Become a Paid Subscriber: Where Women Warriors (Veterans) talk about ways to improve their mental health and emotional wellness in order to reset and recalibrate in life.
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When was the last time you were bitten and or smitten by Love (I mean Luv)? How many you even know what Love is? Well, love can yield several different meanings depending on who you talk to these days. However, this new Luv, is like a counterfeit drug that’s being weaponized and sold to so many people that it’s playing on the hearts and minds of vu…
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This Valentine’s Day, people from all walks of life are celebrating some form of love whether it’s in the form of being in a committed relationship, platonic relationship, self-love relationship or all three; today is an excellent time to focus on the area around your ❤️ heart. Let’s begin to practice global coherence where the heart, mind and emot…
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Are you a helper but have difficulty with asking for help or even receiving help? Where did that behavior come from? If you’re anything like the moderator maybe pride tried to creep in or some unresolved issues are not being addressed. Have you done any work around asking for help when you need it? What kind of emotions come up when you ask for hel…
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Trust me when I say this, whatever pain you endure, it will actually set you apart to help others explore. In this particular episode, the moderator addresses what happens with when you answer the call (calling) and when you delay or place the call on Do Not Disturb (DND). What a revelation!
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Glad to know the seasons are changing.
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This episode discusses how “Operating in the Spirit of Offense” is nothing more than a bait from the “Accuser” to keep you from fulfilling our destiny. It tarnishes the soul. Whenever you operate in the “Spirit of Offense” it unleashes several low vibrational emotions to keep a person bound and unforgiving. The moderator encourages us to do a perso…
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Do you recognize a fragile heart? Not to be confused with fragile heart syndrome; a fragile heart is one that has experienced some emotionally challenging life events. The heart has been broken and people try to put the pieces of their heart back together on their own. Nevertheless, there is only one physician who can mend or heal the broken hearte…
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In this episode the moderator talks about why healing ❤️🩹 is not only important but is necessary in order to not remain toxic or infect other people. There is nothing wrong with self help…Just listen!
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“Living Life on Life’s Terms,” (a quote often recited throughout the AA/NA community) is something challenging and the post-pandemic has definitely presented a lot of people with some challenging times. Yes, cause “Life Be Life-ing” Nevertheless, the moderator briefly addresses some of the most challenging times she encountered and she shares with …
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The moderator understands the challenging work of therapy both as a provider of services as well as being a benefactor of the services. No doubt it’s a beast. She explains having the opportunity to be work sides of the chair is challenging yet rewarding. Empathy is definitely one must have. This episode talks about grounding (earthing) and explains…
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In this episode, those are the words the moderator constantly heard echoing in her mind and spirit. As we move forward in this season, it’s important to know who’s voice you’re listening to when your head and heart are out of alignment and you’re feeling torn and confused. In man’s world it has to make sense, but in the spirit world it doesn’t have…
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Always having the need to defend yourself is a trauma response. Some of that could’ve been learned very early in childhood. It’s time to do some course correcting! It’s a goal to have you emotionally dysregulated and to get distracted and unhinged. Don’t fall for it! Stick to the facts and keep calm. 🌺💕…
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So I said Yes, 1 year ago to my mental health and wellness journey. I’m still recovering ❤️🩹
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Aug 30th is recognized as “National Grief Awareness Day.” In this particular episode, the moderator acknowledge and address grief and shares her own personal experience w/grief and the recent loss of her loved one. While being transparent and completely vulnerable, she briefly talks the stages of grief (Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Accept…
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People we have a lot to undo and unlearn. What are some things you would personally like to learn? The moderator explores some sayings, quotes that she seeks to unlearn.
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It is widely known that most women love to talk and when they do it’s like having verbal diarrhea. For many, it’s a trauma response of not being heard enough as a child. There was a saying growing up, girls (children) were to be seen and not heard. Well, the moderator describes how talking too much and not using the power of discernment has caused …
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The moderator expresses how being “In your feelings” isn’t a bad thing as long as you do not stay there. Once an individual acknowledge, verbalize and process the thoughts connected to those feelings and makes a decision then Emotional 🖤Sobriety has be achieved. The moderator explores how she got there and results taken as a result of processing it…
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It hurts but it’s necessary to in order to gain wisdom.
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The buzz or hype word these days that's running rampant on social media and in the community is to affirm and/or be affirming to yourself and others. Well, What does tat mean? Affirm or Affirming by definition, means to state as fact; assert strongly and publicly. The second definition acknowledges; to offer someone emotional support or encourageme…
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Here is a retrospective (introspective) look at what I learned in 2022. I’m sure many of you can borrow and even add to these pearls. In either case, it’s all about growing while stringing those pearls of wisdom along.
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This episodes explains the “Boiling Frog Syndrome.”
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Expectation for the future of Cultured Pearl Images, LLC
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Break-ups can be hard and difficult but sometimes necessary to safeguard your mental health and emotional wellness. Nevertheless it is important to not allow a breakup to break you. Get the necessary help needed to heal and feel whole again.
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Whenever you’re in a battle the first thing many will do is to either respond or react. Ah ah ah…No, Its actually involves resting (sleep/breathing). This part is crucial because it can be a life or death situation. The author addresses her own experience with fighting which is very different from the way she is use to fighting and may serve to be …
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Whooo-hooo Happy Pod-Anniversary to CPI! Can you believe it's been a whole year since we started this podcast journey together? Thank you for rocking and rolling with us, as it's been quite a ride! Well, this podcast is a little different from the others as it seeks to express spoken words to live by. I love "Spoken Word" and I hope these words spe…
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Daily Affirmations to support making deposits into your life
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While mother’s are being celebrated all over the world today, it may spark some eustress (happy stress) and some distress (extreme sorrow and anxiety), for others. Please make sure to develop and utilize a supportive network if you need to. Be mindful of the emotional 🖤traps set to ensnare you on social media, other mediums and w/family and friends…
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We often get stuck in the past when we sidestep the truth of radical acceptance-whenever we do, that’s when change happens. Reading: “Daily Affirmations for Forgiving and Moving On: Powerful Inspiration for Personal Change.”(Dayton, T., 1992, 2010).
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I wanted to dedicate this episode to all of the great women out there doing great things for themselves as well as for others. Today you should feel empowered and uplifted. Aye-Say it with me…”I Am a Woman Phenomenally…A Phenomenal Woman…That’s Me!” Phenomenal Woman: Four Poems Celebrating Women is a book of poems by Maya Angelou, published in 1995…
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How do you confront fear? Do you fight it? Or, Run or stay stuck in it? What strategy do you use to get you through it?
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Are you aware of when to release something or let it go? How do you know when you’ve outgrown something? I was inspired to release this piece four years ago, but just released it today. Whew, not only did I need it, I’m sure somebody else can relate!!! Journal, whatever comes to your mind as you listen to this piece. Be blessed~…
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When you’re ready for growth in new seasons. Guided Meditation and Imagery
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Let’s close out 2021 reflecting on what you learned about yourself. I want to thank all the listeners/subscribers for the continued support. It really means a lot. Cultured Pearl Images wishes you a healthy prosperous New Year~Peace and Blessings to you all!
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Please receive this self-love gift! Those of you who constantly pour out to others, now it’s time pour into self.
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How are you showing up in the world with your power? Are you an Adder, Subtractor, Multiplier or a Divider? Who are the people in your life and how much power do they have in your life? In this episode, the host shares a resource that will cause you to re-examine yourself as well as the people you have in your life. The Power of People: Four Kinds …
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I want to send out a special thank you to all the listeners that supported me by sharing and given feedback! I am so grateful for you and cannot thank you enough.
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What is this business of womanhood? There are so many layers to help define womanhood and it can be different from one woman to the next. There can be so many vague definitions concerning womanhood. This episode seeks to challenge the listener to identify what womanhood means to them and how to know when it happened. When doing so~Was there a “Rite…
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This episode talks about the meaning of Self-Value and Self-Worth and how some women were taught very early in life to be modest and humble, which sets the stage for diminishing their self-value or self worth. Listeners are then provided with commentary to help raise insight and awareness in order to make the necessary changes to increase their sel…
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What is your definition of Healing? Are you healing from something? If so, what are you healing from? I briefly share some of the things I’m healing from and provide listener’s with a call to action while providing~Daily Affirmations for Forgiving and Moving On:Powerful Inspiration for Personal Change-Tian Dayton (1992, 2010, Innerlook).…
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What happens when you can’t tell anyone about what you’re going through-especially as a helper? Do you suffer in silence? Listen as I discuss what happen to me during the pandemic. Biblio reference: Faith in the Valley: Lessons for Women on a Journey Toward Peace-Vanzant, I (Simon & Schuster, 1996).
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Make a commitment to yourself that will honor your mental and emotional well-being.
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Self-Care in relationship to others
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10:27Self-care can be seen as self-explanatory to many, but sometimes people find themselves overtaxed by situations/circumstances if they don’t practice the art of self-care. This often requires setting boundaries with self and others and not feeling guilty for doing so.
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