Lancaster Baptist Podcast features the dynamic preaching and teaching of Dr. Paul Chappell, the senior Pastor of Lancaster Baptist Church and the President of West Coast Baptist College in Lancaster, CA.
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2 Samuel 9:1-6Parry Dalzell által
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Ephesians 5:15-17Paul Choi által
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Luke 2:8-16Pastor Paul Chappell által
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Revelation 12:1-8Matt Chappell által
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Luke 2:1-18Pastor Paul Chappell által
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Leviticus 25:9-10Dr. Nathan Birt által
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Luke 2:1-6Pastor Paul Chappell által
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Isaiah 9:6-7Rick Houk által
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Matthew 1:18-25Pastor Paul Chappell által
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Matthew 14:15-21Dr. R.B. Ouellette által
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