therapy all working to provide you all with information about the art and science of running and what we are putting on our feet. In this podcast we will be giving evidence-based deep dives into running related topics as well as detailed running shoe reviews. You can also check us out at our website -- doctorsofrunning.com, and on social media @doctorsofrunning To help us continue to produce content for you all, consider joining our s ...
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Put some run-chat in your ears while logging miles throughout the Bluegrass State. Kentucky Running, produced by John's Run/Walk Shop in Lexington, is your source for tips, race news, shoe updates, and more.
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This podcast is about sharing that running journey, its here to help inspire and motivate others to join and take part in the best sport in the world! Running! Along the journey you’ll also get the chance to hear from a range of coaches, athletes and running experts their backgrounds and how they go about getting the most out of their running. Sharing some of their secrets and training tips, to help expose you to some new ways of thinking and operating!
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Running with Scissors is here to educate the listener of all things hair, inspire everyone to be their authentic selves even when life feels like you’re running with scissors, keep positivity flowing through our community and enjoy genuine conversation with genuine people.
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Vert is the home for every trail & ultra runner. On this podcast we host conversations with key members of our Trail & Ultra running community from all over the world. From professional world class athletes to our Vert.run members and community. Narrating captivating stories and learning from and about this amazing sport.
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Sermons from Mount Zion Baptist Church in Brookhaven, MS. Most are from Bro. Zach Kilpatrick, but occasionally sermons from other staff or guest speakers are available as well.
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Hosts Joris en Christophe laten tweewekelijks (eerder driewekelijks 😅) hun licht schijnen over hun favoriete sport. Hun ervaring in marathons, als gediplomeerd trainer (Christophe) of als triatleet (Joris) zorgen voor onderhoudende gesprekken en tips. Nooit ver van de actualiteit en kritisch wanneer het moet.
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Diz Runs Radio: Running, Life, & Everything In Between
Join Denny Krahe, AKA Diz, as he talks with a variety of runners about running, life, and everything in between.
Some of the best conversations I've ever had have taken place while running with others. Over the course of several miles, the conversations are allowed to flow freely and cover a variety of topics. And that's what I try to do with my podcast.
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A podcast about the lives of runners and the problems we face.
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Veteran ultrarunners Lewis "Japanese Flag" Clarke, 70+ age bracket veteran John "father of 12" Kennedy, International Running Coach Barry Tavener and Runnersknees, voted one of the 70 most influential people in running in Runners World UK 2017, chat all things running in a no nonsense manner. Ordinarily whilst drinkng. It is going to get messy.
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Discover how running can be the cornerstone of positive life experiences, far beyond just performance metrics. How can this powerful practice shape our minds and transform our lives? Join RRCA Certified Running Coach and personal development enthusiast, Nicky Tamberrino, as she delves into the benefits of running, explores the thriving community around it, and uncovers how your peers use running to enhance their lives. Plus, we're thrilled to announce that Charm City Run is our sponsor! Use ...
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The Strength Running Podcast treats you like a pro runner: we surround your with coaches, physical therapists, strength experts, elite runners, sports psychologists, and other thought leaders. We only have one goal: to help you run faster. Guests include world-class academics, clinicians, runners, coaches, and subject matter experts like David Roche, Victoria Sekely, Sally McRae, Zach Bitter, and hundreds more! We also publish coaching calls with Jason working directly with a runner chasing ...
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"DFW Running Talk" is a podcast dedicated to the vibrant running community in the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex. Each episode features in-depth conversations with local running experts, including coaches, athletes, race directors, and dieticians. We explore training tips, upcoming events, nutrition advice, and inspiring stories from the DFW running scene. Whether you're a seasoned marathoner or a casual jogger, tune in to connect with and learn from the diverse voices shaping our local running ...
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Un podcast - también una sección de Tiempo de Juego - para los amantes del running, del marathón: Para iniciados, profesionales, principantes, con Chema MartÌnez.
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Wat motiveert je om te lopen? Hoe blijf je blessurevrij? Welke obstakels moet je overwinnen of welke uitdagingen ga je aan? Hans Cleemput bespreekt met twee gasten de hoogtes en laagtes van de loopsport. Elke aflevering heeft de lengte van het persoonlijk record op de 10 km van de Runners’ lab adviseur die mee aan tafel schuift. Een podcast voor en door lopers. #keeponrunning. Heb je opmerkingen over een aflevering of suggesties voor toekomstige opnames? Laat het ons weten via podcast@keepon ...
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Women's Running Stories features inspiring stories told by exceptional women runners about their running experiences. Hear about the many ways women are achieving excellence and changing their lives through the sport of running. Get motivated to reach your own running goals by women who are making it happen.
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The amazing world of running you didn't know existed, from a marathon club in San Quentin State Penitentiary to racing 350 miles, unaided with only 8% vision, to setting up a girl's running club in Afghanistan, reprobates David Hellard & Jody Raynsford bring you the world's most interesting running stories, its most incredible runners, presented by some of its worst. A funny, light-hearted look at running that's not afraid to laugh at itself and at you.
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Running Through Walls is a Venrock podcast featuring candid conversations between investors and entrepreneurs. Each episode, we offer a behind-the-scenes look at the breakthroughs, challenges and nuttiness associated with building and growing companies. Venture capital firm Venrock has been investing in entrepreneurs across technology and healthcare since 1969.
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Comedians Paul Tonkinson and Rob Deering talk about life and comedy - but mainly running. Whilst running. Support this show http://supporter.acast.com/runningcommentary. Thanks for listening - we'll be back next week, and if you're desperate in the meantime, subscribe and become a Fan - there are hundreds of old episodes you can have a go on, AND you'll get next week's episode three days early. Happy running! https://plus.acast.com/s/runningcommentary. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy ...
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All about British Ultra running
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Uncover the inspiring stories of amateur athletes and their running adventures. Learn about the vital mind-body connection and its impact on sports and daily life. Join us for insights and tips to boost your mental fitness Tune in, get inspired, and run strong!
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In this podcast, we'll talk about the resiliency in running. Running has always been a steadfast for me and my favorite form of therapy, especially when I'm emotionally running from things like heartbreak, trauma, etc. Your host is Liz Newcomer, who will talk through the different relationships and traumas I've *run* from and how running has always been a constant for me. My hopes are to reach an audience that I'll be able to connect with and have an impact on whether you're able to relate, ...
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No More Running podcast, the podcast for women who find themselves running mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or even running physically from things in this life. For women who refuse to stay on the run and are ready to step into their true purpose for their life. And if you are ready to go from running to no more running then this podcast is for you. Let’s do this together! Come join us in the No More Running Facebook group and run over to Instagram https://www.instagram.com/crystalloyd2/# ...
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Fitness Tested: Running Shoe Reviews is your go-to podcast for in-depth, unbiased reviews of the latest running shoes. Whether you’re a seasoned marathoner, a trail-running adventurer, or a weekend jogger, we break down the pros, cons, and key features of top shoe models to help you find the perfect fit. Hosted by passionate runners and gear experts, each episode tests shoes for performance, comfort, durability, and style — all so you can hit the road with confidence. Stay ahead of the curve ...
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Beim wöchentlichen ACHILLES RUNNING Podcast, moderiert von unseren laufbegeisterten Redakteur:innen Elliot und/oder Lilly, stehen Wissen, Motivation und Spaß an erster Stelle. Jeden Freitag sprechen wir hier über den (Lauf-)Sport, Fitness, Ernährung und Gesundheit und laden dafür bekannte Persönlichkeiten, Sportler:innen und Expert:innen aus der Gesundheitsbranche ein. Also, reinhören und loslaufen! Auf unserem Instagram-Account findet ihr jede Menge witzigen und informativen Content rund um ...
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An in depth look at training, coaching, Sport Science, and anything else that relates to enhancing endurance performance.
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Weekly podcast since 2017 that covers interviews and race recaps from athletes and members of the OCR and running communities primarily in the Northeast! Our focus is to shine a spotlight on incredible athletes, motivate ourselves and other, and to share our love for the sport that has changed our lives!
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The women of the trails share their stories about running, racing, and life. These badass ladies from around the globe get honest about everything from competing, motherhood, and trying to have it all. Get ready for training ideas, gear tips, and a healthy dose of inspiration.
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Andi and Zach--runners, coaches, and founders of atozrunning.com --dive into distance running from every angle. Training tips and racing recommendations? Staying healthy or recovering from injury? Stories of successes or tales of tragedies? It's all here!
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A spin off of sir lenzo's memoirs. How we react in situations tells a lot about who we truly are. Personally, all my life, I have been called many names, some I like, some I do not like but most importantly Sha, na Dem get Dem mouth. If u ever want to listen to a good story, Pls click play and let's see who I'll be to you. Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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429. Bermuda Triple Challenge with Michael Kantor and Shannon Woodill!
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1:01:19Many years ago we remember the Burmuda Triple Challenge being advertized on Obstacle Racing Media's podcast. When we found out that a friend was doing it this year, we were surprised to realize that it was still around! This friend was Michael Kantor who went down to take on the events with his girlfriend Shannon Woodill. We figured that if we didn…
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24-MAR-25 | #KM42, 'Running' con Chema Martínez
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13:48Las medallas españolas del mundial de atletismo indoor, La media maratón de Málaga y sus récords y pregunta de los oyentes.
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So You Want to Be a Champion: Part 3: How to Recover. How to Connect
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57:43In this episode of the On Coaching Podcast, hosts Steve Magness and Jonathan Marcus dive into the third part of their three-part series on becoming a champion. This segment, ‘How to Recover. How to Connect” focuses on the oft forgotten part of greatness: the team around you and the relationships you develop. Steve’s NEW Book……
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Buy/Sell: David Roche, Portal, the Speed Project, Self-Expression in Nutrition, Walmsley x UTMB
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40:30Buy / Sell - What are we bearish and bullish on in ultra running. Josh and Wolfie talk through it. Will David Roche win or blow up at WSER 2025? Is Portal poised to takeover? Can Mikey Kratzer finish the Speed Project solo? Can the self-expression branding movement work in Nutrition? Will Jim Walmsley get another UTMB Main Event Victory in his care…
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Walmsley devant Jornet et Bouillard : un podium de folie à la Chianti Ultra by UTMB !
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38:11Une véritable guerre des étoiles. Le Chianti Ultra by UTMB n'avait jamais vécu un casting aussi prestigieux : les 3 derniers vainqueurs de l'UTMB, Jim Walmsley, Kilian Jornet et Vincent Bouillard. Et ce casting n'a pas déçu : l'américain s'est imposé, 28 minutes devant l'Espagnol et le Français. RMC Running analyse l'ultra-trail de 123km dans les v…
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Plantarfasziitis, Läuferknie oder Shin Splints – viele Laufverletzungen kommen schleichend und werfen uns dann wochenlang aus dem Training. Doch das muss nicht sein! In dieser Folge sprechen wir darüber, wie du Verletzungen langfristig vorbeugen kannst. Von der Wahl des richtigen Laufschuhs über Mobility-Übungen und Lauf-ABC bis hin zu Krafttrainin…
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Exodus 20:1-11 by Bro. Adam MartinezRunning Pastor által
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Ep 628 | Running In Afghanistan - Hanifa Rezaie
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36:16Send us a text Love the podcast and these videos? Buy us a beer! https://www.buymeacoffee.com/badboyrunning Join the Bad Boy Running Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/badboyrunning Visit the Bad Boy Running store for merchandise: https://store.badboyrunning.com Join the Bad Boy Running Club here: https://club.badboyr...…
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Episode 1: First, last, best and worst (and that's just us)
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1:37:17Oi, bellend, if you liked the pod give us a rating, a review, send us some love. In this, the pilot episode, with a strong feeling that it would also be the last, the boys talk about why they took up running, their first race, their last race to show how far they've come in the last 12 years, their best or favourite race and their least favourite s…
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From Spain to Dallas: Carlos Para's International Running Adventures
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39:27In this engaging episode of DFW Running Talk, host Chris Detzel interviews Carlos Para, a dentist from Spain who has built an impressive running career after moving to Dallas. Carlos shares his journey from playing field hockey in Spain to becoming a competitive marathoner who has completed seven marathons in a single year, with a personal best of …
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112: Can You Run Fasted?
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46:56In this week's episode, Andy and Sarah are joined by Mo for an insightful discussion on fasting—an act of refraining from eating, and sometimes drinking, for a variety of reasons. They explore why people fast, whether for fitness, health, or motivation, and how some choose to fast for religious purposes. Mo shares his unique experience of training …
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Catch up on the latest in the running shoe world with Moose, Nitta and TDC in their March edition of Shoe Geeks. YT Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/hXnek6oi0oQ Patreon Link: https://www.patreon.com/insiderunningpodcast Opening and Closing Music is Undercover of my Skin by Benny Walker. www.bennywalkermusic.com Join the conversation at: https://w…
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#252 やらかしてしまいました(前編)
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1:24:34~252ShowNote(1:24:35)~ 【今週のリスナーさん】 「#ランニングチャンネル」のハッシュタグのついた投稿を振り返ります。 【Runner'sVoice:やらかしてしまいました(前編)】 大会で、練習で、海外で…。ランナーがやらかしてしまったエピソードを大募集します。 【お便りコーナー:番組に寄せられた皆さんからのお便りをご紹介します】 【次回予告:やらかしてしまいました(中編)】 ◆2025/3/22(土)/23(日)ガーミンストア横浜にてPUMAとのコラボイベントを開催します 午前の部:集合時間10時20分 午後の部:集合時間14時20分 詳細・お申し込みは下記から https://www.garmin.co.jp/minisite/forerunner/series/ …
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Cuídate Runner - Programa 417 (21/03/2025)
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55:39Esta semana Juan Carlos Higuero nos contó la última hora del Mundial de Atletismo que se está celebrando en Nanjing. Lourdes Esparza nos recomendó algunas citas interesantes de nuestro calendario de carreras. Daniel Porro nos dio algunos consejos para correr bajo la lluvia. Recibimos la visita de la atleta Laura Luengo y de Sergio Cáceres, Director…
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From Motocross to Ultra's - Paul Cameron EP035
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41:26In this episode of Running Strong Mind-Body Connection, I am joined by Paul Cameron, an inspiring runner who took on his first hundred-miler at the age of 60. The conversation journeys through Paul's background, growing up in Erie, Pennsylvania, and his unconventional path to running. Paul shares anecdotes about his early interests in dirt biking a…
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How an Elite Runner Manages Imposter Syndrome and Finds Joy in Training with Adam Vadeboncoeur
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54:52Elite athletes deal with many of the same challenges that recreational runners do. Adam Vadeboncoeur’s been running for over 20 years but is now finding his stride in his mid 30’s. Over the past few years, he’s gained his first Team USA spot for 50km World Championships, a 100k road national title, and a sub 2:18 marathon. Listen to hear about: Imp…
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UK DanceBlue: 20 Years of Fighting Pediatric Cancer
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29:23University of Kentucky's DanceBlue is an entirely student-run organization that fundraises year-round for the DanceBlue Hematology/Oncology Clinic and culminates in a 24-hour no sitting, no sleeping dance marathon. On this episode, UK students Anneli White and Sammy Tate, both of whom are part of this year’s DanceBlue committee, discuss the impact …
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Running from Science to Speed: Tips with Dr. Mimi + Q&A Around Women's Health in Running
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33:55Thanks to Dr. Mimi for coming on the pod! Below are ways to follow her on TikTok & IG :) IG: @dr_mimi_runs TikTok: @dr_mimi_runs ___________________________________________________ Get in touch: Podcast IG: @resiliencyinrunning TikTok: @resiliencyinrunning Personal IG: @liznewcomer linktr.ee/resiliencyinrunning DLouise Affiliate: https://www.dlouis…
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273. Why Runners Should Be Lifting Heavy Weights
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27:37I hear this almost every single day from runners all over the world: “I hate strength training.” I get it, I used to feel the same way many years ago. I thought running 30-40 miles a week was enough to keep me strong and fit. The cold hard truth is…it is not. Runners, more than just about anyone else, need to be doing consistent resistance training…
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The Secret Shoe Experiment That Changed Running – with Colby Gould from Altra
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39:36What if your running shoes were actually holding you back? In this episode of Maybe Running Will Help, I sit down with Colby Gould, Sports Marketing Manager at Altra Running, to uncover the incredible (and slightly rebellious) origin story of the brand that’s changing the game for runners everywhere. We dive into: 👟 How two running store employees …
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Tipps fürs Laufen mit Heuschnupfen - mit Apothekerin Astrid Janovsky
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1:08:55Wenn wir eines nicht beim Lauftraining gebrauchen können, dann ist es eine laufende Nase, juckende Augen und Niesreiz. Aber jeden Frühling ist es für viele Allergiker:innen wieder so weit - die Pollensaison startet wieder und macht das Laufen im Freien unnötig kompliziert. Zum Glück gibt es einige Tipps, die wir beim Laufen mit Heuschnupfen beherzi…
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s5/e07 How Much Does Running VOLUME Matter For Your Goals? with Jason Fitzgerald
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1:11:56In this episode, Coach Elisabeth chats with Jason Fitzgerald, the founder of Strength Running, about how much running volume, i.e. how much you in a week, matters for your goals. They tackle the big questions: Can you really race your best on fewer runs? How important is volume for serious performance? What role does cross-training play in your ove…
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Jacob reviewed the Nike Pegasus Plus back in August. We revisit the shoe to see if it lived up to the expectations! Nike Pegasus Plus Original Review: https://youtu.be/kgbDj1PrTPY Shop Women's Nike Pegasus Plus: https://shop.fitnesssports.com/product/3373661/nike/womens-pegasus-plus Shop Men's Nike Pegasus Plus: https://shop.fitnesssports.com/produ…
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Training Tuesday: Get to Know Your Stride
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24:45When pace, gps or hr fails you during a race, having a metronome stride you can fall back on to ensure that you are pacing correctly is a huge advantage!Kirk Dewindt & Brakken Kraker által
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The 40+ Runner's Blueprint: Training, Strategy, & Mindset with “Coach of the Year” Michael McGrane
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54:15Running gets harder as we get older. Being a master's runner makes it harder to focus on health, speed, and improvement. But with a sound approach, we can thrive in our 40's, 50's, and beyond. Joining us is Coach Michael McGrane, who has been in the running industry for more than 40 years. Currently the head coach of the Norwich University Cross Co…
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After the warm sunshine of Sunday's Cambridge Half Marathon, Clissold Park is pretty nippy for the debrief. Featuring Paul's lost glove, starter-pen shenanigans, MDS training on the moors, customising training plans, running before a race - or not, other weekend adventures, Rob's friends' on-message dog, belated predictions, mile-by-mile report, a …
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Chris McBride - Diary of a Three Legged Dog
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1:14:16Chris McBride, accomplished mountain ultra runner, shares his recent recovery from serious back surgery and eventual finish at the IMTUF 100 merely 6 months after surgery. This is the story he is publishing in his new book Diary of a Three Legged Dog. Chris also shares his running story starting from his youth in Eastern Washington, discusses the y…
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EP238: Coaching & Running with Jonny Squire & James Hansen
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1:29:37This week on the Better with Running Podcast, Chriso and Zacca are back with 2 Run2PB Coaches to discuss their own running and coaching updates. The first guest is Jonny Squire, who recently joined the Run2PB Coaching team, the boys dive into Jonny's transition to Run2PB coach, highlighting how his physio background shapes his athlete load manageme…
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1:04:28ランニングを楽しむ皆のラジオ!「ランラジ 〜 Running Radio」 日々のランニングをもっと楽しく。同じ空の下で走る、 ランニング仲間の皆さんと繋がっていく番組です。 170㎞目!週末に開催された「板橋Cityマラソン」で MCをしてきました。 極寒の中、MCをしてきてみたもの、感じたものをシェアします。 今回トピックは、、 1日遅れてごめんなさい、首が回らない、 雨の板橋シティ、更衣テントに長蛇の列、 イレギュラーだらけのスタート、低体温続出⁉︎凍えるランナー、 ボランティアの皆さんほんとありがとう、かつてない環境、 みなさんからいただいた「春からおれは」、 です。 ★ランラジテーマソング「さぁ集まれ!」 https://open.spotify.com/intl-ja/album…
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News: Hedengren SMASHES Records at Nike Nationals
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35:29In recent running news: Jane Hedengren breaks multiple high school records. NCAA Nationals features legends and legendary upsets. One of the greatest half marathoners in history has been suspended. Don’t miss the latest running news brought to you by AtoZrunning.
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#234 Hoka Cielo X1 2.0 Analysis: Differing Opinions! and Thoughts on Super Shoes for Shorter Distances
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54:20If you're a regular pod listener, you know we love a little friendly disagreement. Matt & Andrea pair up to share their differing opinions on the new Hoka Cielo X 1 2.0. As is often the case, they've had very different experiences, especially in such an aggressively designed racing shoe. They also ruminate on the future of super shoes and how to fi…
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1287 QT: The Compound Effect of Improving by One Percent (Best Of-ish)
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15:15One percent improvement isn't much in isolation.But over time? Consistently improving by one percent leads to unbelievable progress.Check out the full blog post for today's episode at http://DizRuns.com/1287.Love the show? Check out the support page for ways you can help keep the Diz Runs Radio going strong!http://dizruns.com/supportBecome a Patron…
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Cherie Louise Turner: Part 9, Over 50, Sub 20, 5k Project: The Big Shift
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30:36This is part 9 of the Over 50, Sub 20, 5k Project, where WRS host and producer Cherie Louise Turner is sharing her journey to break 20 minutes in the 5k, in her 50s, in real time. Feel free to join the journey from here; it's not mandatory to listen to previous episodes in order to enjoy this one. Previous episodes will provide more context around …
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Marathon serie deel 9 - Materiaal
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50:00runningsolutions által
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A quick recap of the 2025 Hundred Hills 50km which took place on Saturday 15th March under glorious conditions.James Elson által
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Race Week Prep: Inside the Addo Elephant Trail Run with Sheena & Sian
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1:11:40Send us a text With the Addo Elephant Trail Run happening this weekend, I’m republishing my conversation with race directors Sheena and Sian to help new runners feel prepared and confident. Addo is no ordinary race—it takes you through rugged trails, remote landscapes, and breathtaking scenery in the heart of Addo Elephant National Park. In this ep…
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Afl 59 - Productspecial met Eddy D'Hondt
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1:24:51Afl 59 - Productspecial met Eddy D'Hondt by Keep on RunningKeep on Running által
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#37 The fatal look back, Why Lot's wife looked back
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39:51Send us a text Genesis 19:26 But Lot’s wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt. This verse reminds us not to look back. It cost Lot’s wife everything, her very own life. Now, let’s look at examples of what Lot’s wife was possibly looking back on and maybe not wanting to let go of. The Bible does not provide exact details about her thought…
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Episode #372: Hope for Faster?
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1:14:52In this episode, I chat with listener Jennifer from Georgia who is wondering if she has the ability to get faster as someone who is usually near the back of the pack. She finished the NYC Marathon in 7 hours and recently did a half in 3:30, and now she wants more. I reassure her that she is worthy of her goals and worthy of coaching, and we give he…
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What it takes to be a running ambassador with Milly Voice
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1:37:14This week we welcome the wonderful Milly Voice to the guest interview spot. We talk about her role as a Salomon ambassador, her love of the trails and mountains as well as delving into her insights on the added challenges of being a female out on the trails
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Episode 51: Race Director Conversations: Arc of Attrition / Mudcrew
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1:20:24Dan and James are joined by Ferg and Jane, the Founders and co-RDs at Mudcrew, perhaps best known for the Arc of Attrition – recently of course bought out by UTMB. The four discuss the history of Mudcrew, the purchase of the Arc by UTMB, how it happened and why they chose that path for the race. The changes UTMB have implemented, what is coming in …
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Katie G: Discovering who you are on the other side of the trail
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54:22Katie Gunvalson is an endurance athlete, writer, and artist based in Portland, Oregon. She tells her story of heading out to run the Pacific Crest Trail to set a new Fastest Known Time. The curveball, wild fires caused major set backs on day one and she knew the FKT wasn't in the cards. The most impressive thing to me was her ability to shift her m…
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Listen in as hosts Jordan and Meagan discuss the hazards of blowdryers and give you a cringey “would you rather” to think about!Possibilities, Inc. által
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165. Josh Wade | Transgrancanaria Classic podium finish, strategy and preparation
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57:42Josh Wade is a professional trail runner for The North Face coming from England. Josh took third at the Transgrancanaria Classic this year, running an incredible race and surpassing all his expectations. In this episode we go into the details of Josh’s race, from how he managed his strategy to how he handled the preparation leading up to it. We als…
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Charlie Glazer, Head of Healthcare Equity Capital Markets at Jefferies, joins Venrock partner Nimish Shah for a conversation on what will move the needle for the healthcare market in the months ahead. He shares advice on transactions including crossovers, reverse mergers, IPOs and also, his thoughts on what makes a strong management team, and how c…
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Episode 228 - Ryan Thompson, Inverness Half & Cross Fertilisation!
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49:57Our first podcast back since last year and we are joined by 2:15 marathoner and recent Scottish bronze half marathon medallist Ryan Thompson of Cambuslang. All the usual running ramblings and pub like banter! Enjoy!Tartan Running Shorts által
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144. Riccardo Bugari & Altra Running
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37:47Su Pyeongchang, veganismo, diritti degli animali e drop basso.Claudio Bagnasco által
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Ep. 102 - Moet dit echt een titel krijgen?
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1:27:14In mijn hoofd sloeg het inhoudelijk op niks, maar Joris en ik kropen wel weer achter de micro. We kwamen terug op de aflevering met Ward, en het belang dat jullie duidelijk aan het onderwerp schenken. Maakt ons blij. En voor de rest tijd om bij te babbelen. Vragen of opmerkingen? Schiet ze binnen van @therunningcrewdotcom op Instagram!…
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