Nutrition, fitness, supplements and martial arts. It's all about reaching that optimum level in everything you do.
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Episode 9 We’re talking about the prevention and management of knee or joint injuries, how to get your mind right for competition or health goals, healthy eating, martial arts and the usual fitness and nutrition randomness.…
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Episode 8 Still going strong with some great life hacks for efficiency. As well as that, we have all the usual on fitness, nutrition and mindset. Check it!Playing Karate in the Garage által
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Episode 7 We’re back with more! Food and depression, mindset, supplements, reading your labels, saving money on whole-foods and some martial arts randomness.Playing Karate in the Garage által
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Episode 6 Can we trust our so called health professionals? What’s in our coffee? Fats, sugar, protein and gluten! All that and other health and fitness related goodies.Playing Karate in the Garage által
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Episode 5 Female bodybuilding, green bananas and resistant starch, motivation, vitamins and some pretty cool facts about health and fitness that could be useful.Playing Karate in the Garage által
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Episode 4 We continue our talk on magnesium, a few other supplements in our stack, more on fitness and motivation, why you crave carbs, bodybuilding and a bit on the psychology of dieting.…
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Episode 3 We discuss pre-workout supplements, why you need to cycle, more on adrenal fatigue, Ronda Rousey and other health related goodies.Playing Karate in the Garage által
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Adrenal Burnout Series- Part 1 Adrenal fatigue/burnout is a common condition in the Western world. Here is the first part in the series discussing the initial outcomes of our own experience with adrenal burnout.…
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Episode 2 A chat on supplements, steroids and choosing a personal trainer.Playing Karate in the Garage által
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Episode 1 We discuss the use of fish oil, mindfulness and techniques for dealing with anxiety.Playing Karate in the Garage által
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