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Filmmaker Commentary

Filmmaker Commentary

Filmmaker Commentary is dedicated to showing you how to improve your film making process. We do this by reviewing the DVD and Blu-Ray commentaries and special features of working movie directors, producers, actors, and writers. Hosted by Filmmaker Reginald Titus Jr. Co-Hosted by Film Producer Casey G. Smith
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Conversations with some of the film industry's top directors, cinematographers and editors. Hosted by Justice Brooks, edited by Peter See and Alan Berthier, sound mastered by Phill Metcalfe.
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Filmmakers Hangout Podcast

Brandon & Landon Fiscus

The Filmmakers Hangout Podcast is a lively and engaging show where hosts Brandon and Landon Fiscus sit down with local filmmakers to discuss their experiences, challenges, and insights from every corner of the set. Each episode dives into different roles in the filmmaking process, offering a behind-the-scenes look at the creative minds shaping the industry.
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Faith & Family Filmmakers

Geoffrey and Jaclyn Whitt

The Faith and Family Filmmakers Podcast helps filmmakers who share a Christian worldview stay in touch, informed, and inspired. Releasing new episodes every Monday, we interview experts from varying fields of filmmaking; from screenwriters, actors, directors, and producers, to composers, talent agents, and distributors. Hear inspiring stories from the journeys of successful Christian Filmmakers. Find out what’s currently being written and produced. Learn about distribution and fundraising st ...
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Interviews with leading film and TV creators about their process and craft. From screenwriting to film language to cinematography, we'll be examining the innovative ways today's best filmmakers are getting their visions out into the world.
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Filmmakers Academy presents two of the film industry’s most unique and reliable podcasts for professionals who work behind the camera. We explore the latest trends, interview industry leaders, and offer leadership and lifestyle guidance tailored to fit the needs of filmmakers. Stop what you’re doing this very moment and subscribe to Filmmakers Academy to watch LIVE episodes for free on the FA Platform! While full audio episodes are available on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, you can watch past ...
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A podcast about how to make film and TV by filmmakers who actually make them. Interviewing guests from the film-making world from Indie film to Hollywood and everything in between. Hosts Giles Alderson (The Dare), Dom Lenoir (Winter Ridge) Lucinda Rhodes Thakrar (Wolves of War), Tori & Matthew Butler-Hart (Two Down), Phil Hawkins (Prancer: A Christmas Tale), Stephen Follows (Film Data Analyst), Christian James (Fanged Up), Andy Rodger (Three Day Millionaire) and many others explore the world ...
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HONEST, OPEN ADVICE ABOUT YOUR FILMMAKING CAREER Are you about to leave Uni with a filmmaking degree? Or want to change careers and work in a creative industry? We want to give you the tools you need to enter the real world of production or freelancing. Honest and open career advice from people in the business. We also talk to those in other creative industries to discuss their careers, the potential cross over with film production and practical tips for a successful and fulfilling career. h ...
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カンヌ国際映画祭で審査員賞を受賞した「そして父になる」を撮った是枝裕和監督が撮影監督の瀧本幹也氏と共にApple Storeに登場 。写真家・瀧本氏による映画撮影の常識にとらわれない斬新な撮影技法や、カンヌでの秘話などを語ります。映画界と写真界、それぞれの分野で最前線を走るお二人による濃密な対話をお楽しみください。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は紀里谷和明監督が登場。モーガン・フリーマンとクライヴ・オーウェンを主演に迎えたハリウッド・デビュー作「ラスト・ナイツ」の見どころや制作秘話、作品に込めた思いなどを語ります。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。6月18日公開の話題作『クリーピー 偽りの隣人』の監督、黒沢清氏が登場します。第66回ベルリン国際映画祭ベルリナーレ・スペシャル部門に出品されたことでも話題となった本作。脚本担当の池田千尋氏と共に、長編原作の映像化の醍醐味や、映画の見どころ、制作の裏話など、ここでしか聞けないエピソードを語ります。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は1月7日公開の映画『僕らのごはんは明日で待ってる』市井昌秀氏が登場します。『箱入り息子の恋』で第54回日本映画監督協会新人賞を受賞し注目を浴びる日本映画界の新鋭・市井昌秀監督と、本作のヒロインで、ドラマ、映画、CMと幅広く活躍する人気急上昇中の新星・新木優子が、この映画の見どころや制作の裏話など、ここでしか聞けないエピソードを語ります。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker. 。今回は、12年ぶりの日本製作で第29作のゴジラシリーズとなる「シン・ゴジラ」の監督・特技監督の樋口真嗣氏が登場。待望の新作の舞台裏について語ります。編集・VFXスーパーバイザーの佐藤敦紀氏と共に、細部にまでこだわった演出やキャスティング、製作の過程などに ついて、ここでしか聞けない興味深いトークを展開します。モデレータはエグゼクティブプロデューサーの山内章弘氏です。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は「GO」や「世界の中心で、愛をさけぶ」で知られる行定勲監督が登場。2016年 1月9日公開の新作映画「ピンクとグレー」をご紹介します。現役アイドル加藤シゲアキが書いた青春小説の傑作を大胆な手法で映画化した「ピンクとグレー」の見どころや制作秘話などをトークライブ形式で語ります。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は6月25日公開の映画『TOO YOUNG TO DIE!若くして死ぬ』の監督、宮藤官九郎氏の登場です。不慮の事故で地獄に落ちた高校生 (神木隆之介) が生き返りを目指して地獄の赤鬼キラーK (長瀬智也) と共に奮闘する超絶地獄コメディ。この映画の見どころや制作の裏話などを、独自の世界観を生み出した美術の桑島十和子氏と小泉博康氏とのトークショー形式で語ります。
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This podcast is dedicated to discussing movies, industry news, filmmaking, and telling stories. So tune in, comment, and join the community. Or more simply…if you love movies then this is the podcast for you! Hosted by D-man and C.P.
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今回は、フランス映画祭2013のオープニング作品「In the House(英題)」を撮ったフランソワ・オゾン監督がApple Store Ginzaに登場。東京国際映画祭プログラミングディレクターの矢田部吉彦氏をモデレーターに迎えて、オゾン監督が映画への思いを熱く語りました。子供の頃に最初に撮った映画作品や強く影響を受けた作品について、また資金援助をした日本人の堀内氏についてなどファンにはたまらない秘話もたっぷり。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の 声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmaker。今回は、日本アカデミー賞など数々の賞を受賞している白石和彌氏が登場。音楽を担当した安川午朗氏をゲス トに迎えて、6月25日公開の話題作『日本で一番悪い奴ら』の舞台裏や見どころをご紹介します。モデレータは文筆家の轟夕起夫氏。両氏の最新作をは じめ、日本映画の今をたっぷりと伺います。
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「桐島、部活やめるってよ」で日本アカデミー賞最優秀監督賞などを受賞した吉田大八氏がMeet the Filmmakerイベントに登場。角田光代氏の小説を映画化した待望の新作、「紙の月」について語ります。モデレーターは東京国際映画祭プログラミングディレクターの矢田部吉彦氏。細部にまでこだわった演出やキャスティング、製作の過程などについて、ここでしか聞けない興味深いトークを展開します。是非ご参加ください。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は、佐藤信介氏が登場。ヒット作「図書館戦争」の続編「図書館戦争 THE LAST MISSION」の劇場公開(2015年 10月10日)を前に、トークショーを実施。図書館の自由を守る主人公と"メディアの良化"を掲げる検閲部隊との熾烈な戦いを描いたこの映画の見どころや撮影秘話などをたっぷりお話ししています。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmaker。今回は、2016年10月14日公開の話題作『永い言い訳』の監督、西川美和氏が登場。デビュー作以来一貫して完全オリジナル作品に挑み、最新作は、直木賞候補ともなった原作小説「永い言い訳」を上梓し、映画作品を制作した力作です。プロデューサーのバンダイビジュアルの西川朝子氏、分福の北原栄治氏を迎えて、小説から映画に至るまでの過程や、映画の見どころ、制作の裏話など、ここでしか聞けないエピソードを語ります。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker. 。今回は、大河ドラマ「龍馬伝」や映画「るろうに剣心」シリーズを手掛けられた大友啓史監督が登場。清水玲子氏のコミックスを 映画化した、8月6日(土)に公開の待望の新作「秘密 THE TOP SECRET」について語ります。モデレーターはジャーナリスト/メディア・アクティビストの津田大介氏。細部にまでこだわった演出やキャスティング、製作の過程などに ついて、ここでしか聞けない興味深いトークを展開します。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker。今回は2016年 5月27日公開の映画『神様メール』の監督ジャコ・ヴァン・ドルマルが登場。ユーモラスでファンタジック、唯一無二の映像表現で世界的に高い評価を受けるドルマル監督が、この映画の見どころや制作の裏話など、ここでしか聞けないエピソードを語ります。
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第一線で活躍する映画作家の生の声が聞ける人気イベント、Meet the Filmmaker. 。今回は、『ドライヴ』で世界中を魅了した鬼才ニコラス・ウィンディング・レフン監督が登場。ゲームクリエイターの小島秀夫氏を対談相手に、1月13日(金)公開の待望の新作『ネオン・デーモン』の舞台裏と見所についてたっぷり語ります。監督独自の演出やこだわりぬいたキャスティング、さらにクリエイター同士のものづくりに対する思いなど、ここでしか聞くことのできない制作秘話をご紹介します。
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Filmmaker Freedom is a new kind of filmmaking podcast. It's handcrafted it for those of us who like to think outside the box, to experiment, to walk our own path instead of doing things the way they've always been done. If you want to make make films you're proud of and make a living from it, this is the show for you. It's full of clear, focused, and actionable advice to help you succeed as an indie filmmaker in a constantly changing world.
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show series
Send us a text #CryptoFilmFunding #IndieFilmFinance #BlockchainHollywood Can You Finance an Indie Film Using Cryptocurrency? Here's How One Filmmaker Did It; With countless filmmakers struggling to secure funding, could cryptocurrency be the game-changer indie cinema needs? To find out, I sat down with filmmaker Stuart Daly, who successfully levera…
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Korean only version begins at: 23:01 We are thrilled to welcome back Oscar winning director of Parasite, Bong Joon Ho. His new movie takes place in a world where human printing exists (memories and all), and follows a man who agrees to be killed again for science. Director Bong reveals the pandemic-inspired origins of the film, what it was like wor…
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1985's Teen Wolf captured a magical time in 80's cinema. This film has a certain charm that sticks with you. with its universal themes, Teen Wolf is a classic for a reason. Director Rod Daniel gives good insight into what made this film magical. Filmmaker Commentary is Hosted by Reginald Titus Js. Co-Hosted by Casey G. Smith. #teenwolf #filmmakerco…
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Today, Orion and Cassiah are looking back at the most iconic Disney Channel Original movies that came out across the 2000s - from 'Cheetah Girls', to 'High School Musical', to 'Camp Rock', and many, many more - tune in now to hear us dive into this great collection of Disney Channel nostalgia!Orion & Cassiah által
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Katherine Blanford chats with Trey Elling, ahead of her trip to Austin for SXSW and pop-ins at downtown clubs all throughout the week. Topics include: Arrested Development (0:00) Performing in posh Colorado ski towns (2:26) Austin comedy (6:13) Smaller vs bigger venues (10:31) Dave Attell (14:05) The Comedy Mothership (16:53) Ian Edwards (18:49) Ne…
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In this episode, we sit down with Spencer Suflow, a Minneapolis-based director and cinematographer. With a portfolio that includes big names like Justin Bieber and The Chainsmokers, Spencer shares his insights on the importance of humility and respect, and how they impact crew dynamics and the creative process. Hosted by Justice Brooks, edited by A…
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We had the distinct privilege of sitting down with the legendary director Martin Campbell for an exclusive, in-depth conversation about his remarkable career. Martin Campbell's filmography speaks for itself. He's the director who not only breathed new life into the James Bond franchise with the explosive "Golden Eye," but also delivered the critica…
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Caeleb Dressel, a nine-time Olympic gold medal swimmer for the US men's team, chats with Trey Elling, prior to his panel discussion at SXSW. Topics include: Discussing peak performance at SXSW (0:00) Merely enjoying being in the water (1:55) Loving his dog and all animals (4:31) His relationship with Nulo Pet Food (5:30) Nutrition (8:15) Florida Ga…
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Drew Martin, Executive Senior Associate Athletics Director at the University of Texas-Austin, chats with Trey Elling, prior to his participation at the Hook Em House at Antone's during South By Southwest. Topics include: Explaining his panel discussion (0:00) LHN going digital-only (4:14) Blending new tech at DKR (7:48) Relevant gripes from last se…
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So what makes a great hangout film like “Dazed & Confused” or “American Graffiti”? That’s what IndieWire’s Chris O’Falt asks director Carson Lund, a student of the sub-genre and who just made a great one with his baseball film “Eephus,” the story of two recreational baseball teams, up in small town New England, playing their last game on their belo…
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To unwind, Dr. Maurizio Bini, who runs a clinic in a public hospital in Milan, takes long walks in the mountains and picks mushrooms. But even in these calming moments, work is not far from his mind. In “Gen_”, director Gianluca Matarrese’s thoroughly entrancing new documentary portrait (a world premiere at this year’s Sundance Film Festival), Dr. …
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Episode 21 of the Filmmakers Hangout Podcast features guest Chris Reilly, a post-production expert specializing in VFX and editing. Chris shares insights into the world of visual effects, the challenges of post-production, and how editing shapes the final storytelling process. Send us a text Joe's Cafe on Maple Street in Benson. Support the show…
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Episode 130 - Casting Insights and Actor Tips In this episode of the Faith and Family Filmmakers podcast, Jaclyn continues her interview with Susan Willis. They focus on the intricacies of the casting process including the distinction between 'Breakdowns' for agents and 'Actors Access' for public submissions, the submission process, and key tips fo…
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Continuing our coverage live from Sundance, we are once again joined by Amanda McBaine and Jesse Moss (Boys State, Girls State, The Mission) to discuss their new film, “Middletown”, which depicts a charismatic high school teacher in Upstate New York who in the 1990s led a “Breakfast Club”-like group of his students to investigate the town dump–whic…
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Episode 129 - Mama Bear: Nurturing Talent On Set In this episode of the Faith and Family Filmmakers Podcast, Jaclyn interviews Susan Willis, a military veteran who transitioned from serving in the US Air Force to a career in the film industry. Susan shares her unique background, having grown up in a Navy family, and her experiences running a coffee…
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Send us a text #filmmakingpodcast #filmfinance #filmmakerscommunity In this episode of The Honest Filmmaker Podcast, Jim sits down with Rosa Camero, a film producer and consultant who knows the ins and outs of securing funding for indie films. With years of experience helping filmmakers package their projects for investors, Rosa breaks down exactly…
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Join us for an insightful journey through the world of advertising with Justin Bajan, Co-Founder and Creative Director of Familiar Creatures! With nearly two decades of experience at major agencies like The Martin Agency, GSD&M, Arnold Worldwide, and David & Goliath, Justin brings a wealth of knowledge and a unique perspective to the table. In this…
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Comedian Steve Byrne talks sports, standup, and parenting with Trey Elling, prior to his shows at the Comedy Mothership! Topics include: Boxing for exercise... (0:00) ...and hockey for sport (1:03) Getting drunk with Jelly Roll (10:31) The Comedy Mothership experience (13:34) The standup grind (17:03) The Matt Rife quandary (23:00) Latest film proj…
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Today’s episode is a special one! First for all, the brilliant Phil Hawkins takes the reins as our host. And if that wasn’t exciting enough, the one and only Giles Alderson finally joins us to present his brand-new film! Alongside his longtime friend and co-director/-producer/-writer, Dan Richardson, he’s celebrating the release of their powerful a…
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Legendary sportscaster Chris Myers, author of THAT DESERVES A WOW, chats with Trey Elling, prior to NASCAR's race at Circuit of the Americas in Austin on March 2nd. Topics include: COTA hosting NASCAR (0:00) A busy February (3:55) The Superdome's magic (5:39) Calling the Westminster Dog Show (8:25) An old soul at a young age (10:53) A passion for i…
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Joining us for the 4th year in a row, Variety’s Senior Awards Editor Clayton Davis is back on “Top Docs” to break down this year’s Oscar races for Best Documentary Feature and Best Documentary Short and to offer his predictions for who will walk away victorious on March 2nd. With this year’s feature doc race the closest thing to a real toss-up in y…
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In episode 20 of the Filmmakers Hangout Podcast, actor, writer, and producer, Reed Campbell joins the conversation. Reed shares insights from his work in film, his experiences with improv, and how it influences his creative process. Tune in for an engaging discussion on performance, storytelling, and the art of thinking on your feet. Send us a text…
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'Compensation' is an underdiscussed classic that follows two young black couples, one of whom is deaf, played by the same actors in two time periods, facing two different pandemics. In making the movie in the 90s, and discussing it now, Zeinabu is brilliant at capturing the complexities and patterns of black lives. Learn more about your ad choices.…
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Episode 128 - From Your Brain to the Box Office In this episode of the Faith and Family Filmmakers podcast, Jaclyn and Geoff continue their discussion with filmmaker Ricky Borba. In this second part of the interview, Ricky shares his experiences and insights on how aspiring filmmakers can bring their ideas from conception to the box office. He emph…
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Episode 127 - Trusting God Through Cinematic Setbacks In this episode of the Faith and Family Filmmakers Podcast, Jaclyn and Geoff interview Ricky Borba, a film director from the San Francisco Bay Area. Ricky shares his journey in the film industry, starting with his childhood fascination with Star Wars and moving through various challenges and ach…
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Joining is today is acclaimed director Tim Mielants. Tim's career has been a captivating blend of genres and styles, from his work on the visually stunning and mind-bending series "Legion" to his contributions to the historical drama "Peaky Blinders," where he directed Cillian Murphy as the iconic Tommy Shelby. Now, he brings his unique vision to "…
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Send us a text #filmmakingpodcast #weddingvideo #moviemaking This week on the podcast I talk to filmmaker and podcaster Victor Hughes. Vic is a freelance filmmaker making his day to day income filming and editing wedding videos commercials and music videos. He also hosts the Psychocinematic podcast where he interviews filmmakers and talks about the…
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In this episode of Finding the Frame, Chris Haigh sits down with Academy Award nominees Judy Becker and Lol Crawley, BSC, the production designer and cinematographer behind the visually stunning film, "The Brutalist." They discuss their artistic journeys, early influences, and the unique challenges of capturing the film's stark, imposing architectu…
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'Universal Language' is a charming, deceptively deep indie film about a town that is somehow both Winnipeg, Canada and Tehran, Iran, and the lives of its citizens. Director Mathew Rankin sat down with IndieWire craft writer Sarah Shachat to discuss what it takes to live in community, finding his family on set, and of course filming with live turkey…
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Episode 126 - Something New in the Vindication World In part 2 of their interview on the Faith and Family Filmmakers podcast, host Matt Chastain is joined by Jarod O'Flaherty to discuss what comes next for Vindication. Jarod shares details about an upcoming special project set in the Vindication universe, which will follow the events of Season 4, a…
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Episode 125 - Vindication: News and Insights In this episode of the Faith and Family Filmmakers podcast, Matt Chastain reconnects with Jarod O'Flaherty, creator of the hit series Vindication. They reveal some major updates regarding Vindication including the release date for Season 4, and being added to the Angel Studios platform with plans for liv…
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Welcome back to The Filmmakers Podcast! This week, we're revisiting a beloved character and diving headfirst into the world of Bridget Jones, but with a modern twist! We're joined by the talented director who brought us "Bridget Jones: Mad About the Boy," Michael Morris! Michael's career has been a fascinating journey through the worlds of film and…
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Send us a text #filmmakingpodcast #distribution #filmmakerscommunity In this episode of The Honest Filmmaker Podcast, Jim chats with film distribution and marketing consultant Rosa Camero. With over 16 years in the industry, Rosa has been part of more than a hundred film releases, including The Twilight Saga, The Impossible, and Divergent. . Rosa s…
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Flameo Hotmen! It's another episode of One of Us is a Filmmaker and today Cassiah and Orion discuss one his favourite tv shows - yet most hated movies - Avatar: The Last Airbender (or M. Night Disaster?). Why should you watch this epic masterpiece of television, and why should you avoid the film like the plague? Tune in to find out!…
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Rounding out our coverage of the 2025 Academy Award nominees, we are joined by producers Bill Morrison (“Decasia”, “The Dockworker's Dream”, Dawson City: Frozen Time) and Jamie Kalven (of the Invisible Institute) to discuss their Oscar-nominated short, “Incident,” which depicts the police shooting of Harith “Snoop” Augustus and it’s immediate after…
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Director Coralie Fargeat tells IndieWire how the films of David Lynch, Stanley Kubrick, the Coen Brothers, David Cronenberg, John Carpenter and Darren Aronofsky inspired her Oscar nominated body horror classic. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit O'Falt által
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Take a trip down memory lane and listen to the story behind our second short film 'Loose Ends.' It's not good, but we promise it's better than our first short. And enjoy a special clip from our former roommate, and good friend we affectionately call "Bubba," Aaron Crowell. For more, follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and Tiktok or visit our…
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