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Un podcast créé par Cathy Intro, coach de français, pour vous aider à mieux connaître les francophones et à améliorer votre français. Conçu pour les niveaux intermédiaires-supérieurs et avancés intéressés par la culture française et nord-américaine ou qui préparent un test (DELF, DALF, TCF, TEF).
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Polyglot Software Development

Krish Palaniappan and Varun Palaniappan

We’ve been doing Software Development and Architecture work for a while at Snowpal, and currently have several B2B and B2C products in production. In this podcast, we’ll share our experiences on a regular basis to help you & your teams build great software. The topics covered in this podcast will include Product Management, Project Management, Architecture, Development, Deployment, Security, Release Management, Sales, Marketing, Advertising, and just about everything else an ambitious, fast ...
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This podcast is for people who already have some basic knowledge of Catalan or speak some other Romance languages. Using the natural approach, I speak using comprehensible words and speed. Can’t wait for the next episode? You will find more than 50 videos to learn Catalan on my YouTube channel, including subtitles in English and Catalan: https://www.youtube.com/c/CouchPolyglot Aquest podcast és per a persones que ja tenen un nivell bàsic de català o que ja parlen altres llengües romàniques. ...
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Hi, I’m Sean, and I’m passionate about using languages to connect with people around the world. Welcome to Polyglot Fun!, the podcast where I share my language-learning journey, personal stories, and insights in different languages! My goal is to inspire you on your own language adventure! Whether you’re a language lover or just enjoy thought-provoking stories about life, culture, and beyond, this podcast is for you. Let’s dive in! ------------------------------------------------------------ ...
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Self-Taught POLYGLOT

Self-Taught POLYGLOT

Hello! My name is Ralph Valentino Jean. And my podcast is about language learning. I am a polyglot, I want to share my techniques with you you. And I also want to teach Haitian creole language, English, and French. So have fun with the podcast "Self-Taught POLYGLOT" https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-x4mbvzo-Vfq5dxI5XV2xA
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Hey everyone! My name is Samuel (or Sam pick one) and I'm on my way to become a polyglot! I speak Portuguese, English and Spanish. I'm learning Italian, French and German. Hopefully, through my experiences (and my struggles) I can help you learn languages too!
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Software Engineer and Developer Advocate, Nic Raboy, shares all his tips and tricks to becoming a polyglot developer. Learn about the latest trends in web, mobile, and game development and how you can quickly get ahead in becoming an incredible developer. With a background in programming languages such as Java, Android, Node.js, and Golang and a background with frameworks such as Express, Ionic Framework, NativeScript, Zend Framework, and Apache Cordova, Nic Raboy is a polyglot with a lot to ...
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This is a podcast about languages and language-learning from a unique perspective. Since 2018, I have spent thousands of hours studying (to varying degrees) 16 languages (!), and I have learned a lot about what works and what doesn't, from apps to websites to books to YouTube channels, podcasts and more. Join me as we explore the process of language learning, as well as the languages themselves (the true stars of the show!).
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A podcast about language, language learning, and sociolinguistics from a polyglot's point of view! Be sure to follow @PolyglottalPod on Twitter and @ThePolyglottalStop on Instagram and Tiktok! Buy me a coffee or buy yourself a little song: https://ko-fi.com/angeliquevoices. Join the Patreon family: https://patreon.com/angeliquevoices Happy Learning!
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show series
Oi! Sou Sean, um canadense apaixonado por línguas, e lanço meu novo podcast com o objetivo de compartilhar a alegria e os desafios do aprendizado de múltiplos idiomas. Neste episódio de introdução, apresento as línguas que pretendo utilizar no podcast. Relato minhas experiências pessoais, como a criação de conexões ao falar na língua nativa de outr…
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Bon dia, com anem? Jo he estat força ocupada, però estic bé. Espero que tu també estiguis bé. Avui et parlo del Carnaval, aprendràs paraules com "disfressa" o "carrossa", per exemple. Et parlaré d'un Carnaval que conec de primera mà: el Carnaval de Terra Endins. Si vols veure com són les carrosses i les disfresses, aquí hi trobaràs un vídeo i més i…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ discusses the dynamics of investing in the food industry, focusing on three specific companies: Shake Shack, Cava, and SweetGreen. He provides insights into their recent stock performance, the factors influencing price fluctuations, and the importance of understanding the market landscape. He emphasizes the risk…
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Notre cerveau aime la nouveauté et varier les activités mais on dit aussi "On ne change pas une équipe qui gagne". Alors, comment savoir quand est le bon moment pour amener de la nouveauté dans ta routine pour apprendre le français? Quelques pistes de réflexion dans ce podcast en français intermédiaire. LIENS: Transcription disponible: https://fran…
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Bon dia, com va tot? Jo he estat molt ocupada i per fi tinc temps de penjar un nou episodi! Avui et parlo d'un joc al qual jugo sovint, gairebé cada dia. Es tracta del paraulògic. En aquest episodi t'explico com funciona. El trobaràs aquí: https://www.vilaweb.cat/paraulogic/ Aquí et deixo algunes noves paraules i expressions (català - anglès): Pist…
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Bon dia, com anem? Avui us vull parlar sobre la Sagrada Família des de diferents punts de vista (la meva experiència, informació interessant sobre el monument, informació sobre l'arquitecte Antoni Gaudí, etc.) Si tens cap dubte, em pots escriure un missatge al YouTube. Com em pots ajudar? Subscriu-te al meu canal de YouTube aquí. Hi trobaràs, entre…
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Ciao! In questa puntata, ti racconterò dei bei momenti a Modena dal mio giornale del 22 gennaio 2025. ---------------------------------- Vocabolario della puntata: # una degustazione d'aceto balsamico - a balsamic vinegar tasting # qualche blog - some blogs (the noun that follows qualche is written in singular) # ci ha messo solo circa 25 minuti (m…
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In questo episodio introduttivo, io condivido la mia passione per l'apprendimento delle lingue e il mio sogno di diventare un poliglotta. Parlo della gioia di parlare lingue diverse e ho in programma di presentare episodi in più lingue. Sottolineo l'importanza del coraggio nell'apprendimento, della celebrazione delle piccole vittorie e dell'esperie…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ shares his personal insights on the complexities of US immigration. He emphasizes that immigration should be viewed as a privilege rather than a right, discussing the challenges and realities faced by immigrants. He encourages listeners to appreciate the opportunities available in the US while acknowledging the …
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ discusses the recent layoffs at Apple, which were not due to employee performance but rather a scam involving misuse of a grant program. He reflects on the cultural implications of such news, particularly for Indian engineers, and emphasizes the importance of credibility and integrity in the tech industry. Krish…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ discusses the concept of “coffee badges” in the context of the return to office (RTO) debate. He explores the implications of commuting, productivity, and the quality of life for employees, particularly in the tech industry. The conversation highlights the challenges of mandatory office attendance and the potent…
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Dire à quelqu'un "Tu parles bien français!" ou "J'adore ton accent", est-ce vraiment un compliment? C'est la question que je traite aujourd'hui dans ce podcast en français intermédiaire / avancé. Sommaire: 00:00 Introduction au thème: accent, prononciation et glottophobie, quelles sont les réactions qu'on peut avoir face aux accents? Et quelles son…
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Hi, I’m Sean, and I’m passionate about using languages to connect wh people around the world. Welcome to Polyglot Fun, the podcast where I share my language-learning journey, personal stories, and insights in different languages! My goal is to inspire you on your own language adventure! Whether you’re a language lover or just enjoy thought-provokin…
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Hallo, Leute! Ich bin Sean aus Kanada. Herzlich willkommen zu meiner ersten Folge von Polyglot Fun! Mit diesem Podcast möchte ich euch die Freude zeigen, die ich beim Gebrauch deiser verschiedenen Sprachen empfinde. Ich werde in diesen verschiedenen Sprachen sprechen.Ich hoffe, euch zu zeigen, wie viel Spaß es macht und wie bereichernd Sprachenlern…
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Bon dia, com va tot? Avui et vull parlar de cinc clàssics de la literatura catalana segons la intel·ligència artificial. T'explicaré si conec aquests llibres, si els he llegit i què en penso. Per saber-ne més, pots llegir aquests articles: https://naciodigital.cat/cultura-i-mitjans/10-classics-catalans-que-tornen-a-les-llibreries-aquest-sant-jordi_…
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In this episode, ⁠Xan Hong⁠, a no-code development expert, guides ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ through the process of building a simple to-do application using Bubble. They explore the user interface, create workflows, and discuss the transition from web-based to native app development. The conversation emphasizes practical application, collaboration, and t…
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In this episode, ⁠Xan Hong⁠ shares his journey into the world of no-code development, highlighting the challenges faced by non-technical founders and the flexibility offered by platforms like Bubble. The conversation explores the evolving landscape of software development, the importance of creativity in problem-solving, and the impact of no-code s…
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In this conversation, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ discusses the evolving landscape of AI and software development in 2025. He emphasizes the need for adaptability in engineering roadmaps due to rapid changes in technology. The discussion highlights the importance of collaborative learning in AI, exploring AWS tools, understanding different AI models, and p…
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In this podcast, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ shares his New Year wishes and discusses the inspiration he draws from ⁠A.R. Rahman⁠, a renowned composer. He reflects on Rahman's journey, the challenges of catering to diverse audiences in India, and the importance of motivation and commitment to one's art. The conversation also touches on the concept of Ikiga…
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Bon dia i bon any 2025! Espero que vagi tot bé. Quan comença un any nou, és molt típic parlar dels propòsits. Es veu l'any nou com una nova oportunitat. Què volem fer diferent aquest any? Hi ha els típics propòsits, com ara aprimar-se, fer més esport, tenir una dieta més equilibrada... Però avui et vull parlar de 5 propòsits una mica diferents, una…
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In this conversation, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ discusses the significance of APIs and reusability in software development. He emphasizes how leveraging existing APIs can help organizations save time, reduce costs, and focus on core customer problems. The discussion includes examples of how APIs can enhance product offerings and the importance of not rei…
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Quand on travaille sur la prononciation du français ou de l'anglais, beaucoup de personnes pensent que l'objectif ultime est de supprimer toute trace d'accent étranger. Or ce n'est pas si simple...Avoir un accent n'est jamais neutre mais ça peut avoir des avantages et des inconvénients. C'est le sujet du podcast cette semaine. Regarder avec les sou…
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Bon dia, com va tot? Espero que estiguis molt bé! :) Ara que s'acosta Nadal, us vull parlar d'algunes tradicions nadalenques catalanes. He fet servir aquest article: https://www.barcelona.cat/nadal/ca/tradicions/tradicions-de-nadal Espero que hagis passat un molt bon 2024, que passis bones festes (tant si ho celebres com si no) i que tinguis un mol…
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan delves into the advanced strategies of day trading, building upon the foundational knowledge from the previous course. He emphasizes the importance of understanding the risks involved in trading, the process of selecting securities, and the significance of structuring one's trading day effectively. The course also …
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This course on day trading introduces the concept, its risks, and the demographics of those who engage in it. The instructor emphasizes the importance of understanding the basics of day trading, the reasons individuals choose to day trade, and the inherent risks involved. The course aims to provide practical insights and strategies for potential da…
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In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan introduces the fundamentals of product management through a practical example using the Snowpal web application. The discussion focuses on the implementation of a Kanban board feature, emphasizing the importance of communication between product managers and engineering teams. Key topics include defining requi…
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This course provides a comprehensive introduction to Texas Hold'em poker, covering the basics of the game, including rules, hand rankings, and strategies for playing. The instructor emphasizes the importance of understanding the recreational nature of poker and the risks involved in gambling. Key concepts such as position, betting strategies, and t…
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan provides a comprehensive overview of stock trading, focusing on how to select the right stocks, the importance of diversification, and the analysis of earnings reports. He emphasizes the need for careful research and understanding market sentiment, while also discussing the potential risks and rewards associated wi…
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan shares insights on running a SaaS business, covering essential topics such as problem definition, funding, team building, and the importance of persistence. He emphasizes the need for a clear understanding of the market, effective sales strategies, and the willingness to adapt to challenges and failures. The course…
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In this conversation, Krish Palaniappan introduces Weaviate, an open-source vector database, and explores its functionalities compared to traditional databases. The discussion covers the setup and configuration of Weaviate, hands-on coding examples, and the importance of vectorization and embeddings in AI. The conversation also addresses debugging …
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan discusses the fundamentals of portfolio management, focusing on the differences between day trading and investing. He emphasizes the importance of understanding various trading tools and platforms, as well as the risks associated with trading. The course also covers how to create and manage portfolios effectively, …
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In this course, Krish Palaniappan introduces Trading 103, focusing on essential financial terminologies, investment strategies, and tools for effective trading. The course emphasizes the importance of understanding financial ratios, choosing the right companies to invest in, and the significance of diversification in a portfolio. Krish also explain…
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This course provides a comprehensive overview of stock trading, focusing on practical applications using the E-Trade platform. It covers essential trading concepts such as market and limit orders, the mechanics of short selling, and advanced strategies like stop orders and trailing stops. The course emphasizes the importance of understanding invest…
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In this course, Trading 101, introduces the fundamentals of trading and investing, emphasizing the importance of starting at a young age. It covers various topics including the significance of compounding interest, the necessity of paper trading, choosing the right trading platform, understanding trading hours, setting investment goals, risk manage…
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In this episode of the Snowpal Polyglot Software Development Podcast, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ and ⁠Ryan Soosayraj⁠ discuss the latest iOS release and its new feature, Image Playground. They explore Ryan’s background in product management, share their initial reactions to the app, and compare their experiences with other Apple products. They discuss the…
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Une série de 3 épisodes du podcast autour de la prononciation et du fait d’avoir un accent quand on parle une langue étrangère. Aujourd’hui, commençons avec un épisode pratico-pratique: 5 conseils pour améliorer la prononciation française. Tu trouveras ce contenu sous forme vidéo, audio et article de blog: https://francais.mypolyglotlife.com/2024/1…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Dan Nikas⁠, a former homicide detective turned e-commerce expert. Dan shares his journey from policing to founding Gear Bunch and becoming a leading figure in email marketing and Meta advertising. The conversation delves into the challenges of B2C marketing, the importance of understanding audience n…
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Hola, com anem? Espero que estiguis molt bé! :) No sé si et passa a tu, però jo de vegades estic molt cansada. I si dormo molt o tinc un dia poc productiu, em sento malament. Però per què? No soc un robot! Però tot i així penso "hauria hagut de ser més productiva avui". Avui reflexiono sobre aquest tema, tu què en penses? També et passa? Si tens ca…
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In this episode, ⁠Krish Palaniappan⁠ interviews ⁠Srivatsa Srinivasan⁠ to explore the intricacies of sales, particularly in the B2B context. They discuss the fundamental aspects of sales, the importance of understanding buyer personas, and the differences between outbound and inbound sales strategies. The conversation emphasizes the continuous natur…
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Les Français ont la réputation de se plaindre souvent. Dans cet épisode, je partage deux explications principales à cette tendance culturelle. Je relève les bienfaits et les limites de cette pratique et les connecte aux bonnes pratiques à adopter pour apprendre le français. Sommaire 00:00 Introduction 2:19 L'esprit critique français 03:45 Créer du …
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