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Every weekday our global network of correspondents makes sense of the stories beneath the headlines. We bring you surprising trends and tales from around the world, current affairs, business and finance — as well as science and technology. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Get a daily burst of illumination from The Economist’s worldwide network of correspondents. Our reporters dig past the headlines to get to the stories beneath—and to stories that aren’t making headlines, but should be. A unique perspective on the issues and events shaping your world. Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ at If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For ...
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Join Reuters journalist Carmel Crimmins every week as she and her guests pick apart a key economic principle behind the world’s news. Get beyond buzzwords and technical terms to understand the ideas and debates shaping the global economic agenda.
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Russ Roberts

EconTalk: Conversations for the Curious is an award-winning weekly podcast hosted by Russ Roberts of Shalem College in Jerusalem and Stanford's Hoover Institution. The eclectic guest list includes authors, doctors, psychologists, historians, philosophers, economists, and more. Learn how the health care system really works, the serenity that comes from humility, the challenge of interpreting data, how potato chips are made, what it's like to run an upscale Manhattan restaurant, what caused th ...
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Economics Explained

Economics Explained

On Economics Explained, we take a look at interesting countries, policies, and decisions from the point of view of an economist. The world is an interesting place and we hope to uncover some of this intrigue in our short, informative podcasts.
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Niets is wat het lijkt in de economie. De realiteit verrast altijd. Marike Stellinga en Maarten Schinkel gidsen je elke week langs dubbelzinnige cijfers en de economische krachten die ons leven beïnvloeden, en helpen je onderscheid te maken tussen waan en werkelijkheid. Marike Stellinga is econoom en journalist. Ze werkte zes jaar als politiek verslaggever voor NRC en schrijft nu over politieke economie, sociaal-economisch beleid en klimaatbeleid, onder andere in de column ‘Zo simpel is het ...
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The Economics of Everyday Things

Freakonomics Network & Zachary Crockett

Who decides which snacks are in your office’s vending machine? How much is a suburban elm tree worth, and to whom? How did Girl Scout Cookies become a billion-dollar business? In bite-sized episodes, journalist Zachary Crockett looks at quotidian things and finds amazing stories. To get every show in the Freakonomics Radio Network without ads and a monthly bonus episode of Freakonomics Radio, start a free trial for SiriusXM Podcasts+ on Apple Podcasts or by visiting
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Deutschland schmiert ab. Die deutsche Wirtschaft und Industrie stagniert, die Stimmung unter Unternehmern ist mies, Investoren machen einen weiten Bogen um den Wirtschaftsstandort Deutschland. Dieser Wahlkampf müsste die Wirtschaft ins Zentrum rücken, aber kaum jemand traut sich. Wie viel „Afuera“ braucht das Land und welche Art von Kulturkampf, damit Deutschland wieder boomt? Der Ökonom Daniel Stelter und WELT-Herausgeber Ulf Poschardt diskutieren über eine Volkswirtschaft im Niedergang – u ...
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Economia dia a dia

Juliana Simões

Neste podcast falamos dos temas económicos que marcam a atualidade. Todos os dias resumimos o que precisa de saber sobre os números nacionais e internacionais em episódios de poucos minutos. E ao sábado, as grandes notícias são discutidas pelos jornalistas de Economia do Expresso. Oiça e subscreva o Economia dia a dia em qualquer plataforma de podcasts ou siga em
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Babbage is our weekly podcast on science and technology, named after Charles Babbage—a 19th-century polymath and grandfather of computing. Host Alok Jha talks to our correspondents about the innovations, discoveries and gadgetry shaping the world. Published every Wednesday. If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how to get access, please visit our FAQs pa ...
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The World in Brief tells you what’s on the global agenda in the coming day, what to look out for in business, finance and politics and, most importantly, what to make of it. Economist Podcasts+ subscribers and digital subscribers to The Economist should log in at for access to the full World in Brief. Sign up for Economist Podcasts+ here: For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how ...
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Dominic Pino

Econception, an AIER podcast, unpacks the week's economic news and exposes how it's shaped by fundamental concepts. Host Dominic Pino, a Rhodes Fellow at the National Review Institute, discusses the economic landscape with leading analysts in the field of market economics.
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Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff

Democracy at Work - Richard D. Wolff

Economic Update with Richard D. Wolff is a weekly nationally syndicated program produced by Democracy at Work and hosted by Richard D. Wolff. The program explores complex economic issues and empowers listeners with information to analyze not only their own financial situation but the economy at large. Beyond focusing a critical eye on the economic dimensions of everyday life - wages, jobs, taxes, debts, interest rates, prices, and profits - the program also explores systemic solutions to our ...
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"Le brief éco", rendez-vous quotidien consacré à l'actualité économique où Emmanuel Cugny propose les dernières informations économiques indispensables pour comprendre la journée à venir Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Amid Faljaoui dans sa chronique économique nous dévoile les coulisses des entreprises et passe en revue les grands événements de l'actualité économique.La chronique économique d'Amid Faljaoui, c'est tous les jours à 7h55 dans La matinale de Musiq'3.
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Tous les jours, du lundi au jeudi, Christophe Dansette et les autres chroniqueurs de France 24 décryptent un grand thème de l’actualité économique en France et à l’étranger.
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We are living through a paradigm shift from trickle-down neoliberalism to middle-out economics — a new understanding of who gets what and why. Join zillionaire class-traitor Nick Hanauer and some of the world’s leading economic and political thinkers as they explore the latest thinking on how the economy actually works.
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A handpicked article read aloud from the latest issue of The Economist. Published weekdays from Monday to Thursday. If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. For more information about Economist Podcasts+, including how to get access, please visit our FAQs page here
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Le grand retour du Débat éco le vendredi à 7h45 entre Thomas Porcher, l’un des plus grands économistes français et Dominique Seux, l’un des meilleurs journalistes éco. Rendez-vous sur l'application Radio France pour découvrir tous les autres épisodes.
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Podden där det pratas pengar och ekonomi på ett roligt och lättlyssnat sätt. Pingis och Hanna varvar egna samtal med gäster och experter där de pratar om allt ifrån omvärldsekonomi, sparande, hälsa, relationer till smart vardagsekonomi. I varje avsnitt diskuteras privatekonomiska frågor ur Economistas community. Podden görs i samarbete med Nordax Bank. Följ också podden på Instagram:
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Checks and Balance unlocks American politics by taking a big theme each week and digging into the data, the ideas, and the history shaping the country. Join John Prideaux, Charlotte Howard, Idrees Kahloon and Jon Fasman as they talk to politicians, pollsters, academics and people across the country about the great experiment of American democracy. Published every Friday. If you’re already a subscriber to The Economist, you’ll have full access to all our shows as part of your subscription. Fo ...
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show series
C'est jour de vote ce mardi au Groenland. Rarement, le monde se sera autant intéressé aux élections législatives de ce territoire convoité par Donald Trump, dont une partie de la population revendique son indépendance du Danemark. L’occasion de s’intéresser à son économie.FRANCE 24 által
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In this episode, Noah Smith recently went on the Break the Rules podcast, hosted by Lev Polyakov, for a debate with Auron MacIntyre. They discuss the societal implications of AI development, focusing on Trump's relationships with tech leaders, AI systems like Stargate, surveillance, economic productivity, regulatory measures, geopolitical competiti…
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It’s a nightmare scenario for consumer giants. Fed up with high prices and processed products, shoppers are increasingly buying from smaller, “insurgent brands”. So what does it all mean for the conglomerate model of doing business? Host Carmel Crimmins talks to Vanessa O’Connell, Reuters global consumer and retail editor and Jessica DiNapoli, U.S.…
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A small group of elite universities holds an outsized influence over the field of economics, shaping research, policy, and the broader economic narrative. But is that concentration of power stifling innovation and reinforcing the status quo? This week, Harvard economist David Deming joins Nick and Goldy to discuss his recent Atlantic article, in wh…
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We bespreken in 2 afleveringen een minder voor de hand liggend maar interessant onderwerp: volksparken en stadsparken. Hun geschiedenis zegt iets over de betekenis van groen in de tijd van toen. Parken uit het tijdvak 1800-1940 vormen onderdeel van ons groene en culturele erfgoed. In deze parken kunnen wij ontspannen en soms ook ideeën opdoen over …
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Horrifying attacks on Alawites, the sect of deposed leader Bashar al-Assad, throw into question the power—or the will—of Ahmed al-Sharaa, the country’s leader, to maintain peace. For the first time in decades it now makes more sense to pay off a mortgage early (10:36). And high-end satellite data, once the preserve only of spies, could soon be avai…
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Horrifying attacks on Alawites, the sect of deposed leader Bashar al-Assad, throw into question the power—or the will—of Ahmed al-Sharaa, the country’s leader, to maintain peace. For the first time in decades it now makes more sense to pay off a mortgage early (10:36). And high-end satellite data, once the preserve only of spies, could soon be avai…
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Mass layoffs have become a routine corporate strategy—not because companies are struggling, but because Wall Street demands it. In Wall Street’s War on Workers, labor educator and author Les Leopold exposes how stock buybacks, deregulation, and financialized capitalism have made job cuts a tool for enriching CEOs and hedge funds at the expense of w…
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Amid Faljaoui nous dévoile les coulisses des entreprises et passe en revue les grands événements de l'actualité économique. Merci pour votre écoute Vous pouvez nous écouter à tout moment sur Retrouvez tous les contenus de la RTBF sur notre plateforme : Et si vous avez apprécié ce podcast, n'hésitez pas à nous donner des …
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Saviez-vous que le nombre de logements vacants en France a bondi de 60 % en 30 ans ? Une partie de cette hausse est due aux indivisions successorales qui s’enlisent dans des conflits familiaux ou des procédures interminables. Mais une nouvelle loi, adoptée le 6 mars par l’Assemblée nationale, pourrait bien changer la donne en accélérant la sortie d…
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Après que Donald Trump a fait passer les droits de douane sur les importations chinoises de 10% à 20% le 3 mars dernier, Pékin a décidé, à son tour, de relever les droits sur les importations américaines. Le bras de fer se poursuit, mais la Chine semble prête à négocier. De son côté, la présidente mexicaine a obtenu de Donald Trump la suspension de…
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Gustavo Ferreira comenta o tombo das ações em Wall Street, com o Nasdaq caindo mais de 4%. O mercado teme estagflação nos EUA, com inflação alta e crescimento fraco. A incerteza é agravada pelas declarações de Trump, que não demonstra uma posição clara em relação ao futuro econômico do país, o que faz com que as bolsas reajam negativamente. Ouça.…
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Ana Leoni e Nathália Larghi explicam o novo índice da B3, bolsa brasileira, que avalia o desempenho das debêntures incentivadas, isentas de Imposto de Renda. O índice IDEB Ultra IPCA B3 tem como objetivo medir o desempenho médio dos preços dessas debêntures e inclui somente aquelas de ultraqualidade. Elas destacam que índices como esses são importa…
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O TikTok chegou a ser bloqueado nos Estados Unidos, mas voltou a estar disponível poucas horas depois. Assim que assumiu a presidência, Donald Trump assinou uma ordem executiva que adiou por 75 dias a aplicação de uma lei, promulgada por Joe Biden, que ditava a proibição da aplicação no território norte-americano, caso não fosse vendida pela sua de…
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Míriam Leitão comenta a decisão do ministro em homologar o plano de trabalho apresentado pela Câmara dos Deputados e pelo Senado para aumentar a transparência na execução das emendas. O avanço determinado por Dino ajuda na retomada de projetos importantes suspensos, mas ainda interdita parte do andamento da Câmara.…
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Luiz Gustavo Medina comenta balanço da Petrobras , que fechou o quarto trimestre de 2024 com o recuo de seu lucro líquido em 70,6% em comparação a 2023. A divulgação deixou um mau humor nos investidores, que acompanharam uma 'aceleração brutal' das ações, que cresceram 21% no trimestre.
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De acordo com o jornalista do Globo Rural, Cassiano Ribeiro, o agronegócio brasileiro pode sim se beneficiar no curto prazo. Apesar do valor de grãos como soja e milho apresentar queda na bolsa de Chicago, as tarifas e embargos impostos pela China devem mexer no rearranjo de variáveis de preços - como "prêmios" e câmbio. Já no médio e longo prazo, …
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Luiz Gustavo Medina comenta o retorno da Bolsa depois do Carnaval, que opera em alta. No tempo fechada, houve anúncio para o mundo cripto, tarifas, taxações, discurso no congresso e, em destaque, uma revisão do Fed de Atlanta, que publicou uma hipótese do Banco dos EUA retrair 0,4% no primeiro trimestre, o que já rendeu uma baixa no petróleo.…
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Ana Letícia Loubak fala sobre o 'bug' global que enfrenta o Chromecast, aparelho da Google que permite transformar as televisões em smart. O dano foi na ação de espelhamento, que parou de funcionar. A empresa informou que, apesar do aparelho já ter encerrado fabricação, todos serão reparados. Ouça.
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Míriam Leitão comenta como a incerteza, 'apesar de parecer um termo meio vago', tem um papel fundamental na economia. Quando ela é alimentada pelos governantes - como Trump -, cria uma instabilidade e, principalmente, uma paralisia decisória. 'As empresas deixam de investir, empregos não são criados e negócios não são feitos'.…
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