Nordens största intervjupodd. Träffar de mest framgångsrika personerna, entreprenörer, idrottsprofiler och artister. Ni får höra deras spännande och inspirerande resor från hur allt började till idag. Värdefulla nycklar, rutiner och tips blandat med underhållning och spännande historier. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Film fan Andy Williams and journalist and critic Sean Wilson take two seemingly unconnected films and find an obscure theme in FRAME TO FRAME. A proud part of the Film Stories Podcast Network:
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I podden Jocke & Jonna – Sanningen Måste Fram får vi krypa under skinnet på paret, på en resa genom allt från hemligheter till sanningar som aldrig sett dagens ljus. Tillsammans med TV-producenten Jonas Bergström bildar podden en trio där alla ämnen är up for grabs. Jonas fungerar som en ledsagare, som ställer utmanade frågor, grillar och framförallt pushar Jocke och Jonna. Ibland till dom mest obekvämaste frågorna. Lyssna på Jocke & Jonna - Sanningen måste fram, helt utan reklam, på Podme. ...
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We all enjoy a good consistency, let's see if AI can enjoy them with no Frame of Reference.
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Dropped Frames is a weekly podcast featuring hosts itmeJP, Ezekiel_III and CohhCarnage where they discuss the on goings of being a full-time streamer and of course video games!
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You’re listening to ”Framework Focus,” the podcast that explores trends, innovations, and insights in the long-term care pharmacy industry. Join us as we connect the entire LTC ecosystem.
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Framtid och framsyn är podden där Huddinge kommun spanar mot de omvärldstrender som påverkar allas våra liv, beslut och verksamheter. Huddinges innovationschef Andi Kravljaca intervjuar gäster om trender såsom AI, klimatförändringar, polarisering i samhället, cybersårbarhet, smarta städer och kompetensförsörjning. Vad är det som händer och vad skapar det för drivkrafter? Var med och skapa framtiden med oss!
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A podcast about politics, language, and your brain. Hosts: Dr. George Lakoff and Gil Durán:
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Film reviews at it‘s most honest. If you want to listen to some fun banter and hosts not respecting each other at all..then give us a listen. The catch is..we know films. Join us for a laugh and maybe an education on films.
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This photography podcast is brought to you by FRAMES - quarterly printed photography magazine.
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Freeze Frame is a weekly show reviewing the latest movies from Hollywood’s best to independent and arthouse movies.
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Η εκπομπή που αγαπήθηκε εδώ και χρόνια, πλέον υπό τη μορφή podcast! Απολαύστε τα Framerate, στα οποία συζητάμε για βιντεοπαιχνίδια, το σινεμά και τηλεοπτικές σειρές, για τεχνολογία και ό,τι άλλο μάς κρατάει ανήσυχους! Συγχρόνως, το NewGame+ είναι νέο σόου που θα σταθεί δίπλα στα Framerate, όντας αφιερωμένο αποκλειστικά και μόνο στα παιχνίδια της επικαιρότητας που παίζουμε! Τέλος, το Game Jazz είναι ένα ολοκαίνουργιο talk show των Unboxholics στο οποίο ο Σάκης, παρέα με τον Γιώργο Πρίτσκα κάν ...
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Frame & Reference is a conversation between Cinematographers hosted by Kenny McMillan. Each episode dives into the respective DP's current and past work, as well as what influences and inspires them. These discussions are an entertaining and informative look in to the world making films through the lens of the people who shoot them.
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Key Frames is a podcast where we talk about anime the way it should be talked about. Join us as we cast a critical eye on that animation out of Japan!
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Heja Framtiden är en podcast och plattform för framtidsfrågor. Här får du möta futuristerna som förutspår framtiden, entreprenörerna som bygger framtiden och eldsjälarna som representerar framtiden. Med många olika perspektiv läggs ett spännande pussel som aldrig blir färdigt, och oavsett vad vi tror om framtiden får vi aldrig sluta heja på den. Podden drivs av Christian von Essen i Stockholm. Läs mer på Heja Framtiden is a Swedish podcast about the future. For all th ...
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Frames Per Second Podcast covers all the hot topics and issues related to cinema with in-depth discussions and reviews of the films and television shows we watch today.
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この“Inner Frames Podcast”では、自転車を中心としたあらゆるスポーツ、音楽などの中心に宿るカルチャーを写真、映像を通じて美しく切り取る“NB”こと田辺信彦のフォトグラファーとしての活動についてについてはもちろん、若い頃から続けているDJとしての活動などあらゆる思いを赤裸々にお話ししていきます。 番組のメールマガジンはこちら 田辺 信彦 a.k.a.NB 東京を拠点とするフリーランスフォトグラファー/ビデオグラファーそしてDJ。 自転車を中心としたあらゆるスポーツや、音楽などの中心に宿るカルチャーを、写真、映像を通じて美しく切り取る。 ヨーロッパのシクロクロスに魅せられ、それを切り取った写真集プロジェクト「CROSS IS HERE」を進行中。 AIJC 国際自転車競技ジャーナリスト協会 会員 HP: Instagram:
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Interviews with theatre's biggest stars! West End Frame Editor, Andrew Tomlins, sits down with West End performers and creatives for candid, in-depth discussions about their careers and latest projects. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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A podcast about films and TV as well as anything else that comes to mind.
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Welcome to Season 5 of WMF! A creative community for all artists; sharing resources and inspiration to educate and empower! As our industry continues to evolve, what remains is the power of community. Each week I'm joined by Casting Directors, Writers, Directors, Producers and so many more. It's an honor to spotlight all of the unique & creative voices that bring to life the industry we love! Now let’s get to the conversation!
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Programledningen för KTH:s förändringsprogram Framtidens utbildning kommer att använda livepodd som en kommunikationskanal. Dels för synkron direktkommunikation om framtidens utbildning i allmänhet och KTH:s förändringsprogram i synnerhet. Formatet ger utrymme för ett mer resonerande förhållningssätt och perspektiv kring KTH:s förbättringsarbete de närmaste 5–10 åren.
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Blow Out - frammenti di cinema è un podcast di critica cinematografica prodotto da La Cappella Underground in collaborazione con Radio City Trieste. Filmografie, correnti e suggestioni scomposte in piccoli frammenti, osservate da diversi punti di vista, spezzettate in tante minuscole parti.
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A Podcast for sentimental memory makers with little free time and big hearts! Sharing time saving tips for memory making live from the messy middle of motherhood! New episodes will be posted on the first Thursday of every month
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phonography, field recording, the art of sound-hunting. open your ears and listen. more info at support us at 1 hour approx., updated weekly.
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For more than two decades, Frameline continues with a weekly survey of the latest in film, art, culture & all of its politics. Live banter, interviews & more by veteran film critic/broadcasters Barbara Goslawski and Courtney Small. With roots at CKLN 88.1 FM and notable past hosts such as Toronto International Film Festival’s Artistic Director, Cameron Bailey, and internationally renowned filmmaker Bruce La Bruce, listeners can now tune in live, every Thursday, 6pm EST at
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Movie music news, information and reviews for hardcore score lovers or just casual ones.
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On Framework Leadership, Kent Ingle talks to some of the world’s most successful and innovative leaders about where they came from, how they developed their leadership skills, and how they lead their organizations to success. Listeners look forward to discovering how each guest found their driving passion and stays disciplined in a world full of distraction along with the practical ways they find the courage to act on opportunities.
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Conversations With The Top Film & TV Creators Of Today. Catch new episodes each week wherever you listen to podcasts
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Two film nerds discuss theory behind classic, art-house, and independent cinema, and try to be a little less pretentious than that sounds. Each episode will establish a common thread between three films and engage in discussion about them.
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Join Keith Marchiano, Senior Executive Coach & Program Manager for Sales Enablement at Pax8, for the Results Selling Framework (RSF) podcast. The RSF provides a robust foundation designed to enhance your engagements with potential prospects and existing clients. This strategy can revolutionize your MSP’s sales approach, helping you connect with buyers and understand the problems their businesses face. Tune in to learn how to elevate your sales game and achieve better results through a proven ...
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Podcasten Framtidsfrågor produceras av Ciennce.
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Bare Metal Cyber Presents: Framework is your go-to podcast for mastering cybersecurity frameworks, with a special focus on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). Hosted by Dr. Jason Edwards, this series breaks down each function, category, and subcategory to help professionals, educators, and organizations understand their structure and real-world applications. Each episode delivers clear, practical insights with examples that make cybersecurity frameworks more accessible and actionable. Wh ...
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Framsnakk, en ekte amatørpodkast med fokus på det positive. Hør mer om konseptet i introen :) Du finner meg også på iTunes, gi meg noen stjerner, a?
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Frame by Frame: Rethink Imaging is a podcast that delves into the fascinating world of radiology, offering a fresh perspective on medical imaging and its impact on patient care and healthcare outcomes. The podcast, hosted by Chris St John, aims to bridge the gap between complex radiological concepts and the curious mind, from seasoned professionals to radiology enthusiasts. Each episode features engaging discussions with leading experts in medical imaging, including radiologists, medical phy ...
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**Between The Frames W/ Josh Tomlinson** is a casual podcast about photography and my thoughts that come with it. From creative inspiration to the way we see the world through a lens, it’s all about the moments between the frames. No rules, no tech overload just an open conversation about the craft.
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FM Podcast är nyfikna på det som händer nu och imorgon inom politik, kultur och global utveckling. Redaktion: emanuelalvarez vladanlausevic andreasfroby
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Frames of Mind with Jorgie Rodriguez is where you can get to know the mind behind the frame. In each episode, Jorgie sits down with filmmakers—actors, directors, writers, producers—to explore the stories, inspirations, and challenges that shape the world of cinema. Whether you’re passionate about film or looking to break into the industry, Frames of Mind offers an insider’s perspective on filmmaking through candid interviews. Tune in for insightful conversations, behind-the-scenes stories, a ...
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Every Frame A Pause is a podcast on youtube hosted by MauLer, Rag's & Fringy, where they discuss various forms of media, be it movies, TV or games. Check out their YouTube channels: MauLerYT | Rags | Fringy Check out the unofficial website:
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A podcast about movies set in the world of books and publishing. Each episode, host Tobias Carroll is joined by a new guest to talk about a different film.
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On this series, we tour the UK, putting clients in the frame. Get insights to inspire your own business as we delve into the issues they’ve faced – and the big picture strategies that led to success. All opinions provided by the interviewees are their own. Barclays Bank PLC is registered in England (Company No. 1026167) with its registered office at 1 Churchill Place, London E14 5HP. Barclays Bank PLC is authorised by the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA), and regulated by the Financial ...
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Your weekly stagey catchup! Join West End Frame Editor, Andrew Tomlins, and industry co-hosts for a round-up of the latest theatre news and reviews. Special guests include West End performers, producers, journalists, creatives and more! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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E-commerce SUCCESS är en podcast om framgångsrik e-handel. I podden intervjuas framträdande personer inom e-handelsbranschen. Vi pratar om deras framgångar inom e-handel och om hur resan fram till där de är idag har gått till. Vi gräver alltid lite djupare i ämnet digital marknadsföring och sociala media för att verkligen få insyn i vad som fungerar framgångsrikt. Vår målsättning är att sprida kunskap och inspiration till alla er som arbetar med e-handel, till er som driver eget eller er som ...
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Season 1 is about the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum heist: In the early hours of March 18th, 1990, two thieves posing as police officers were admitted into the Gardner Museum in Boston. In 81 minutes they stole 13 pieces of artwork, among the paintings stripped from their frames were works by Vermeer, Degas, and Rembrandt. Season 2 tackles other angles of art crime. We chat w/ owners of an antique store who found a famous stolen painting, we discuss a stolen da Vinci with Turbo, and we dig ...
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Episode 13: Moondoggie Chapter Thirteen
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17:24Give AI one chapter at a time of a good consistency book and see what happens. Did they get it right? Wag the moondoggie chapter Thirteen For the text and audio book
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25 years later and no Maximus. However, he is replaced with rhinos, rabid baboons and sharks. This film is a bat shit crazy copy and paste of the original and even replaces Commandus with training days , Alonzo (you will get it when you see the film) Join Ciaran and Trevor as they discuss if this is a chaotic misfire or just bubblegum fun. Enjoy! #…
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Freeze Frame: “Snow White” (PG), “Locked” (R), “The Twister: Caught in the Storm” (Not rated), “The Electric State” (PG-13)
Maybe the best thing to say about the controversial live-action revision of the Disney’s classic “Snow White” is that it’s not nearly as bad as feared. Rachel Zegler is a […] The post Freeze Frame: “Snow White” (PG), “Locked” (R), “The Twister: Caught in the Storm” (Not rated), “The Electric State” (PG-13) appeared first on KKFI.…
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S10 Ep8: Vinny Coyle, Wild Bill Hickok in Calamity Jane
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47:14Vinny Coyle is starring as Wild Bill Hickok in Calamity Jane. The production is currently embarking on a UK and Ireland tour with direction by Nikolai Foster and co-direction and choreography by Nick Winston. Based on the Doris Day movie, this production of Calamity Jane last toured ten years ago and features classic songs including The Deadwood St…
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Radiation Optimization: Dr. Kanal’s Legacy with the Dose Index Registry
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35:28In this episode of Frame by Frame, host Chris St. John welcomes Dr. Kalpana Kanal, a diagnostic medical physicist specializing in CT imaging and radiation safety. Dr. Kanal shares her journey from pure physics to medical imaging, highlighting her pivotal role in establishing diagnostic reference levels for adult and pediatric CT scans. She discusse…
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181: "Renner" Cinematographer Sean Emer
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1:06:47This week I'm pleased to have Sean Emer on the show to talk about his work on the new Frankie Muniez-led Sci Fi film Renner! Enjoy! F&R Online ► Support F&R ► Watch this Podcast ► Produced by Kenny McMillan Website ► https://www.kennymcm…
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175. Aldrig mera BUP-papper!
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54:26* Det här är ett gammalt avsnitt från Podme. För att få tillgång till Podmes alla premiumpoddar samt fler avsnitt från den här podden, helt utan reklam, prova Podme Premium kostnadsfritt. * Jocke har bestämt sig; han vill inte fortsätta att prata om BUP-papper efter det hans bror och mamma gjort mot honom. Han berättar att hans bror läckt vissa av …
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S12 Ep6 (ft. Toyan Thomas-Browne): Clueless, Rachel Zegler, Elphabas reunite, Moulin Rouge world tour, Titanique Paris + more!
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59:17Toyan Thomas-Browne (MJ / Shucked) co-hosts The West End Frame Show! Andrew and Toyan discuss Clueless (Trafalgar Theatre) as well as the latest news about Rachel Zegler starring in Evita, Kerry Ellis, Louise Dearman and Rachel Tucker reuniting for the Gravity concert, casting for the Moulin Rouge World Tour featuring Patrice Tipoki... and lots mor…
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149. Mia Cusumano // Casting Director
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40:29Today on What's My Frame I'm joined by Casting Director, Mia Cusumano. Mia is a three time Artios Award nominated Casting Director, winning for her work on The Trial of The Chicago 7. Mia has just completed the casting on her new series for Amazon, entitled "The Better Sister." Along with her series, she is casting multiple indies, including 109 Bi…
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Episode 213 - Five Easy Pieces and The Talented Mr Ripley
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58:15This week we're exploring Isolated Pianists with two loners looking for their place within society. One in rural America with the Jack Nicholson classic, Five Easy Pieces and one in luxurious Italy with Anthony Minghella's 1999 film, The Talented Mr Ripley. Timings for this week are: Five Easy Pieces: (03:33) The Talented Mr Ripley: (33:03) Next ep…
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Editors on Editing w/ “Good Side of Bad” Editor: Edgar Burcksen
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44:28In this episode of Editors on Editing, Glenn Garland interviews Jules Bruff and Althea Root about their collaboration with editor Edgar Burcksen. Celebrated for his work on projects such as the Emmy-winning "The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles," Berkson was known for his mastery of storytelling through editing, a talent he brought to his final proje…
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Ep. 28- Trading Mom Guilt for Memories: Outsource Your Photo Printing
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55:52In this episode of the Frame of Life podcast, we sit down with Coralee Dixon of Shortcake Albums and Portrait Photographer Britt Croft to discuss the balance of motherhood and business, the importance of preserving family memories through printed photo albums, and the challenges of managing time as busy moms. Coralee shares her journey of starting …
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#327 - Schrödinger's Kennedy & The Epic Exploration of Marvel and DC Racing to the Bottom
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4:16:07How much worse can it get?. | Original Airdate: 1st March 2025 | Watch it here:
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'Winning the decade' with Prevented Ocean Plastic in Richmond
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29:18Join us as we dive headlong into discussion with Raffi Schieir, Director of supply chain business Bantam Materials UK Ltd and founder of Prevented Ocean Plastic (POP). With multiple sustainability-related awards and nominations under the belt, the POP brand is making a splash for both the business and their clients alike. Raffi shares how his goal …
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Interview with Tami Phillippi of Frame Minnesota, Custom framing shop offering services for photos, sports memorabilia, and other items.
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21:52Discover the magic of custom framing with Tami Phillippi from Frame Minnesota! In this laid-back interview, Tami shares her journey and passion for picture framing, revealing why her frame shop is the perfect destination for anyone who loves unique, beautifully crafted frames. Check out her work at to see how she transforms every…
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