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BBC Radio 5 Live

Former boxing champion and proud Evertonian Tony Bellew delves into the brutal world of football hooliganism. At its height in the 1970s and 1980s, it was labelled ‘the English Disease,’ a time when violence on the terraces was as much a part of the game as a half-time Bovril. Bellew hears from those who lived for the trouble, the men and women whose Saturdays weren’t complete without a brutal punch-up. He speaks to the innocent victims caught up in the mayhem, the families of those who lost ...
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Original Gangsters Podcast

Original Gangsters, a True Crime Talk Podcast

Hosted by veteran crime reporter, documentarian, and award-winning author Scott Burnstein, Original Gangsters Podcast tells the current and past stories of La Cosa Nostra, one percent biker clubs, drug cartels, Canadian crime, urban crime, and more, with insightful analysis and educated commentary. Each week, Scott sits down with former gangsters, journalists, authors, law enforcement members, and lawyers to deep dive a specific topic, figure, or group in organized crime. Simply put, Origina ...
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Moderne Media og Untold

Denne podkasten finnes kun eksklusivt i appen Untold. Der får du alle episodene, reklamefritt og med premierer hver eneste uke. Last ned og hør gratis i 30 dager. Du finner appen Untold der du laster ned apper. I Gangsterpodden får du høre om hemmelige avtaler, kremfylte cannoli og proppfulle våpenmagasin. Bli med inn i gangsternes verden - der respekt er den viktigste valutaen og familien den eneste du kan stole på. Vi forteller deg de brutale historiene om tidenes mest ettersøkte gangstere ...
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Sei dein eigener Rockstar und richte dein Leben an deinen Möglichkeiten und Visionen aus, statt an Grenzen. Annelina Waller berichtet in diesem Podcast über Mindset, Yoga, vegane Ernährung, Selbstliebe und Leichtigkeit. Neben Solo-Episoden lädt sie regelmäßig spannende Gäste, die wahre Experten in ihrem Bereich sind. Darunter Ärzte, Ernährungscoaches, Soulpeople und Yogaspirits. Conscious Gangster erscheint jeden Donnerstag. Überall, wo es Podcast gibt.
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The Gangster Chronicles

The Black Effect and iHeartPodcasts

Welcome to the "Gangster Chronicles", where Gangster Rap lives. Gangster Chronicles takes you on an unforgettable journey through the heart of hip-hop. with host, Bigg Steele, alongside the legendary MC Eiht, together, we're diving deep into the visceral world of Gangsta Rap. On this podcast, we unravel the intricate tapestry of one of music's most influential and misunderstood sub-genres, exploring the formative artists, monumental albums, and socio-political factors that have shaped Gangst ...
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EQ Gangster

Noble Gibbens

EQ Gangster is specifically for leaders, business owners, entrepreneurs & other influencers who are honest enough to admit that they just might be the ones holding themselves back & who are brave enough to change that. Research is showing that your Emotional Quotient (also known as Emotional Intelligence) is a bigger indicator of success than your IQ, your education & your experience. In each episode, Noble offers practical, candid, and often humorous clarity for the modern leader who is bra ...
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International Gangsterism

International Gangsterism

Welcome to the International Gangsterism podcast, where two kiddos investigate the deep questions in life. We investigate the true essence of what it means to be human through this auditory epic hero’s journey.
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Welcome to "Love Gangster with Adrian Boysel" – Where Kindness Meets Action In a world craving genuine connection and positive change, "Love Gangster with Adrian Boysel" emerges as a beacon of hope and a force for good, championing the mighty power of love and kindness. Our slogan, "Kill'em with Kindness," is not just a catchy phrase; it's the very core of our mission and the mantra we live by. Each episode of our podcast is a journey into the heart of transformation, challenging norms, and ...
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Der Gangster, der Junkie und die Herrin

SWR3, Maximilian Pollux, Roman Lemke, Nina Workhard, Steffi Lingscheidt

Ein Ex-Gefängnisinsasse, ein Ex-Drogenabhängiger und eine Domina sitzen gemeinsam am Tisch... Das könnte eine Filmszene sein. Bei uns ist es der Anfang vieler spannender Gespräche! Zwischen Maximilian Pollux, Roman Lemke und – seit der 3. Podcast-Staffel – Nina Workhard. Die drei haben Erfahrungen gemacht, die andere nur aus dem Fernsehen oder dem Internet kennen. Oft jenseits der Legalität. Gemeinsam mit Gästen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen sprechen sie offen und authentisch miteinander u ...
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The Gangster Party Line is on! Years after the viral sensation video came out with tens of millions of views, creator Brent Weinbach is starting a show to answer the real phone number he set up and still receives calls on every few minutes. Along with co-host Greg Edwards and other guest comedians, we’ll join the group as they attempt to give the callers what they’re calling for: some classic and not-so-classic shit talking.
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Gangster & Gentleman Podcast

Gangster & Gentleman Podcast

Welcome and thank you for choosing the Gangster & Gentleman Podcast hosted by Beano. This podcast mainly focuses on what its like to be a Gangster and a Gentleman at the same damn time as well as tackling certain topics such as Street Smarts/Corporate Smarts, Song of the Week, Politics, Black Fathers Matter, Movie Reviews & so much more. Each topic is preloaded beforehand and chosen at random via a digital spinning wheel app dubbed the ".38 Special". Whatever topic the revolver lands on, tha ...
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Hvorfor begynte nabogutten Bjørn å slåss, havne i gjenger, kriminalitet, blodig MC-krig og fengsel? 40 år senere får jeg svaret. Bli med på en gladsvart roadtrip i fem deler fylt av ville hendelser, smerte, latter og seriøst utenforskap. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Informal Gangsters

Andrew Vargas

Just two brothers trying to figure out what makes things funny. We aren't trying to take life too seriously and trying to find laughter in all the events this silly world brings. More of Informal Gangsters -Twitter @InfomalGs | -Instagram @informalgangsters | More of Andrew -Twitter @ayeeVee14 | -Instagram @Ayeevee14 -Snap @andrewvargas14
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Gangster Goddess Broad-cast

Drea De Matteo & Chris Kushner

Get insider Sopranos and showbiz scoop with actor Drea De Matteo and long time friend Chris Kushner as they explore real stories from Sopranos episodes with special guests about how they made it big, fell on tough times, got busted, and readjusted. Listen to candid conversations about life on the set, love behind the scenes, laughter, and hardships. More than just a re-watch-along-show, these Gangster Goddesses take you down the path of the strong, resilient, free-thinking gangster mentality ...
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The Gentlemen & Gangsters the lifestyle, the brand, and the podcast. It's about life, conversation and how to be better than you were yesterday. We'll have many discussions and conversations about all things relevant and irrelevant. At times we'll be gentlemen and other times we'll be gangster. Indulge. For any questions or topic recommendations contact me at: Instagram: Lord.OB
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The Gangster Service Announcement Nay60Hood Cast is a News station for the common person . We are regular people from normal walks of life. A lot of Times I felt Story get Swept under the rug or flew over other head or don't get told at all we hope to be the voice to the voiceless . You can watch the filming of this Show on You tube #GSA #60secjokes We have merch to keep the light on so please support at least go sub to the You Tube its Free got topics you want us to talk about on the Show h ...
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Gangster House

Imperative Entertainment

Mike Thevis was the son of Greek immigrants, living the American Dream in 1970s Atlanta. He was married and had five kids. He owned one of the largest homes in Atlanta, full of fine art and exquisite furnishings. He built a highly successful business empire. But Thevis made many enemies along the way. This is the story of Mike Thevis, family man, and one of the most notorious criminals you’ve never heard of.
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Most Notorious Gangsters In The World

Most Notorious gangsters in the World

Welcome to the Most Notorious Gangsters In The World podcast where We get into detail about some of the most powerful legendary gangsters of all time.From their rising down to their falling,how the organization’s were ran as well as the corruption and the Lifestyle Support this podcast:
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Philippe Lacroix, brein van de bende Haemers, vertelt voor het eerst zijn hele levensverhaal. Van zijn wieg over zijn gangsterjaren tot zijn leven nu… als vrij man. Van Brussel over de Côte d’Azur tot in Colombia en terug. Een verhaal van overvallen op geldtransporten, de ontvoering van een ex-premier én de ontsnapping van de eeuw. Maar ook een verhaal van schuldinzicht en finaal een ommekeer. ​ In acht afleveringen legt Lacroix zijn ziel en zijn verleden bloot, én de makers spreken ook met ...
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show series
In the aftermath of the Heysel tragedy, Margaret Thatcher declared war on the hooligans. It was a watershed moment for English football. Tough new laws were called for - and the incident led to English clubs being banned from Europe for 5 years. But there was more trouble on the horizon. The mobs had found a loophole. Friendlies. And in August 1986…
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On this EP we sit down with the homie best selling Author, Entrepreneur Derrick Grace to talk about staying strapped in a mad world and why you need to go cop his family bible to survive all the BS going on. See for privacy information.The Black Effect and iHeartPodcasts által
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Are drug prices really as high as they seem, or is there more to the story? In this episode of the Love Gangster Podcast, host Adrian Boysel sits down with Mak Jawadekar, a pharma insider with decades of experience in the pharmaceutical industry. They dive into the Big Pharma controversy, discussing the drug development process, the real reasons be…
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Eine live aufgezeichnete Folge vom SWR Podcastfestival in Mannheim: Zu Gast ist Koch und Hotelier Johannes Nicolay, der im Leben oft originelle Wege ging. 2012 hatte er die tolle Idee, den 130 Jahre alten Familienbetrieb auf vegan umzustellen. Damals konnten sich viele noch nicht vorstellen, komplett tierfrei zu essen, geschweige denn, vegan zu leb…
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Ob für den schnellen Energie-Kick, die optimale Nährstoffversorgung oder einfach für die Seele – Snacks begleiten uns überall. In dieser Folge spreche ich mit Lifestyle-Creatorin Joana Link über unsere absoluten Lieblingssnacks für unterwegs, welche Zutaten echte Longevity-Booster sind und warum Soulfood genauso wichtig ist wie gesunde Ernährung. F…
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1985 saw some of the biggest and bloodiest hooligan riots in British football history. In March, Luton hosted Millwall in an FA Cup tie. Millwall’s notorious mobs rioted before, during and after the game. The Kenilworth Road ground was ripped to pieces, and the town was trashed. Police officer Andy Clarke was left fearing for his life as pieces of …
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What does it take to achieve massive success in business? In this episode of Love Gangster, we sit down with Scott Duffy, an entrepreneur, keynote speaker, and AI business leader who started his journey working with Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, and Les Brown before breaking into Silicon Valley. From building a private jet startup and selling it to Virgi…
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We had the opportunity to sit down with Kool Rock Ski of the legendary Fat Boys. We spoke on the Fat Boys being hip hop's first mega superstars, headlining the legendary Fresh Fest and making 80k a show in the eighties, Group member Prince Markie D being at odds with management and his other group member, Buffy being a sexual deviant and a whole lo…
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Zu Gast ist Simone Braunsdorf-Kremer, 47 Jahre alt, aus dem Westerwald. Eine inspirierende Frau, die Klartext spricht und gelernt hat, Schicksalsschläge in etwas Positives zu verwandeln. Denn ihre Mutter starb früh, ebenso wie der Vater ihres ersten Kindes.Zusammen mit einem neuen Partner hat Simone mit Mitte 30 die Idee, ein zweites Kind zu bekomm…
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In dieser inspirierenden Podcast-Folge begrüßen wir die Bestseller-Autorin und Mentaltrainerin Melanie Pignitter, die mit ihrem neuen Buch Reise zu mir selbst erneut einen kraftvollen Impuls für mehr Selbstfindung und innere Stärke setzt. Sie nimmt uns mit auf ihre ganz persönliche Reise, erzählt von Herausforderungen, Wachstum und den wertvollsten…
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What turns a fan into a fighter? When faced with a choice, do you turn and run, or stand and fight? We meet the men who found themselves drawn into a world of running battles and riots during the 1970s and 80s. For some, joining a firm and fighting gave them a new identity. For others, it was the first time they truly felt they belonged. From a you…
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Zu Gast ist der 25-jährige Janne Bach, Mitgründer des Erlebnishofs Gerhardsbrunn bei Kaiserslautern. Seine gute Idee war es, mit 19 völlig spontan auf einen sanierungsbedürftigen Bauernhof zu ziehen, um später dort mit seinem Chef, einem Tierarzt, eine Katzenpension zu gründen.Mit 6 Jahren fragt Janne seine Mama, woher die Salami kommt. Ab da isst …
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Former boxing champion and proud Evertonian Tony Bellew delves into the brutal world of football hooliganism. At its height in the 1970s and 1980s, it was labelled ‘the English Disease,’ a time when violence on the terraces was as much a part of the game as a half-time Bovril. Bellew hears from those who lived for the trouble, the men and women who…
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In diesem Podcast spricht Dr. Simone Koch über alles, was du über deinen Hormonhaushalt wissen musst. Sie erklärt, wie du erkennst, ob dein Hormonspiegel aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten ist, welche Faktoren diesen beeinflussen und was es mit bioidentischen Hormonen auf sich hat. Dr. Koch geht auf die Unterschiede zwischen bioidentischen und synthetis…
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The Black Effect Presents... Gangster Chronicles! Tonight MC Eiht and Steele ask if there is an age limit to people to claim the neighborhood. The homie Glasses Malone stops in and ask why there is a bias against black gangsters while the members of the Italian Mafia are celebrated. The homie and oldest living Piru Ayatollah Marv stops in as well t…
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In this episode of the Love Gangster Podcast, Adrian Boysel sits down with Kelly Cardenas to discuss the power of The Vibe and how to create a magnetic personal brand. Kelly shares insights on how to build relationships in business, leadership with authenticity, and how to create influence. His journey—from entrepreneurship to public speaking—prove…
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Roman dachte, es wäre eine gute Idee, mit den Eltern seiner Freundin in der Kennenlernphase mal so richtig einen zu saufen.Roman lernt in der ersten Zeit mit seiner jetzigen Frau Jenny auch das Konzept Familie ganz neu kennen. Denn Jenny und ihre Eltern sprechen viel miteinander, treffen sich regelmäßig. Ganz ohne Streit! Nach und nach wächst Roman…
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1,65 høye Nicky Scarfo søkte seg tidlig inn i mafiaen i Philadelphia. Der skulle han bli kjent som en sint og temperamentsfull, men effektiv mann. Gjennom brutal vold, trusler og utpressing skaffet han seg først et navn i Atlantic City. Og på 1980-tallet utnyttet han en intern maktkamp i Philadelphia-mafiaen, og ble kronet til boss. Dermed startet …
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n diesem Podcast spricht Dr. Simone Koch über alles, was du über deinen Hormonhaushalt wissen musst. Sie erklärt, wie du erkennst, ob dein Hormonspiegel aus dem Gleichgewicht geraten ist, welche Faktoren diesen beeinflussen und was es mit bioidentischen Hormonen auf sich hat. Dr. Koch geht auf die Unterschiede zwischen bioidentischen und synthetisc…
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In this episode of Love Gangster Podcast, host Adrian Boysel sits down with Blake Hahn to talk about business success stories, faith-driven success, and overcoming failure in business. Blake shares his personal journey of resilience, how he built multiple businesses, and the tough lessons that helped him grow. 💡 Topics Covered: ✅ Entrepreneur minds…
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We had the opportunity to sit down with LA triple OG Q-Bone. We discuss How LA Gang Culture went from the Business Men, (a crew that legendary singer Barry White belonged too) , The Dope game, The LA Riots and it's influence on the LA Gang's Peace Treaty and much much more!!!!!!! See for privacy information.…
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Zu Gast ist der 47-jährige Profi-Musiker und klassische Violinist Philippe Mesin, auch „Fila“ genannt. Er galt als Musikwunderkind und hatte in seinem Leben eine Menge wilde Ideen: So schmuggelt er auf einer Konzertreise nach New York Diamanten, um an Heroin zu kommen. Auf einer Tournee mit seinem Orchester hat er die Droge für den Eigenbedarf dabe…
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Lady Jen Du Plessis left a billion dollar business for podcasting and it changed everything In this episode of Love Gangster Podcast, host Adrian Boysel sits down with Lady Jen Du Plessis, a former top mortgage lender who walked away from her billion-dollar career to pursue podcasting, coaching, and leadership with love. Jen shares powerful podcast…
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We sit down with Bay Area Mob Music Legend D-Shot to discuss how suffering from poverty as a youth fueled him and his brother E-40's hustle, how a duffle bag of bread may have allegedly started it all, How reading "Think & Grow Rich" changed his mindset, His lucrative film side hustle and D-Shot reveals what inspired inspired the record that not on…
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Zu Gast ist Lorra Sophie. Sie 27, Model und Influencerin. Sie dachte, es wäre eine gute Idee, einem völlig unbekannten Gefängnisinsassen in Amerika frohe Weihnachten zu wünschen. Heute – 1,5 Jahre später – ist sie mit Joshua verheiratet, einem jungen Mann, der wegen Drogenverkauf mit Todesfolge verurteilt ist.2023 lebt Lorra in Dubai. Wegen Visa-Pr…
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Former NYC FBI Agent Mike Campi and author of "Mafia Takedown: The Incredible True Story of the FBI Agent Who Devastated the New York Mob", joins Scott to tell his detailed, first-hand account of going after the Genovese crime family in the late '90s. Mr. Campi gives a comprehensive deep dive involving some of the most powerful men in Italian organ…
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Sinnkrise - Woher weiß ich, was ich will? Hatten wir das nicht alle schon mal Eine Sinnkrise fühlt sich oft an wie ein inneres Vakuum. Plötzlich stellt man sich Fragen wie: Warum mache ich das eigentlich? Was ist mein nächster Schritt? Ist das wirklich mein Weg? Die Antworten darauf sind nicht immer sofort klar - und das ist völlig normal. In diese…
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On this episode of the Love Gangster Podcast, host Adrian Boysel interviews the dynamic and bold Jeffrey Hayzlett, chairman of the C-Suite Network. In this thought-provoking conversation, Jeffrey shares his journey from Fortune 100 officer to leading one of the largest media networks in the world. With insights on building trusted relationships, do…
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Steele and EIht sit down with legendary San Francisco rapper Black C of the RBL posse. We discuss how he almost quit rapping when his group members died, Master P's early days, Atlantic sabotaging his project, Rappin 4 Tay's influence, The San Fran turf wars of the 90's, the success of his nephew Larry June and much more! See…
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Macht euch gefasst auf eine wilde Fluchtgeschichte! Denn Maximilian Pollux dachte, es wäre es eine gute Idee nach Tschechien zu fliehen, als er vor 20 Jahren in Deutschland per Haftbefehl gesucht wird. Stellt euch den Irrsinn wie einen Guy-Ritchie-Film vor. Denn der „Vertrauensmann“, der alles klarmachen soll, ist ein Meth-Junkie. Und der damalige …
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Eric Dezenhall, author of "Wise Guys in the White House - Gangsters, Presidents, and the Deals They Made", joins Scott to tell the tales of organized crime members making deals with, and sometimes even robbing, powerful presidents.James Buccellato and Scott Burnstein által
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In dieser Folge tauchen wir tief in das Thema "gesundes Reisen" ein und zeigen dir, wie du auch unterwegs fit und ausgeglichen bleibst. Ob du geschäftlich oder privat unterwegs bist, ich habe praktische Tipps und Tricks für dich, um deine Gesundheit auf Reisen zu fördern. Von der richtigen Ernährung, über effektive Trainingsmöglichkeiten bis hin zu…
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Join us on this inspiring episode of the Love Gangster Podcast as host Adrian Boysel interviews the extraordinary Nik Halik, a true example of achieving the impossible. From his Thrillionaire lifestyle to his passion for freedom and adventure, Nik shares his journey of overcoming adversity and creating a life fueled by purpose and passion. Learn ab…
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Tonight we sit down with the homies Bo Rock from the Dove Shack and Westcoast Kam. Bo Rock gives us some tidbits on Snoop celebrating the night Pac & Suge got hit in Vegas, Kam and Bo Rock briefly debate religion before Steele interjects. It's just 3 homies kicking it tonight. We talk about living in the clown era, the mighty FOI and much more See …
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Einfach mal bei einer Castingshow als Sängerin bewerben und dann bis zum 11. Platz durchmarschieren. Guter Anfang, aber Céline Denefleh aus Mannheim wollte mehr! 2016 dachte sie, es ist eine gute Idee, sich für eine vorher noch nie ausgestrahlte Model-Castingshow zu bewerben: „Curvy Supermodel“. Nach dem Gewinn der Show hat sich Célines Leben kompl…
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Vincent Palermo har vært en mafiaboss i New Jersey, som har styrt virksomheten fra bakrommet på strippeklubben sin. Høres det kjent ut? Vincent blir nemlig omtalt som inspirasjonen bak karakteren Tony Soprano fra gigantsuksessen “Sopranos”. I denne episoden ser vi på livet og karrieren hans, og finner flere likheter mellom serien og virkeligheten. …
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