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Welcome to Additive Insight, the original additive manufacturing industry podcast, your source for news, interviews and comment on the latest 3D printing and AM intelligence, brought to you by the TCT content team.
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Druckwelle – zur Additiven Fertigung in Kooperation mit VDI nachrichten

Ohne dritte Dimension ist alles flach. Additive Fertigung ist der Trend in der Produktion und Industrie. Bei Druckwelle holen wir führende Köpfe der Additiven Fertigung vors Mikrofon, die Ihnen 3D-Druck plastisch erklären. Die Experten erläutern neue Drucktechnologien und Materialien. Sie bewerten Entwicklungen und geben Praxis-Tipps. VDI-nachrichten-Redakteur Stefan Asche beschäftigt sich seit Jahren mit der Trend-Technologie. Als Ihr Host präsentiert er immer donnerstags, alle 14 Tage, ein ...
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Join host Fabian Alefeld and a range of guests as they discuss all things additive manufacturing (AM) and 3D printing news, with interviews and real-world stories to educate and entertain. Each episode, Fabian talks to AM experts, professionals in specialist fields, and 3D printing users from all walks of life to deliver a well-rounded view on the state of AM. Cut through the confusion surrounding polymer and metal additive manufacturing solutions with our digestible, down-to-earth discussio ...
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Talking Additive

Matt Griffin

On Talking Additive, we sit down with business leaders, innovators, and allies to discuss the impact of adopting 3D printing in their businesses. How does adopting additive manufacturing positively benefit a business today, how is the role of 3D printing evolving within design, manufacturing, education, and our lives, and what will be possible in the future?
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Two life long friends now in their early 40's cover a multitude of topics from ancient times to current times while being jackasses. Talking to reflect on the old days finding sanity where there is none, questioning the shits that they have left to give.
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Is your company ready for industrial-scale additive manufacturing? In this podcast series, we explore the hype and reality of AM, the risks and opportunities of industrial additive manufacturing, jumpstarting industrial-scale additive manufacturing with the Siemens Additive Manufacturing Network, and three use cases for ISAM.
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show series
In this episode of the Additive Snack Podcast, host Fabian Feld interviews Stefan Seidel, Chief Technology Officer at Pankl Racing Systems. The discussion covers Pankl's innovative use of additive manufacturing (AM) in motorsports, aerospace, and high-performance sectors. Stefan elaborates on the transition to AM post-COVID-19, the stringent qualit…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by Tuan Tranpham, an additive manufacturing veteran who currently works as the President of Americas and Asia Pacific for Anisoprint. Tranpham came into the additive manufacturing industry more than 20 years ago, starting with a sales role at Z Corp and only a beginner’s knowledge of 3D …
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Forschende der Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und -prüfung (BAM) drucken transparente keramische Mikrobauteile. Gruppenleiterin Johanna Sänger spricht in dieser Folge über potenzielle Anwendungsfelder und technische Herausforderungen. Konkret geht es um Hochleistungsphotonik in anspruchsvollen Umgebungen, um medizintechnische Anwendungen und u…
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In this episode of the Additive Snack podcast, host Fabian Alefeld is joined by Isabelle Hachette, CEO of Interspectral, to discuss the intersection of healthcare and additive manufacturing (AM). Isabel shares her journey from a 20-year career in medical imaging to pioneering in AM space. The conversation covers how Interspectral's software transfo…
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In this episode of the Additive Snack Podcast, host Fabian Alefeld delves into the transformative impact of additive manufacturing (AM) on heat exchangers with guest Michael Fuller, founder and CEO of Conflux Technology. Michael shares his entrepreneurial journey from his early passion for motorsport to the founding of Conflux. The discussion cover…
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Frank C. Herzog hat die Concept Laser GmbH gegründet. Damit zählt er zu den Urvätern des Metall-3D-Drucks. Heute investiert er in den Nachwuchs. In der Jubiläumsfolge der „Druckwelle“ lässt er die Historie Revue passieren – und wagt einen optimistischen Ausblick. Deutschland als Mutterland des Metalldrucks könne auch zukünftig tonangebend bleiben. …
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by Roboze founder and CEO Alessio Lorusso. Lorusso assembled his first 3D printer when he was 17 years old and has since gone on to build an additive manufacturing technology supplier serving some of the biggest names in aerospace, energy and motorsport. He joins the Additive Insight pod…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by ASTRO Test Lab founder and CEO Humna Khan. Before Khan founded ASTRO Test Lab in 2020, she worked in a variety of roles in aerospace and defence, with stints at NASA, SpaceX, the US Air Force and Morf3D. During her time at Morf3D, Khan recognized a need for a test lab dedicated to add…
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Arno Held ist Managing Partner bei AM Ventures – und verwaltet 100 Mio. €. Als Wagniskapitalgeber entscheidet er seit genau zehn Jahren über Wohl und Wehe Tausender Start-ups aus dem 3D-Druck-Universum. In dieser Folge erläutert er erfrischend offen, wer mit seiner Unterstützung rechnen darf, wie sich die Gründerlandschaft seit 2015 gewandelt hat, …
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by 3YOURMIND co-founder and CEO Alexsander Ciszek. 3YOURMIND was launched more than ten years ago, initially as a 3D printing marketplace and then as an MES and production management software provider. The company’s portfolio has since expanded to include part screening and distributed m…
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Wer wissen will, wie die additive Fertigung zum eigenen Unternehmenserfolg beitragen kann, braucht eine individuelle Roadmap. Genau jene verspricht der „AM I Navigator“. Wie er funktioniert und wer hinter der gleichnamigen Initiative steckt, erklärt in dieser Folge Karsten Heuser, VP Additive Manufacturing bei Siemens. In aller Kürze: Für jede inte…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by Shapeways CEO Marleen Vogelaar and COO Jule Witte. Six months ago, the pair were part of a new management team that set about rescuing the Shapeways business in the Netherlands after the company filed for bankruptcy. As they join us on the Additive Insight podcast, they explain why th…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by Prusa Research founder and CEO Josef Prusa. Prusa was founded in 2012 off the back of the RepRap movement and has gone on to become one of the most renowned manufacturers of desktop FDM and SLA 3D printers. At Formnext 2024, Prusa sat down with TCT Group Content Manager Sam Davies to …
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Jörg Sander, AM-Experte im Rüstungskonzern Hensoldt, erklärt in dieser Folge die Möglichkeiten des „Frontline-Printing“ – und dessen Limitationen. Außerdem erklärt er, wo der 3D-Druck in der hauseigenen Fertigung eingesetzt wird. Ein Beispiel: Das Hochleistungsradar TRML-4D, dass aktuell in der Ukraine eingesetzt wird. Zusätzlich macht er deutlich,…
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On the final Additive Insight episode of the year, TCT Head of Content Laura Griffiths and Group Content Manager Sam Davies get together to discuss the biggest trends and developments in AM over the last 12 months. They discuss: - Why Nano Dimension is acquiring both Desktop Metal & markforged, as well as the pressure Nano faces from a vocal shareh…
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Betonstrukturen werden schon seit ein paar Jahren additiv aufgebaut, jedenfalls vereinzelt. Das Manko dabei: Alle Armierungseisen, die für Zugfestigkeit sorgen, müssen während des Schichtprozesses manuell eingebracht werden. Forschende aus Deutschland wollen das perspektivisch ändern. Im ersten Ansatz konzentrieren sie sich auf eine Kombination aus…
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Our guest on this week’s episode of Additive Insight is Mitch Debora, CEO and co-founder of Mosaic Manufacturing.Mosaic Manufacturing is a Canadian 3D printing technology developer. Its flagship Array technology, a cluster of its Element printers, enabled by a robotic automation system, is focused on layering core automation tools into additive man…
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On this week’s episode of Additive Insight we’re joined by Rob Higby, CEO of Continuum Powders.Continuum is a specialist in high-performance sustainable metal powders for advanced manufacturing, particularly additive. Its Greyhound M2P platform is able to transform alloyed metal waste into sustainable, spherical metal powders via a single step proc…
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Dieter Schwarze hat das Pulverbett-basierte Laserschmelzen in den 1990er Jahren industrietauglich gemacht. Bis heute ist das Verfahren im Metallbereich führend. In dieser Podcast-Folge erklärt der promovierte Physiker, wie aus der grundlegenden Idee ein Standard wurde. Und er skizziert, wo die Reise künftig hingeht. Dabei geht es vor allem um die F…
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Additive manufacturing (AM) offers unique solutions for complex geometries and high-pressure die-casting efficiency in the automotive industry. As the two industries merge it creates a powerful synergy, elevating both technologies to new heights. To explore additive’s impact on the automotive industry, Fabian welcomes Wes Byleveld, Director of Addi…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by Conflux Technology CEO Michael Fuller. Fuller founded Conflux Technology around ten years ago after spending a decade and a half in the motorsport industry where he identified the opportunities in additively manufactured heat exchangers. So, the company has developed a portfolio that …
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Additive manufacturing (AM) is revolutionizing industries like medicine, aerospace, and defense. To meet these sectors' stringent demands for minimal waste, precise welds, and efficient energy use, innovative solutions are essential. To explore the diverse benefits and challenges of laser usage in additive manufacturing, Host Fabian Alefeld welcome…
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On the latest episode of our Innovators on Innovators series, Kate Black, the founder and CEO of Atomik AM, is joined by Additive Flow founder and CEO Alexander Pluke. Atomik AM is a manufacturing business that offers licenses to its advanced manufacturing technologies, as well as consultancy and training, while Additive Flow is an additive manufac…
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The current state of additive manufacturing is paradoxical. Its ability to create remarkable objects stands in contrast to the challenges of establishing a compelling business case for its universal use. To explore how and when additive will go mainstream, Host Fabian Alefeld welcomes the hosts of the 3DPOD podcast, Joris Peels and Max Bogue. Joris…
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Noch ist der Anteil der additiven Fertigung an der gesamten Industrieproduktion verschwindend klein: 0,13%. Wohlers-Analyst und -Berater Christian Seidel, Professor an der Hochschule München, geht aber von einem starken Wachstum aus. In den nächsten zehn Jahren werde sich das Markvolumen verzehnfachen. „Einpendeln wird sich die Quote langfristig ir…
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By adopting space industry best practices, the aviation industry can fully leverage AM to push the design boundaries of aircraft manufacturing. Is widespread adoption the key to realizing the full benefits of this transformative technology? To explore how AM impacts the aviation industry, Host Fabian Alefeld welcomes back SpaceX alum and current He…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by DigiFabster founder and CEO Const Ivanov. DigiFabster is an instant quotation and eCommerce platform for CNC and additive manufacturing shops, with hundreds of manufacturers leveraging the company’s capabilities. Ivanov joins the podcast to discuss what prompted him to start the busin…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we’re joined by Virginia Palacios, the Chief Business Officer of EOS’ Polymer Business, as the company launches its latest powder bed fusion system. The P3 NEXT machine has been built on the success of EOS’ P396 system and will be officially unveiled at Formnext this week. As EOS launches the new mac…
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Wenn Bauteile nicht nur fest und steif, sondern auch noch leicht sein sollen, bestehen sie oft aus Faserverbundwerkstoffen. Nachteil: Zur Herstellung braucht es meist teure Formen. Eine Alternative bietet das US-Unternehmen Markforged: Es verarbeitet seit ein paar Jahren Kohlefasern in Schmelzschichtdruckern. (Details dazu hören Sie in Folge 11.) E…
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What used to be known as rapid prototyping is slowly becoming a long-term strategy for the manufacturing industry. Brands and manufacturers who integrate additive manufacturing (AM) based on solutions for pain points are much more likely to leverage additive’s unique design language capabilities. To discuss additive’s endless possibilities, Host Fa…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined Supernova 3D CEO Roger Antunez and CBO Marta Mico Martinez. Supernova 3D was founded earlier this year when BCN3D carved out its Viscous Lithography Manufacturing technology into a separate entity. Having previously worked at BCN3D for a number of years, Antunez and Martinez were named a…
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Additive manufacturing (AM) is transforming the tool and die industry by enhancing traditional processes and enabling intricate cooling structures in plastic injection molding that only AM can achieve. How will this technology reshape the future of tool and die manufacturing? To discover AM’s place in the tool and die industry, Host Fabian Alefeld …
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On this weeks’ episode of Additive Insight, we’re joined by Isabelle Hachette, CEO at Interspectral, a Swedish technology company specialising in 3D visualisation and data fusion, with a focus on additive manufacturing.Interspectral’s AM Explorer software enables monitoring and analysis of process data for metal 3D printing technologies – having un…
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Das Unternehmen Nano Dimension ermöglicht den schnellen Aufbau von Multi-Layer-Leiterplatten und Elektromotoren. Wie das funktioniert, weiß Stephan Krause. Er ist verantwortlich für den Vertrieb in der EMEA-Region. „Wir arbeiten stets mit zwei Druckköpfen. Jeder hat etwa 500 piezoelektrische Düsen. Der eine Kopf bringt das Substratmaterial aus – ei…
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Connecting manufacturers with end users makes a big impact in the industrial manufacturing space but building a manufacturing supply chain takes time. Machine learning and AI can help create a predictive supply chain management platform that will make manufacturing more accessible and help companies reduce complexity within their operations. To dis…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we bring you the latest instalment of our Innovators on Innovators series. This time, Additive Manufacturing Solutions CEO Rob Higham is joined by John Barnes, the founder of Metal Powder Works and Managing Director of The Barnes Group Advisors. Together, they deep dive into the world of metal additi…
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Penn United Technologies Inc. is a manufacturing company making quiet waves by integrating conventional manufacturing with additive manufacturing (AM). They have been able to integrate AM technologies wisely and organically for a steady growth trajectory. To discover how Penn United curated its growth journey, Host Fabian Alefeld speaks with Penn’s…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we welcome architect and jewellery designer Jenny Wu. Ten years ago, Wu founded the LACE jewellery brand, with 3D printing positioned as a key technology for the design and manufacture for every product the company has released since. As the brand celebrates its tenth anniversary, Wu joined the Addit…
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Was haben Julian Nagelsmann und Kai Laugsch gemeinsam? Sie sind beide Mitte 30 – und sie sind beide Bundestrainer: Der eine arbeitet für die DFB-Auswahl, der andere für die AM-Nationalmannschaft. (DFB steht für Deutscher Fußballbund, AM steht für Additive Manufacturing, also 3D-Druck.) Beide Männer sind maximal motiviert – und trotzdem gingen sie j…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by Mantle co-founder and CEO Ted Sorom. Mantle was founded back in 2015 and in recent years has released its P-200 printer and F-200 Furnace to simplify the toolmaking process with its TrueShape metal 3D printing technology. Throughout our conversation, Sorom provides insights on the dec…
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Artificial Intelligence (AI, dt: künstliche Intelligenz) und Additive Manufacturing (AM, dt: additive Fertigung) haben eines gemeinsam: ihr Innovationstempo ist atemberaubend. Fast jeden Tag werden neue, disruptive Anwendungen vorgestellt. Was passiert, wenn man beide kombiniert? Wird die Technologie-Welt dann aus den Angeln gehoben? Und welchen Ei…
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This week’s Additive Insight podcast guest is Forward AM Technologies CEO Martin Back. Forward AM was the additive manufacturing brand of BASF until the business was carved out earlier this year. Back, previously the Managing Director of the business, was named CEO of the independent entity and today joins the Additive Insight podcast to explain ho…
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On this week’s episode of Additive Insight, we welcome Stacey DelVecchio, an advocate for all things additive manufacturing and gender equity in STEM, to discuss what remains one of additive’s greatest challenges: diversity.As a former Additive Manufacturing Product Manager at Caterpillar Inc, DelVecchio championed the adoption of AM across new pro…
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On this week's Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by APWORKS CEO Jon Meyer. APWORKS was initially an Airbus R&D division, which was spun out in 2018 to begin harnessing its additive manufacturing expertise in the development of commercial applications in aerospace, defence, motorsport, automotive, and consumer products.Throughout our conversati…
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Mit dem neuen SAAM-Verfahren („Submerged Arc Additive Manufacturing“) lassen sich schnell großvolumige Metallteile in hoher Qualität zu vergleichsweise geringen Kosten herstellen – jedenfalls theoretisch. Wie weit die Praxis aktuell ist, erläutert in dieser Folge einer der bekanntesten Köpfe innerhalb der deutschen AM-Szene: Carl Fruth, Aufsichtsra…
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As IMTS gets underway this week, we're joined by Colibrium Additive Product Line Lead for Binder Jet Brian Bikrmeyer. Colibrium Additive announced its intentions to launch a metal binder jet technology in 2017, commencing a beta programme in 2019 to inform its Series 2 system, and then launching its Series 3 machine in 2022. As of this year, Colibr…
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On this latest episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we welcome four guests who have come together to feature in the first episode of our new series, the Feedback Loop. The Feedback Loop has been developed to facilitate conversations between AM tech suppliers and their users, allowing each party to garner learnings from their counterparts, and a…
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At this year's TCT Sixty, our collaboration with Women in 3D Printing saw another two additive manufacturing experts come together to discuss the technology's biggest opportunities and challenges, and a selection of audience 'ask me anything' topics.At the UK's definitive event for industrial 3D printing and AM, Dr Olga Ivanova, Director of Applica…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by 3DSPARK CEO Ruben Meuth to discuss the company’s manufacturing software offering. 3DSPARK’s software has been designed to optimise the manufacturing, purchasing and sales processes by analysing 3D CAD and 2D data. Throughout our discussion, Meuth explains the motivation behind the com…
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On this episode of the Additive Insight podcast, we're joined by Slant 3D CEO Gabe Bentz. Slant 3D was founded in 2017 and is today believed to have one of the largest 3D printer farms in the Western hemisphere. Throughout our conversation, Bentz discusses the motivation behind the Slant3D business, how the company is opening up access to its print…
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