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新しいウェブサイト バイリンガルニュースでは、世界で話題のニュースを、独自のバイリンガル会話形式でゆるーく無料配信しています!収録は台本なしの一発本番なので、リアルな英会話をお楽しみいただけます。 会話のテキストは、バイリンガルニュース公式アプリをチェック! 楽しく英語を聴いて、英語力アップを目指してみませんか? Bilingual News is a free English and Japanese news podcast. Casual and unedited colloquial language learning experience through a weekly review of relevant news topics! Transcriptions for each episode are available via the Bilingual News: Transcripts app at Join us and ...
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Alejandro Marin

En el podcast de Alejandro Marín, el discjockey colombiano analiza el estado de la música, la tecnología, la radio y la vida en la era de la internet.
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Bilingual Christian Church

First Bilingual Christian Church

Welcome to the Bilingual Christian Church weekly sermon podcast page! This podcast includes messages from Senior Pastor Roque Santiago and others in spanish and english. We pray these messages challenge you and change your life! Visit our website @
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BECOMING BILINGUAL: The Art of Speaking Spanish

Karim Morato, Spanish coach, Bilingual Teacher, Curriculum Designer

Your Roadmap For Spanish Success ¡Hola! I’m Karim Morato. I’ve been teaching students and families the art of speaking Spanish for over two decades. Learning a foreign language can seem like an endless journey. This podcast is for parents dedicated to educating bilingual children and Spanish learners eager to speak the language. Are you a parent striving to raise bilingual children? Or are you learning Spanish and finding the path challenging, sometimes feeling overwhelmed and close to givin ...
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America the Bilingual is a storytelling podcast designed to inspire people on their journey to bilingualism. We'll listen to people who have become bilingual, especially native-English speakers who learned another language as adults (that is, the hard way). How did they do it? Why did they do it? How do they lead their bilingual lives? You'll find out every two weeks.
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バイリンガル帰国子女 Emily と Ami が最近の気になるトピック、帰国子女・留学生としての人生経験、ちょっとどうでもいい日常会話などを99%英語でお届けします! __________ Send us requests, questions, or comments here: IG: / @teamflowusa
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Bilingual in America

Suzanne Lasser, Yarina Sencion

Bilingual in America is an exploration into the beauty and challenge of being bilingual and bi-cultural in America. It's a celebratory exploration into the immigrant experience in America through language education and culture.
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Bilingual NY Learn Japanese バイリンガルニュース ヨーク 英会話 英語

Bilingual NY Learn Japanese バイリンガルニュース ヨーク 英会話 英語

バイリンガルニューヨークはニューヨークに住む友人の英会話。Bilingual, NY is a conversational podcast to help people practice listening to English and Japanese. Inspired by バイリンガルニュース.
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Starting February 2024 new flavor of the bilingual podcast - Vinyl Ukees! Ukrainian Music of the Canadian Prairies of 1950-70th and more. Together with my lovely wife. Polka, country, folk and jazz, with a contemporary twist. Please share and comment! Here or on the Facebook page. Починаючи з лютого 2024 року разом з моєю коханою ми вирішили розказати про українську музику Прерій. Полька, кантрі, фолк і джаз. Неповторна вінилова музика в сучасному оформленні. Схожий на феномен "вусатого фанк ...
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The Bilingual Book Club is a space for parents, carers and teachers to discover bilingual books. In this podcast, Erika Deery interviews authors and learn what’s behind their stories and their motivation to write their books. Bilingual Book Club es un espacio para padres, cuidadores y maestros para descubrir libros bilingües. En este podcast, Erika Deery entrevista a nuevos autores para que me cuenten qué está detrás de sus historias y sus motivaciones para escribir sus libros.
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Prv 23:7 For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. FAITH is the principle thing. The Foundation, the 🔑🔑🔑 to unlock the Four F's. Faith Fitness Finance Family Prv 23: 7 Porque como él piensa en su corazón, así es él.FAITH es lo principal. La Fundación es la 🔑🔑🔑 para desbloquear las Cuatro F Fe Aptitud Financiar Familia
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Cultivate and celebrate bilingualism with the Bilingual Parenting Podcast, presented by Bilingüitos and hosted by Kaila Diaz. We exist to encourage and equip families who desire to give the gift of bilingualism to their children.
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NJDOE Bilingual/ESL Podcast

New Jersey Department of Education

In this New Jersey Department of Education podcast, Ken Bond has bite-sized conversations with leaders in the field. His guests discuss various aspects of educating English language learners in K-12 settings. Topics encompass issues related to bilingual, English as a second language, and English-medium content classrooms. Archived episodes can be found at Neither the Department of Education, nor its officers, employees or agents, specifically ...
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Poeta desde los 11 años,periodista por decisión propia.Aquí encontrarán un poco de mi trabajo periodístico en diferentes áreas; además de mis poemas. Hablare de lo que me apasiona, compartiré resúmenes deportivos y entrevistas que inspiran. Manteniéndolos al tanto del fútbol entre otros deportes.También he decidido compartirles mis poemas favoritos, no de mi autoría, pero de otros poetas que no son tan famosos para dar a conocerlos.Debemos apoyarnos hoy más que nunca.Bilingual poet since the ...
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Are you bilingual or hoping to be? Wondering if you could teach your child another language? In this show, we discuss all things related to languages and multilingualism. Some episodes are interviews with people and parents about their experiences becoming bi/multilingual and raising their children in more than one language. Other episodes offer you tips and resources to improve your own language learning or that of your children. We hope to inspire you to join us in making the future more m ...
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Bilingual Kids Rock Podcast: Raising Multilingual Children, Multicultural Living, Growing Up With Multiple Languages.

Olena Centeno: Mother of 3 Bilingual Children, Ukrainian Living in USA, Multicultural Blogger

Bilingual Kids Rock Podcast is your place to connect with multilingual families, language experts, and passionate authors from around the world. We share actionable tips and motivational stories. Learn from our experiences so your journey raising multilingual children is enjoyable, manageable, and successful.
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A space where anyone of any age can decide balance in their day at anytime with a 5 minute guided bilingual (English & Spanish) mediation. Enjoy! ..... Un espacio donde cualquier persona de cualquier edad pueda decidir balance en su día en cualquier momento con una meditación bilingüe (inglés y español) guiada de 5 minutos. ¡Disfrútalo! ..... Thank you for subscribing and leaving a review to help get this much needed content receive higher visibility. ..... Gracias por suscribirte y dejar un ...
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How is YOUR family learning a second language going to change the world? We share the stories of families opening a world of possibilities to their kids through learning a language together. We get honest about struggles of not having kids speak back their second tongue. And we give you the tools as either a native or non-native speaker to help your kids grow over the long-haul. Join Adrienne Babbitt and Juan Mendoza, leading the way in the movement of the Family Language Exchange brought to ...
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There’s no handbook on how to raise bilingual kids. It can take a lot of effort to pass on language to your children. But you’re not alone. Join host Dr Elaine Laforteza to hear the stories of families struggling with passing on language, and get helpful advice and practical tips from experts including speech pathologists and linguists. Raising children bilingually in English-dominant countries requires persistence and resourcefulness, especially if your mother language is not widely spoken. ...
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Español abajo. Radio Matera is a bilingual radio program based in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina. We are a team of professionals who love radio and what we do: bilingual cultural exchange, to complement the language learning process of any student of English or Spanish. Radio Matera es un programa de radio bilingüe que sale de la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Somos un equipo de profesionales que amamos la radio y lo que hacemos: intercambio cultural y bilingüe, para complementar el ...
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show series
¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana! In this episode, we celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month (Sept 15–Oct 15) and explore why I often forget its start date, not purposefully. We’ll reflect on the deeper significance of this month for Hispanic Americans, share personal stories, and offer resources like movies and books to help you get involved. Whether …
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Un par de años después de la primera entrevista, el festival CORDILLERA nos acerca una vez más a Trueno y a mi para hablar de su más reciente álbum, 'EL ÚLTIMO BAILE'. El crecimiento de Trueno como una de las figuras más grandes de la cultura urbana actual es paralelo a la explosión del género en Argentina. La historia del hip hop y su hibridación …
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In this episode, I share a personal story about my son’s language immersion experience during his summer internship, along with a glimpse into my journey of raising bilingual children, especially during their younger and teen years. I also recount a stressful incident where my son mixed up the words 'señora' and 'señorita,' and the valuable lesson …
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09-18-2024 - This message was brought to you by Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, former Professor from La Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico. Este mensaje le ha sido traído por el Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, otrora Profesor de la Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico.
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09-11-2024 - This message was brought to you by Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, former Professor from La Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico. Este mensaje le ha sido traído por el Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, otrora Profesor de la Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico.
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RIP Sergio Mendes. A veces, cuando se pegan en Estados Unidos canciones que no están en inglés, dicho éxito se traduce en un impacto cultural de carácter global. Pero son pocas esas canciones que logran hacerlo. A Sergio le pasó que su versión de “Mas Que Nada”, con la orquesta Brasil 66, lo catapultó hacia la fama como uno de los músicos más influ…
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Join me as I chat with one of my students who began her Spanish journey in my elementary program and is now fully bilingual in high school. Hear about her experiences, the challenges she faced, and the support that helped her succeed in mastering Spanish. My student mentioned the value of her tutoring sessions with Dr. Belen. If you’re interested i…
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09-04-2024 - This message was brought to you by Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, former Professor from La Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico. Este mensaje le ha sido traído por el Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, otrora Profesor de la Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico.
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The United States leads the world in bilingualism.No kidding.Because of this, no country understands the world as well as the United States.Seriously.Ah, you may be thinking, there must be a catch. No catch—just a different way to understand the uncontested data that’s been accumulating for decades.So…how did we get here, and how might we use this …
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今回のゲストは、2年ぶりの登場、NASAジェット推進研究所エンジニアの小野雅裕さんです! 氷に覆われた土星の月エンケラドス。氷の下には広大な海が広がっており、生命の可能性があります。小野さんは、その謎に満ちた海を探査するためのヘビ型ロボットEELS(地球外生物痕跡探査機)の開発を進めています。 カナダの氷河での実証実験や開発の課題、可能性に満ちたエンケラドス、火星や月のミッションの今後など、様々なお話を伺いました!
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08-28-2024 - This message was brought to you by Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, former Professor from La Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico. Este mensaje le ha sido traído por el Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, otrora Profesor de la Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico.
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Join me in this insightful and fun episode as we discuss Spanish grammar with expert Priscila Salazar. Discover how mastering grammar can be your secret weapon in achieving fluency and speaking with confidence. Whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your skills, this episode offers practical tips and strategies for young and older ag…
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08-21-2024 - This message was brought to you by Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, former Professor from La Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico. Este mensaje le ha sido traído por el Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, otrora Profesor de la Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico.
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今回のゲストは、みなさんご存知、お笑い芸人の上田航平さんです! ゾフィー解散をきっかけにアメリカ進出を決意された上田さんは、今年冬のシカゴでのコントツアーの準備の真っ最中。賞レースが絶大な影響力を持つ日本のお笑い業界、アメリカのお笑い事情、言語の壁・・・上田さんに「いま考えていることは全部しゃべった、もう話すことはない」と言わしめた魂の4時間。ぜひ聴いてください。
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08-14-2024 - This message was brought to you by Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, former Professor from La Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico. Este mensaje le ha sido traído por el Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, otrora Profesor de la Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico.
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In our latest podcast episode, discover the three common feelings that can prevent you from speaking Spanish confidently and becoming bilingual. Let's overcome them and focus on enjoying the journey of learning Spanish. Sign up for my parent webinar for primary ages and high school years. Explore my Spanish curriculum https://homeschoolspanishcurri…
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El reconocido dibujante y hermano del humorista Jaime Garzón se animó finalmente a contar la historia del asesinato de su hermano en una novela gráfica que sacudirá el alma de todos los colombianos. "Garzón: El Duelo Imposible" se hizo con la ayuda de la artista Verónica Ochoa y un grupo de ilustradores, dibujantes e historiógrafos. El conmovedor r…
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08-07-2024 - This message was brought to you by Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, former Professor from La Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico. Este mensaje le ha sido traído por el Pastor Edgardo Ramassat, otrora Profesor de la Universidad Mizpa de Puerto Rico.
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