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Lij Shaw Interviews music producers, engineers, studio owners, and other professionals to bring you inspiring stories, tricks, and insights from the recording studio. So that you can take your recordings to the next level and become a rockstar of the recording studio yourself! - Guests: Vance Powell, Michael Beinhorn, Russell Wolff, Graham Cochrane, Joe Gilder, Björgvin Benediktsson, and many more...
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Auf unserem Studiosofa sprechen Marc Bohn und Klaus Baetz wöchentlich mit Profis aus der Studioszene über: 🎙️Recording 🎛️ Mixing 🔊 Mastering 🎶 Songwriting ⚙️ Recording-Gear 🆕 News der Audio-Branche Jetzt reinhören ➡️
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The Legendary FAME Recording Studios in Muscle Shoals, Alabama takes you "Through These Doors" where some of the greatest music in history has been recorded for a behind the scenes discussion with some of the world's greatest music makers. "Through These Doors" is a recurring interview series delving into the history of FAME Recording Studios and the Muscle Shoals sound. Subscribe to this podcast for entertaining and unfiltered stories that give an inside look into the joys, trials, and trib ...
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The PSN Podcast is dedicated to both the amateur and professional recording musician. It features news, talk, interviews and reviews on all topics related to the performing and recording of audio and video. Join us every week for interesting insights, tips and tricks from inside the music business. The show is highly interactive and we encourage you to e-mail us with what you'd like to see on the show or questions you'd like us to answer. Would you like to be a guest? Would you like us to pl ...
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show series
This week on Inside the Recording Studio, Chris and Jody break down the game-changing concept of using reference mixes to guide your mixing process. Why is referencing so essential? Whether you're a beginner trying to get your bearings or a seasoned engineer fine-tuning your sound, reference tracks can act as a compass for creating professional, po…
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Why press many buttons when you can press one? Raphael talked about quick keys, Soundflow, Stream Decks, and iPads for creating macros to automate your studio processes, figuring out where you are wasting your energy, & staying in the creative flow. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Raphael Sepulve…
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JahresrückblickIn dieser Episode des Studiosofa-Podcasts blicken Klaus und Marc auf das Jahr 2024 zurück und präsentieren die besten Tools, die ihren Workflow, ihre Kreativität und ihre Arbeit bereichert haben. Ob in der Musikproduktion, beim Sounddesign oder bei der Organisation und Optimierung des Arbeitsplatzes – diese Tools haben 2024 wirklich …
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Unlock the Power of Parallel Compression: Tips, Tricks, and Scheps Secrets Ready to add some serious punch and polish to your mixes? In this episode of Inside the Recording Studio, we dive deep into parallel compression—aka "New York Style Compression"—and how it can take your tracks from flat to fabulous. First, we’ll break down the basics: what i…
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New levels mean new devils! Björgvin talked about finishing a record, balancing music and family, making room for your next creativity, why music should be you first, mixing templates, mixtering, reaching the finish line, and finding your first gig. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Björgvin Benedi…
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Aljoscha Sieg🎙️ In dieser Episode des Studiosofa-Podcasts ist Audio Engineer Aljoscha Sieg von Pitchback Consulting zu Gast. Gemeinsam werfen wir einen Blick auf die Zukunft von Tonstudios und besprechen, wie man sein Studio wirtschaftlich fit für 2025 macht. Aljoscha teilt wertvolle Tipps zu Social Media Marketing, erfolgreicher Preisgestaltung, e…
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Chris and Jody are back with a listener-inspired episode, diving into the art of time management and effective studio scheduling. Whether you’re juggling multiple sessions or trying to fill gaps in your calendar, they’ve got you covered. Learn how to maintain a steady workflow without burning out, avoid the dreaded scramble for new projects, and st…
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The dance floor never lies! Jose talked about music the universal language, counterpoint in composition, why the stage sounds weird, sidechaining vocal fx and synths mixing, recording in the jungle, and building beats with Elektron and Ableton Live. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Jose Castillo, …
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Tobias Menguser🎙️In dieser Episode begrüßen wir den erfahrenen Sound- und Instrument-Designer Tobias Menguser von 10 Phantom Rooms. Tobias teilt mit uns seine Expertise im kreativen Sampling und erklärt, wie aus simplen Spuren außergewöhnliche Sounds entstehen. Wir sprechen über den Signalfluss, das Routing, die perfekte Klangvorstellung und den Ei…
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In this insightful and entertaining episode of Inside the Recording Studio, Chris and Jody break down the essential concepts of corrective EQ and sweetening EQ. Ever wondered what sets these two approaches apart? They’ve got you covered! Discover how corrective EQ helps fix problem frequencies and how sweetening EQ adds the magic touch to elevate y…
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You've got to feel the plugin. Case talked about going from bartending to the recording studio, why people skills are the first skills you need, how to compare all your plugin options for the best mix, being vulnerable in the studio, and compressors. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Case Newcomb, …
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Markus NierhauveIn dieser Episode ist Tonmeister Markus Nierhauve zu Gast! Markus teilt wertvolle Tipps für den Mixing-Prozess, darunter Strategien, um Hörermüdung zu vermeiden und schneller zu klaren Entscheidungen zu kommen. Wir diskutieren, wie man eine klare Klang-Vision entwickelt, auf spektrale Beurteilung, Mono-Kompatibilität und Kompression…
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In this no-nonsense episode of Inside the Recording Studio, Chris and Jody get straight to the point with five essential workflow tips designed to save time and keep your clients coming back for more. Whether you're working in a professional studio or a home setup, these practical strategies will help you cut inefficiencies, stay organized, and mak…
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Turn your disadvantages into advantages! Chaz talked about losing sight but gaining a love for guitar, rocking with the Goo Goo Dolls, prank calling Tom Shultz of Boston, punk band tracking sessions, the famous $300 drum sound, & his new Atmos room. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Charles Root II…
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AbazIn dieser Episode des Studiosofa Podcasts begrüßen wir Abaz (Imran Abbas), einen der gefragtesten Produzenten Deutschlands! Er erklärt, wie er Songs von Grund auf entwickelt – vom ersten Akkord bis zur finalen Produktion. Wir sprechen über kreative Techniken wie Topline Roulette, die Priorität von Melodien und den Einsatz von Akkorden und Harmo…
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In this episode Chris and Jody tackle two powerful tools in every engineer's arsenal: multi-band compressors and dynamic EQs. They break down the mechanics behind these dynamic processors, clarify the key differences, and share expert tips on when to reach for each in your mix. Whether you’re looking to control specific frequency ranges or give voc…
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"Mix how you hear it!" Jeremy talked about recording Greg Allman, why no click track needed, when to use ribbon mics, thumb vs pick bass, how to mic drums, why you should get a console and tape machine, Hammond organs, and comping vocals in Logic. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Jeremy Stephens, …
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Vincent PriceIn dieser Episode des Studiosofa Podcasts sprechen wir mit Vincent Price über die aktuellen Herausforderungen und Entwicklungen der Musikindustrie. Wir diskutieren, wie Künstler mit der Kannibalisierung im Musikbusiness umgehen können und welche Strategien helfen, sich an die sich wandelnden Marktbedingungen anzupassen. Vincent teilt s…
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Ever wondered if your sessions will be accessible decades from now? In this insightful and practical episode of Inside the Recording Studio, Chris and Jody break down the essential steps for archiving DAW sessions that can stand the test of time. Join the conversation as they share must-know tips on what elements to archive, smart organization stra…
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Creativity doesn't come from options. It comes from limitations! Jack talked about analog tape speeds, why cover bands make more money, how to track a live band in a room, rock vocal secrets, piano as cool drum mics, & hallways as reverb chambers. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Jack Miele, an 11…
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Rasco Hartig und Marko ButtIn dieser Episode sprechen wir mit Marko Butt und Rasco Hartig von der Band Rauschflut über die Herausforderungen des Self-Recordings. Mit uns teilen die beiden, wie sie ihren Aufnahmeprozess Schritt für Schritt optimiert haben – von kreativen Songwriting-Ideen bis hin zur DIY-Session im Home Studio. Erfahrt, welches Equi…
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In this friendly yet informative episode of Inside the Recording Studio, Chris and Jody dive into practical steps that musicians can take in their home DAW sessions to make mixing easier and more effective for engineers. If you've ever wanted to hand over cleaner, more organized tracks to your mixing engineer, this episode is packed with insights j…
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"Using plugins in mastering is 100% better than analog!" Matty talked about mixing controllers Softube's Console 1, Rock Solid Audio, & the SSL UF-1, CLA plugins for vocals, room correction tools for great mixing, and the top vocal chain for hip hop. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Matty Harris, …
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Moritz LochnerIn dieser Episode des Studiosofa Podcasts begrüßen wir Moritz Lochner vom österreichischen Audio-Hersteller Lewitt. Moritz gibt uns tiefe Einblicke in die Welt der Mikrofone und erklärt, wie Lewitt mit modernster Technologie den Charakter sowie die Anwendung klassischer Mikrofone neu interpretiert. Wir sprechen darüber, wie sich Retro…
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In this special episode of Inside the Recording Studio, Chris and Jody sit down with Martin Seidl, the driving force behind Austrian Audio. Join us as we dive deep into the rich history of Austrian Audio, from its roots in Vienna to becoming a key player in the pro audio world. Martin shares the fascinating story behind their flagship microphone, t…
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Vacuum the studio and blow a fuse! Tex talked about balancing a career as an electrical contractor with producing heavy rock records, ninja tips for Reaper drum editing and mixing, getting polarity and phase right, & his chain for a huge rock sound! Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Tex Cokley, a m…
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Dom Rivinius, Lennart Damann & Benedikt ErnstIn dieser Episode treffen K-Pop-Produzent Dom Rivinius und die Dolby Atmos Spezialisten Lennart Damann und Benedikt Ernst von High Tide Immersive aufeinander. Gemeinsam sprechen sie über die kreativen und technischen Herausforderungen der modernen Musikproduktion – von immersiven Audioformaten bis hin zu…
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Kalli Reinhardt & Philipp SchwärIn dieser Episode dreht sich alles um die spannende Verbindung von Künstlicher Intelligenz und Musikproduktion. Kalli Reinhardt und Philipp Schwär diskutieren, wie KI dabei helfen kann, aus einer einfachen Sprachnotiz schnell und effizient ein vollständiges Arrangement zu erstellen. Kalli erklärt, wie AI-generierte V…
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Julia Bergen, David Bonk & Zino MikoreyAuf der Studioszene bringen wir das Produzenten-Duo Julia Bergen und David Bonk mit Mastering Engineer Zino Mikorey zusammen. Gemeinsam sprechen wir darüber, wie man mit minimalen Mitteln beeindruckende Musik produziert und worauf es im Mastering ankommt. Die Diskussion dreht sich um den Workflow zwischen Prod…
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In this episode of Inside the Recording Studio, Chris and Jody delve into the art of compressing electric guitars, sharing expert insights on how to get the most out of your compression tools. Whether you're aiming for tight, punchy tones or smooth, sustained textures, understanding when and how to use compression is crucial for achieving professio…
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Ya gotta learn the rules to break the rules! Kris talked about big tracking sessions, orchestral arranging for small vs large string sections, killer Soundflow strategies, Pro Tools marker magic, sync sessions tips, & cool plugins for awesome mixes! Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Kris Crunk, a f…
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Martin ZobelIn dieser Episode tauchen wir tief in die Welt der analogen Hardware ein und beleuchten, welche Bauteile den Klang entscheidend prägen. Unser Gast, Martin Zobel von analogvibes, spricht über die Bedeutung von Röhren, Transistoren und anderen Komponenten, die analoge Geräte wie den legendären UA 176 Vari-Mu-Kompressors einzigartig machen…
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In this episode of Inside the Recording Studio, Chris and Jody dive into a powerful mixing technique for drums—setting up two separate drum busses to take your drum mix to the next level. Specifically, we’ll cover how to use one bus for shell-style drums (kick, snare, toms) and a second bus for metal-style drums (hi-hats, ride, cymbals). If you’ve …
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If it sounds good then it is good! Brennan talked about the importance of embracing your own sonic thumbprint, mixing with depth, programming drums, how to make a cooler gated snare, asynchronistic work, recording with an iPhone, and lyric writing. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Brennan Aerts, a…
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Bassel HallakIn dieser Episode sprechen wir mit Bassel Hallak, einem erfahrenen Songwriter und Producer, über die entscheidende Frage: Wo hört das Producing auf und wo beginnt das Mixing? Bassel gibt Einblicke in seine Arbeit, bei der er Soundanpassungen schon im Songwriting-Prozess vornimmt und erklärt, wie man Sessions so vorbereitet, dass man si…
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In this episode of Inside the Recording Studio, we break down the art of hearing compression in your recordings—specifically focusing on how compression affects the sound of a brass snare drum using Logic's Platinum Compressor. Compression can be a tricky tool to master, especially when it comes to subtle changes in dynamics. Join us as we discuss:…
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Give of yourself generously to those you work with! Jeremy talked about producing indie rock and pop bands in a small studio, touring in a signed band, building a new production studio, starting a mastermind group, and family life vs work balance. Get access to FREE mixing mini-course: My guest today is Jeremy Steckel, a…
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Mothergrid - Christopher BauderIn dieser Mothergrid-Episode, bei der Marc wieder als Co-Host agiert, ist Christopher Bauder zu Gast. Er ist bekannt für seine spektakulären Licht- und Rauminstallationen für Künstler wie Bon Iver, die weltweit für Aufsehen sorgen. Als Gründer von WHITEvoid hat er bereits ikonische Projekte realisiert, die Kunst, Desi…
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