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Falls du mehr digitale Produkte wie Coachings, Online-Kurse oder Gruppen-Programme verkaufen möchtest – an mehr Kunden zu höheren Preisen –, bist du hier goldrichtig. Im Conversions und Copywriting-Podcast sprechen wir 2 Mal pro Woche darüber, wie du: - den Wert deiner Angebote so kommunizierst, dass Kaufinteresse entsteht, - online mehr Kunden für deine digitalen Produkte gewinnst (und mehr pro Kunde verdienst), - nachhaltig sichtbar wirst, sodass verkaufen einfach wird. Kurzum: Im Conversi ...
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The Copywriting for Coaches Podcast is for the high-level coach with a loyal following, a true expert at your craft, and have achieved amazing results...But something's missing. Juggling team leadership, parenthood, and personal time - while managing your marketing - feels like a constant uphill battle. You crave a more sustainable approach to success – one that doesn't sacrifice your well-being. This podcast will support you in confidently copywriting without compromising your unique brand ...
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As a small business owner, you know copywriting is one of the essential “skills to pay the bills.” But how often do you sit down at your laptop and struggle with knowing what and how to write? You’re not alone. It’s difficult to write your own copy (even for pro copywriters). Plus, when you’re juggling a family, clients, and a team... there just isn’t enough time in the day to do it all. It’s why sending an email to your list or updating your website never gets crossed off your to-do list. E ...
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Ready to turn your love of writing into a successful copywriting career? Join professional copywriters Nicki Krawczyk, Kate Sitarz, and the Filthy Rich Writer team to get the tips, tools, and training to help you become a copywriter and build a thriving business of your own. Whether you want to land an on-staff job, freelance full-time and work from wherever you want, or make extra money with a side hustle, the best place to start learning is right here. Nicki and Kate have 20+ and 10+ years ...
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Copy That Converts - Entrepreneurs, Copywriting, Launch, Email Marketing, Conversion

Megan Wisdom | Copywriter, Email Metrics Mentor, Marketing Strategist

Are you a female entrepreneur with an online business who’s struggling to grow and nurture your audience? Do you feel like you’re not making enough sales despite your best efforts? Do you feel confused by all the marketing jargon and just wish you had a bossy business big sister to shoot it to you straight? I know you didn’t get into business to get bogged down by writing, but let’s face it, the internet is still powered by WORDS. The good news? You can harness the power of those words to co ...
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Simple SEO and Marketing, Business Growth, Organic Marketing, Copywriting, Online Business, Blogging, Content Creation

Faith Hanan Marketing Strategist, Copywriter, Christian Business Coach, Barrel Racer

Hey there fellow entrepreneur! Welcome to Simple SEO & Marketing. Do you want to grow your business with sustainable traffic sources? Have you heard about the power of Search Engine Optimization- and want to take advantage of it to get more traffic- more eyeballs- on your business? But when it comes down to it- does SEO feel complicated and hard to implement? Are you tired of wondering what in the heck to do with your website to get more traffic to that bad boy and more leads knocking on you ...
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Sell Like A Copywriter | Copywriting Tips and Sales Strategies for Online Business Owners

Jess | Copywriter for Course Creators, Coaches, and Service Providers

Are you a creative business owner who wants to write stand-out copy that sells your unique offers? Ever wish you could write copy for your sales page, emails, or content that feels good and makes you money...without wanting to rip your lashes out? Welcome to Sell Like A Copywriter, the podcast that will shake up your copywriting game and make your words work as hard as you do. I'm Jess, your copywriting teacher and writing bestie, ready to help you sign more clients, sell more offers, and ma ...
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Bienvenue dans 1pact Copywriting Le podcast qui t’apprend à vendre sans gratter des likes ni distribuer des câlins à ton audience. Ici, tu apprends à vendre avec des mots qui connectent, inspirent et impactent ton audience, tout en maîtrisant les stratégies de persuasion et de psychologie qui les poussent à passer à l’action. On parle de copywriting, de marketing, de contenu d'impact, de storytelling et de vente. Tu découvriras comment créer des offres irrésistibles, capturer l’attention de ...
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In each bite-sized episode, personal trainer, gym owner, and copywriter Mitch Rothbardt covers a key aspect of copywriting and marketing you can use right away to can speak to your ideal prospects and get more of the clients YOU want.
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Well hello there, copywriting friend! This is the Tried It podcast: Your proven pathway to a better copywriting business. How do we know it works? Because we’ve Tried It. We’re Nicole and Sarah, two copywriters on a mission to elevate your freelance copywriting game. We’re reading the great books about copywriting, marketing and business. Once we’ve read each book, we spend a hot minute applying the techniques we’ve learnt to our own businesses and to our client work. And then, we talk about ...
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AdBriefing Copywriting Tips

JCO Media | Justin Hitt

Episodes muse about writing copy that sells. Finally, get beyond the written word into the psychology, persuasion, and methods that get copy written. Learn to write faster and convert more. Grow your freelance copywriting into a marketing agency that runs on autopilot.
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1 Copywriting University

Michael Senoff at

Tap the brains of some of the greatest masters of writing of all time including Ted Nicholas, John Carlton, Denny Hatch, Melvin Powers, Mike Pavlish, Carl Galletti, Brian Keith Voiles, Gary Halbert, Joe Vitale, Bob Bly, Ben Settle, Eugene Schwartz and more and cut years off your education right now!
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Talk Copy to Me is your go-to resource for transforming your business's message into meaningful connections and measurable results. Whether you're diving into SEO, crafting website copy that converts, or building your brand's story, each episode delivers actionable strategies you can implement right away. Your host, Erin Ollila, is a sought-after content strategist and SEO expert who's helped brands like Oracle, Amazon, Hills Pet—as well as many other billion-dollar brands and itty bitty bus ...
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When you show up as yourself in business, you feel good in your work, so you're able to DO good for your clients and for the world. But with so many “must-have” tactics and strategies online, it isn’t always easy to shed the “shoulds” and express yourself wholeheartedly. Your host, Sara Gillis, and her guests drop-kick the tired ol’ strategies that everyone else is using and empower you to change the script to what makes you different, so you can show up online in a way that feels like, “Tha ...
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Listen to $100MM email marketer Troy Ericson chat with the industry's best email marketers, copywriters, and entrepreneurs. You'll learn all about Email Marketing, Copywriting, and scaling your business to new levels. Plus... hear zero-to-hero stories that you won't find anywhere else! (Podcast formerly known as 'Secrets of Scale').
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Matthieu Le Spécialiste du Copywriting vous révèle sa Méthode "Oui Ca$h Copy !" Qui Déclenche Des Ventes Instantanées, une suite de logiciels qui s'appuie sur l'Intelligence Artificielle (comme celle de Deep Blue d'IBM) pour concevoir des textes de ventes puissants et percutants, qui transforment des visiteurs, des abonnés EN CLIENTS ! C'est à votre tour de profiter de notre Intelligence Artificielle Propriétaire qui compile, combine et associe les mots qui déclenchent des Ventes Instantanée ...
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Write Copy that Connects | Online Marketing Strategies, Course Creation for Beginners, Brand Messaging, Copywriting

Robbin Kent | MA Psychology, Educator, Messaging Coach for the Non- Copywriter, Course Creation Coach, Communication Speaker, Christian Entrepreneur

***TOP 2% Global Podcast!*** Are you building an online business and stuck at what to say to your audience? Do you feel like no one is listening to you? Do you stare at a blank screen for hours because you don’t know what the magic formula is to writing copy that connects? And you can’t afford to hire a copywriter to do it for you? Well you’re in the right place! Because I used to be you! I am going to teach you how to connect with your target audience, so that they feel like you get them… a ...
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show series
Have you ever been disappointed by the promise of a magical “fill-in-the-blank” template…Only to find that it sounded cringy af and left you more confused than before? Or overwhelmed by another copywriting tip that makes no sense for your offer? Or a pitch that feels super grimy but everyone says you need it??? Yeah, you and my clients. In this epi…
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Selling high-ticket offers ($5K+) isn’t just about slapping on a premium price tag—it’s about speaking directly to the right buyers in the right way. High-ticket clients think, research, and invest differently, which means your messaging must reflect that. In this two-part series, I’m unpacking what makes a high-ticket offer irresistible and the st…
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No one likes paying taxes. But if you’re a freelancer, you’ve got so many more opportunities for tax deductions. That means you paying less in taxes (a.k.a. keeping more money in your pocket). Whether you’re in the US or not, you’re going to want to listen in. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Kate and I are running th…
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Think you're ready to plan your marketing strategy? Hold up a minute. There's a crucial step you might be missing—one that could save you from wasting time and money on changes you don't actually need. In this episode, I'm revealing why successful businesses always audit before they strategize (and how skipping this step might be costing you client…
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When thinking about ministry growth- it seems (all too) rare to consider your online marketing, SEO, & copywriting. However, for online ministry leaders, Pastor Thad & Kaila DeBuer- they are rather used to thinking outside the box. When they reached out to me looking for help with their website copywriting & SEO strategy, my answer was IMMEDIATELY …
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Reinventing yourself is one of the most exciting and transformative things you can do. It’s about stepping into the next version of yourself, fueled by clarity, courage, and a vision bigger than anything you’ve imagined before. We’ve all felt that pull—the one that nudges us toward something greater, yet keeps us tethered to the safety of what we k…
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Are you struggling to weave storytelling into your copy? Do you want your stories to truly connect with your audience? In this episode of Write Copy that Connects, I'm sharing my E.P.I.C framework for powerful storytelling. We'll go through each part of the framework: Engage, Personalization, Imagine, and Connect. If you need additional support wit…
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If you’ve ever ghosted your email list (whether intentionally or not), you’re not alone! In this episode, I’m sharing a big surprise I discovered while reviving my neglected email list for an online side business that I own—and a surprising decision I made as a result. If you haven’t listened to Episode 82 yet, go back to hear all the things not to…
  continue reading 588 - In dieser Episode spricht Tim über die Vertrauens-Rezession und wie sie das Online-Marketing bis 2025 beeinflusst. Er stellt zwei wichtige Studien vor: eine von Intuit über Markenvertrauen und eine von Google über den chaotischen Kaufprozess. Tim erläutert, warum Menschen mehr Zeit für Kaufentscheidungen benötigen…
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🗣️FREE QUIZ: UNCOVER YOUR BRAND VOICE TYPE Discover your brand voice type, so that you can feel confident in standing out through your words. ⭐ MEET NATASHA, OWNER OF NPS PHOTOGRAPHY ( Natasha started her business in 2013 as a posed newborn and family photographer. She went from an in-home …
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Why is everyone and their mentor telling you to do more, more, MORE?! Beats me. I want you to do less of the right things so you can make bigger impact without ‘more reps’. In this episode of Sell Like A Copywriter, learn how you can stop doing the absolute most when launching, selling, and marketing your offers so you can make more money and land …
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Are you talking about your offer or actually selling your offer? There is difference, and most business owners are talking instead of selling. In this episode of Sell Like A Copywriter, learn three powerful words you can add to every line of your talking point to make your messaging magnetic and start selling more. ------------ Messaging Magic: The…
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You can double your launch results with just your sales page. Wondering how to sign more clients? Want more students inside your course? Ready to scale your offers without socials? In this episode of Sell Like A Copywriter, hear three examples of how you can use your sales page alone to double your results with and without social media and email ma…
  continue reading 587 - In dieser Episode hat Tim die Freude, Saskia Bülow zu interviewen. Saskia spricht darüber, wie sie durch die Teilnahme an der Copywriting Academy ihren Umsatz um den Faktor 4,6 steigern konnte und nun als Coach eine entspanntere Selbstständigkeit genießt. Sie teilt ihre Reise, wie sie vom Angestelltenverhältnis zu…
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Your sales page is the foundation of your launch - and when written well, it can be the living asset that feeds ALL of your launch material. In this episode of Sell Like A Copywriter, learn how to turn your sales page into endless social sales content that converts silent scrollers into active buyers. ------------ Messaging Magic: The Group Program…
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Is the secret to growing your business actually going back to basics? With AI tools, algorithm changes, and skeptical consumers, keeping up with online business trends can feel exhausting. But what if the real key to success isn’t about chasing the latest hacks—but instead, focusing on timeless, proven business foundations? In this episode, I’m sha…
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I have good news and bad news for you: pitching is always going to be the direct line to landing work, but there are other tactics you can mix in to keep things fun. (And, if you ask me, pitching CAN be fun, but I’ll save that conversation with you for another day 😉 ) I am thrilled to share Kate and I sat down with podcast pitching pro Christina Le…
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Questin: Are you doing the RIGHT things for your website traffic strategy in 2025? With all the chatter out there over impending algorithm updates and AI advances, it's easy to get worried. HOWEVER- I don't think there's any reason to worry. I'm gonna walk you through the 5 changes you need to make in 2025 for the BEST website traffic. Book Your SE…
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Your landing page is live. You poured hours into crafting it, finding just the right words, and adding those beautiful visuals. But here you are, refreshing your analytics dashboard, and… crickets. Sound familiar? If your landing page isn’t converting, you’re not alone. It’s frustrating, but here’s the good news: sometimes, small tweaks can make a …
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Are you wondering why writing a brand story is crucial and how exactly to get started on creating one? In this episode of Write Copy that Connects, I dive into the art of crafting a strong brand story that not only connects with your audience but also builds that know, like, and trust factor to grow your personal brand. We'll explore the 5 key part…
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You may have heard some people say email marketing is dying—but let’s be real, it’s not going anywhere. With all the chaos happening on social media platforms, email marketing is still one of the most reliable and highest-converting marketing strategies for online business owners. That said, there are some things that make people absolutely crazy a…
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Tired of marketing tactics that don't deliver? Here's the truth: updating your website copy, creating more content, or "optimizing" for SEO won't fix anything if you don't have the right strategy behind it. In this episode, I'm breaking down why strategy needs to come first (and what that actually means for your business). Plus, I'm sharing real ex…
  continue reading 586 - In dieser Episode des Podcasts beantwortet Tim die Frage, warum viele Views auf Instagram-Reels nicht automatisch zu mehr Followern führen. Er stellt wichtige „Klebefaktoren“ vor, die dabei helfen, die Aufmerksamkeit der Zuschauer zu halten und sie in Follower zu verwandeln. Unter den Themen sind aktive Stories, d…
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If your sales page need an overhaul but you’re not quite sure where to start…well, you’re welcome for this episode. I recorded a behind the scenes sales page audit of my sales page for Messaging Magic so you can learn how a sales page audit works, use my tips to edit your own sales page, and learn more about what it’s like to write your sales page …
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Following yesterday's honest look at 2024, it's time to talk about intentional growth in 2025. After spending a year adjusting to working traditional hours and learning about my true capacity, I'm ready to build systems that actually support my goals. In this episode, I'm sharing my strategic vision for the year ahead—from restructuring my services…
  continue reading 585 - In dieser Episode spricht Tim über seine aktuelle Instagram-Challenge: 100 Stories in 100 Tagen. Du erfährst, warum er diese Challenge gestartet hat, welche Ziele er verfolgt und welche ersten Learnings Tim bereits gemacht hat. Dabei geht er auf die strategische Bedeutung von Instagram Stories ein, erklärt, wie si…
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Storytelling is a tale as old as time - truly, everything revolves around storytelling. Whether you are growing a brand, building a community, or selling your offer, you need to get on board with effective storytelling. In this episode of Sell Like A Copywriter, you learn why storytelling works and how to effectively sell your offers through storyt…
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Your social feeds are probably flooded with perfectly curated end-of-year highlight reels right now. But transparency has always been one of my core values, which is why I believe in sharing both the wins and the struggles in business. In this episode, I'm pulling back the curtain on my 2024 - from teaching at Yale to navigating client transitions,…
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How can your business reflect the world you want to create? In this week’s episode, I set aside my original plan to share a message that’s been too loud to ignore. Let’s talk about aligning your business with your values—boldly, intentionally, and authentically. We’re covering practical ways to show up for what matters to you, build a meaningful co…
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Ever wake up in the morning, head to work, and all you can think of is "UGH!"? Like many people, Tori went to school for something she was told she'd be good at—sales—got a corporate job after college, and ... very quickly realized she was an introvert. She hated sales. So, Tori made the difficult decision to let go of the path she thought she'd be…
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Picture this: You're planning your marketing strategy for 2025, staring at your screen, wondering if what worked last year will keep working tomorrow. We've all been there and understand that nagging feeling that everything's shifting—even though we're not exactly sure how. That's why I've brought together eight marketing experts who are seeing the…
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Are your marketing strategies stuck in 2024? As we enter 2025, let's talk about the outdated marketing tactics that need to stay in the past. From aspirational marketing that feels tone-deaf during this moment of history to gatekeeping prices on your website, this episode examines why certain approaches aren't serving your business anymore. Join me…
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Did you break into a cold sweat when you heard the rumor that TikTock might shut down? Do you hit the panic button every time Instagram has a glitch or an algorithm update? If you answered yes to either of those questions, then this episode is FOR YOU! I want to help you STOP relying solely on social media for you business growth. You shouldn't hav…
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Low-content books are one of the most versatile marketing tools you might not be using yet. Whether it’s a branded daily planner, a guided journal, or a workbook based on your expertise, these interactive books create meaningful connections with your audience while reinforcing the unique value of your brand. The beauty of low-content books lies in …
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Have you ever wondered how to instantly grab your audience's attention? Or felt like you're the only one struggling with writing compelling copy? In this episode of "Write Copy That Connects," I share 8 killer phrases you can use in your social media, emails, sales pages, and website copy to make sure your message hits home and catches those precio…
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Want to go behind the scenes and watch me build an email list from scratch? That’s exactly what we’re diving into in this new series! I’ll share every win, mistake, and lesson learned while building an email list for a side business (not my copywriting business). In this episode, I’ll reveal: Why I’m rekindling my passion for Teachers Pay Teachers …
  continue reading 584 - In dieser Episode erklärt Tim, warum und wie er 1.635 inaktive E-Mail-Kontakte aus seiner Liste gelöscht hat, um die Zustellbarkeitsrate zu erhöhen und Spam-Ordner zu vermeiden. Er geht Schritt für Schritt durch den Prozess, gibt Tipps zur Vorbereitung, Ankündigung und Durchführung der Löschaktion und beantwortet …
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If your spending hours checking out other sales pages to learn how to write your own…and never feeling fully confident writing your own…you need to go on a sales page diet to write your sales page and increase conversions. In this episode of Sell Like A Copywriter, learn what a sales page diet is, when to implement a sales page diet, and how to eff…
  continue reading 583 - In dieser Episode zeigt dir Tim, warum Storytelling eine so mächtige Technik im Copywriting ist. Anhand einer der weltweit erfolgreichsten Werbeanzeigen, dem Wall Street Journal Letter von 1974, lernst du, wie du durch den Vergleich zweier Szenarien den Wert deines Angebots überzeugend kommunizierst. Tim teilt pra…
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Email marketing is the highest proven ROI of all marketing efforts, and your email list is ready converting - but you have to start treating it like YOU are ready for it to convert. In this episode of Sell Like A Copywriter, learn why your email list isn’t converting (no matter the size) and what to do to fix it. ------------ Messaging Magic: The G…
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Ready to become a respected voice in your industry without coming across as pushy or self-promotional? Let me show you how to create the kind of content that naturally positions you as an authority while building genuine connections with other experts in your field. In this episode, I spill the tea on my Beastie Boys-inspired approach to becoming a…
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Landing copywriting clients is a lot easier than you may think. (Reminder: CCA students, you have entire courses on how to find and land clients!) But one of the most overlooked ways to find clients? Talking to people. On this episode of the Build Your Copywriting Business podcast, Nicki and Kate joke about finding clients at the grocery store. But…
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Oftentimes, we think about getting more traffic through SEO, and we like to think BIG (more fun) things like content creation, fixing broken links, and getting backlinks. However, TODAY, we're going to chat about creative ways to boost your average time on page. Why does it matter, and how do you do it? Answering all of that and more! Free training…
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Ever find yourself struggling to grab your audience's attention or unsure how to connecting with your audience in your copy? In this episode of Write Copy That Connects, I share 4 simple copywriting hacks that will boost your engagement across emails, social media posts, and sales pages! I also throw in some bonus tips on optimizing your content vi…
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