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We’re Heeeere! We’re big fans of pop culture as well as geek culture and love sharing our opinions on it This is a revival of a podcast that has grown in many ways over the years. We’re friendly and like to think we are funny. Join us!
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Wenn es blutet, können wir darüber sprechen! Willkommen bei Bullets und Fists - dem Podcast über Martial Arts und Actionfilme. Tom Burgas und Daniel Gores reden zwei- bis viermal im Monat über alte und neue, großartige und furchtbare, überbewertete und verkannte Perlen des Actionkinos. Gespickt mit spannenden Informationen rund um den Dreh, bekommt ihr mittwochs eine frische Folge gute Laune ins Ohr. Wir hören uns auf der Party, Richter! Noch mehr Bullets und Fists: instagram.com/bulletsundf ...
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Bullets n Bourbon Podcast is a weekly podcast sharing lessons from practical shooting disciplines to increase the average Marine’s lethality through marksmanship. @mfgundlach was an infantry unit leader who served as the senior enlisted advisor to the Marine Corps Shooting Team. He competes in 3 Gun and The Tactical Games. If you want to be a guest on the podcast, give us feedback, or just chat, shoot us a DM or email. This account does not represent the views of the United States Department ...
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Having served over thirty years in the RUC / PSNI I was medically retired with CPTSD. Dissociative Identity Disorder also evolved in me as a residue of CPTSD. I wrote a novel, 'The Bitter End of Dreams', through which I hoped to reflect the experiences of working class folk caught in the grip of a sectarian conflict. I set my story in Belfast, but replaced the Judeo-Christian god with that of Mithras. I also gave Northern Ireland an extra county. Such counterfactual alterations opened up for ...
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Hosts Cory, Craig and Brett bring the funny with beer, news, guest callers, music, sex and so much more! It's raunchy, funny, suspenseful, dramatic, heart breaking, apocalyptic, spiritual, seismic, and many more adjectives to list.
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EWN goes inside the truth in a new three-part podcast series, “Poisonous Bullets: The Silent Betrayal of Sindiso Magaqa”. In episode one, journalist Ziyanda Ngcobo takes a look at what killed the former ANC youth league secretary. Did he really die from the gunshot wounds from that July drive-by shooting or was he “finished off” by his enemies with poison as the family believes?
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Bourbon Bullets & Badasses

Bourbon Bullets & Badasses

There are everyday heroes all around us who never get the opportunity to tell their stories: veterans, first responders, philanthropists, entrepreneurs, and other genuinely good people who make a difference in the world around them. It's time to change that situation. Welcome to Bourbon Bullets & Badasses, where the spirits flow, the ammo is dry and plentiful, and there's always a Badass with a story to tell! We are dedicated to our cause of shining a light on people who matter, speaking tru ...
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The popular horror fansite Arrowinthehead.com comes to audio life with this weekly podcast discussing the hottest ho rror headlines, new horror DVD release dates, the horror BILF of the week, and Horror Talk from the forums. We also thro w in some Top 5 lists, What I Watched reviews, and even a few special guest spots from time to time. Hosted by AITH's re sident horror hound Ammon Gilbert and updated every Wednesday.
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Bullets 2 Beans

David "Doc" Joslin

Dave "Doc" Joslin served in the Army as a Combat Medic and Senior Healthcare NCO for nearly 20 years. After being medically retired for injuries sustained in Iraq, and then again in Afghanistan, Dave moved into a second career in Healthcare Leadership. In the decade since Dave retired, he has learned many lessons about military transition, the transformation of military leadership to civilian leadership, and has continued to refine personal and professional skills that continue to drive him ...
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show series
Liebe Leute!! Die ,,Podcastlegende,, lebt wieder, um euch alle 2 Wochen nen Satz warme Ohren zu verpassen. Action wohin das Auge sieht, wenn es nicht blaugeprügelt wurde. Ob Predator oder olle Adkins, es gibt auf die 12. Und die Podcastfamilie lässt einen nicht im Stich. Ob der hauseigene CET, Actionkult, Nachtprogramm, Für eine Handvoll Popcorn, K…
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"La tua lotta è la nostra lotta": le donne vincitrici del premio Nobel solidali con Narges Mohammadi. Myanmar, Onu: necessari 934,5 milioni di dollari per fornire aiuti umanitari a 1,5 milioni di rifugiati e rifugiate Rohingya e alle loro comunità ospitanti in Bangladesh. https://www.radiobullets.com/notiziari/notizie-donne-mondo-podcast/…
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The offseason has been fairly quiet for the Ohio State Buckeyes over the last month, but the team has started spring practice, and storylines are sure to surface over the coming weeks. In the meantime, we reconvened to discuss important topics, such as Ohio State players switching jersey numbers. Several Buckeyes will be sporting new numbers on the…
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Moving forward I consider some statements made in the past by PIRA volunteers in respect of 'engineering' the conflict, or, conversely, having the armed struggle forced upon them by the actions of the British. As ever I must admit to straying off on one - or two - tangents, such as a 'murder safari', a term I've coined for, well, it'll become evide…
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In the most anticipated episode since she left, Jayme is back! She shares a little of her recovery journey and challenges with us before we jump into all the geeky things we have been watching. There's a lot of MCU to cover with Daredevil: Born Again and Captain America : Brave New World. We squeeze in some other TV talk about Yellow Jackets , Invi…
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Sean and Jim are taking a look at a local favorite with Hero Tomorrow Comics Tap Dance Killer V1. This episode covers Tap Dance Killer issues 1-3. Tap Dance Killer https://www.herotomorrow.com/product/tap-dance-killer-vol-1-with-origin-apama-10-11-digital-pdfs/61 Ted Sikora Appearances: Episode 221 Episode 517 Episode 561 Episode 583 Sean is a coho…
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Season 2 Episode 761 Tap Dance Killer part 2 of 3: Sean and Jim are taking a look at a local favorite with Hero Tomorrow Comics Tap Dance Killer V1. This episode covers Tap Dance Killer issues 1-3. Tap Dance Killer https://www.herotomorrow.com/product/tap-dance-killer-vol-1-with-origin-apama-10-11-digital-pdfs/61 Ted Sikora Appearances: Episode 221…
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Gaza: i morti hanno superato i cinquantamila, intanto Israele costituisce un ufficio dedicato alla rimozione dei palestinesi nella Striscia. Sudan: l’esercito riprende il controllo del palazzo presidenziale dopo due anni. Afghanistan: Gli USA rimuovono le taglie ad alti funzionari talebani legati ad Al Qaeda. Gli USA bloccano l’accesso canadese all…
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Another impromptu episode, of sorts, before I continue my look at PIRA's 'no alternative' to violence and state-terrorism. Here, I'm momentarily reflecting upon Special Branch handlers, Northern Irish policing and Catholic recruitment as well as the 'post-policing gaze' that preoccupies an awful lot of police officers: past, present and probably fu…
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Gaza: Israele espande le operazioni di terra, licenziato il capo dello Shin Bet. Turchia: seconda notte di proteste dopo l’arresto del sindaco di Istanbul. Haiti: in piazza contro le gang. Stati Uniti: Trump ha firmato un nuovo ordine esecutivo per smantellare il ministero dell’Istruzione. Regno Unito: chiuso oggi l’aeroporto di Heathrow per un’int…
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Gaza: operatore ONU ucciso e 5 feriti dai bombardamenti israeliani. Ripreso da Israele il corridoio di Netzarim. Turchia: arrestato il sindaco di Istanbul. Siria: in programma di aumentare l’elettricità ad otto ore al giorno. Venezuela: Maduro respinge il rapporto ONU sulle violazioni dei diritti umani. Regno Unito: due uomini colpevoli del furto d…
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Gaza: I minori, le maggiori vittime dei bombardamenti a Gaza. I colloqui sul cessate il fuoco in Ucraina previsti per domenica a Jeddah. Yemen: almeno 10 bombardamenti USA contro gli Houthi. Libia: rispediti in Nigeria decine di donne e bambini. Ruanda e Congo si incontrano in Qatar. Bolivia: 32 ore per fare benzina. Afghanistan: frustati pubblicam…
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In Turkmenistan, dove lo Stato ti dice cosa indossare, si inaspriscono i codici di abbigliamento per le donne. Grande Fratello a Teheran: lo stato di polizia iraniano reprime le donne con intelligenza artificiale e droni. https://www.radiobullets.com/notiziari/18-marzo-2025-notizie-donne-mondo-podcast/…
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Netanyahu cerca di estromettere il capo dello Shin Bet. Gaza: nove operatori uccisi da Israele. Gli USA uccidono 53 persone in Yemen, gli Houthi promettono ritorsione. Cuba: senza elettricità l’81% dell’Avana. Ucraina e Russia: Domani Trump parla con Putin. Parlamentare francese chiede la restituzione della Statua della Libertà. Giappone: La vedova…
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Sud Sudan: forte il rischio di una nuova guerra Etiopia ed Eritrea: spaccato il TPLF (Fronte di liberazione popolare del Tigray), pericolo guerra tra i due stati Zimbabwe: società mineraria cinese interessata al parco nazionale di Hawange, il no di ambientalisti e organizzazioni locali Il Notiziario Africa di Radio Bullets oggi con Elena Pasquini.…
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Pakistan: eliminati gli aggressori, salvati 190 ostaggi nell’assedio al treno. Trump ci ripensa e dice che non costringerà nessuno a lasciare Gaza. Repubblica Democratica del Congo e M23 al tavolo delle trattative tra cinque giorni. Siria: il presidente ad interim annuncia la formazione del Consiglio per la Sicurezza Nazionale. Arabia Saudita acqui…
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Pakistan: sequestrato un treno con 500 passeggeri. Siria: accordo per l’integrare le istituzioni curde nel governo nazionale. Ucraina: accordo per tregua di 30 giorni e gli USA accettano di riprendere gli aiuti militari. Gaza: attacco aereo israeliano sulla Striscia. Filippine: arrestato l’ex presidente Duterte. Trump minaccia il Canada e poi si ti…
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Gaza: Dopo otto giorni di blocco degli aiuti, Israele taglia l’elettricità. Siria: centinaia di morti negli ultimi quattro giorni tra scontri e vendette. Afghanistan: i talebani insistono che diritti delle donne sono protetti. Stati Uniti: arrestato studente palestinese, mentre Trump minaccia di deportare gli attivisti. Romania: respinta la candida…
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Sean and Jim are taking a look at a local favorite with Hero Tomorrow Comics Tap Dance Killer V1. This episode covers Apama: The Undisovered Animal Issues 10 and 11. Tap Dance Killer https://www.herotomorrow.com/product/tap-dance-killer-vol-1-with-origin-apama-10-11-digital-pdfs/61 Ted Sikora Appearances: Episode 221 Episode 517 Episode 561 Episode…
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Season 2 Episode 760 Tap Dance Killer part 1 of 3: Sean and Jim are taking a look at a local favorite with Hero Tomorrow Comics Tap Dance Killer V1. This episode covers Apama: The Undisovered Animal Issues 10 and 11. Tap Dance Killer https://www.herotomorrow.com/product/tap-dance-killer-vol-1-with-origin-apama-10-11-digital-pdfs/61 Ted Sikora Appea…
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The first episode looking at a new series of topics. I've an awful lot to unpack in succeeding episodes, so this is more of an episode in which I will begin to establish some factors preceding the Troubles as well as considering a small part of PIRA's Green Book and which leads me on to present day Northern Ireland's plague of violent organised cri…
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Richie and Tupper finish off the rest of the great geek debates including things like what is stronger Beskar or Adamantium? Who is the best Batman? How did Tupper and Richie make it out of their parents basement? Well ok not that one but it's still a mystery .Richie Lefebvre által
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Le donne afghane protestano contro i talebani cantando. Gaza: proseguono i colloqui e le minacce verso la seconda fase. Trump rimanda i dazi di un mese a Canada e Messico. Albania: Tik Tok sarà sospeso nei prossimi giorni. Siria: scontri tra lealisti di Assad e il nuovo governo. Giappone: la barbiera più anziana al mondo (108) non ha intenzione di …
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Trump tiene colloqui diretti con Hamas e minaccia l’inferno. Sud Sudan: arrestato ministro del petrolio. Corea del Sud: bombe sganciate per sbaglio su un villaggio. Lesotho: risentiti dopo il commento di Trump. La Turchia costruirà un muro al confine con la Grecia. Cantante iraniano pronto a “a pagare il prezzo della libertà” dopo 74 frustate Quest…
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- UE: pronto il piano ReArm Europe da 800 miliardi per la difesa militare dell’Europa - Gaza: approvato il piano egiziano di ricostruzione senza sfollare i palestinesi - Stati Uniti: è iniziata la guerra dei dazi con Canada, Messico e Cina Il Notiziario Mondo di Radio Bullets oggi con Raffaella Quadri.…
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Nel 1995, 30mila donne da tutto il mondo si sono radunate nei pressi di Pechino per quello che è diventato un momento fondamentale nel movimento per i diritti delle donne. Alcune di quelle che erano lì riflettono su ciò che è stato raggiunto da allora https://www.radiobullets.com/notiziari/4-marzo-2025-podcast-donne-mondo/…
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Gaza: Israele sospende gli aiuti umanitari per ricattare Hamas. Il fragile “piano di pace” tra Regno Unito, Francia e Ucraina. Filippine: ondata di calore costringe a chiudere quasi la metà delle scuole della capitale. Siria: un comitato per redigere una dichiarazione costituzionale. Muore l’Australiano il cui sangue ha salvato più di 2 milioni di …
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Sean and Jim are continuing a look at the original epic Secret Wars from 1984 issues 10-12 by Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck and Bob Layton. Referenced on show : Captain America Annual 8 Next Episode : Tap Dance Killer https://www.herotomorrow.com/product/tap-dance-killer-vol-1-with-origin-apama-10-11-digital-pdfs/61 Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check…
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Season 2 Episode 759 Marvel Super Hero Secret Wars part 4 of 4: Sean and Jim are continuing a look at the original epic Secret Wars from 1984 issues 10-12 by Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck and Bob Layton. Referenced on show : Captain America Annual 8 Next Episode : Tap Dance Killer https://www.herotomorrow.com/product/tap-dance-killer-vol-1-with-origin-apa…
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I palestinesi rilasciati hanno subito torture “atroci” nelle prigioni israeliane. Rep Dem Congo: l’Oms traccia una misteriosa malattia mortale. Ocalan chiede la PKK di porre fine alla guerra con la Turchia. Romania: Andrew Tate, misogino dichiarato, vola negli Stati Uniti, nonostante le accuse di stupro. Il Nicaragua si ritira dal Consiglio per i d…
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In this episode, I had the pleasure of interviewing Clay Novak. Clay is a retired Army Officer who served for over 20 years and held command billets at every rank. We discussed leadership, deployments, hockey, shooting, his latest book "Keep Moving, Keep Shooting" and G-Code Tactical. It was a fun discussion between a couple retired guys who have a…
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So what happens when Jayme is away? Richie and Tupper turn up the DORK! Not only have they started an action figure series on Youtube that you should check out but this episode is 25 great geek debates. Well wherever we make it to in this episode that is.Richie Lefebvre által
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Repubblica democratica del Congo: tra guerra e tentativi di pace Tensioni e sanzioni: la risposta dell'Europa alla crisi congolese e al ruolo del Ruanda Il peso del colonialismo: l’eredità della Conferenza di Berlino e le sue conseguenze in Africa Il Senegal firma la pace in Casamance Questo e molto altro nel notiziario Africa a cura di Elena L. Pa…
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Gaza: Israele non fa entrare 60mila casette prefabbricate, in due settimane 6 neonati muoiono di freddo. Afghanistan: radio Begum torna in onda. Venezuela: critica Maduro, condannato a 15 anni di carcere. Australia: Passeggeri della Qatar viaggiano con un cadavere accanto. Ucraina e Russia raggiungono un accordo sui minerali. Cile: Stato di emergen…
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We’re back for our February check-in after a few weeks to bask in the glow of Ohio State’s national championship season. But the news rarely sleeps when it comes to Buckeye football, so we’re back to get caught up on what’s going on. We start with our discussion of a new position in the government for former OSU coach Jim Tressel. “The Senator” is …
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A tre anni dall'inizio della guerra, le donne ucraine guidano gli aiuti umanitari e la resilienza economica. La caduta di una star giapponese è una svolta per i diritti delle donne? Uomini indonesiani condannati a fustigazione pubblica per sesso gay. https://www.radiobullets.com/notiziari/25-febbraio-2025-notizie-donne-lgbtq-mondo-podcast/…
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Dopo 23 anni tornano i carro armati israeliani a Jenin. Migliaia di persone sfollate. 600 prigionieri palestinesi in attesa di rilascio, Israele viola l’accordo. Germania: Mertz sarà cancelliere, vola la destra ultraradicale. Sudan: l’esercito rompe l’assedio di Obeid. Thailandia e Cambogia: liberati 215 stranieri durante un raid in un centro di tr…
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Sean and Jim are continuing a look at the original epic Secret Wars from 1984 issues 7-9 by Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck and Bob Layton and Thor 383 by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz. We are on Threads! https://www.threads.net/@ragingbulletspodcast Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out here : https://twotruefreaks.com/podcast/qt-series/is-it-jaws-mov…
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Season 2 Episode 758 Marvel Super Hero Secret Wars part 3 of 4: Sean and Jim are continuing a look at the original epic Secret Wars from 1984 issues 7-9 by Jim Shooter, Mike Zeck and Bob Layton and Thor 383 by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz. We are on Threads! https://www.threads.net/@ragingbulletspodcast Sean is a cohost on “Is it Jaws?” Check it out h…
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Gaza: uno dei corpi dei quattro ostaggi restituiti non corrisponde. Dopo esplosioni a Tel Aviv ieri sera, Netanyahu mira alla Cisgiordania. Siria: Onu, il 90 per cento della popolazione vive in povertà dopo anni di guerra civile. Cina: a processo gang che organizzava truffe online, traffico di droga e omicidi. La giunta del Niger pronta a mantenere…
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Prima apparizione in tv del dottor Husam Abu Sufiya, prigioniero degli israeliani. Gaza: Oggi rilascio di 4 ostaggi israeliani deceduti Brasile: scomparsa giornalista indipendente britannica. Trump definisce Zelensky un dittatore e un comico mediocre. Thailandia: I sopravvissuti di un call center per le truffe in Myanmar raccontano le loro torture.…
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Siria: ONU, più di un milione di persone sono tornate a casa. Hamas pronta a liberare tutti gli ostaggi in una sola volta in cambio dei prigionieri palestinesi. Egitto: scoperta la tomba dell’antico re Thutmose II. Pakistan: bambina uccisa per aver rubato una scatola di cioccolatini. Tonga: dichiarata epidemia di dengue. Dialoghi di pace tra Russia…
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