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Dopisi iz Diznilenda Podcast

Dopisi iz Diznilenda Podcast

Sedmični osvrt na društvena događanja u Srbiji i regionu, politika bez političke korektnosti i gikovština bez gikovske smotanosti. Dva Bosanca na neprivremenom radu u Beogradu. P. S. Burek je samo s mesom. Patreon:
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The Anti-Doping Podcast

Dr. Marie McNeely and the Partnership for Clean Competition

Want to stay up to date on important issues in anti-doping research, technology, law, policy, and more? This podcast presented by the Partnership for Clean Competition covers important topics in the anti-doping field through interviews with experts including scientists, sport organizations, athletes, and other clean sport champions. The Partnership for Clean Competition is a global non-profit organization that is protecting the integrity of sport and public health by engaging and supporting ...
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The Dopist is a weekly podcast that puts cannabis at the centre of deep dialogue with experts, to help you navigate the cannabis industry—and beyond. Hosts Grayson Miller and Jay Rosenthal explore the word of cannabis retail, the good the bad and the ugly. Follow @thedopist on Instagram, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcast. Sponsored by TokeText
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Gene Doping

Elisabeth Squillacioti

This "ASMR" podcast discusses the topic of gene doping. Gene doping is similar to gene therapy except in gene doping, DNA is inserted to enhance an individual's athletic performance. We will discuss the science and the origin of gene doping. We also discuss the possibility for gene doping in athletics in the future. Additionally, we will touch on the ethical dilemma regarding gene doping in athletics.
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Geheimsache Doping – der Podcast

Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg

ARD-Dopingexperte Hajo Seppelt und radioeins-Moderatorin Kerstin Hermes blicken gemeinsam hinter die saubere Fassade des Sports. In "Geheimsache Doping – der Podcast" arbeiten die beiden die spannendsten Dopingfälle der Sportgeschichte auf, tauchen mit den Hörern ein in mafiöse Strukturen und menschliche Abgründe. Was nehmen Menschen in Kauf, um der Schnellste, die Stärkste, die Besten zu sein? Hajo recherchiert seit über 20 Jahren zum Thema und gibt Einblicke in sein Fachwissen. Er erzählt ...
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show series
Na intersekciji podcasta Dopisi iz Diznilenda i ExKurs Podcast nalazi se Peder, Pop i Pravnik Podcast. Miljan (Peder) kao poveznica između Vukašina Milićevića (Pop) i Nemanje Paleksića (Pravnik). Sve teme iz oba podcasta i one kojima u njima nema mesta, ovde, na jednom mestu. Vidimo se (i čujemo), za sad, dvaput mesečno.Poslije velikog sabora stude…
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Professor Ian Boardley is the Head of Impact & Engagement, Professor in Sport and Exercise Psychology, and Chair of the Health and Safety Committee for the College of Life and Environmental Sciences in the School of Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation Sciences at the University of Birmingham in the UK. In this episode, he discusses his research on t…
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Redovni izvještaji sa svih frontova. Ko nas (sve) plaća? PZE, bojkot istog i ko je uopšte Bojana Vunturišević u toj priči? Kuda plovi američki brod, geopoetika i ostale prinadležnosti. Potreba za (kolektivnim) identitetom. Svi koji vole klasično Diznilend šarenilo, izvolte u salonu.Pratite nas na:…
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Dr. Tina Suominen is Director of the Helsinki Doping Control Laboratory within the Forensic Chemistry Unit at the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) in Helsinki, Finland. In this episode, she discusses her role as Director of a WADA-Accredited Anti-Doping Laboratory, the lab's history (including a major move and re-accreditation), and t…
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Na intersekciji podcasta Dopisi iz Diznilenda i ExKurs Podcast nalazi se Peder, Pop i Pravnik Podcast. Miljan (Peder) kao poveznica između Vukašina Milićevića (Pop) i Nemanje Paleksića (Pravnik). Sve teme iz oba podcasta i one kojima u njima nema mesta, ovde, na jednom mestu. Vidimo se (i čujemo), za sad, dvaput mesečno.U današnjoj epizodi bavimo s…
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Pričamo o nekim nuspojavama protesta, ostavljajući glavnu raspravu za prošireni sastav, da ne kažemo plenum. Koliko iscrpljuje praćenje protesta, koliko se može uživati u nekim drugim stvarima, koliko se druge stvari mogu pratiti i koliko to utiče na bojkot? I zaboga, šta to radi Donald Tramp? Pratite nas, nastavljamo jako.Pratite nas na:https://ww…
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Dr. Brad Johnson is the Gordon W. Davis Regent's Chair in Meat Science and Muscle Biology and Professor in the Department of Animal and Food Sciences in the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources at Texas Tech University. In this episode, Brad discusses his research on muscle growth and development in meat animals, as well as potent…
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Na intersekciji podcasta Dopisi iz Diznilenda i ExKurs Podcast nalazi se Peder, Pop i Pravnik Podcast. Miljan (Peder) kao poveznica između Vukašina Milićevića (Pop) i Nemanje Paleksića (Pravnik). Sve teme iz oba podcasta i one kojima u njima nema mesta, ovde, na jednom mestu. Vidimo se (i čujemo), za sad, jednom mesečno.U ovoj skroz prvoj epizodi d…
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Dr. Ekain Zubizarreta is a Lecturer at the University of the Basque Country in Spain, and he is also a member of the research laboratory ISP at Paris Nanterre University in France, which hosts the UNESCO Chair in “Doping Studies and Analysis of Anti-Doping Policies”. In this episode, Ekain talks about the history and significance of UNESCO’s role i…
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Epizoda direkt ispod čekića, najfriškije moguće, najaktuelniji događaji. U svjetlu najnovije eskalacije sukoba, pričamo više o budućnosti protesta nego o prošlosti ili sadašnjosti. Gdje su druge društvene grupe? Šta dalje, koji je sljedeći korak? Može li se bez politike? Koliko veze imaju referendum, Ukrajina, Gaza? Pred kraj malo o Gejmenu, vidimo…
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Dr. Michaël Polet is a faculty member in the Department of Diagnostic Sciences and Head of the IRMS (isotope ratio mass spectrometry) Department in the Doping Control Laboratory (DoCoLab) at Ghent University in Belgium. In this episode, he discusses PCC-funded research projects he has led to improve anti-doping analyses by developing new gas chroma…
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Nakon dugog, višenedeljnog putovanja u srce tame, javljamo se i pričamo o temi svih tema posljednjih dva mjeseca, a to su studentske blokade. Uz uvide iz same studentske populacije, kao i sa strane, raspredamo naširoko odakle smo krenuli, odakle je ovo stiglo, kako se razvija i kuda sve ovo vodi. Na to se prirodno kaleme i neke povezane teme tipa p…
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Dr. Lena Ekström is a Hospital Chemist at Karolinska University Hospital and an Adjunct Professor of Pharmacology in the Department of Laboratory Medicine at the Karolinska Institute, where she specializes in Doping Research. In this interview, we discuss her career and some of the research she has conducted examining various factors that can influ…
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Dr. Christoph Borchers is a Full Member in the McGill Centre for Translational Research in Cancer, Senior Investigator at the Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Director of the Segal Cancer Proteomics Centre, and Professor in the Department of Oncology at McGill University. In this episode, Christoph discusses his research in the area of pr…
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Vukašin i Miljan u novoj epizodi Ekskursa uz sasluženje Nemanjino raspravljaju o svemu onome što je vezano za najznačajniji događaj koji se desio u Srbiji 2024, a to je tragedija u Novom Sadu. Pitanja poput odgovornosti, odnosa prema istini, solidarnosti, društvenih promjena i da li postoji tačka poslije koje takvo nešto i nije moguće. Sve teme se …
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Elizabeth Ramsey, Executive Director of the Team USA Athletes' Commission (formerly the USOPC Athletes’ Advisory Council) joins this episode to discuss how the Commission is working to empower Team USA athletes to inspire and drive positive change. She shares how the Commission is organized, what it can do to help athletes, and how it's critical fo…
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Dr. Nikos Ntoumanis is Professor and Director in the Danish Centre for Motivation and Behaviour Science in the Department of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics at the University of Southern Denmark. In this episode, Nikos discusses important research he has been conducting on factors that are relevant for doping intentions and doping behavior…
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Amerika vol. 2, utisci. Šta znači imati međunarodni ugled? Koliko ga mi imamo s obzirom na to kome smo se sve (pro)dali? Zna li iko na šta će ličiti Beograd u bliskoj budućnosti? Na kom ste koncertu posljednji put bili i imaju li Srbija i Beograd dobru koncertnu salu? Miljan je redovan na premijerama domaćih filmova. Najava nekih serija. Čujemo se …
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Evo nas poslije dugo vremena, uz kratko izvinjenje i obećanje da će nas biti češće. Stripovi, sajam knjiga, Koka kola, kako su svi glupi, Amerika an ženeral, Amazon, Prajd, ekumenizam, šta je to, litijum, Srbi i geopolitika, Venom. Toliko od nas , čujemo se. 🙂Pratite nas na:…
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Professor Kim Wolff is Director of King’s Forensics and head of the Drug Control Centre, which is the only WADA accredited laboratory for sports testing in the United Kingdom. She is also Director of the London Athlete Passport Management Unit (APMU), and she was named a Member of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (MBE) for her service…
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Nick Raudenski is an independent Consultant and also Head of the Fight against Technological Fraud at the International Cyclist Union (UCI). Prior to his current positions, Nick's career spanned work in criminal investigations for the U.S. Government and sport integrity roles for the Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the Uni…
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Adopted in 1989, the Council of Europe's Anti-Doping Convention unites stakeholders from member states and provides a framework for working together to protect clean sport and fair play. This episode features two guests from the Council of Europe, Julien Attuil-Kayser and Dr. Liene Kozlovska. Julien recently served as the Head of the Anti-doping Un…
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Od Olimpijskih igara do oproštaja od Bore Đorđevića, pokrivamo dug period, površno koliko se to može. Predug uvod posvećen koncertu povodom 100 godina Radio Beograda, potom priča o muzici koja obuhvata i Linkin Park ali i Bijelo dugme a naravno i Riblju čorbu, a usput i obavezne teme tipa Rio Tinto i Prajd. Lambros pride. Ljubimo vas (dobrim) pesma…
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Dr. Günter Gmeiner is Head of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA)-accredited Seibersdorf Doping Control Laboratory in Austria, as well as the Forensic Analytics Laboratory there. In this interview, Günter describes his scientific background, the history of the Austrian Doping Control Laboratory, how the lab has grown and evolved since it was establ…
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Sean Cottrell is CEO and Co-founder of LawInSport, the world's leading sports law website, knowledge hub, and global community of more than 30,000 members. In this episode, he shares the story of how LawInSport came to be, how it has grown into the organization that it is today, and what he envisions for the future. We discuss some of the resources…
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Dr. Reid Aikin is the Associate Director of the Athlete Biological Passport (ABP), and Dr. Norbert Baume is Senior Manager of the ABP at the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA). In this episode, they discuss recent updates to the ABP, including the addition of new biomarkers to the Steroidal Module and the creation of the new Endocrine Module. They als…
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Nakon osam nedelja, došlo je vreme da se rastajemo - poslednje izdanje podkasta za ovu sezonu zmajevanja. Za sam kraj - šta je bre ovo? Na šta liči ovo finale? Gde su još dve epizode? Zašto se sve svodi na "the season that never was" i "this season could have been an e-mail"? Između rentovanja, raspravljanja i padanja u belu penu, osvrćemo se na za…
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Pretposlednje izdanje zmajskog podkasta za ovu sezonu je pred vama! Ovog utorka, bistrimo da li je epizoda zaista bila natprosečno dobra ili je hajpovanje ludom radovanje, da li su Crni prestali da smaraju i postali zabavni, da li Renira konačno ispoljava svoje ružnije osobine iz knjige i zašto, kuku nama, serija to prikazuje kao herojštinu, kada i…
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Dopingfälle bei Olympischen Spielen sind eher selten. Doch mit seiner neuesten Recherche weist der ARD-Dopingexperte Hajo Seppelt nach: Olympische Spiele sind und waren schon immer auch Festspiele des Dopingbetrugs. Nur fliegt dieser Betrug erst Jahre später auf, wenn die Spiele nur noch eine schöne Erinnerung ist, die die Geschichtsbücher füllt. U…
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Osam godina nakon prve Trampove kandidature, evo nas opet na istom mjestu, Tramp protiv neke nesnosne žene. Američki izbori, litijum, Milica Zavetnica. Treba nam litijum da bismo podnijeli sve ove teme, ali ne ovaj što bi da trpaju u baterije za automobile. Da li je Desingerica zapravo tradicionalista? A Dedpul? Pratite nas, Saundklaud, YT, Patreon…
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U ovom izdanju: zašto omraženi PowerPoint stil pisanja dijaloga sve više postaje industrijski standard, koliko smo se obradovali na taktove "Rains of Castamere", da li Ejmond prebrzo proklizava u anime negativca, do koje mere se Dejmonovo skubiduisanje u Harenholu ubajatilo i otelo kontroli, šta će koji moj zmaj u Vejlu od svih mesta, kako je tema …
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Andrea Lindsey is Director of Operation Supplement Safety, the Department of Defense program of record for dietary supplements, a Program of the Consortium for Health and Military Performance of Uniformed Services University. She is also an Assistant Professor at the Uniformed Services University. In this episode, Andrea discusses important issues …
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Podkast - zmajevanje ponedeljkom! Pretresamo epizodu u kojoj radnja usporava kako bi se ponovo postavila pozornica, ali pisci iz sobe za pisce slabo koriste priliku za karakterni razvoj ili produbljivanje sveta. Pričamo o čemu Debeli ovih dana bloguje, a o čemu upadljivo ćuti, zašto svaki put kada Sara Hes otvori usta ispadaju žabe, o materijalu za…
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Vreme je za podkast - sveži komentari na najnoviju epizodu "Kuće zmaja" koja nas je poprilično prodrmala (savet: gledajte uz paket maramica i nešto žestoko na dohvat ruke, a ako imate ljubimce, zagrlite ih uz završne scene). Elem, kako je Dejmon propao kroz paralelnu dimenziju i završio u drugom žanru, na Netflixu kod Majka Flanagana (birajte: "The…
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Miljan i Nemanja, havera dva, će vas provozati od 92. do 2024, od Vidovdana do Petrovdana, od Evrovizije u Zagrebu do ispadanja Srbije sa Evra, a negdje u sredini krije se još jedna filozofsko teološka rasprava. U mnogo momenata ne zna se ko je ko i ko čije i koje stavove zastupa, no obojica će vam reći - šer, subskrajb, lajk, a Patreon nam je majk…
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Dr. Francesca Rossi is Testing Director at the French Anti-Doping Agency (AFLD) where she also manages international partnerships and serves as a science coordinator. She joined us in this interview to talk about her career and her work at AFLD, including preparations for the 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Paris. Listen to this episode to get…
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Podkast! Dok napolju besni superćelijska oluja, mi divanimo o Brekenima i Blekvudima i tradicionalnom balkanskom sukobu oko međe, odnosno šta se desi kada mrtvi počnu da se broje u hiljadama, a više niko nije siguran šta je tačno bio uzrok rata. Pričamo takođe kako neko može da bude go a u oklopu, a neko kao od majke rođen a oklopljen, zašto Alis R…
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Podkast - sa najavljenim jednodnevnim zakašnjenjem, stiže naše nedeljno palamuđenje o "Kući zmaja". O opštoj suši mimova i tome zašto nam nedostaje kralj Viseris, Otu Hajtaueru kao glasu razuma što je siguran znak poslednjih vremena, Svetoj Reniri od Zmajkamena, svetici zaštitnici ogorčenih fanova Deneris Targarjen, Dejmonu kao Princu Filipu s peri…
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Sabrasmo se, konačno, braćo i sestre, drugarice i drugovi. Teška vremena, a mi još teži. Dotičemo se tvrdih tema - svesrpski sabor, da li Japanci misle da su Srbi genocidan narod (sekcija pitamo eksperte), huliganizam na EP i u našem društvu generalno, a usput malo i o novim serijama a bogami i o nivim igrama. I o SPC, nemoj mi to razdvajat. Slušam…
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Dr. Andrew Heyes is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Leeds Beckett University. He is also working on a research project at the University of Birmingham, and he is an elite athlete in the marathon and ultramarathon competing for Great Britain, a member of the World Anti-Doping Agency’s Social Science Research Expert Advisory Group, a Member of the …
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Podkast! Posle dve godine pauze, ponovo se bavimo zmajevima - očekivano, Miljan i Isidora pretresaju novu sezonu HoTD. O tome kako smo stigli dotle da je osam epizoda na svakih par godina postala norma za savremene serije, marketinškoj poganiji i ratu crnih protiv zelenih na društvenim mrežama, zašto i sami autori serije navijaju za jednu stranu i …
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Der schockierende Doping-Tod der Bremer Leichtathletin Birgit Dressel 1987 ist ein tragischer Tiefpunkt in der Sportgeschichte der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Im sportlichen Wettrüsten der 70er und 80er Jahre hieß es auch in der BRD: höher, schneller, weiter ohne Skrupel - mit allem, was die Apotheke hergibt. Und führende bundesdeutsche Sportmedizi…
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1990: Die Mauer ist weg. Ehemalige sportliche Klassenfeinde werden zu Freunden. Dopingbelastete DDR-Trainer machen weiter Karriere, ehemalige DDR-Athleten holen Medaillen für das wiedervereinigte Deutschland. Gemeinsam wird nun weitergedopt, wenn auch vorsichtiger.Filmtipp: Tod für Olympia…
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„Höher, schneller, weiter um jeden Preis!“ Das scheint die Devise im Sport der BRD zu sein. Panzerschokolade, die bereits Soldaten im Krieg die Angst genommen hat, soll nun Athleten helfen, ihre natürlichen Grenzen zu überwinden. Anabolika vermännlichen junge Frauen und machen sie auf diese Weise stärker. Mit Luft vollgepumpte Därme sollen für eine…
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Nach dem schockierenden Tod von Birgit Dressel ist die Betroffenheit groß. Doch restlos aufgeklärt ist die Tragödie bis heute nicht. Ihr Arzt, Armin Klümper, wird bald auf allen Ebenen freigesprochen: juristisch und moralisch. Doch Eingeweihten war damals bereits klar: Der Spitzensport in der BRD mischt längst mit im internationalen Doping-Wettrüst…
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April 1987: Eine junge Frau bricht vor der Leichtathletik-WM im Training unter heftigen Schmerzen zusammen. Es ist Birgit Dressel, die Siebenkämpferin, eine westdeutsche Medaillenhoffnung für die WM in Rom und für die Olympischen Spiele 1988. Eine ganze Mannschaft von Ärzten versucht zu helfen, doch nach einem brutalen zweitägigen Todeskampf stirbt…
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Dr. Jakob Mørkeberg is Senior Science Manager at Anti Doping Denmark. In this episode, he discusses research and development efforts to advance dried blood spot (DBS) testing, how they have implemented DBS methods for drug testing in elite sport and fitness centers in Denmark, and some of the positive cases and athlete sanctions from DBS tests. Jak…
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In this episode, Dr. Cornelia Blank and Dr. David Müller discuss a newly launched collaborative research project they are leading that is examining the experiences and perspectives of sanctioned athletes as well as clean athletes. The project is called Transforming Athletes’ Life Experiences after Doping into Education Resources and Policy Recommen…
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Dvojac nikad fizički udaljeniji, nikad povezaniji u svakom drugom smislu. Htjeli smo o svačemu nečemu, pošto je Miljan u BG a Nemanja u Japanu, ali većini vremena potrošismo na Evroviziju (nije Milja inicirao majke mi!) i malo nešto o izborima. O utiscima turističkog vodiča iz Japana ćemo uživo. I ovo je bonus, hvala vam što nas podržavate i slušat…
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Anders Solheim is CEO of Anti-Doping Norway, and he was recently elected as the Chair of the Board of the Institute of National Anti-Doping Organisations (iNADO). In this episode, Anders talks more about his career, his work as part of iNADO, landmark accomplishments for clean sport in Norway over the years, how the organization supports anti-dopin…
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