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Regular crime, thriller & mystery interviews, features and reviews. In Person with Paul hosted by Paul Burke and On the Sofa with Victoria hosted by best selling thriller writer Victoria Selman. Heads Together is a monthly magazine chat show featuring Paul, Victoria and Crime Time editor/Financial Times crime critic Barry Forshaw. Our latest venture is a review show, what's hot in crime fiction. Further information can be found at
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Euch erwarten in meinem Podcast 2–3-mal die Woche, neue Folgen über Cold Cases, ungelöste Verbrechen und Vermisstenfälle aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Ich freue mich, wenn ihr rein hört und gerne dürft ihr mir via E-Mail auch Fallvorschläge senden.
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Neue Folgen gibt es Montag und Freitag um 00.00 Uhr. Es ist CRIME TIME! Kati Winter ist eine True-Crime-YouTuberin, die ihre Reichweite nutzt, um Opfern und deren Angehörigen eine Stimme zu geben. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt dabei auf sorgfältiger Recherche und auf einen respektvollen Umgang mit den Opfern. Es finden sich die Episoden teilweise auch als Dokumentation geschnitten auf YouTube. Seit 2022 veröffentlicht Kati Winter, die unter anderem auch als Hörbuchsprecherin und Autorin tätig i ...
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Do you love the fabulous decade of the 90s? Do you love True Crime? Well then you are going to love this brand new True Crime Podcast, 90s Crime Time! On this podcast you're going to hear about cases that you may or may not have heard about in the news. In the premiere season you're going to hear about cases from theft, to kidnapping, to murder all from the great decade of 1990 to 1999.
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In diesem True Crime Podcast werden keine Fälle nacherzählt und reißerisch aufgeblasen. Bei „ARD Crime Time“ machen wir die aufwändigen Ermittlungen zu aufsehenerregenden Verbrechen noch einmal authentisch erlebbar. In den einzelnen Episoden erzählen Autorinnen und Autoren aus der ganzen ARD von ihren intensiven, monatelangen Recherchen zu den True-Crime-Fällen. Außerdem öffnen für uns Polizeibehörden und Staatsanwaltschaften exklusiv ihre Ermittlungsakten und berichten selbst von ihrer Arbe ...
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It’s about time you heard a true crime podcast from two educated women in the field. Each holding degrees in criminal justice and certification for recovery support, Allie and Abby are currently working in the criminal justice system. These two young, excited and educated women set out to share with you true crime stories, from old and current, small town and national headlines, while also sharing personal experience as it relates. We invite you to hang out with us as we dig into these crime ...
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A true crime podcast, discussing missing person cases, murder, serial killers and everything in between. These are the real life cases that grip us! I hope you come along for the ride. I’d be happy to have you :)
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True Crime All The Time

Emash Digital / Wondery

Hosts Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson guide you through the most interesting true crime stories. This is a true crime podcast that spares none of the details and delves into what makes these killers tick. Join us for a good mix of lesser known cases as well as our take on what we call the "Big Timers". We don't take ourselves too seriously but we take true crime very seriously.
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A new podcast by just another mom obsessed with true crime! We explore several new cases as well as memorable past cases. We dive deep into the story and discuss facts, theory, and spill the tea on what we really think! Filled with southern sass and probably even my kids in the background! Support this podcast:
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From Astounding Tales Published February and March 1955 The Paratime Police had a real headache this time! Tracing one man in a population of millions is easy—compared to finding one gang hiding out on one of billions of probability lines! This story from 1955 has rocket ships, time travel, slaves, post-hypnotic suggestions, drugged citizens, and a complete disregard for human rights. And those are the good guys. As a look back in time at "classic" science fiction, it's an interesting snapsh ...
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Couples Crime Time

Couples Crime Time

Couples Crime Time ist ein Podcast über wahre Kriminalfälle! In diesem Podcast werden wir Euch die schockierendsten und mysteriösesten Verbrechen präsentieren, die jemals in der Geschichte passiert sind. Wir werden Euch die Hintergründe und Details dieser Fälle erzählen und Ihr werdet erfahren, wie die Ermittler diese Fälle gelöst haben. Wenn Ihr Euch für Kriminalfälle interessiert, dann ist dieser Podcast genau das Richtige für Euch!
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Most shows will show you the glamorized or sensational side of crime but we want to take a different approach. We have worked on the inside and been face to face with some of Arizona’s most notorious criminals and those whose stories you have not heard. We will take a realistic look from the inside and show you a more human side to crime. We will also take a look at some classic crimes from the past as well as some unsolved cases. We will also look at the law and forensic tools used. We migh ...
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2016 stirbt eine junge Frau – ihr Name ist Katharina. Die Staatsanwaltschaft stellt schnell die Ermittlungen ein und legt den Fall als Suizid zu den Akten. Katharinas Eltern sind verzweifelt. Sie sind sich sicher: Ihre Tochter wollte nicht sterben. Und es stellt sich heraus: Hinter dem Tod steckt tatsächlich mehr, dahinter steckt „Heimu“. Das ist nur einer von vielen Chatnamen eines Mannes, der sich in der Anonymität des Internets sicher fühlt. Seine Opfer sind junge psychisch angeschlagene ...
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Crime Time: With Virginia Defense Attorneys

Ann Thayer, Alberto Salvado, Anthony Nourse, and Anna Dvorchik

Criminal Defense Attorneys talk about how criminal, traffic, and dui charges can impact you outside of court, updates on Virginia law, and current events for criminal, traffic, and dui defense. Listen in as Ann Thayer, Alberto Salvado, Anthony Nourse, and Anna Dvorchik discuss all things related to criminal defense. LEGAL DISCLAIMER: If you are listening to this podcast, thank you! We sincerely hope you are listening to this podcast for its entertainment value and not with the intention of a ...
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Each week Mike Ferguson and Mike Gibson guide you through the most interesting unsolved true crime stories. This is a true crime podcast that spares none of the details. We tell the stories of the victims, the facts surrounding the cases, and look at all possible suspects. We don't take ourselves too seriously but we take true crime very seriously.
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Hi There: Do you love true crime? Well, we do too. Join us as we delve into cases that keeps us looking over our shoulders during the day, and keep us up all night long. Above all, always remember the victims. Thanks for joining us on this true crime journey. Take Care & Stay Safe. Miko YouTube: @truecrimetimeline Website: Support:
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Welcome to News of the Times - Unlocking the Vaults of Historical Crime, your gateway to a captivating journey through the darker pages of history. Join us as we dive deep into the annals of crime, unearthing forgotten stories, unsolved mysteries, and notorious criminals from the past. Our channel is dedicated to shedding light on the compelling, mysterious, and often chilling crimes that have shaped the course of history. From cunning con artists to cold-blooded killers, we're here to explo ...
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By a random selection of a day, month and year, host Robin Bagayoko will discuss crimes that occurred on that day. If true crime at a certain time is your thing, then” In time crime” is just for you. ”True crime is not to instill living in fear but for you to be more aware” - Robin Bagayoko
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Daily Podcasts Highlighting Crime Stories (sprinkled with occasional humor) in Under 10 minutes. Feel free to buy me a coffee and help support old and new shows Support this podcast:
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Award-winning journalist Katrina Daniel welcomes you to Prime Time Crime — a podcast for true crime fans who want to know what goes on behind-the-scenes of trending and the always classic, true crime stories. What really happened, what do we know, what might be going on in the minds of those involved? Guests include forensic specialists, detectives, psychologists, crime reporters, renowned federal prosecutors and criminal defense attorneys. Join Katrina every Thursday for a deep dive talk ab ...
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True Crime Story Time

Brooke Schnatz/Ashley Renee

Elsy, Raz and Brooke go through popular and lesser known true crime cases. With a little bit of history, a lot of laughs and a place where no opinion is wrong. Hang out with us for a bit and become a part of True Crime Story Time.
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show series
Send us a text A family of four is camping with their friends at a remote campground in Maine near the Canadian border. On a Sunday morning after a hearty camping breakfast next to the fire, the moms went to the boathouse to wash dirty shoes, the Dads went to get more firewood and the kids played. Amongst them was four-year-old Kurt, who was riding…
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Christina Kettlewell had been married for just eight days when her body was found in nine inches of water near her honeymoon cottage in Severn Falls, Ontario. The police immediately focused on her husband, Jack Kettlewell, and his close friend, Ronald Barrie.Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the death of Christina Kettlewell. This story is full o…
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Steve Pankey was a husband, father, car salesman, and Idaho gubernatorial candidate. He was recently convicted of murdering 12-year-old Jonelle Matthews, bringing closure to a case that had been cold for decades. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Steve Pankey and the murder of Jonelle Matthews. Jonelle went missing in December of 1984 after arriv…
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Contentwarnung: Häusliche Gewalt, explizite Gewalt, Gewalt gegen queere Menschen, Gewalt gegen Tiere | Als die Silvesterraketen zum Neujahr in die Luft steigen und den Himmel von London erleuchten, blickt auch ein Mann voller Zuversicht ins neue Jahr. Er hat einen ganz besonderen Neujahrsvorsatz: er will nicht mehr ein Niemand sein, das ganze Land …
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In the summer of 1993, a failed, middle-aged businessman was upset that none of his business ideas made him any profits and caused him millions in debt... but instead of trying to fix the issue with better business training, he took it out on people he thought wronged him, and his actions would end in a bloodbath. Follow 90s Crime Time on Social Me…
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Birgit Angelika Keller, stirbt mit nur 69 Jahren in ihrem Reihenhaus in Berlin – Britz (Bezirk Neukölln) im Sommer 2024. Sie liebte ihre beiden Hunde Sally und Monchi, und lebte allein.Ihre Enkelin, kann Birgit auf einmal im Juli 2024 nicht mehr erreichen und schaut nach ihr, sie findet Birgit am Boden liegend in der Küche vor, daneben ihr geliebte…
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ROB PARKER chats to Paul about THE TROUBLED DEEP: A Cam Killick Norfolk Mystery, Ben Bracken, Audible Books, working with young minds, PTSD, loving location, knee injuries and kismet. THE TROUBLED DEEP: Nobody ever knew what happened to the Brindleys. One summer they were there - flashy, loud and beautiful - and then they were gone. A mother, fathe…
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Episode 159: The Murder of Hannah Graham On September 13, 2014, Hannah Graham went out for drinks with friends to kick off the start of her sophomore year of college, but she never made it home. Her body was soon discovered not far from where another young woman’s body had been found years earlier. The families of Hannah Graham and Morgan Harringto…
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TRIGGERWARNUNG: Sexualisierte Gewalt und Suizid In der entscheidenden Gerichtsverhandlung äußert sich Brunhold S. zum ersten Mal persönlich zu den schwerwiegenden Vorwürfen. „Er wollte nur helfen“ – ist die Strategie seiner Verteidigung. Doch Lydia Benecke und andere Expert:innen sind sich einig: Brunhold S. ist, solange er lebt und Zugang zum Inte…
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Case of The Dykebar Murder Affair News of the Times Episode 439 | 1821 1926 Scotland. Dykebar Mental Hospital staff are going on a picnic, as they have done before, in the nearby beauty spot. Euphemia has recently broken off more personal relations with a fellow male nurse but remains on friendly terms with him. The male nurse in question is known …
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The Case of Edinburgh's Last Public Execution News of the Times Episode 437 | 1864 In today’s episode we are in Ratho, some 14 miles outside of Edinburgh in 1864. Young Isabelle brown, working as a cook at the manse has been dating local chap, George Bryce. Bryce, who works as a carter, is known in the village as being a bit slow. He also likes to …
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Contentwarnung: Gewalt gegen Menschen mit Behinderung, Mord an einem Baby, Missbrauch von Minderjährigen, explizite Gewalt | Denali hat online einen Mann kennengelernt – Tyler sieht nicht nur gut aus, sondern ist auch noch reich. Niemals hätte sie gedacht, dass sich für sie eines Tages eine Möglichkeit ergibt, sie aus ihren schwierigen Lebensumstän…
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Im August 1995 ist Stefan Lamprecht (13) aus Kiel zu Besuch bei seinem Vater in Berlin.Er verbringt eine schöne Zeit dort, auch mit seiner Oma, sie gehen häufiger auch dem Lieblings-hobby Stefans, dem Angeln nach. Auch trifft Stefan in Berlin einen Freund bzw. Großcousin der auch zu Besuch bei den Großeltern gewesen ist, und sie verbringen einen Ta…
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The Infamous Murderous Lomas Morrey Love Triangle of 1812 News of the Times Episode 436 | 1812 In today’s episode it is 1812. King George III in on the throne. Edith and George Morrey enjoy a comfortable living together with their 5 children in Chester. George Morrey is known as a congenial husband and master. A new young servant is brought in, Joh…
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Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen, heute geht es um folgende Fälle: 1. Fall aus Japan : aus dem Jahr 1991 Jane Doe Ikawa ( zw. 20 und 29 J. ) 2. Fall aus Kanada : aus dem Jahr 2005 John Doe Baby Parker ( Neugeboren ) Schaut gerne bei Instagram vorbei time_forcrime oder NEU auch auf Youtube Kati´s Channel. Vielen Dank Kati…
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Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen, heute geht es um folgende Fälle: 1. Fall aus Japan : aus dem Jahr 1991 Jane Doe Ikawa ( zw. 20 und 29 J. ) 2. Fall aus Kanada : aus dem Jahr 2005 John Doe Baby Parker ( Neugeboren ) Schaut gerne bei Instagram vorbei time_forcrime oder NEU auch auf Youtube Kati´s Channel. Vielen Dank Kati…
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#ONTHESOFA - Season 7 - The Final Episode. TM 'Tim' Logan, THE DREAM HOME, chats to Victoria Selman (ALL THE LITTLE LIARS) at Waterstones, Reading. Inspirations, the need to know but will the truth will set you free? every word should count, short chapters & the climax. T.M. Logan is a Sunday Times bestseller whose thrillers have sold more than two…
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Send us a text Austin Texas, 1983. A close-knit family is experiencing a wave of terror and domestic violence connected to a recent break-up. By the time everything played out, there would be burglary, threats, stalking, arson, false allegations to a workplace, attempted shootings, assault, and eventually there would be murder. So much of this hear…
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Angela Green was last seen in June 2019. Her husband told their daughter she was committed to a psychiatric institution, and weeks later, he told her Angela had died of a stroke. But things didn't seem quite right to Angela's family. No one was allowed to see her before she died, and there was no funeral. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss the dis…
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Micaela “Mickey” Costanzo was a 16-year-old from West Wendover, Nevada, who was murdered by two teens, one of whom she briefly dated. One suspect was identified quickly, but the other surprised investigators by coming forward on her own weeks later. Join Mike and Gibby as they discuss Kodi Patten and Toni Fratto. Both teens were arrested and charge…
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Case of the 1888 Marylebone Murder Mystery News of the Times Episode 435 | 1888 In today’s episode it is January 1888 Marylebone, in an upper middle class neighbourhood that although less than 5 miles away from Whitechapel could very well be a hundred miles in way n terms of the differences with Whitechapel financially and socially. Miss Lucy Clark…
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Contentwarnung: Femizid | Maria und Joel führen nach außen hin das perfekte Leben: eine junge Familie, große Träume und ein Neuanfang in den USA – doch der Schein trügt. Hinter der Fassade aus Harmonie und Erfolg lauert ein Abgrund aus Verrat, Manipulation und dunklenGeheimnissen. Es wird zu Marias Lebensaufgabe, dass die Wahrheit ans Licht kommt: …
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Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen, heute geht es um folgende Fälle: 1. Fall aus den USA : aus dem Jahr 1973 Mord an Paul Joseph Olsen ( 21J. ) 2. Fall aus Deutschland : aus dem Jahr 1992 Mord an Marcus Ahlert ( 8 J.) Schaut gerne bei Instagram vorbei time_forcrime oder NEU auch auf Youtube Kati´s Channel. Vielen Dank Kati…
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Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen, heute geht es um folgende Fälle: 1. Fall aus den USA : aus dem Jahr 1973 Mord an Paul Joseph Olsen ( 21 J. ) 2. Fall aus Deutschland : aus dem Jahr 1992 Mord an Marcus Ahlert ( 8 J.) Schaut gerne bei Instagram vorbei time_forcrime oder NEU auch auf Youtube Kati´s Channel. Vielen Dank Kati…
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Doris K. (54) ist sehr beliebt bei ihren Freunden und Arbeitskollegen die Mutter einer schon erwachsenen Tochter lebt in einer sehr großen und schönen Wohnung in Berlin Wilmersdorf. Ihr Chef ist so zufrieden mit ihr, dass er ihr sogar eine Reise schenkte zu ihrem 25. Jubiläum. Als Doris von ihrer Reise auf den Galapagos Inseln zurückkehrt, wird sie…
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The Fiskerton Tragedy of 1864 News of the Times Episode 433 | 1864 In today’s episode, it is 1864 Fiskerton - some 14 miles from Nottingham. The community is rocked with the news that Thomas Parker has attempted to murder his aged parents. Parker has long garnered a reputation in the community of being an indulged spoiled man-child. Although the vi…
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On a chilly February morning a motorist came across a horrible sight... a body of young girl lying neatly on a rural road... and after her body was dicovered, little did anyone know that the young lady's case would later be connected to something else more sinister - a disappearance... Follow 90s Crime Time on Social Media! Instagram: https://www.i…
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The Case of the 1836 Cross Murder - the last female execution before Victoria News of the Times Episode 433 | 1836 Sophia Edney, 23, who married to her husband at the age of 16 – a husband who is some 30 years older than her - seems to have had enough. After being served some fried potatoes, her husband, John Edney, begins to suffer extreme pain an…
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Wie geht es weiter im Fall von Jasmin M. aus Eigeltingen? Sie verschwand im Februar 2023, ihr Ex- Freund wurde mittlerweile rechtskräftig verurteilt, nur wo ist die Leiche? In diesem Update gehe ich nochmal auf das nun konkrete Strafmaß ein, denn der Bundesgerichtshof hat die Revision der Verteidiger von Robert S. in teilen verworfen. Auch suchen w…
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WES BROWNE chats to Scott Blackburn & Paul Burke about his noir THEY ALL FALL THE SAME, (US Amazon link) why it wasn't called Spoon, the Appalachians, North Carolina, pizza and community. They All Fall the Same: Cannabis kingpin Burl Spoon has reigned over the Jackson County area for three decades, building a powerful backwoods empire. But behind a…
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Episode 158: The Slender Man Stabbing In 2014, the town of Waukesha, Wisconsin was shaken to its core when two 12 year olds tried to murder their fellow classmate and friend. Payton Leutner was viciously attacked by her friends Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, but their motivations weren’t anything you might have thought. Morgan and Anissa planned t…
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Send us a text A young family living off the grid in a rugged part of Northern California in late 1977. The mother and her two toddlers set out to do a host of errands never to return. Nobody in the city of Eureka saw the family complete their errands, but when the vehicle is later found, there's evidence that they did. The mystery of this finding …
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