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Martina Pavlicová, Marie Zemanová

V podcastu DialogyX moderátorky Martina Pavlicová a Marie Zemanová představují zajímavé lidi a myšlenky formou rozhovoru. Tyto nahrávky jsou záznamy interaktivních rozhovorů a diskusí, jež proběhly v prostorech na síti X.
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Dans Dialogues, je reçois des écrivains, des penseurs, des personnes dont le travail me parle, m'inspire, des personnes que j'aime. Hébergé par Ausha. Visitez ausha.co/fr/politique-de-confidentialite pour plus d'informations.
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Radio Dialogue by D4P

Dialogue for People(D4P) 安田菜津紀・佐藤慧

Dialogue for People(D4P) 安田菜津紀、佐藤慧がお送りするラジオ型トーク番組。時事ニュースへのコメント・解説や、取材報告、日々を生きるためのヒントとなる様々なテーマに関するゲストを呼びトークを行います。 #d4p #DialogueforPeople #安田菜津紀 #佐藤慧
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Programmet där du får möta människan bakom personen.Victor de Almeida intervjuvar människor om deras livsöden och berättelser, varvat med skratt och allvar. ”Det är lätt att prata om dig själv, men det är dock betydligt svårare att berätta om sig själv”Gillar du det vi gör och vill stötta med en engångssumma så swishar du på: 123 64 508 86 Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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Dialog Liber

Teodor Cătăniciu

La Dialog Liber stăm de vorbă cu lideri din societatea românească și explorăm împreună nuanțele provocărilor din jurul nostru. Găzduit de Teodor Cătăniciu, misiunea Dialog Liber este să încurajeze dezbateri publice deschise, să promoveze gândirea pe termen lung prin cărți bune, și să susțină un optimism informat pentru oamenii din arenă, cei care construiesc soluții pentru problemele României.
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Homöopathie im Dialog

Nadine Neuenschwander & Claudio Rupp

Willkommen beim Podcast Homöopathie im Dialog – der ideale Begleiter für Laien, Interessierte, Student*Innen der klassischen Homöopathie und vielleicht auch schon erfahrenen Naturheilpraktikern! Hier erwarten Dich zwei erfahrene Therapeuten, die schon bald 20 Jahre lang täglich und immer wieder begeistert mit diesem sehr faszinierenden Medizinsystem arbeiten.
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Diálogos Olimpianos

Diálogos Olimpianos

Diálogos e muita história das sociedades da Antiguidade. Do Mar do Norte ao Mundo Mediterrânico, navegando pelo Rio Nilo ou atravessando o Crescente Fértil e indo além... Diálogos Olimpianos é um projeto do Grupo de Estudos sobre o Mundo Antigo Mediterrânico - GEMAM, sob coordenação da Profa. Dra. Semíramis Corsi Silva (UFSM), que visa trazer o conhecimento produzido na universidade sobre as sociedades antigas de forma acessível, divertida e prazerosa. Bate papo com pesquisadoras e pesquisad ...
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China Plus

Dialogue covers a wide range of topics, providing a balanced and critical perspective on current affairs and analysis within the framework of cross-cultural and multidisciplinary comparisons. Hundreds of heads of state, diplomats, business leaders and culture icons have appeared on the show.
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Finanzstrategie Sommese & Kollegen GmbH

Der Podcast FINANZ-DIALOG ist das Wissen zum Hören von Sommese & Kollegen. Im Dialog mit unseren Gästen öffnen wir das Fenster zu Wirtschaft, Kapitalmarkt und Finanzwelt. Wir geben tiefe Einblicke und wertvolle Insidertipps. Die Themen sind so vielfältig und exklusiv wie das Wissen unserer Experten. Nur mit dem richtigen Wissen kann Vermögensaufbau langfristig erfolgreich sein. Deshalb lieben wir den Austausch mit erfahrenen Menschen aus der Finanzbranche. Für alle Interessierten öffnen wir ...
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Converging Dialogues

Converging Dialogues

Converging Dialogues is a podcast that is designed to have honest and authentic conversations with a diversity of thoughts and opinions. Wide-ranging topics include philosophy, psychology, politics, and social commentary. A spirit of civility, respect, and open-mindedness is the guiding compass. convergingdialogues.substack.com
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Writing great books is critical to generating sales and building a following of readers. On the Dialogue Doctor Podcast, Jeff Elkins and other writers discuss how to write dialogue that will excite readers and help you sell more books.
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A Platform for The Right Thinking People. An endeavor to bring the best minds together for in-depth exchanges of thoughts and ideas. Besides physical events, now hosting digital events in a big way! Log on to www.thejaipurdialogues.com
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The Data Dialogues podcast explores the latest trends, technologies, and challenges in data, marketing, analytics, and beyond. Join us for insightful conversations with industry experts and thought leaders.
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Este podcast mensual es creado por la cooperativa educativa CoopERA para interaccionar con interesadas e interesados en continuar pensando y profundizando en el tema de la educación transformadora, la educación que nos permita crear organizaciones y espacios cooperativos, calidad de vida y el desarrollo de otra sociedad posible bajo el marco de la economía social y solidaria.
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MeltingPod - Migration im Dialog

Andrea, Dennis, Laura, Marina, Merve

MeltingPod - Migration im Dialog: der Podcast des Nachwuchsnetzwerkes des Interdisziplinären Zentrums für Integrations- und Migrationsforschung an der Universität Duisburg-Essen. Die Corona-Pandemie hat uns auf die Idee gebracht, einen Podcast zu starten, um eine Plattform für Netzwerkarbeit, zur Verbreitung von Forschungsergebnissen und dem Wissenschafts-Praxis-Transfer im Bereich der interdisziplinären Migrationsforschung zu bieten. Wir sprechen hierbei als Nachwuchswissenschaftler:innen m ...
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Demokratie im Dialog

Starke Demokratie e.V.

Wir sprechen mit interessanten Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Wissenschaft und der Zivilgesellschaft über Themen, die letztlich unsere freiheitlich demokratische Grundordnung betreffen. Der Verein Starke Demokratie e. V. unterstützt gezielt kommunalpolitisch Aktive im Umgang mit konkreten Bedrohungen und einer zunehmend aggressiven politischen Stimmung. Demokratie im Dialog möchte hierzu gemeinsam mit den Gästen aufklären, informieren und diskutieren. Der gemeinnützige Verein mit Sitz in Hamb ...
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Digital Dialogs - Compact conversations on the future of tech is an innovative podcast that aims to explore the cutting-edge frontiers of technology, with a special focus on emotional intelligence and human-computer interaction. Through a series of concise dialogues and expert insights from professionals, this podcast is a journey into how technology is not only advancing by leaps and bounds but also becoming increasingly sensitive and responsive to our emotions, thereby improving the qualit ...
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Dornsife Dialogues

USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Dornsife Dialogues, hosted by the USC Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences, are conversations among leading scholars and distinguished alumni regarding a wide range of topics relevant to our world today.
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Bully Dialogues

Clinton Fein and Bryan Schimmel

Bully Dialogues is hosted by Bryan Schimmel and Clinton Fein, who share their deeply personal stories that led them to create this groundbreaking podcast. Bryan, a former victim of bullying, and Clinton, his former bully, come together to tackle the complex realities of bullying from both perspectives—a rare and powerful collaboration.
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show series
In dieser Folge von Finanzdialog sprechen wir über spektakuläre Finanzskandale und die Lehren daraus für Anleger. Ob Wirecard, René Benkos Signa oder andere Milliardenpleiten – wir analysieren, welche Warnsignale es gab und wie Investoren solche Risiken vermeiden können. Warum fallen selbst erfahrene Anleger auf solche Fälle herein? Und welche Stra…
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Der Bundestagswahlkampf 2025 ist aufgrund der vorgezogenen Wahlen besonders intensiv – ein Wettlauf gegen die Zeit, geprägt von gesellschaftlicher Spaltung, politischer Unsicherheit und wachsendem Populismus. Wie erleben Kandidat*innen diesen Wahlkampf? Welche Herausforderungen begegnen ihnen im direkten Kontakt mit Wähler*innen? Und wie gehen sie …
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Another episode in English – another important topic. With Yannis Wong, PhD student at the Department of Anglophone Studies at the University of Duisburg-Essen, we discuss his research and delve into the complex world of British immigration policy, focusing on the British National Overseas (BNO) Visa Scheme for Hong Kong residents. Yannis explains …
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Liebe Alle Schön, dass Ihr wieder bei unserem Podcast reinhört! Dieses Mal reden wir über die Gabe, sich selbst zu lieben, für sich einzustehen und gegen aussen zu zeigen, wo die eigenen Grenzen stecken. Wären wir gesünder, wenn wir uns mehr lieben würden? Über dieses und jenes sprechen wir zwei in dieser Podcastfolge. Liebe Grüsse, Claudio und Nad…
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Adrian Papahagi este profesor universitar, autor, și unul dintre intelectualii publici care luptă împotriva extremismului în țara noastră. Discutăm despre rolul bisericii în formarea gândirii critice, încercăm să înțelegem motivele reale din spatele votului pentru candidați precum Călin Georgescu și dezbatem care ar putea fi antidotul pentru pesimi…
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संभल से मुसलमानों का पलायन | अब SP headquarter संभल शिफ्ट। योगी का फिर से संभल पर फोकस
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In this episode, Dialogue Doctor Coach JP Rindfleisch IX sits down with author Lisa Bonneau to talk over her plot. They use tarot cards to work out the various plot beats. T o work with JP or to learn more about the craft of writing, check out https://dialoguedoctor.com/Jeff Elkins által
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This week: President Trump's visit with Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, the growing threat of China, and Dr. Arnn's recent interview with Erik Prince. Dr. Larry P. Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, joins Hugh Hewitt on the Hillsdale Dialogues. Release date: 14 February 2025 See omnystudio.com/listener for privacy information.…
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अब BJP ने छत्तीसगढ़ में किया कमाल | Won All 10 Mayor Positions | जनजाति क्षेत्रों में भी भारी जीत
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With Trump’s ultimatum and increasing global crackdowns, is the Khalistan movement nearing its end? Aadi Achint, Ramnik Mann, and Vaibhav Singh analyze the impact of deportations and shifting geopolitical stances on the separatist agenda. As countries tighten their stance on extremism, what does this mean for the future of Khalistani elements abroa…
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The Modi-Trump meeting carries significant implications for India and its neighbors, shaping trade, defense, and geopolitical strategies in the region. In this must-watch analysis, Vijay Sardana decodes the key takeaways, including potential economic shifts, defense collaborations, and the broader impact on South Asia’s stability. With discussions …
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In this episode of Dialogue Out Loud, Dialogue Art Editor Margaret Olsen Hemming sits down with Carrie Ellen Carlisle, the cover artist for the Winter 2024 issue of Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought. They discuss Carlisle’s artistic journey,… The post Painting the Familiar: A Conversation with Carrie Ellen Carlisle appeared first on Dialogue Jo…
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Artificial general intelligence could possess the versatility to reason, learn and innovate in any task. But with rising concerns about job losses, surveillance and deepfakes, will AGI be a force for progress or a threat to the very fabric of humanity? This is the full audio from a session at the Annual Meeting 2025. https://www.weforum.org/meeting…
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In this episode, Xavier Bonilla has a dialogue with Eugene Finkel about the Ukraine-Russian War. They discuss Russia’s 200 year crusade to end Ukraine, identity, shared histories, and impact of Mongol and Ottoman empires. They talk about the Donbas and Crimea regions, Putin’s version of history, Galicia and Eastern Front in WWI, Ukraine independenc…
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Cela vous est sûrement déjà arrivé : vous avez un comportement étrange, inexplicable, ou des échecs répétés là où vous devriez réussir... Quand soudain vous vous souvenez : votre mère, un oncle, un ancêtre, a rencontré une difficulté similaire. C'est ce qu'on appelle aujourd'hui le transgénérationnel. Comment faire avec ces blessures dont on hérite…
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Politická situácia, otázka predčasných volieb, záver vyšetrovania atentátu na premiéra, USA odmietajú Ukrajinu v NATO, rokovania o prímerí s Ruskom, financovanie mimovládneho sektora a iné. Hostia: podpredseda parlamentu Tibor Gašpar Smer-SD, poslankyňa a podpredsedníčka PS Irena BihariováSTVR által
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with Donald Trump has sparked major geopolitical shifts, while Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus’ sudden departure from Bangladesh raises serious questions about the country’s political landscape. Meanwhile, Pakistan continues to grapple with internal chaos, further impacting regional stability. Tahir Gora analyze…
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Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s meeting with Donald Trump has sparked major geopolitical shifts, while Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus’ sudden departure from Bangladesh raises serious questions about the country’s political landscape. Meanwhile, Pakistan continues to grapple with internal chaos, further impacting regional stability. Tahir Gora analyze…
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The AAP’s internal power struggle is intensifying as Atishi, Manish Sisodia, and Bhagwant Mann find themselves at odds with Arvind Kejriwal’s central control. With Punjab MLAs holding a crucial meeting, is the party heading toward a major split? Meanwhile, the mainstream media faces a meltdown as the political drama unfolds. Harsh Kumar analyzes th…
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This year's Munich Security Conference highlights the growing trend of multipolarization. The conference serves as a platform for decision makers from around the world to tackle pressing security challenges and explore potential solutions. What role will the major powers play at this critical juncture? How are global relations being shaped as conse…
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महाकुंभ को लेकर योगी आदित्यनाथ ने लगाई IAS IPS अफ़सरों को ज़बरदस्त फटकार | सारे रिकॉर्ड हुए ध्वस्त
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Martin Kjellström är den andra svensken någonsin som tävlat i Mr Olympia. Detta lyckades han med, genom sin 3:e plats i Romanian Grand Prix. Kjellström dömdes i dec 2009 för dopningsbrott, grovt bedrägeri och grovt bidragsbrott. Han dömdes först av tingsrätten till 3,5 års fängelse, vilket sedan justerades till 2 år och 9 månader av hovrätten. Samt…
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U.S. President Donald Trump's recent comments suggesting that his country should take over Gaza have sparked significant debate. The proposal has raised questions about sovereignty, international law and Washington's role in the Middle East. How should we assess the feasibility of the idea along with its legal and ethical implications? How have dif…
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