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サンデーマンガ倶楽部 Sunday Manga Club


出版界の片隅にいる3人が、マンガについてゆるーく語っていく番組です。【毎週日曜日更新】 海外マンガの翻訳をしている原、マンガ編集者のハヤシ、デザイナーのタダでお送りします。 お便りは までお願いします!
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Manga Goblin

Jakub & Robin

Zwei Goblins, zwei Mikrofone und ein Playbutton – mehr braucht es nicht um euch in die wundersame Welt der Anime, Manga und japanischen Kultur zu entführen. Neben den heißesten neuen Releases reden wir über alles. Egal ob alt oder neu, gefragt oder gejagt, lang oder kurz, spannend oder gruselig, für jeden ist was dabei.
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**New Episodes every Monday!** Join hosts dakazu, darfox8, Seamus2389, and Morgana Santilli for Manga Machinations! Our weekly manga discussions focus on introducing lots of unknown manga and doing in-depth retrospective reviews of titles such as ‘Tokyo Tarareba Girls’, ‘BLAME!’, Tezuka Osamu’s ‘Phoenix’, and more! Get more info at and send emails to
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Veteran comics podcaster Tim and monster theorist Patrick now enter season two, a chapter-by-chapter look at Hitoshi Iwaaki's PARASYTE! Scroll back for season one, our chapter-by-chapter discussion of Hiromu Arakawa's FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST!
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#Ohayo! les nakamas et bienvenue sur ce podcast, dédié à tous les otakus ! ⛩✌🏼 Une fois par semaine, je te parle manga ! Retrouve moi aussi sur tous mes réseaux (Twitter ; Instagram) @segohayo Bonne écoute ! 🤓
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There is no surprise that the anime and manga scene have become massive over the last few years. Whether you’re getting ready to purchase your first manga, or you’re looking to add yet another series to your already-packed bookshelf; Project Tsundoku is here to help! We deep dive into the manga world to bring you heartfelt reviews on a range of titles. Looking to win a FREE MANGA? We give away a copy of each title we review, check us out on Instagram and Twitter to learn more @projecttsundoku.
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Mangala Shri Bhuti - The Link

Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Dungse Jampal Norbu and students

At the heart of the Buddhist path is the individual practitioner who integrates the teachings with his or her own experience. Posting weekly since August of 2009, the Link Podcast features pithy teachings by Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche, Dungse Jampal Norbu, and Elizabeth Mattis Namgyel that illustrate the creativity and practicality that are the hallmarks of being a successful meditator. Talks by students of Dzigar Kongtrul Rinpoche offer an intimate window into the spiritual paths of Western s ...
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A manga discussion podcast focusing on shojo (and josei!) series that make your heart go doki-doki. Covering classics like CLAMP’s “Cardcaptor Sakura” and Yuu Watase’s “Fushigi Yuugi” to newer favorites like Kazune Kawahara’s “My Love Story!!” and Hiro Fujiwara’s “Maid Sama!” Shojo & Tell host Ashley McDonnell discusses one series per episode with a rotating shojo superfan. We're recreating all those impassioned rants you'd have with your friends about your favorite series, just in podcast f ...
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The Mudai Manga and Book Club podcast explores the stories, comics, and novels coming out of Japan. From the newest Shonen Jump sensation to classics of manga’s early days, from brutal historical action series to fantastical romances to just the dumb fun of goofy Isekai stories and everything and anything in between, join us as we find series new and old to enjoy and explore together.
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Manga sammeln und lesen kann ein extrem zeitaufwendiges und teures Hobby sein. Manga-Reihen erscheinen seit bald 30 Jahren in Deutschland und jeden Monat kommen um die 100 neue Bände dazu. Im Streaming-Bereich gibt es derzeit dutzende Anime zur Auswahl - zudem werden viele Animes auch zum Kauf angeboten. Jede Woche erreichen uns neue News zu neuen Simulcasts, Lizenzen, neue Manga-Reihen und vieles mehr. Wir möchten euch helfen den Durchblick zu behalten. Wir, dass sind Verena und Tjorben. Hi ...
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PCF Mangas

Max, Jo et Doz

Un Podcast Chaloupé pour les Fans de Mangas, animé par une équipe composée de Doz le marseillais (Force Jaune Pastis), Jo le martiniquais (Force Verte Coco) et Max le ch’ti (Force Marron Fricadelle)! On souhaite partager avec vous notre passion et nos expériences à travers notamment des dossiers complets sur nos auteurs favoris! Débats, Humour, Karaoké ... Pas de prise de tête, c'est notre crédo.
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Deb Aoki, David Brothers, Christopher Butcher, Chip Zdarsky

Curious about manga but don't know where to start? Well neither does comics writer/artist Chip Zdarsky! Join manga experts Deb Aoki, David Brothers, and Christopher Woodrow-Butcher, as they introduce the medium to Chip (and to you!) through some of its best and most important works. Every week a new volume of manga to re-discover, discuss, and enjoy! More info at!
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Bienvenue dans le monde palpitant des blablas du manga, le podcast ultime pour tous les fan de manga ! émission bi-mensuel, qui te plongera au cœur de l'actualité de tes mangas préférés. Que vous soyez un lecteur assidu, un spectateur enthousiaste de live action, ou simplement un curieux du monde fascinant du manga, les blablas du manga est votre rendez-vous incontournable. Rejoignez-nous pour explorer les multiples dimensions du manga, entre émotions, analyses et bonne humeur. Prêts à vivre ...
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Tous les mois retrouvez l'équipe de Mangacast pour un talk-show consacré au manga et à l'animation japonaise. Deux émissions vous sont proposées mensuellement : Mangacast, dans laquelle vous retrouverez nos dossiers, portraits, débats et sagas, et Mangacast Omake, dans laquelle vous découvrirez nos chroniques manga et animé, nos coups de cœur et nos coups de gueule.
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El Racó del Manga

El Racó del Manga

Benvinguts a "El Racó del Manga", un podcast sobre manga, anime i cultura japonesa en català! Som un equip d'enamorats del món nipó amb l'objectiu de potenciar el doblatge en català de les nostres sèries i pel·lícules d'anime preferides. Cada setmana, fem el possible per mantenir-vos al dia amb les últimes novetats del sector amb la Jayce, la nostra cap de Premsa. També us portem terúlies amb conviats moderades per la periodista cultural Adriana Diaz. Recomanacions retro de manga, anime, vid ...
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(Currently bi-weekly) Covers legally-available manga from a variety of genres and demographics. Discover popular hits and under-the-radar manga! Hosted by John.
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Anime! Manga! Conventions! Fandom! Reviews! News! Editorials! Seasonal Preview Guides! Classics! The Reverse Thieves look at so much anime and manga that it can’t be contained within a single podcast. Join Kate and Alain as they discuss everything from what they just watched to what is going on in fandom. SWAT (Seasonal Watching Anime Taskforce) Reviews: A look at the first episode of the best (and sometimes worst) anime of the new season. Case Closed Reviews: A final wrap-up of the anime we ...
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魅惑的な日本の漫画の世界であるMangarawは、その魅力的なストーリーと多様なジャンルで世界中の読者の心をつかんでいます。お気に入りのマンガを読むには、Mangakomaにアクセスしてください。 Mangaraw は、幅広いマンガ作品へのアクセスを提供するオンライン プラットフォームです。Mangaraw の「raw」という用語は、通常、翻訳されていないマンガの章を指します。
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Unlike other TPSs, Manga Fighter is geared towards the casual player. Colorful array of surroundings immerse the player in their fun and exciting gaming experience. Filled with fun ideas, unique map designs, colorful graphics and excitement lurking around every corner make Manga Fighter an addictive game.
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Join brothers, Zac and Justin, on their journey into the world of manga! On Manga Opus, expect discussions of the best, strangest, and whatever-we-felt-like-est manga of all time.
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This is a space for all nakama, where I'll discuss about weekly and monthly releases of new scanlations, whether be it Manga or Manwha (Korean Mangas)! I'll also make you discover some underground Manga from time to time that I really enjoy! Let's do this guys and gals!
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Welcome to Manga Horse, where we talk about anime and manga, Review and analyze chapters of the biggest shows & Movies, and talk a lot about Attack on Titan So if you’re a fantasy fan, you’ll want to stick around
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Weekly Shonen Jump manga reviews and other anime/manga related discussions. Current Review Roster: Ayashimon, Sakamoto Days, Mission: Yozakura Family, Jujutsu Kaisen, My Hero Academia, One Piece. Make sure to subscribe so you never miss an episode! Support this podcast:
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The Manga Club

Brian Morehouse

The manga discussion podcast for people who love anything and everything to do with manga! We talk about collections, genre's, passion and everything in between. The only requirement to listen is to enjoy a great time with even better people. We are The Manga Club, just without the classroom.
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show series
Send us a text Shinichi’s teacher is a parasyte! Does that mean he and his classmates are in danger? Or, is Migi correct to admire this parasyte’s adaptability? Tim and Patrick discuss the chapter, and continue to compare the 1998 Mixx/Tokyo Pop translation, which tries to adjust the language for Americans’ lack of familiarity with Japan and manga …
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En el podcast d’avuí, a l’actualitat ens farem ressò de la manca de cap nou doblatge en català en cap dels títols que va anunciar la distribuidora Selecta Visión en el seu últim directe, i en quina situació ens deixà. Al parlem-ne, Adriana Diaz moderarà una tertúlia sobre el complicat tema del fanservice ecchi a l’anime, amb la fotògrafa Irene Kuro…
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The cops claim it. The Yakuza fight for it. Gangs and hoodlums bleed for it. But everyone in Treasure Town knows the truth: these streets belong to two orphaned kids named Black and White. Their legendary story, still hailed as manga royalty three decades later, isn't just about survival—it's about the soul of a city itself. This week, Mat welcomes…
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On this episode we talk about Tamaki & Amane, A Witch's Life in Mongol, building Gunpla, Death Stranding, and more! Then we return to our Retrospective on Taiyo Matsumoto's No. 5 by reading chapters 13-26!!! Send us emails! Follow us on Twitter! @mangamacpodcast Check out our website! Suppor…
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Votez ! Oui, votez pour élire les 6 mangas à suivre qui feront l’objet de nos prochaines émissions. Le lien est ici 👉 Cette année encore, nous avons besoin de vous ! Nous préparons... L’article Sondage : votez pour les mangas à suivre – #46 – Le supplément de La 5e de Couv’ est apparu en premier sur La 5e de Couv' - Le p…
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Welcome to the special collaboration episode between Ashley of Shojo & Tell and Chika and Giana of Shoujo Sundae (hereby dubbed the "shojo trio"). In this episode, we talk everything Josee, the Tiger and the Fish: the animated movie version (amazing!), the manga (basically the same as the movie but taking things at your own pace can be helpful!), t…
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こういうのでいいんだよ、こういうので……そんな全てがちょうど良いスケベなBLです ゲストにPL研究会家の西原さん登場です! 【西原麻里さんのご著書はこちら】 西原麻里『BLマンガの表現史 少年愛からボーイズラブジャンルへ』(青弓社、2025年2月28日発売) 【西原麻里さんが運営しているポッドキャスト】 大学教員のおもてとうら 跡見アカデミックラウンジ 【おたより募集中】 ご意見・ご感想はこちらま…
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Taiki and Chinatsu's final days in the gymnasium are upon us, Loki brings ruin to Elbaph, and Astro Royale skips straight to the final round! For those not watching the video, this episode was recorded while Nik was visiting Quinn. There will be some inconsistencies in volume from the set-up, but thankfully no connection issues! 5:53 - Ichi the Wit…
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Stellt euch vor, Ihr werdet wiedergeboren in eine neue Welt. Bekommt bevor Ihr weggeschickt werdet, eine krasse Fähigkeit und merkt dann, dass jeder so eine Fähigkeit bekommen hat. Das ist eine Sache die wir in dieser Folge ansprechen, nämlich wie Basic manchmal Isekai sein können. Natürlich gibt's auch ein Update zu Solo leveling, wie gerade der S…
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In the city where people sleep normally, and the weather is just about always sunny and warm, and a certain five year old has unfathomale powers of turning bubble pipes into breathing apparatuses, we find our series for this week, Hard Boiled Cop and Dolphin! In addition, Louie takes Tom through the wringer with a few rounds of Name That Isekai! an…
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Qui ne s'est jamais dit "mon dieu, ceux-là ils n'auraient jamais dû avoir d'enfants..." ? Et bien c'est autour de cette question que s'articule le manga Stardust Family. Pour avoir le droit de procréer, il faut un permis. Et pour avoir ce permis, il faut passer l'examen avec de redoutables enfants-examinateurs. Hiraki en fait partie. Je vous laisse…
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Bienvenue dans ce nouvel épisode consacré au manga Gantz édité chez Delcourt Tonkam Pour m'accompagner, je retrouve le poto Roland du Freaky Cast Au programme, le premier du chapitre du manga où le thème centrale sera les sentais !! Bonne écoute à toutes et à tous !! Où retrouver Le Freaky Cast : N'hésitez pas à …
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In dieser Folge tauchen wir tief in den Neon Genesis Evangelion Manga ein! Wie ist die Story von Yoshiyuki Sadamoto Manga-Version? Welche neuen Perspektiven und Charakterentwicklungen erwarten uns? Und welche Momente haben uns am meisten überrascht? 🤯 Begleitet uns auf dieser Reise durch eine alternative Version von Evangelion – mit all ihren Stärk…
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Tonight on GeekNights, we review the Sakamoto Days anime. It starts with a strong premise, but in the end it's just a shounen fighting show. In the news, Flow wins Latvia's first Oscar, The Day The Earth Blew Up actually looks pretty good, you can see Princess Mononoke restored in theaters, and Common Side Effects is real good. Related Links Forum …
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Welcome back to Manga Mavericks @ Movies! The show where we don’t just talk smack about movies, we celebrate them! We’re back after (check notes) FOUR YEARS(?!) to talk about the year of film in 2024! It’s been a long time since we’ve done one of these, so you may be wondering why we were so eager to record a podcast about 2024 films than years pas…
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