Listen to the amazing word of God!
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One Love Ministries has been formed as a fellowship of believers in the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our supreme desire is to know Christ and to be conformed to His image by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are not a denominational church, nor are we opposed to denominations as such. One Love Ministries was formed in September of 2004 and is located on the island of O'ahu in the state of Hawai'i.
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We spread the gospel to the least of these with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ; We reach out to those the World has forgotten.
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Spreading Love through the word of God.
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Welcome to Rise Up Love Ministires Podcast. This podcast is hosted by Director/Founder of Mega Credit Boost, Inc, Entrepreneur of various Industries and author of "Die Empty while living a full life" Mr. Julius Hammond and his wife Life Coach and author Dr. Gloria Hammond. This Podcast focuses on various topics such as Personal Development, Child Rearing, Marital Relationships and Business. These topics are addressed from a Christian/Spiritual Foundation on which all responses and topics wil ...
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As born-again believers not hesistant to embrace their Judeo-Christian heritage, join us on a journey as Andrew and Elo aim to debunk the lies and affirm the truths concerning controversial topics like LOA, mysticism, spirituality, etc. using the Word of God, the guidance of the Holy Spirit as well as their own personal revelatory experiences. Sit back and enjoy as they teach, share and grow with you (the Body of Christ) into the fullness of all He has prepared for you since the foundation o ...
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Providing Biblical Solutions for Everyday Problems
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Join Love In Action International Ministries President/Pastor Ken Tuck for uplifting, encouraging, and challenging podcasts. Ken teaches the Word of God, shares uplifting stories of how lives of the homeless have been transformed by Jesus Christ, and of reaching unreached people groups around the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Ken also teaches and discusses the Great Commission and being a Great Commission Christian.
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The intention of Mystic Ministries and this Podcast: To unite the forces in each of us and between us, that unveil the mystical presence, the beloved I AM. Our task is to invoke remembrance, community, self-empowerment and interdependence. To replace the mainstream culture with a vibrant, healthy way. This knowledge lives where two or more are gathered. As we lead our lives as our own mystics, our own guides and commune... A master lives in each of us... yet God is between us. Stay tuned and ...
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Bold and Free Ministries - Break Free Into the Cycle of Love, Reconciliation and Restoration
Jon Farr
A series of stories about redemption, healing, reconciliation, and restoration of broken relationships as well as individual people finding freedom from their past through the power of God's love, the life-changing impact of the Holy Spirit, and inspiration and illumination from the Word of God.
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Bertie preaches on the power of birth.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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The focus of this message is for you to understand eternal life as the end goal for us all and not heaven.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Nico preaches an outstanding message on the simplicity of God. This teaching is a must for every person.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Nico explains the goodness of God.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Nico Uys talks about Being one with God.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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The Comfort of GodDynamic Love Ministries által
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Nico Talks more about the power of faith and grace based faith.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In this five part series Nico explains the depths of understanding the heart of the Father. The fruit of listening to these messages will absolute trust in God.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In this five part series Nico explains the depths of understanding the heart of the Father. The fruit of listening to these messages will absolute trust in God.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In this five part series Nico explains the depths of understanding the heart of the Father. The fruit of listening to these messages will absolute trust in God.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In this five part series Nico explains the depths of understanding the heart of the Father. The fruit of listening to these messages will absolute trust in God.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In this teaching Bertie explains the vengeance of God in the return of Jesus.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Bertie explains that Jesus as the TITHE is actually the vengeance of God revealed against what opresses His people.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In this teaching Bertie explains the fire and hell spoken of in the story of the Rich man and LazarusDynamic Love Ministries által
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In this short message you will see the GRACE perspective on one of the most well known messages Jesus taught in the sermon on the mount. Having a pure heart can be seen as having a pure belief not mixed with law also and not only as explained in the video. The explanation used can simply help us in experiencing more of HIS LOVE for us.…
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Addressing behavior from the perspective of GRACEDynamic Love Ministries által
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Positive thinking can be confused for having a renewal of the mind. Bertie explains the renewal of the mind as the original minds given to man by God.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In this teaching Bertie explains the setting wherein Jesus said that a person needs to be born again. He explains what it means to be born of water as well as what Jesus meant when He said that those born of the Spirit are like the wind.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Bertie teaches on acceptance of Jesus as much more than just confession of sins in the hope of salvation. This message is a life-changing message that will help your heart to get established in all Jesus has done for you. Be ready for some challenging truth.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Bertie explains that God has never killed any person neither will He do so.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In this message Bertie explains what fear is according to Biblical terms. This message is directed towards establishing your heart in the love that God has for you, resulting in fear free living.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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The Elements of this World by Wessel PretoriusDynamic Love Ministries által
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Pages I Wanted to Tear Out of the Bible by Sinclair PurdueDynamic Love Ministries által
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In hierdie boodskap verduidelik Bertie die globale herskepping van die mensdom vanaf n wetgebaseerde mens tot n geloofgebaseerde mens.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In hierdie boodskap gesels Bertie oor die basiese beginsels wat verstaan moet word om die meeste te maak van Bybel lees. Hy verduidelik dat dit uiters belangrik is om ten alle tye die WOORD raak te lees in die SKRIF. In die boodskap word daar ook duidelike onderskeid getref tussen die Skrif en die Woord van God.…
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In this teaching Bertie explains the consuming fire of God towards that which is against Him. It is a wonderful grace-based message that will set you free from thinking God is angry and want to destroy people.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Nico Uys continues to talk about the power of faith.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Reign in Life by Nico UysDynamic Love Ministries által
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Message by Steve BarkerDynamic Love Ministries által
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How can we believe in the Gospel if we do not understand the Gospel? To see the fruit of the Gospel in our lives, we must understand exactly what is the purpose of the Gospel. What is the purpose of the Gospel, for what purpose did God create man and for what purpose did Jesus Christ come? Wessel answers all of these questions and explains the diff…
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Die is n kragtige verduideliking oor HOE GOD ONS stuur. Die boodskap is n moet vir elke gelowige.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Bertie verduidelik die betekenis van wedergeboorte.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In the teaching Bertie explains how beautiful the vengeance of God is.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In hierdie reeks verduidelik Bertie die genade van God as die invloedryke liefde van God vir alle mense.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Iets wat jy kan aanstuur as iemand dalk nie weet nieDynamic Love Ministries által
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Verstaan John 15:1-3 in die lig van die NTDynamic Love Ministries által
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Bertie verduidelik die betekenis van Wedergeboorte.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Safety for the insecure - Nico UysDynamic Love Ministries által
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The Gospel is not the good news of "God is not angry anymore". It is also not the message of Jesus saving you from a hell the Father made to destroy you in. It is the message of God giving you immortality on account of His love.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Die barmhartigheid van God is die bousteen van God se wonderlike invloed in in lewe.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Jesus gave us the ministration of reconciliation. That is the ministry we all have. We might have different gifts in this ministry but reconciliation where all our sins was not held against us. We call people to be reconciled to God by belief in HIS reconciliationDynamic Love Ministries által
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How do you explain the death of a young person, or people that are simply dying before their time?Dynamic Love Ministries által
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James 1Dynamic Love Ministries által
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What does it mean to hate your life and to serve Jesus?Dynamic Love Ministries által
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How change takes place (short message)Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Bertie explains the thorn in the flesh Paul struggled withDynamic Love Ministries által
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What does it mean to add to your faith? What is the multiplication of Grace?Dynamic Love Ministries által
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A clearer understanding of Is 54:9Dynamic Love Ministries által
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In this message Bertie explains easy obedience - this will TRULY enrich you and leave you with a sweet peace lingering in your heart.Dynamic Love Ministries által
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Understand the COMFORT of the Holy SpiritDynamic Love Ministries által
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