Messages from the Walnut Grove campus of North Langley Community Church in Langley, BC, Canada.
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As we engage with one another, we are called to be people of empathy, gentleness and wisdom.Jeff Renaud által
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Jesus is the embodiment of truth and love. He wants us to follow him out of pre-packaged political bundles and into political homelessness that will allow us to stand for righteousness in our day. Only following Jesus will place us on the right side of history.Matthew Price által
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In this message, we explore the Biblical idea that we are exiles living in a foreign land, and we explore two ways of seeking the shalom of Canada. These two very different approaches that Christians take to politics are rooted in Scripture and are important to keep in mind as we seek to live wisely today as we follow Jesus.…
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As we launch our new series on how to follow Jesus in a politically polarized age we unpack our primary identity as citizens of the Kingdom of God. Our allegiance is to King Jesus alone. Citizenship in the Kingdom of God has the potential of making us the best Canadian citizens- freed up to love our neighbour and work for the common good."…
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Will shares about his work with the organization Christians Against Poverty.North Langley Community Church által
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Watch at: Shin által
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In this message, we receive the assurance that if God is for us- who can be against us? The Father loves you. Christ shed his blood for you and intercedes for you. The Spirit of God is in you. And if the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are for us- who can be against us?Matthew Price által
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We live in the reality of now-and-not-yet. The time between Gods promise given and apromise is fulfilled is a long and difficult journey, but the Holy Spirit walks with us,groans with us, helps us, and intercedes for us.Jon Reesor által
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We have heard that God works all things for the good of those who love him but what does that actually mean? Today we will see that God has committed to work a great good through our suffering and pain. He is committed to shaping us into the image of Jesus that we might be a blessing to others.Matthew Price által
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What are humans good for? Romans 8 tells us that creation will be free when God makes us who we were meant to be! God's children have a destiny, to take responsibility in God's renewed creation!Tim McCarthy által
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In this message we explore the truth that all of us who have surrendered to Jesus are the children of God. God has rescued us from slavery like a Father who rescues his beloved child. God invites us to call him 'Abba Father' as we grow in greater intimacy and love.Matthew Price által
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Do you look around, and dont like the realm you live in? Dont like the toxic effects of sin in ourselves, our marriages, our world? GOOD NEWS! It doesnt have to be this way! There is a whole other realm, or Kingdom, available to you; that you can move into and inhabit.And it is not far away, It has come near.…
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We begin a new series in Romans chapter 8 as we focus on the remarkable truth that now in Christ Jesus there is no condemnation! God condemned sin and now offers us a new way to live life by His Holy Spirit. Here on week 1 of this new series, we want to see God heal us with his truth- grounded in our new identity in Christ- and we want to experienc…
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Being enamoured by God's splendour will lead us to a greater desperation for Him.Dane Smith által
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We return to our First Love as we step into the light of God and allow him to expose all the areas of sin that so easily steal our joy. As we repent we turn from our ways- we experience His freedom and His joy. He is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.Matthew Price által
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We return to our First Love as we discover our spiritual gifts and use them to love God and our neighbours. We have served God from a place of exhaustion, bitterness, legalism, pride, and fear. But we want to serve from a place of deep union with Christ. We want to enjoy loving God as we love others.…
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We return to our First Love as we cherish God's very word. The 2 travellers on the road to Emmaus experienced burning in their hearts as Jesus explained how all the Scriptures point to Him. In this sermon, we are learning what it means to truly encounter Jesus in the Scriptures.Matthew Price által
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We are living in the fog of secularism and it is so easy to believe that God is far away and irrelevant to the pressing needs of our life. But what if God was closer than we can even imagine? What if there are burning bushes everywhere on fire with the Presence of God? What if God could remove the veil from our eyes so that we can see that He has b…
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Are you in a circle of friends who love you and love Jesus? Many of us who are not feeling loved by God are feeling that way because we are more and more cut off from the love of others. The truth is that our love for God is rekindled as we love one another.Matthew Price által
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Jesus meets a woman at a well and offers her the very Presence of the Living God. This woman is so changed by Jesus that she shares the good news with her entire village. There is no greater joy than introducing people we love to the God we love. This is how we rekindle our first love.Matthew Price által
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Charles Spurgeon once wrote: 'Believe me, if you have but a spark of desire after Christ, he has a whole furnace of desire after you.'(Charles Spurgeon,September 16, 1883.).In Revelation 2 we hear Jesus encourage the church at Ephesus to return to their first love. In this sermon, we begin our 8-week journey into looking at what it means to return …
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Watch at: McCarthy által
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Jesus is the Great Peacemaker and is promising to shape us into a people who make peace. Peacemaking is hard work but Jesus promises that, as we cultivate peace, we will be called children of God- doing the every work our Father does.Matthew Price által
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Watch at: Thiessen által
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The mercy of Jesus has been poured out on us, and He is calling us to pour that mercy out on others. The mercy of Jesus is expressed through the forgiveness of sin. In this message, we explore the topic of forgiveness and we begin to practice forgiving our enemy in prayer.Matthew Price által
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Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled.Rob Rhea által
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Meek and gentle are the same Greek word in this passage, so when Jesus blesses the meek he blesses the gentle. He promises that the gentle win in the end. Rooted in Psalm 37, as well as the life of Moses, we explore what it means to be gentle. We see Jesus as the Gentle One who, at the cross, does not punish us in wrath but gently loves us with a s…
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We live in the now and not yet reality of the Kingdom of God. It has come near and isbreaking into the world, but it is also not yet fully realized. In this next part of theBeatitudes, Jesus says Blessed are those who mourn. We mourn when we encounterthe gap between the Kingdom of God and our lives. As we do, we experience the heartof Jesus, encoun…
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In the Beatitudes, Jesus unpacks a style of living that he calls blessed. Although we might struggle to see how this is the case, it is the poor in spirit, those who understand their need for God, who experience His transforming power in their lives.North Langley Community Church által
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As we walk through the darkest valleys we have the chance to experience the nearness and love of God. Psalm 23 is a beautiful reminder of the Shepherd who cares for His sheep in the wilderness and protects them from the enemy.Matthew Price által
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On this family Sunday, we read through Psalm 100.Janet Thiessen által
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We all hope in something. The Psalmist fixes his gaze, not on the circumstances around him, but on God himself. What does this look like in the season we are in? And can we really rest assured that God is trustworthy to place our hope in?Jeff Renaud által
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Psalm 51 is Davids Psalm of repentance after committing horrible sin in 2 Samuel 11 12. Repentance is a season in our faith journey we often want to skip, but true transformation comes from true repentance.Kevin Schultz által
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The Psalmist sees the wicked and self-serving having dramatic success in their lives and feels a sense of injustice. He asks the question, "Is God actually good?" As we look at this Psalm we too have had times with similar feelings, and can learn from the journey he takes in his time of processing.Dane Smith által
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Psalm 1 serves as an introduction to the book of Psalms. In this psalm, we learn about the way of wisdom and what it means to be planted like a tree by streams of living water. We discover the delight of meditating on Gods law in every season of our soul.Ben Frederiksen által
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Watch at: McCarthy által
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Watch at: Thiessen által
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God has gifted us the Sabbath, one day each week without work, and yet it doesn't always feel like a gift. We might sense the weight of obligation, wonder at the relevance of an outdated idea, or simply fear it to be a killjoy, but Sabbath slows us down to the speed of the God who creates, delivers, and provides.…
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Andrea Hendy - Watch at: Hendy által
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Watch at: McCarthy által
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Noah Fensome joined us all the way from Amsterdam to finish our Luke series talking about Jesus' call for his followers to take the life-changing message of the Gospel into every corner of the world.North Langley Community Church által
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Even when were walking on the road of addictions, anxiety, illness, hurts, self-hatred, guilt, and shame, that looks too strong, that looks impossible for us to turn around from that road, even when we feel like nothing can be changed in our lives, what still gives us hope is Jesus.Eric Shin által
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We all have moments where we feel as though a fog has settled in our minds and our hearts. Today we will take a look at 2 disciples who had this same feeling in their own lives, and the things they did to allow Jesus to walk with them through the fog, and bring them to a place of hope, joy, and passion.…
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The simple fact of the matter is that for every person who encounters Christ dramatically with blinding lights and a booming voice, hundreds more meet him slowly and quietly, incognito on the Emmaus road, through friendship, Scripture, and conversation."-Pete GreigDan Warkentin által
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Watch at: McCarthy által
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Does the resurrection of Jesus from the dead 2000 years ago really matter?" Believing in the resurrection is one thing, but do we know what it means? Christs death and resurrection are central to the gospel because God raised Christ from the dead so that we can be forgiven, changed by his power and face eternity with hope.…
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Jesus journey to Jerusalem (Luke 9-19) culminates here with his Triumphal Entry into the holy city. In his royal procession, Jesus rides into the city on a borrowed donkey, symbolizing his meekness and humility. The disciples sing Gods praise while the religious leaders feel threatened. Jesus is the humble servant king who alone brings true peace t…
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There are situations or seasons where we feel hard-pressed. Where we know that life has not gone the way we have wanted it to. Where we wish for a different way for it to go. And in these times we truly wonder where to turn. Part of the beauty of the Bible is that it is brutally honest and vulnerable. As we get closer to Easter, we find that Jesus …
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As we practice this new covenant meal, may it stir within us hope for hisreturn and thankfulness for who he is and what he has done.Kevin Schultz által
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Facing opposition in the form of the temptation of selfish ambition, the dangers of Satan's aggression, and the challenge of worldly antagonism, followers of Jesus can trust in Jesus as our Servant King, our Advocate, and our Saviour.Tim McCarthy által
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