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Grandes reportagens, investigações e histórias fascinantes em podcast. A jornalista Renata Capucci vai trazer, a cada segunda-feira, uma história diferente com o selo de jornalismo do Fantástico: profundidade, contexto e informação.
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Fantastic Comic Fan


Your guide to the vast universe of digital comic books from the Golden Age to the present. With a history of over 40 years immersed in comic book lore, my enjoyment for them remains undiminished— an enthusiasm I strive to ignite in both old and new fans.
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You've just found a unique and high energy tennis podcast where the conversation is always geared toward the ultimate tennis fan. Each week, we have a different professional ATP or WTA tennis player that joins one of their biggest fans to take a fun deep-dive into their remarkable career.... as well as the weekly drama, comedy and top stories from the world of professional tennis. Our favorite players are here to give the backstory on some of the biggest moments in tennis history in this uni ...
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Chris 'Fantastic' Powell

Chris "Fantastic" Powell

Great leaders in life or business who want to be a success,must think clearly, make smart choices, and stay focused on their goals. Its takes practicle thinking to grow, lead, and succeed by using common sense and taking action.
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Fantastic Forum

Fantastic Forum

Fantastic Forum is your LIVE talk show about comic books and the people who love them. Since 2007 Moses Magnum, Joseph ”Jei” Antrum-Russell, Oscar ”Oz” Bermejo and Lawrence ”Mayor” Young have been serving up their unique brand of commentary and conversation on the comic book industry, geek culture and beyond.
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I den här podden pratar Mimmi och Milla om sina personliga resor – livet före och efter en överviktsoperation. Mimmi är den drivna, ibland hetsiga energiknuten som aldrig tvekar att dela sina tankar och känslor, medan Milla alltid hittar något att skratta åt, och får oss alla att påminnas om vikten av att kunna skratta även i svåra stunder. Tillsammans ger de en autentisk inblick i livet efter operationen – de utmaningar och vinster som följer med förändringen. Det kommer bli både inspireran ...
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Los Fantásticos es el podcast oficial de NFL Fantasy en Español, presentado por Mauricio Gutierrez y Fernando Kallás, dos de los expertos en Fantasy Football más reconocidos del mundo. Los Fantásticos is the official Spanish-language podcast NFL Fantasy podcast, hosted by two of the top Fantasy experts in the world, Mauricio Gutierrez and Fernando Kallas.
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On "How to Live A Fantastic Life," we help you discover the golden pearls of wisdom within to help you live a fantastic life! Get out of your comfort zone and explore the awesome world around you, break through your barriers and take inspired action. We will encourage you to use the difficulties in your life to achieve the best version of you. Each week we bring you amazing people that have discovered their own unique pearls of wisdom they will share with you - often by living through life a ...
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The Potter Discussion is the ultimate Harry Potter podcast, giving you weekly discussions on the most exiting topics in Harry Potter, Fantastic Beasts, and beyond! In each episode, we talk about a new topic within the Harry Potter and Fantastic Beasts fandom, in addition to the occasional quiz or breakdown of a character. If you are a PotterHead and a Harry Potter super-fan, this podcast is for you! Sit back, subscribe, and let's dive into the unknown!
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Welcome to Fantastic Reviews, where I review and rate some of the latest music, movies, or television shows out there! I am Logan Austin A.K.A JAYLOW FANTASTIC! LETS GET CRAZY! Support this podcast:
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Quest Fantastic

Sara Keep, Paul Goodman

Season 2: An actual-play podcast in the world of Orbital Blues by Soul Muppet Publishing! Three crewmates aboard The Moose (formerly the Duchess) are hired to rid the oil town Humberstone of a meddlesome and aggressive young woman, but how long can they outrun their past – and evade a permanent case of the orbital blues? Season 1: An actual play podcast in the world of Dungeons & Dragons! Ten years after a band of adventurers became heroes, the Justyce Loving Friends are living lives of cont ...
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Fantastica Zink

Fantastica Zink

The greatest sci-fi comedy in The Universe. The adventures of Fantastica Zink, the Spirit of Help - a woman very keen to, but unable to turn down requests for help. More at Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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I've been going to science fiction, fantasy, horror, and comic book conventions since I was 15, and I’ve found that while the con which takes place within the walls of a hotel or convention center is always fun, the con away from the con—which takes place when I wander off-site with friends for a meal—can often be more fun. In fact, my love of tracking down good food while traveling the world attending conventions has apparently become so well known that one blogger even dubbed me "science f ...
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The Fantasticast

Stephen Lacey & Andrew Leyland

Stephen Lacey and Andrew Leyland are your guide to Marvel's First Family, The Fantastic Four. Starting at the very beginning of the Marvel Age of Comics, they cover every issue of The Fantastic Four, every spinoff title (Strange Tales, Marvel Two-In-One, FF, and more), every guest appearance and every cameo, all in order of publication.
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PodCraft takes you from novice podcaster to confident broadcaster. We’ll teach you how to start and grow a successful podcast in our easy-to-follow seasons. Let’s start at the start with the groundwork and planning stages. Why do you want to podcast, who do you want to reach, and why? Then, let’s learn what we’ll need to record, publish, and distribute it. Once that’s done, we move on to marketing, growth, and monetisation. Here, we help you to reap the rewards of all your hard work. On PodC ...
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show series
Send us a text The relentless pursuit of immediate results has become our default setting in a world where everything from entertainment to meals arrives at the tap of a screen. But what if this "now" mindset is actually undermining our most important achievements?Chris "Fantastic" Powell által
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It’s understandable why so much misleading advice exists around “the podcast launch”. After all, we’re used to the launch life cycles of products, films, albums, and books. After a few days or weeks, it becomes pretty clear that a new game console or blockbuster movie has sunk or swam. But a podcast isn’t like that at all. In this episode, we talk …
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Vi firar 100 avsnitt med rent och kärt snack. Hur mår vi? Vad har vi för oss och hur lyckas vi alltid krångla till det till max när lösningarna finns framför oss? Häng med 😊! Från tid 43:35-end är det en återblick genom åren med några klipp som påminner oss om vad podden i helhet handlar om. Lyssna gärna två gånger så du inte missar något 😊 _______…
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We’re on the penultimate book from the first run of Fighting Fantasy novels and it’s also writer Keith Martin’s swan song after eight books. Revenge of the Vampire is a direct sequel to the excellent Vault of the Vampire and sees Martin re-united with artist Martin McKenna. It’s a great creative pairing but is Revenge of the Vampire on the same lev…
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Originally published on February 4, 2021, this powerful episode of How to Live A Fantastic Life features Mari Mitchell, a woman who spent years living as the person others expected her to be—until she hit rock bottom. Mari takes us on her journey of self-discovery, sharing how she reclaimed her true identity and how you can do the same. From childh…
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Bom dia, boa tarde, boa noite! No episódio de hoje do Acervo Fantástico continua nossa Temporada: Realidade ou Ilusão com VIAGENS ALUCINANTES, filme de Ken Russell de 1980, protagonizado pelo William Hurt! Entre outros assuntos, conversamos sobre alucinaçãoes, a primeira consciência, a verdade última, reencarnação, caos, êxtase, psicodelia, o imagi…
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Neste episódio do podcast do Fantástico, você confere trechos inéditos da entrevista de Renata Ceribelli com Gracyanne, a musa fitness, empresária - e agora ex-BBB. Uma conversa que mostra o lado menos conhecido da mulher por trás dos holofotes e das redes sociais. Gracyanne mais vulnerável, mas sempre impondo a sua força.…
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One man down, one given the boot… and one sideways mohawk s**tc**t who’s decided today’s the day to get on my radar. But life goes on. A job needs doing. ***** Do the TTRPG world and us a solid by purchasing the beautiful Orbital Blues book using this affiliate link! Support us on PATREON! Join our Discord! Buy MERCH! Quest Fantastic music on Bandc…
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss the core trait of certain characters in Harry Potter. Enjoy! Topics/Summary: · 1:23 Dumbledore – Wisdom. He had lived through a lot. Wars, duels, deaths, and so much more. The lessons he has learned are infinite, and can be synthesized into some pretty potent knowledge bombs. Those lessons he teaches Harry…
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What an absolute whirlwind the past two years have been for our guest & WTA player, McCartney Kessler. To finish 2022, #922 in the world and then cut to today in 2025, where she now has 2 WTA titles and a win (just a few weeks ago) against the world #3, Coco Gauff. The sky is the limit for this talented former Florida Gator. Join host, Jon Guerrica…
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Tonight on Fantastic Forum, we take a trip above and a trip below with two stellar reviews. First we discuss the latest outing for DC's cosmic cops with Green Lantern Corps #1! Then we journey into the depths of Limbo with a look at Marvel's Magik #1! Watch tonight at 6:30pm PT and call in live at!…
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Mangia mussels in Little Italy with David Simmons as we discuss how he manages to give such dramatic performances during his public readings, why his answer when asked to describe his genre of writing is "Baltimore," the way discovering the novels of Donald Goines changed his life, why his wife was responsible for his first short story being writte…
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Send us a text From my book "Going One-on-One with Life," I introduce you to the "Oh No's" - eight powerful characters that secretly sabotage your progress and potential. From Mr. Procrastination who convinces you tomorrow is always better than today, to Ms. Fear who paralyzes you with endless worst-case scenarios, these mental saboteurs work tirel…
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What happened to the once-popular Western genre? As a prospector doll put it, “Once the astronauts went up, children only wanted to play with space toys!” And yet the Western legend lives beyond the Earth, often mixed with the sci-fi genre. What is a space Western? We invite raygun-slinger and After Moses sci-fi Western author Michael F. Kane to ri…
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There are more mics, interfaces, mixers, and digital recorders than there are stars in the sky. In this episode, we delve into the cost of podcast equipment in 2025 and give options, examples, and recommendations for every budget and format. The Cost of Podcast Equipment in 2025 Need Help With Your Podcast?…
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I detta avsnitt pratar vi om hur det är att ha mentala och känslomässiga utmaningar kring den livslånga disciplinen vi behöver ha efter att ha gjort en överviktsoperation. Vi behöver vara medvetna om våra val även om omgivningen inte alltid förstår varför vi står över eller väljer annat i form av aktivitet, mat och umgänge, hur hanterar vi allt det…
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What if you woke up in a crumbling mountain castle with the beast of your nightmares? Then discovered this kindly dragon speaks like a man and reads books? And, whether literary or not, how would such a dragon—the mascot of traditional fantasy—fare in a battle against spaceships? That’s the burning question behind this week’s book “battle” between …
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Originally Published January 28, 2021. In this special encore episode of How to Live A Fantastic Life, we revisit the incredible journey of Meridith Alexander and her daughter Schuyler. After a life-altering accident in 2016—when Schuyler was crushed by a massive boulder in South America—their story became one of resilience, determination, and tran…
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Neste episódio do podcast do Fantástico, Renata Capucci e Maria Scodeler recebem o doutor Eduardo Gasiglia, presidente da Comissão de Direito do Consumidor da Associação Brasileira dos Advogados do Rio de Janeiro, e Jayme Drummond, hoteleiro que já percorreu mais de 70 países.G1 által
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Send us a text In this episode, we design what the first episode of the Harry Potter TV show should be. Enjoy! Topics/Summary: · 1:33 We open in Godric’s Hallow. It’s important that we see the Potters as one big happy family so we can better understand the conflict of their death. For a good few minutes they’re living their lives; perhaps Sirius is…
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The Bloodsword series is a set of gamebooks which take place in the world of Dragon Warriors, the classic roleplaying game written by Dave Morris and Oliver Johnson. It’s great that they are available again but do they bring anything fresh to the table? The first book, Battlepits of Krarth, tips its hat to Deathtrap Dungeon and has art by the great…
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I detta avsnitt får ni ta del av Victorias starka och ärliga berättelse om överviktskirurgi – och hur komplikationerna efter operationen förändrade hennes liv för alltid. Det är avgörande att lyfta fram alla sidor av en överviktsoperation, inte bara de positiva. Just därför är Victorias historia så viktig. Lyssna gärna två gånger så du inte missar …
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Tonight on Fantastic Forum, we dabble in a bit of sword and sorcery with two amazing reviews! First we get down in the grass with a new title from Jason Aaron and Mahmud Asrar with our thoughts on Bug Wars #1! Then we see what happens when horror and fantasy mix from some of the industry's top creators with Cruel Kingdom #1-2! Watch tonight at 6:30…
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The planet Mars. Named after the Roman/Greek god of war. Fourth from our sun. A frigid desert, with gravity 38 percent Earthen level, and many secrets lurking in its frozen rock. This world looms large in the public imagination, thanks in part to the many fantastical stories orbiting this alien land. From princesses and Tharks, to inspiration for A…
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Originally Published January 21, 2021. In this episode, join us for an insightful deep dive with Ilyse Rothman as we explore how to recognize, release, and re-story our lives. To begin, we must understand our relationship with the world around us. Ilyse will guide us in analyzing our perspective and how we view the reality in which we are the “star…
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Olá, caros ouvintes do Acervo Fantástico! Conseguimos inserir na nossa Temporada Realidade ou Ilusão uma homenagem ao grande David Lynch com um bate-papo sobre A ESTRADA PERDIDA, filme de 1997! Conversamos sobre segundas chances, noir e neo-noir, identidade, karma, reencarnação, duplicidade, sobre a impossibilidade de fugir de você mesmo, sobre rea…
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Por que esse problema de saúde pode passar décadas sem diagnostico? Quais são os sintomas? E que tratamentos são realmente eficazes? Neste episódio, Renata Capucci e Maria Scodeler recebem o doutor Armando Lobato, presidente da Sociedade Brasileira de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular, e Tati Maranhão, assessora, ex-Paquita e tem lipedema.…
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Send us a text In this episode, we discuss the casting annoucement of John Lithgow as Dumbledore and what we can expect. Enjoy! Topics/Summary: · 2:00 What did we get in the book versus the film? In the book, Dumbledore is very wise and much more chill than the film. In the film, Dumbledore has a much more intense way about him. Especially when Mic…
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Send us a text The power of being nice is one of the most underestimated traits in our fast-paced world where many believe kindness is a weakness that makes you soft or easily taken advantage of. Some of the strongest, most successful, and most confident people understand that real power comes from lifting others up, not pushing them aside.…
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We'll often say that podcast sponsorship isn't the only way to monetize a podcast, and for many creators, it likely isn't "the best". But all forms of podcast sponsorship aren't equal, and it's entirely possible that it could be lucrative for you, even without thousands of downloads. Podcast Sponsorship: The Ultimate Guide How to Make a Podcast Med…
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