Guitar Lessons With Tune In Tone nyilvános
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Welcome to our collection of FREE #guitarlessons!! If you ❤️ LOVE GUITAR then you've come to the right place for #guitar tips, chat and ideas. Our #podcast is aimed at every level of guitarist, with some quite advanced ideas. You can listen here on #SoundCloud or via other streaming sites like iTunes or Stitcher. As a podcast you can listen while cooking, cleaning, working, driving, commuting, in the gym or while doing other activities... What a great way to use your time to polish up your g ...
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show series
Timings for the SoundCloud audio version of Rhythm Guitar Lesson 1b:00:00:22 Using Eartrainer to practise the rhythm of a piece separated from the melody00:01:08 A simple idea for practising rhythm00:01:22 Starting with a bar of 4/4 and then throwing in some 8th notes00:02:28 Using the offbeat and how to play challenging rhythms00:02:58 Riff from H…
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This is the first lesson in our new mini-series on the topic of rhythm. R.I.P. Jeff Beck :(Dan and I, in our first lesson look over the basics of rhythm: Firstly, covering what the difference between a quarter note, eighth note and sixteenth note along with the synonyms of crotchet, quaver and semi-quaver. Next Dan talks about staccato, dotted note…
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Rick Beato and Tim Pierce: wood: Beato on Jeff Beck having just seen him 3 months ago: at Ronnie Scotts: just wanted to share my own listening and way of …
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Sponsor Tune in Tone up and become a Patron: (e.g. £1 / month as a tip for what we do)Sign up as an All Access student to TrueFire here: Sign up to TrueFire today: Save 30% on anything at TrueFire with promo code: "TONEUP30"This is our follow up episode following…
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Sign up as an All Access student to TrueFire here: Sign up to TrueFire today: Save 30% on anything at TrueFire with promo code "TONEUP30"Timings for the SoundCloud audio version00:00:34 TrueFire - offers and advert00:02:17 Jam over Andy Timmons TrueFire track00:05:36 Talking about Andy Timmons00:06:…
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Sign up as an All Access student to TrueFire here: Sign up to TrueFire today: Save 30% on anything at TrueFire with promo code "TONEUP30"This is our follow up episode on playing at speed and pace.It follows on from our earlier lesson on how to use sequences to open the fretboard and also the previou…
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Sign up as an All Access student to TrueFire here: Sign up to TrueFire today: Save 30% on anything at TrueFire with promo code "TONEUP30"This is the first part of an episode on playing at speed and pace. It follows on from our earlier lesson on how to use sequences to open the fretboard. Next lesson…
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Sign up as an All Access student to TrueFire here: Sign up to TrueFire today: Save 30% on anything at TrueFire with promo code "TONEUP30"Hey everyone! We are really pleased to be able to share the great news that TrueFire – the most excellent, expansive and extensive online lessons platform – have d…
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Dan always has such brilliant nuggets of information to share with us and this episode holds some immensely valuable and powerful thoughts and ideas. After a brief recap we have a round of improvisation which leads our discussion to pickup choice and tonal differentiation. Dan shares some ideas about how you can gain different sounds with your tech…
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It’s really brilliant to be back and we are loving recording and releasing new content for you, our wonderful listeners. This lesson is an extension of the previous one and we aim to continue this into another lesson next time with a focus on the style and techniques that you might use to deliver your lines and package your improvisation.This lesso…
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We’re back!! Thank you for sticking with us and waiting patiently, or indeed finding us for the first time. Please look back at our back catalogue and subscribe to our podcast on whatever platform you listen to podcasts on. Tell all your guitar playing friends and perhaps even get directly in touch with us or leave us a review on Apple Podcasts. Re…
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In this lesson, Dan and I return with an audio only lesson but a really useful lesson on harmonizing guitar parts. In this lesson: Dan defines what it means to harmonize guitar parts, we examine how this is different to pitch shifting when working in a key, we play the C major scale with harmony parts in 2nds, 3rds, 4ths and so on, we harmonize the…
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THE TWO VIDEOS FOR THIS ONE WOULD BE HELPFUL: this lesson, Dan talks pedals and pedalboards. We take a tour round his board and a small tour round mine too. Then we examine the question (from the perspective of a beginner) of what pedal someone could start out with. Dan also gives his wisdom…
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THE TWO VIDEOS FOR THIS ONE WOULD BE HELPFUL: is the preamble for lesson 18, in which Dan and I take the viewer through our pedalboards, briefly describing what the pedal does and how we put together our pedalboard.See lesson 18b for the full lesson…
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In this lesson, Dan helps me out with my acoustic sound for a performance I have been asked to do for my sister-in-law’s wedding. I am performing several songs at the front of their service some of which they have chosen and some of which they have asked me to come up with. As there is a delay on publishing our episodes, this comes after I have act…
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In this lesson, Dan helps me out with some planning for a performance I have been asked to do for my sister-in-law’s wedding. I am performing several songs at the front of their service some of which they have chosen and some of which they have asked me to come up with. As there is a delay on publishing our episodes, this comes after I have actuall…
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In this lesson, Dan and I take a look at the outro solo for "Feel Like Makin' Love" by Bad Company - a song which I am covering with my band. During the lesson we go through 9 tips on transcribing from Dan and we look at 9 licks from the solo. Dan shares his ideas with me on tone and effects for songs and also the different ways to approach differe…
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In this lesson, Dan and I take a look at some of the songs which I am performing with my band and so we focus on the dual guitar parts. I bring several songs which I am learning with other musicians in our covers band ready for a gig we will be performing in Brighton. We first look at American Girl by Tom Petty, with some talk about inversions and …
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In this lesson, Dan and I return to take a look at how to improve your creative improvisations and what that journey looks like on the guitar. The focus of this lesson, using a backing track we recently did another lesson with, is how having some predetermined themes to use in your solo and a plan can help you to come up with ideas and interest as …
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Video Guitar Lesson 12: Arranging parts for bands and situations with two or more guitaristsIn this lesson, Dan and I continue to explore rhythmic patterns, looking in particular at the benefits and problems which arise when playing in situations with multiple guitarists. The focus for the lesson are two songs which I am arranging to play with a ba…
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Video lesson: this lesson, Dan and I explore rhythmic patterns, how to practise rhythm and work towards playing ‘in the pocket’ and then, using a backing track, we look at how to phrase improvisation. We start this lesson by examining some of the regular rhythmic structures which you ca…
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In this lesson, Dan and I revisit the tremolo or whammy bar to go over some of the subtleties of using it to best effect. Dan starts this lesson by giving an overview of the different types of tremolo systems and then we get stuck into some different ideas and uses of the whammy bar to gain different effects. First we look at the subtle warble idea…
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Video Guitar Lesson 9: Usable ideas for the melodic and harmonic minor scales and selected modesYouTube version = Gear Mentions:Wrist Grips Website: http://www.wrist-grips.comSure Grip Guitar Picks Website: http://suregripguitarpicks.comCurt Mangan Strings Website: https://www.curtm…
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VIDEO: this lesson Dan really helps me to further my exploration of the harmonic minor by examining some usable situations in which to employ it. We also talk about grace notes and the value of 'feel'. There is plenty…
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Video here: this lesson, I bring to Dan my Epiphone ES-335 Pro with its upgraded pedals (courtesy of Pedro Martins - Brighton Guitar Repairs,, my PRS and my pedalboard. I spent quite a lot of this lesson without the camera rolling looking at these pedals and checking …
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Video Guitar Lesson 5: Tapping techniques; usable ideas and exercises for improvisation Tune in Tone up's second full lesson we explore the theme of tapping: using the strumming / picking hand to hammer on to notes which would normally be out of reach for your fretting hand.Dan gives me some hints and us…
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Tune in, Tone up! Guitar LessonsPublished on 12 Jan 2019In this full length video lesson with Dan Davies, I hear with you (the viewer) Dan's advice and hints on picking good notes when improvising and study with you the variety of different sounds which you can use to give some different flavour to your solos. We really hope that you're enjoying th…
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This lesson, released on our YouTube channel, is the finale of the first three mini video lessons with which we are kickstarting our conversion to YouTube from an audio only format. The audio for these formats is much more organic that the edited audio only lessons, so we a…
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YouTube tuition video 1 (see link for video): in Tone up have been releasing many audio podcast lessons over the past couple of years and are beginning to move into the video lesson arena with this, our first lesson about developing speed in playing. Our videos will take the form of a free org…
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Guitar Lesson 40: Practical applications for adding tapping and sweep picking into your playing ( guitar lesson 40, we look at some techniques and practical applications of those techniques. I ask Dan for some help in using tapping and sweeping in my actual improvisation…
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Guitar lesson 39 is a study of chord types by working through many of the major and dominant possibilities. By adding each note of a scale to a triad, Dan shows me how to explore chord sounds rather than shapes. We also look at upper extensions and finally look at one way to use chords which are out of key. Dan also raises substitution as a way rea…
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Guitar Lesson 38: What we can learn from the style of Slash with a focus on Paradise City, Sweet Child of Mine and November Rain: lesson 38 is a study of Slash, with a focus on what we can learn from Saul Hudson’s style and approach to writing licks, riffs and solos.…
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Guitar Lesson 37: Taking your playing from the woodshed to the stage; from podcast to performanceOur article: Musical-U: lesson 37 is a slightly different format to usual. We have written a guest post for Musical-U, a company who are committed to m…
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Guitar Lesson 36: Right hand techniques – rhythm, arpeggiating, hybrid, economy and sweep pickingIn guitar lesson 36, we focus fully on the right hand rhythmic and lead picking techniques. We start by looking at how you can arpeggiate chords interestingly using the pick, briefly in the style of Green Day and Guns ‘n’ Roses. We also look at a mix of…
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In guitar lesson 35, we address a question and topic given to us on Facebook about how you can increase the speed and fluidity of your playing. Dan first draws out some ideas which can increase the interest in your rhythm playing (including fills and flourishes). We then do some improvising over a jazz fusion track and look at how you can improve t…
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Webpage: guitar lesson 34, Dan and I continue our study of rhythmic playing with a focus on the style of Eddie Van Halen. A true monster of the guitar, Van Halen is someone who Dan has studied closely over the years and he is eager to share his knowledge. Dan introduces …
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  continue reading guitar lesson 32, Dan and I take a look at some general ideas which you can take from David Gilmour’s playing. He plays with such meaning and purpose and the most incredible tone and yet what he plays is not usually technically too difficult. Using a style backing track, Dan and I look at how Gilmour uses dynamics, phra…
  continue reading In guitar lesson 31, Dan reminds me about some of the approaches you can use when embellishing chords, including the use of double stops and different intervallic sounds. You will hear Hendrixisms, discussion on how to connect major scales, chords and intervals in your thinking and some interesting approaches to help make…
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In guitar lesson 30, I go to Dan with three questions looking for his guidance. Dan picks up on some very important points about the big picture, maintaining enthusiasm, the importance of live work and how to push yourself towards being an advanced player. You will hear some jamming over a Danny Gatton style backing track, a blues shred idea and pl…
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Webpage: backing track: backing track: Guitar Lesson 29, we decide to return to rhythm playing: this time looking at staying in time, feeling the pulse and playing rhy…
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Chris Green's website - Green on 'emusicworkshop' with Rick Beato - Guitar Guru Network - in Tone up - our second interview with a musician we a…
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Tune in Tone up! Interview 1 with Dan DaviesIn this first interview with a guitar player, Gary asks Dan Davies for his thoughts on some questions about what the guitar means to him. We are aiming to include lots of other players in the future and ask t hem similar questions too. With questions about how he first came to play guitar, what his motiva…
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In guitar lesson 28, Dan and I look at how to arrange and develop the song we began to look at last lesson. We thought it would be useful to develop the guitar parts of this song and look further at how to arrange it. With lots of suggestions to support songwriters, we particularly focus on lead-ins, harmonising vocals and guitar parts, palm muting…
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Website: guitar lesson 27, Dan and I look at the thorny topic of songwriting and arranging original songs. Starting with a riff I wrote a long time ago and with lots of background discussion about how to write songs in general, Dan develops my ide…
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Website: can see my fan post on Tom Petty here: guitar lesson 26, I ask Dan for his advice about playing in the Country / Rock / Pop genre …
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In guitar lesson 25, Dan and I improvise over a Blues backing track in G ( and then we examine some of the licks and approaches which add some oomph into someone’s style and playing. Dan patiently breaks down a few of his licks for me and hopefully, after some practise, I will be able to inject them into …
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Website: As always, we welcome your engagement and would love to hear from you through our website ( or Facebook page ( if there are any lessons you would like to hear us cover, or want to start a dialogue about anything guitar-related. The number o…
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