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Jerusalem TalksND

Notre Dame Jerusalem

Jerusalem TalksND is series of conversations produced by The University of Notre Dame’s academic center in Jerusalem with the purpose of amplifying the unique voices in Jerusalem and the region. Moderated by Avraham (Avrum) Burg, former speaker of the Knesset and adjunct faculty member at the academic center, Jerusalem TalksND offers audiences a window into the nuances - and questions - that define the region's past, present and future. RSSVERIFY
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Jerusalem Lights

Rabbi Chaim Richman and Jim Long

Hosts Rabbi Chaim Richman and Jim Long discuss the beauty and universality of the eternal Torah and its accessibility and vital connection to every individual: Torah For Everyone
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Jerusalem Unplugged is the only podcast dedicated to Jerusalem, its history, and its people. Dr. Roberto Mazza is interviewing scholars, activists, politicians, artists, journalists, religious men and women, and everybody that in one way or another is connected to Jerusalem. Podcasts will bring you closer to the city and understand its complex layout and they uncover a wealth of knowledge. You will hear about a Jerusalem you never heard of. Support the Podcast at ...
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The weekly podcast of ever popular author, lecturer, film producer and historian, the inimitable Rabbi Hanoch Teller, takes an intelligent and thought-provoking look at the early struggle to establish the State of Israel. Through analysis of key events of the past, insight is acquired on the present. Every fourth week is devoted to the fundamentals to becoming a morally sensitive, dignified individual; enhancing personal character has never been so uplifting. Teller From Jerusalem is ear can ...
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Many mistake the idea of Back to Jerusalem as a movement of the Chinese church to evangelize Jerusalem. However, Back to Jerusalem is the goal of the Chinese church to evangelize the unreached peoples from eastern provinces of China, westwards towards Jerusalem. Our organization partners with the church of China to not only evangelize the religiously oppressed areas of Asia, but to also train and send Chinese missionaries into the unreached regions of the globe. This podcast is a publication ...
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“613 Books” podcast spotlights a different author every week in an interview hosted by veteran broadcast and podcast producer Heather Dean. If you love to read, or write, books geared to Jewish readers, this podcast is for you! After her extraordinary 14-year career broadcasting celebrity interviews for MTV, E! Entertainment Television and Associated Press (AP) Radio, Heather upgraded her life and career, which is centered on Torah values. Interested in advertising your product or service to ...
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Pardes from Jerusalem

Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies

Join Rabbi Zvi Hirschfield and guests each week for a thoughtful and engaging podcast discussion of the weekly Torah portion. Each week, Zvi will be joined by a guest for a deep dive into the text, unraveling the wisdom nestled within each Torah portion, exploring its timeless relevance, and uncovering contemporary insights. Whether you’re a seasoned Torah scholar, an inquisitive seeker of knowledge, or simply someone looking for inspiration and wisdom, Pardes from Jerusalem provides you wit ...
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Watch Jerusalem

Gerald R. Flurry

Watch Jerusalem brings you news and archaeology from a biblical perspective. Host Brent Nagtegaal is on location in Jerusalem to give you the most important developments happening on the ground—and emerging from beneath it. Nagtegaal is a contributor for
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Athens and Jerusalem (in Education)

Knut Ove Æsøy, Steven Phelps, Kamran Namdar

In this podcast we explore the relationship between a scientifically rational and a spiritual approach to reality. That is the relationship of Athens and Jerusalem. Our currently prevalent Western worldview is supposed to be based on rationality. If production of weapons of mass destruction, degradation of the natural environment, and increasing deterioration of mental well-being are signs of rationality, the term is to be considered a dangerous one. In all these, one can detect lack of ethi ...
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Jerusalem Rooftop

Yehuda Seigel

Come on up to the rooftop with Yehuda Seigel for Intimate interviews with Jerusalem's colorful characters. produced by Chananel Benarroch Check out our community at:
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Jerusalem Raíces

Jerusalem Podcasts

- Jerusalem Raíces fue creado para compartir la raíz hebrea que lleva el cristianismo y acercar a las personas al D-s de Israel. - Series de Raíces Hebreas se comparten todos los días Jueves. - Siempre que se termina una serie o existe una festividad judía NO se sube capítulo en la Serie. - Este audio es publicado sin fines de lucro o publicidad, el único propósito es compartir La Palabra de D-s. - Se recomienda escuchar las Series en orden para una mayor Comprensión - Se recomienda escuchar ...
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the new Jerusalem

Subir Joshua Gorey

What is the true gospel of Jesus Christ? What is the good news of His Salvation? Jesus gave Himself as a ransom for all of us. He paid a heavy price at the cross because He loves us. Each week, hear about how to break free from religious restrictions but instead have an abiding, trusting relationship with Jesus. If you want to live in the shelter of the Most High, encompassed by His blessing, His overflowing grace, and His never failing, everlasting love, this podcast is for you. “And how wi ...
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Jesus, de Nazareth a Jerusalem

Dans un monde où la violence et la misère règnent sans partage, un homme se lève pour incarner l'espoir. Seul, il défend les faibles contre leurs oppresseurs, seul il dénonce l'injustice et l'hypocrisie, seul il prône l'Amour et la Vérité. On commence à venir à lui des quatre coins du pays. On dit que dans son sillage les miracles se multiplient.
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Jerusalem Artichoke is a Christian community focused on growth, connection, and encouragement! This is a place for real talk, stories, fun, love, and grace. My hope is that God uses this blog as a reminder that his love is the one true light in this world. ​ My heart knows this truth, yet I stumble in my walk every day! I am easily distracted. Busyness and anxieties take over my thoughts and choices. Rejection, emotions, and pride have tripped me up regularly. The good news is that I am not ...
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After hard frosts and heavy snows, finally March Madness begins. It brings not only the best show in basketball, but Easter lilies in Wal-Mart and beautiful new dresses on racks for moms to buy for their little girls. It’s the triumph of warmth over cold, of tulip blossoms over ugly bulbs, but most of all it’s the time when more than 2 billion Christians across the globe look back to the events of Passion Week, the Last Week, the time when Jesus was rejected in Jerusalem. . His Last Week on ...
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show series
My guest in this episode is Dr Mkhaimar Abusada, He received his PhD from the University of Missouri-Columbia in 1996 and is an associate professor at Al-Azhar University of Gaza and the former chair of the university's political science department. He has authored one book, and many academic articles in local and internationally recognized academi…
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Imagine faith as a muscle you're trying to build. Would a muscle grow stronger without being exercised? This week's message has the power to transform the way you see the world and navigate life's challenges. Join us as we explore the importance of actions that strengthen your faith in the Most High. “For as the body without the spirit is dead, so …
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In this week's Jerusalem Lights podcast, Rabbi Chaim Richman is joined by his wife Rena for an inspiring discussion focusing on this week's Torah portion of Terumah, and the centrality and importance of the Holy Temple in our everyday lives...a microcosm of creation; a place of revelation; but yet a place of subtle, ever-present miracles that testi…
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Teller From Jerusalem takes an emboldening look at the compulsion of moral sensitivity to engage in kindness. We break down and analyze with stories (as usual) what it does for the recipient and what it does for the giver. Why is it that kindness matures a person and strips them of self-centered instincts? Learn more at Don’…
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This episode of “613 Books” podcast, is PART 2 of producer/host Heather Dean’s interview with author and international speaker, Raquel Kirszenbaum about her new book, “Stop Hurting, Start Healing.”This is both a self-help book and memoir which takes readers on her dynamic quest from despair and difficulty to resilience and happiness.Raquel addresse…
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- Jerusalem - Predicaciones 2025 - Parashá Trumá: Ofrenda de Corazón (25-Shevat-5785) NO OLVIDES COMPARTIR Y DAR ME GUSTA. - Las Predicaciones se comparten todos los días lunes. - Este audio es publicado sin fines de lucro o publicidad, el único propósito es compartir La Palabra de D-s. - Se recomienda escuchar el Podcasts “Jerusalem Raíces“. - Dud…
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This week’s episode is in memory of Beth Wasserman z”l and sponsored by her nephew and his family. Why does God command a physical space if God is everywhere? In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Brent Spodek explore Parshat … Read the rest The post Terumah 5785: Building Sacred Space first appeared on Elmad Online Learning. Continue reading …
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In the final episode of Jerusalem TalksND's second season, Avraham (Avrum) Burg sits down with Alexandra (Ali) Mauritsen, a Notre Dame alumna who spent a year working with the children of refugees and migrant workers at The Saint Rachel Center in Jerusalem. Together they discuss Ali’s diverse background, world travels, and early encounters with glo…
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Are we 'tied to the law,' or are we liberated by the law? This week's Torah portion of parashat Mishpatim (Ordinances) is filled with commandments governing civil and societal interactions -- property damages, loans, servants, judicial conduct. At first glance, these seem dry compared to the dramatic spiritual events of the Exodus and the Giving of…
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Do you think God can help you meet deadlines at work? Can He get you a great appraisal? Can He heal you? Tune in to this week's episode to truly understand who we worship and how a relationship with Jesus is the key to everything. “But he who received seed on the good ground is he who hears the word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and pr…
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Our Gospel passage highlights the role of the Spirit in the ministry of Jesus in both prophetic utterance and the working of miracles. These Scriptures challenge us to examine the true nature of prophecy and the dangers to those who exercise the gifts of the Spirit while ignoring Jesus’ teaching.Christ Church Jerusalem által
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On this episode of “613 Books” podcast, producer and host Heather gives an exclusive preview of “The Good Dybukk,” a book for young readers and their families written and illustrated by Menachem Weinreb, the Creative Director of Mishpacha Magazine.If you are ready to gaze upon bold yet whimsical illustrations and a surprising tale, this book might …
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This podcast is sponsored in memory of Morris L. Kramer, a beloved friend and an ohev Yisrael How does the Torah balance law with compassion? In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbanit Nechama Goldman Barash explore Parshat Mishpatim, examining its … Read the rest The post Mishpatim 5785: Law, Justice, and Compassion first appeared on Elmad Onli…
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- Jerusalem - Predicaciones 2025 - Parashá Mishpatím: Leyes y Caminos (18-Shevat-5785) NO OLVIDES COMPARTIR Y DAR ME GUSTA. - Las Predicaciones se comparten todos los días lunes. - Este audio es publicado sin fines de lucro o publicidad, el único propósito es compartir La Palabra de D-s. - Se recomienda escuchar el Podcasts “Jerusalem Raíces“. - Du…
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The Creator of the universe and King who reigns eternally on the throne is the Lord of angelic armies. But He asks sinners to be His witness here on earth. Throughout history, God has worked through the humble. We should acknowledge our sin before a holy God. But throughout history, God has also redeemed those who are sinners. He calls us, for we a…
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Do you believe in the power of prayer? Praying to God is an essential part of life that is often forgotten or taken for granted. Tune in to this week's episode as we explore the importance of maintaining a daily prayer life. Discover how a simple prayer to our Father in Heaven is always heard and answered. “But you, when you pray, go into your room…
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In this episode I have interviewed Erik Freas that recently has edited a volume published by Routledge looking at Palestinian Christians and the nationalist cause through the late Ottoman and Mandatory periods. This book provides an historical overview of Palestine's Christian communities and their role in the Palestinian nationalist movement durin…
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Every soul, both Jewish and non-Jewish, heard God's voice at Mount Sinai. The Sinai Revelation was an event that validated creation and demonstrated God's profound love for this world and His resolute belief in man. The Giving of the Torah was an event that transcends time and continues to take place every day. In this week's Jerusalem Lights podca…
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On this episode of “613 Books” podcast, producer/host Heather Dean interviews author and international speaker, Raquel Kirszenbaum about her new book, “Stop Hurting, Start Healing.” This is both a self-help book and memoirs which takes readers on her dynamic quest from despair and difficulty to resilience and happiness. From the very first page, Ra…
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- Jerusalem - Predicaciones 2025 - Parashá Itró: Uno Es (11-Shevat-5785) NO OLVIDES COMPARTIR Y DAR ME GUSTA. - Las Predicaciones se comparten todos los días lunes. - Este audio es publicado sin fines de lucro o publicidad, el único propósito es compartir La Palabra de D-s. - Se recomienda escuchar el Podcasts “Jerusalem Raíces“. - Dudas y/o aclara…
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What does Yitro teach us about choosing Torah instead of receiving it by force? Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Michael Hattin explore Parshat Yitro, highlighting the contrast between Amalek’s hostility and Yitro’s embrace of the Jewish people. They discuss Yitro’s journey … Read the rest The post Yitro 5785: Choosing Torah first appeared on Elmad Online…
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Have you ever found yourself in a situation with no way out? In those moments of helplessness, remember—you're never alone! In this week's episode, we uncover the powerful truth that God is always by your side. Even when things seem impossible, He is already paving a way—one greater than anything you could ever imagine. Don't miss this inspiring me…
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When Joseph and Mary bring Jesus to the Temple they meet Simeon and Anna who reveal the identity and mission of the Messiah. That this revelation took place in the Temple is not incidental. What the Temple continues to teach us about worship, holiness, and the character of God are still significant today. This sermon is dedicated to Dwight Pryor, a…
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This week's Jerusalem Lights podcast sees our hosts together in person, united in Jerusalem. Jim Long's visits to Israel always make for a special program! Jim and Rabbi Chaim Richman explore the theme of faith that resounds throughout this week's Torah portion of B'shalach, touching upon everything from the splitting of the sea, to a secret excurs…
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PM Netanyahu goes to Washington for talks with Pres. Trump & legislators. Analysis: John Waage on upcoming talks, Israel's biblical borders. Amiad Cohen on the divide between military & elected leaders. Hanna Ben Haim on hostage and prisoner release.The Christian Broadcasting Network által
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Can we celebrate victory while holding onto pain? In this episode, Zvi Hirschfield and Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy explore Parshat Beshalach, focusing on the tension between triumph and uncertainty. They discuss Shirat HaYam as both a song of victory and … Read the rest The post Beshalach 5785: Triumph and Uncertainty first appeared on Elmad Onli…
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- Jerusalem - Predicaciones 2025 - Parashá Beshalaj: Marca (4-Shevat-5785) NO OLVIDES COMPARTIR Y DAR ME GUSTA. - Las Predicaciones se comparten todos los días lunes. - Este audio es publicado sin fines de lucro o publicidad, el único propósito es compartir La Palabra de D-s. - Se recomienda escuchar el Podcasts “Jerusalem Raíces“. - Dudas y/o acla…
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